Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 380: later

 Chen Siqi is popular.

On the one hand, she is popular on social platforms - she was once popular because she was Lu Yanhe's girlfriend. People were curious about her and paid attention to her mainly because of this identity, not as the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up".

 On the other hand, she is really popular in the film and television industry.

 "Six People" allows everyone to see the influence of the editors and writers of "Jump Up".

 "Seventeenth Floor" allows everyone to see the terrifying connections and keen and targeted propaganda ideas behind Chen Siqi.

In "Late Spring", Chen Siqi used the two million yuan he received from Longyan to organize a large-scale event involving hundreds of staff. Through the creativity and attention of the event itself, he attracted a live video broadcast of the Northern Lights. , expand the influence of the event, and then add the actors of "Late Spring" to the event. This kind of activity, which involves multiple partners and is complex to operate, was successfully carried out by her team, and it also formed a large-scale publicity for tap water.

These promotional methods and ideas have never appeared in the film and television industry before.

 Chen Siqi's several publicity and marketing campaigns are all based on the advantages of "Jump Up" magazine, combined with the current popular publicity channels and methods, to tailor the plan according to the characteristics of the film and television drama itself.

"Six" focuses on "supporting Lu Yanhe", "Seventeen Floor" focuses on "watching the premiere", and "Late Spring" focuses on "youth" and "regret", letting the keywords spread at a brainwashing pace to deepen everyone's impression and then transform For a real audience.

 Judging from the results, everything she did was useful.

  Comparatively, the current promotion and marketing methods of other film and television dramas are the same as the third one, interviews, interviews, road shows, large-scale traffic distribution, etc.

 The exposure is big and can make many people aware of their existence. However, it is unknown whether they can be converted into an audience.

  TV dramas can be played in this way, but movies cannot be played - movies require money to go to the cinema.

 Chen Siqi is a **** for selling a literary film with a production cost of only a few million and a custom promotion budget of only 2 million.


Yu Lang summarized the status of the film and television dramas that he had found, and told Chen Siqi: "Currently, there are thirteen film and television dramas that have sent invitations and want to customize publicity and marketing plans with us."

Chen Siqi shook his head, "Our current strength cannot carry on. If we don't have the ability, you can sort out the situation of these thirteen projects. I will take a look and send it to Linyu and the others so that everyone can take a serious look. Tomorrow morning at 9 Click here for a video conference to discuss which ones to pick up.”

Yu Lang nodded.

Chen Siqi then said: "Yu Lang, if this business segment is developed, we will be short of a lot of manpower again. We have to recruit people again. Have you considered it? Do you want to continue working with me after graduation?"

Yu Lang is now Chen Siqi’s assistant and her classmate.

 The relationship between two people is very close. At first, Yu Lang worked as Chen Siqi's assistant because she saw that Chen Siqi was too busy, so she started to help.

Yu Lang fell silent.

After pausing for a few seconds, she said: "My plan for myself is to study for a master's degree abroad. I want to experience a different cultural background and life in a different environment. If I work as soon as I graduate, I won't be able to realize this wish." ”

Chen Siqi nodded and said: "Okay, now that you have made the decision and I support you, then you can help me send out another recruitment announcement in the school and help me find a few candidates. It just so happens that you can also help me lead this year. area.”

Yu Lang asked: "Don't you want someone from the HR department to help you find it?"

"I can let them find the people in the business department. I should find the people around me myself. We are all students at school. No matter how much they respect me, they are all many years older than us. I don't want them to ignore me." , even if it’s just a risk.” Chen Siqi said, “Especially as you know, I have a lot of things to do every day. If you are someone from outside the school, it is very inconvenient to go in and out of the school. It would be better to find classmates in the school.”

Yu Lang nodded, "Okay, I understand, no problem."

 In fact, if possible, Chen Siqi certainly hopes that Yu Lang can continue to do it.

Yu Lang is a very reliable person, because he and she are good friends. Chen Siqi does not have to worry about other problems or being betrayed.

 It’s just that everyone has their own choice, especially Yu Lang is still her friend.

 Actually, with Yu Lang’s ability and talent, being her assistant would be an understatement.

She comes from a good family and has excellent abilities in all aspects. She came to be her assistant. On the one hand, she had a good relationship with Chen Siqi. Chen Siqi was really busy at that time and really needed help. On the other hand, she was also very interested in it. I am very interested in this job. I want to know how the magazine "Jump Up" succeeded by going against the trend, and I want to see what kind of world I can see from this position.

Yu Lang said to Chen Siqi: "Let's do this. I will find three people for you to try out together. One is responsible for the magazine business, one is responsible for the new media business, and one is responsible for the publicity and marketing business. It will take half a year to compete and select, and other chores. , I took them to do it, just to see who of them is more meticulous and cautious, and can take over my work here later. "

Chen Siqi thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."

Yu Lang: "How much internship salary do you plan to give them?"

Chen Siqi said: "Two thousand a month in the first month, and four thousand a month in the next five months. If you can become a regular employee in half a year, you can get two-thirds of it. What do you think?"

Yu Lang said: "I have no objection. I will sign an agreement with them based on this. There is no way. We are all still college students. We cannot sign an employment contract. We can only sign a cooperation agreement, which is not very binding."

"Actually, you might as well study abroad." Chen Siqi rolled his eyes and said, "I want to develop overseas business."

Yu Lang looked shocked and said, "Chen Siqi, can you let me go?!"

Chen Siqi said: "Anyway, you don't have a family business to inherit. It's not a good job to do it anywhere. Where can you get as much room for development as I do here."

Yu Lang did not question Chen Siqi's words.

 She knew what Chen Siqi said was true.

If she had not gone to study abroad, by the time she graduated, she would have been working as an assistant to Chen Siqi for almost three years. By that time, she would have been promoted and would be in charge of a piece of business on her own.

Although they are all still college students, they have lost a lot of their childishness after being exposed to these jobs.

Yu Lang said: "Besides, there are still two years until graduation, but I really don't have enough time to be your assistant. I will start applying for schools soon. Even if you don't ask for a new assistant, I will I have to remind you."

Chen Siqi hugged Yu Lang, buried her head on Yu Lang's shoulder, rubbed it twice, and said, "Oh, I can't let you go."

Yu Lang: "I just spend less time with you, and it's not like I'm dead."

 Chen Siqi: “…”


  During the seven-day National Day holiday, "Late Spring" took in a total of 340 million box office, and the total box office exceeded 400 million, shocking the industry.

Major media outlets published articles without hesitation.

 "Late Spring" breaks the box office record for literary films!

 400 million box office, aiming for 600 million! The box office miracle of "Late Spring"!

 The marketing queen helped the acting king to win the box office record, and the young couple shocked the entire entertainment industry!


Okay, the last one came from a third-rate tabloid, and the headline was inexplicably exaggerated.

 Longyan Pictures, Huang Zhongjing and Wen Zhimao sat at the executive meeting and listened to reports from various departments on related work.

 On National Day, Longyan Pictures has two movies released.

 One is the blockbuster "Explosion Experience", and the other is "Late Spring" which did not have high box office expectations.

As a result, although "Explosive Experience" received more than RMB 80 million at the box office on the first day, it began to experience a trend of being cut in half on the second day, and finally only received a box office of just over RMB 300 million.

The actual production cost of this film was more than 90 million, and almost 50 million was spent on promotion and distribution, a total of 140 million was spent.

 From the current point of view, it is not that we are losing money. Taking into account various other copyright income, we can still make a small profit. But compared with expectations, it was really far behind.

The person in charge of the data analysis department said: "The early data of "Explosion Experience" are very good and it is in the leading position. However, the movie's audience reputation is so bad. After the first day of release, there were a lot of negative reviews online. Mainly focused on cliché, boring and other evaluations, which are the main reasons for the poor box office performance of "Explosion Experience". On the contrary, "Late Spring" relied on the audience reputation accumulated during the screening period to extend the front and successfully make this film The movie made it to the National Day schedule in theaters and developed a reputation that kept the film schedule."

Huang Zhongjing looked serious and said: "With a blockbuster lineup like "The Explosive Experience", why does this happen? We have all seen the film, and you all know its quality. Are there any viewers who say it is so bad? If it really is If it’s so bad, why do we invest so much money in promoting this movie?”

The senior executive in charge of "Explosive Experience" immediately said: "The biggest problem faced by this film is actually the scandal of the second male lead Huang Qi, and the negative fans of the heroine Li Qingyang who continue to smear the film, which caused problems from the beginning. A lot of negative publicity.”

“Didn’t you anticipate these problems before it was released? Why didn’t you prepare a public relations plan for these possible problems?”

"At that time, they felt that this film had an all-star cast and would not be affected by these small-scale scandals." Another executive who had nothing to do with them chuckled, "Actually, this film can't be affected either. Damn it, it’s not like there’s no compensation, movies that don’t have compensation always make money later.”

"According to your thoughts, Longyan Pictures should not continue to develop." Huang Zhongjing said angrily, "The film "Late Spring", with a total investment of less than 20 million, has now sold four With a box office of over 100 million, if it weren’t for this movie, our Long Yan movie would have been a huge joke during the National Day release and we would have been completely embarrassed.”

"The box office miracle of "Late Spring" is also due to many coincidence factors. If it weren't for the marketing done by Chen Siqi and others, this movie would not be able to sell this box office."

"Is this a marketing problem?" Huang Zhongjing said angrily, "If the quality of the film is not good enough, what's the use of more marketing? The box office of "Late Spring" on the first day of National Day was only 60 million, but "Explosive Experience" has More than 80 million! Why is one trend better than the other? You don’t have any idea?”

 Seeing Huang Zhongjing really got angry.

The conference room was completely silent.

Huang Zhongjing: "So-called big directors, big stars, and blockbusters, the projects you are working on now are increasingly playing safe. When "Late Spring" was originally proposed, you were stuck. Are you ashamed now? I feel for you. Shame on you, you have lost your keen eyesight! If you only know how to play it safe, what do I want you to do sitting here?" Everyone lowered their heads silently and stopped talking.


 The reshoots for "River of Silence" have ended, and Lu Yan Hema went back to school non-stop.

"Late Spring" was being screened, and he was unexpectedly blocked by a large group of people at the school gate.

They are all fans who have watched "Late Spring" and really want to come to Zhenhua Gate to meet Lu Yanhe.

Having broadcast so many dramas, this is the first time for Lu Yanhe to encounter such a grand occasion.

In terms of popularity, "Sixteenth Floor" and "Seventeenth Floor" are much more popular than "Late Spring", but Lu Yanhe has never been blocked by so many fans and moviegoers.

 Lu Yanhe didn’t even know what was going on.

Fortunately, Zhenhua's security department noticed the large number of fans gathered at the door and had already made preparations. More than a dozen security guards were already in place. When Lu Yanhe was blocked as soon as he got off the car, they moved away at lightning speed. He cleared the crowd and escorted Lu Yanhe into the school gate.

In just half a minute, Lu Yanhe had never seen many people shouting his name crazily, wanting to shake his hand, and asking for his autograph. He had also never seen many people say they loved him with excitement on their faces.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe finally realized that there was a difference between the welcome he had received before and the truly crazy welcome.

Lu Yanhe in "Late Spring" is handsome, melancholy, and bursts out with the most intense teenage emotions. This is an image that Lu Yanhe has never shown before.

 In the words of a film critic, such an image has more sexual tension than the previous image.

 Now reality has proved that what this film critic said is right.


 How well actors are liked by movie fans will always depend on the charm of the characters they play.

This is also the reason why many actors, although their acting skills are legendary and recognized by the audience, are not so heartfeltly loved by the audience, because they have never had the kind of role that the audience will remember.

 An actor without a representative role, no matter how good his acting skills are, is just an unedged sword. People may be surprised by its manufacturing skills, but it will never become a legend like Gan Jiang Moye.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly had more fans.

The number of fans who truly like him as a person, have an idol-like appreciation and focus on him, and want to pay attention to his words and deeds has suddenly increased.

Not only Lu Yanhe, but other young actors in "Late Spring" also became popular.

These days, not to mention the continuous exposure, news related to them has frequently appeared on the hot searches.

 This is a sign that a film has truly become popular. A newcomer who was once unknown suddenly becomes the focus of media and people's attention.

 Yan Lingyu, Kong Fan, He Qingqing, Wang Jing... these young people who were all students in acting schools, experienced what it means to become famous overnight.

Of course, they don’t have much time to digest this at this time.

 They are still following Liu Bige on road shows.

 For movies, the main creative road show is the most stupid way, but it is also the most effective way.

 Running a road show is not just a matter of scheduling the film. Every road show will have a lot of material for the film studio to use for subsequent publicity, maintaining the popularity of the film and boosting the box office.

 Liu Bige has really worked hard, one city a day.

After one lap, Lu Yanhe watched the latest road show video and felt that everyone in Liu Bige had lost a lot of weight.

Liu Bige was already thin, but now he has lost weight again, as if he had gone to a gym.

But he must be in high spirits during happy events. He was not tired at all, but felt as excited as chicken blood.

 Two eyes are shining.

Although Lu Yanhe did not participate in the subsequent road shows, he kept in touch with everyone in the creative group every day and listened to their interesting stories about the road shows.

Lu Yanhe thought that they would be tired after running for so long, but he did not expect that not only did they not feel tired, but they all felt as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

 Perhaps it’s because this is the first time for a road show, and there is still a lot of freshness.

"Late Spring" is not the highest-grossing film. Strictly speaking, "Late Spring" has never won the box office title.

However, it has been highly discussed, especially by major self-media and bloggers, who are basically discussing this movie and talking about their own feelings and understandings.

For half a month, many people squatted here at the gates of Zhenhua schools, just to take a look at Lu Yanhe.

 This is a situation that has never happened before.

 This has also aroused criticism from some people.

Lu Yanhe felt sorry for this, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only appeal on his social media, asking everyone not to stop at the school gate and affect other people's travels. He also emphasized that he has no work next and will basically not leave the school, so he asked everyone not to wait. Waiting is also in vain.

Despite this, there are still a large number of fans and moviegoers waiting here.

Lu Yanhe finally saw the power of "Late Spring".

 In the minds of many people, literary and artistic films are equal to being unattractive and boring.

 But in fact, for many top-level literary and artistic films, their box office may not be that high at the moment, but their number of fans cannot be underestimated. And it’s the kind that the longer it goes on, the more fans it will have.

 For some classic literary films, their sacred status to movie fans is no less than the fanatical status of idols in the hearts of fans.

 "Late Spring" brings Lu Yanhe a role that makes a large number of audiences excited and feel "sexual tension" for the first time. This is an effect that none of the previous roles have achieved, or have not done enough.


Chen Ziyan came to Zhenhua to find Lu Yanhe with a thick stack of scripts in her arms.

"You have been at school these days, so why not read these scripts." Chen Ziyan said, "These are all scripts that have been sent to me recently. After I read them, I think they have merit. Take a look. ”

 This stack of scripts is nearly half a meter high.

Lu Yanhe was even frightened.

 “Holy shit? Why are there so many?”

 Chen Ziyan said: "Almost all the movie scripts on the market with protagonists of your age group have been sent to me. "Late Spring" is so popular that everyone wants to cast you."

 Lu Yanhe: "There are so many scripts, I have to see when I can go."

Chen Ziyan said: "Then it depends on your fate with them. You really have few movie scripts in the future. "River of Silence" has been filmed. You only have "Path of Glory" to shoot, and there are no other films. . Can you look at new projects, or do you write a script for yourself?”

Lu Yanhe shook his head.


He added: "By the way, when will the short film "Rouge Button" be shot this month?"

“The 22nd, Saturday.” Chen Ziyan said, “Two days, exactly one weekend. However, if they really don’t find another actor in the end, do you really plan to film this?”

 Lu Yanhe: "You can't stop filming just because there are no suitable actors."

Chen Ziyan nodded and said: "It's not that we won't make it if we don't have a suitable actor. Let's make this movie of yours. Because the investment is not high, there is not much pressure on the investors. In addition, although this movie is based on your It is said that it is a commercial film, but to the outside world, director Wang Zhong and Chen Bige star in it, and it looks like a lineup of a literary film. People come to invest not to make a lot of money, but to follow you, director Wang, and Chen Bige maintains a good relationship for cooperation, so if you can't find a suitable male protagonist and can't turn on the camera, people are not in a hurry. They think that art movies have a certain pursuit of art and have high requirements, which is normal. "

Lu Yanhe asked: “What are other movies like in general?”

"To be honest, if it is a commercial movie, it is just to earn box office. You will never allow a movie to be put on hold for such a long time. There will be a plan for when to start shooting and when to release." Chen Ziyan Said, "Otherwise, there wouldn't be a crew to start filming soon. Because the schedules don't match up, the actors can only be changed temporarily. If you can wait, then why not wait until everyone has time?"

Lu Yanhe was stunned and nodded.

Chen Ziyan said: "You can act or not act in the movie "Rouge Button". I read the script. To be honest, the highlight of this drama is Ruhua. The role of the Thirteenth Young Master... is too cold and thin. What a scumbag, I won’t please anyone who plays the role.”

Lu Yanhe did not expect Chen Ziyan to say the same thing.

 But looking back, "Rouge" is really like this. If Leslie Cheung hadn't been cast in it, maybe Thirteen Young Masters would never have become a classic remembered by movie fans.

The actor's attributes for this role are too strong.

If Lu Yanhe plays the role, it is indeed very likely that he will directly act as a foil.

Chen Ziyan said: "You are going to act in a commercial film, and it has to be a big-budget commercial film. You can't always act in such small-budget miracle films, otherwise, over time, everyone's positioning of you will be finalized." ( End of this chapter)

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