Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 387: How to get compensation?

 A mountain road with many twists and turns.

Huang Kairen was sitting in a van, bumping along the uneven mountain road.

 When he arrived at the shooting scene, the sunset had already set halfway, leaving only half a circle above the horizon.

Originally, Huang Kairen was not going to go here, but due to the temporary adjustment of the shooting, in order to catch the daylight and shoot the night scene, he changed it here.

 When the car stopped, Huang Kairen felt that his internal organs were about to be knocked out.

 He ​​endured the discomfort and nausea, got out of the car, and saw that the place he was in turned out to be a forest.

 “Where are the people?” Huang Kairen was stunned because there was no one around.

 He looked back at the driver and the people who came to pick him up in surprise.

"Teacher Huang, wait a moment, we haven't arrived yet. It's just that the traffic behind us is difficult to drive. We have to walk in." The other party said.

Huang Kairen was surprised.

 Then, after walking for about ten minutes, I saw a group of people in the distance and a familiar scene on the set.

 The lights have been set up.

 The twilight is very thick, and there is a sense of depression that is swallowing up everything.

 The staff member who came to pick him up said: "Teacher Huang, we are here."

Between heaven and earth, only the last layer of twilight remains.

The mottled tree shadows are intertwined with the sounds of people coming and going, like a mirage that is about to wake up.

I don't know if it was bumpy all the way. His head was dizzy, and he was somewhat stunned. The picture presented at this moment was too much from the usual reality.

Huang Kairen's heart felt as if someone had hit him lightly with a hammer.

Knocked out the Yu Chang Sanskrit sound from the ancient temple in the mountains.

 “Teacher Huang?” the staff member shouted again.

 He woke up as if from a dream, and for a moment, a wry smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Actor, why do you want to be an actor?

 This question came to Huang Kairen's mind again.

 Before coming, he had roughly thought that his heart would be shaken that he did not want to act in "Rouge Button", but he did not expect that his heart would be shaken so quickly.

 It’s not some divine revelation, but this kind of atmosphere.

Besides fame and fortune, what else are actors pursuing?

 Others don’t know it, but Huang Kairen enjoys the process of playing a character.

  Why do many actors say they want to act in movies instead of TV series? Especially the top actors. Is it purely because movies are more advanced than TV series? People who hold this idea actually ignore the simplest yearning for good and beauty. This is especially true for an actor like Huang Kairen, who loves acting and has more sensitive sensibilities than ordinary people. He also yearns to act in movies and a more extreme performance environment.

 In today's film and television production environment, there is absolutely no way that the crew of any TV series would go to such a deserted and wilderness-like no-man's land for such a long time to shoot a scene.

 So, why was Huang Kairen touched at that moment just now?

Because this group of people in front of them, in order to obtain the most extreme and realistic shooting environment, they can ignore the time, location, and the environment of this place is far away from human society and has hardships close to the original ecology.

Huang Kairen is not the kind of actor who covets comfort, otherwise he would not think of every possible way to transform. He is not the kind of actor who would not take a certain role or a certain movie because the shooting environment is not good and he suffers a lot. On the contrary, he actually enjoys the kind of challenges and hard work that he puts himself through in order to act in a movie. In this state, he likes load. When he overcomes this load, he will get a sense of pleasure.

 However, in his past shooting experience, there were very few such moments.

Even Xun knows it.

But Lian Xun said: "It's not that ascetic actors are good actors. You are already ahead of many of your peers. No one can say bad about your acting skills. Why bother to make trouble for yourself again?" "

Huang Kairen thought to himself that Lian Xun actually didn’t understand him from beginning to end.


“He thought I didn’t understand him and thought I was just a mercenary agent.”

Lian Xun drank with friends and complained, and when he talked, he became emotional and felt annoyed, dissatisfied and disappointed.

The friend said: "Then why don't you let him make a movie he wants to make?"

"Because his acting skills are not that good, he can show excellent acting skills in the roles I selected for him. This does not mean that he can act in everything!" Lian Xun said dissatisfied, "Look at Lu Yanhe, he can act, even a fool can tell that he can act in anything, so of course he is not afraid of anything. Even if he plays a villain, he can still act very charmingly, but does Huang Kairen have this ability? "

 “He has never acted, how do you know he hasn’t?”

"I am his agent. If I don't even know whether he has the ability in this area, then wouldn't my work be in vain? Don't think that I really regard him as a profitable job. Let me tell you, I really do. As a brother, do you think I am just profit-seeking and greedy for money? I also hope that his career will develop well and he can reach a high level in the future. However, everyone has his own limitations, and you have to look at what you are made of. It’s clear that he’s going to be a star, but if you insist on him being an actor, why should he insist on taking this job if he can’t get it?”

My friend laughed and said, "What you are saying, who doesn't want to reach a higher level?"

"Who said that the height of an actor must be higher than that of a star?" Lian Xun said very dissatisfied, "This is all blown up by you people. This is the entertainment industry, the show business circle, not the drama stage, nor the What is the performing arts circle? This is a stage for making stars. Even if you are an actor, it is to create an acting star. In the past few years, has every famous legend and big star been an actor? Yes, but if you really choose to be an actor, then you should go to the drama stage. Movies and TV dramas are all about the times, not acting."

 “You say that, but others don’t admit it.”

"But why couldn't Huang Kairen understand this? When he saw Lu Yanhe suddenly appear, he felt that he could do it too." Lian Xun was so annoyed, "I don't know who is there. I encouraged him behind my back, thinking he was also at that level.”


 Huang Kairen was sitting in a corner, completely acting as an audience, quietly watching everything in front of him.

The makeup artist is applying make-up to Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige.

 The two of them should look a little embarrassed at this time, because they ran out overnight.

Huang Kairen heard Lu Yanhe say: "Actually, shouldn't my mouth be a little drier at this time?"

 The makeup artist turned to look at Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong stood in front of them.

He said: "If it's too dry, it won't look good. I don't want the scene between you and her to be unattractive at this time. The scene at night is when the whole story has the most sense of story. It's too realistic and it won't look good."

Lu Yanhe smiled and did not refute.

This story is set in the context of the Republic of China. A young man secretly fell in love with the lady next door. Her man died in the war and she became a widow.

But her man’s boss, a murderous warlord, forced her to marry into his house as a concubine.

Impulsively, the young man eloped with her one night. The woman followed him all night and stayed in an ancient temple. She listened to him telling stories about silently falling in love with her until he leaned against the wall and fell asleep. Before dawn, the woman got up, covered the boy with her cloak, went back alone, and married the warlord.

 There isn’t much storytelling, it’s all about artistic conception and atmosphere.

 For actors, it is very difficult to act.

  But for capable actors, there is a lot of room for performance.

"You ran away with the wife you always liked. This is just the shell of the story, but I don't want to shoot a realistic picture. This night, it was like a sudden fireworks, it happened very suddenly, but even so, Your embarrassment and nervousness are also intertwined with a rapidly rising enthusiasm that breaks through the conventional constraints and restrictions. You should understand what I mean, right? It's like a butterfly trapped in a spider web. , finally broke free this night and flew towards the bonfire, such a scene. "

Lu Yanhe thought carefully and nodded.

 “Impulsive and enthusiastic, with a juvenile, idealistic passion.”

Chen Bige said: "I already have an idea. In fact, in this short film, I never actively did anything from the beginning to the end. The perspective of the short film is that of a teenager. From the perspective of a teenager, I am dignified and generous. It is gentle and steady. Director, you want to have a dreamlike enthusiasm. In fact, in this kind of enthusiasm, I am still quiet and taciturn. I want to perform a breathless performance, like a portrait accompanying a young man. All around me, it felt like it was all a dream for him. It was only at the last dawn that the perspective of this short film changed, and I took the initiative for the first time, leaving him and going back again."

"I have a tolerance for him that is definitely not just love. In my understanding, I actually have no love for this boy." Chen Bige said, "I just see in him the person who was by my side." Man, in his body took the place of my dead husband.”

Wang Zhong sighed heavily.

 “I was worried that you would design it like this.”

 “Huh?” Chen Bige was stunned.

"But I like that you are attracted to this young man." Wang Zhong said, "You take the place of your dead husband, see the shadow of your husband in the young man, and have a kind of tolerance for him. All of these are okay, I don't want to Objection, you can use it yourself, but one thing is that she must be attracted to the boy. Without this layer, I think the story will be tacky. You can make the acting complicated, but you can't act too logically. sex, to reduce the discomfort of the audience - you still feel that you are much older than him, and if you really fall in love with him, others will be more or less uncomfortable with it, so you designed this for yourself With logical lines, you can convince yourself and the audience.”

Wang Zhong pointed out Chen Bige’s character logic line to the point.

“But we are not making a film to please the audience, even if it is a little offensive, I hope this short film can have something unconventional.”

 Chen Bige fell into silence.

When Lu Yanhe saw this, he also closed his mouth and kept quiet, giving Chen Bige space to think.


“Pursue art, pursue the richness and literature of characters, and tell the truth, do you think this is still the era?” Lian Xun asked a friend.

"A good character design can make an artist suffer for a lifetime, but a bad character design will cause actors to be scolded. There are too many examples of this." Lian Xun said, "If you don't play a role that the audience likes well, you have to play it." Playing a person who betrays his lover and is selfish and unlucky is a very different role. I have never played it before, but why doesn't he think about it? Why hasn't he played it before? Choose such a role?”

My friend said: "Lian Xun, you are right, but you also have to think about it. Even if Huang Kairen is a star, an entertainer, not an artist in your eyes, it cannot stop others from pursuing art." My heart, you keep blocking him, how do you think he will feel? "

 Lian Xun wants to continue talking.

 His friend interrupted him and did not let him speak.

“Don’t you know that your mother is doing you a favor by asking you to stay up less late? Have you done it?”

“Don’t you know that it’s good for you to think differently about this matter? Do you accept it?”

   Xun was scolded without even saying a word.

"He is not a puppet in your hands. He is going to hit a wall. You have to let him hit it. On the one hand, he may exceed your expectations and break the wall. On the other hand, he may not break the wall. OK, Then he himself knows that you are right." My friend said, "If you never let him hit the wall, in his eyes, you are the biggest wall for him to surpass himself, then be prepared to part ways with him in the future. "

 Can't even say a word.

 My heart feels like a draft.


got windy.

Chen Bige raised his hand and gathered his cloak.

 A gentle smile flashed across her eyes.

As soon as she smiled, the boy's heartbeat seemed to have stopped. He was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately looked away and said, "Husband, madam, there is an ancient temple ahead. Let's go and take a rest."

The young man's voice was filled with embarrassment.

Chen Bige nodded slightly, "Okay."

She has very few lines, and her expressions change very little, but her face and eyes are full of stories.

Every time she looked at the young man, her eyes contained deep and complex emotions, and they were concentrated in them. Through a layer of fog, only some shadows could be seen.

Even from a distance, Huang Kairen did not look at the close-up on the monitor, but just looked at it with his own eyes, and he could feel the atmosphere between the two actors.

 At night, in the forest, the cold light of the moon shines through the shadows of the tree branches.

 The water mist curls up, and the birds chirp like jade.

At this moment, the natural environment and artificial effects merge into one.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige stood less than five meters away from Huang Kairen, but they seemed to be separated by a time and space.

This clear sense of fragmentation, as if you can truly see the past scene in the light and shadow of the mirage, is a shooting scene that Huang Kairen has never seen before.

 The shooting scene itself seems to have become a work of art.

Huang Kairen pursed his lips in silence.

He didn't notice that Xin Zixing was standing behind him, studying his devoted expression, looking at him quietly and intently, as if staring.

Xin Zixing never thought that Huang Kairen's acting talent was enough to make him a great acting master.

 But she knew his devotion and love for acting.

So, even if he may not be able to perform very well, in the process of performing, isn't it a kind of wish-fulfillment?

Xin Zixing doesn’t care whether Huang Kairen can win the award, but she hopes he can get what he wants.

 She had never said these words to him.

Huang Kairen always felt that she didn't understand his feelings about acting as an actor.

Xin Zixing really doesn’t understand the charm of acting. If she did, she might become an actress herself.

 But she doesn’t need to understand, as long as she knows what he cares about, what he cares about, and what he really wants, as his lover, she will use all her strength to help him realize it. (End of chapter)

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