Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 392: Can't do it?

"Your fans are objecting to you taking this movie. Although I don't know where Zhou Shuchun got the news, you have also seen it. I am not the only one who said that this role is not good, right? Kai Ren, I really care about you and care about you. Good people tell you the truth.”

 After Lian Xunyu finished speaking earnestly, he looked at Huang Kairen and carefully observed the expression on his face.

 However, Huang Kairen's face was expressionless and did not show any emotion.

One day ago, Zhou Shuchun, a well-known reporter from "Art Newspaper" published an article detailing the entanglement between Huang Kairen and the movie "Rouge Button", and also pointed out that the character's personality has fatal flaws, and Lu Yanhe himself does not Only if he was willing to act did he give the role to Huang Kai.

 For a time, this news caused an uproar, and also aroused Huang Kairen's fans to get excited and question how Huang Kairen's agent picked up the drama.

Huang Kairen's fan club publicly hoped that Huang Kairen would withdraw from the drama, and even scolded Lian Xun so much that eighteen generations of his ancestors were scolded. This situation put Huang Kairen on the fire.

And because Huang Kairen did not respond to this matter in time, fans went to director Wang Zhong and Lu Yanhe's social platform comments and left crazy comments, saying that if Huang Kairen acted in this drama, they would never cooperate with any publicity , and even called on other fans to boycott the movie.

 For a time, there was an uproar.

Both Huang Kairen and Lu Yanhe were put on the fire.


Since learning about this incident, Lu Yanhe immediately called Huang Kairen to communicate.

 “Brother Huang, are you okay?”

 “Oh, I’m sorry for causing trouble for you.” Huang Kairen said.

  "What are you saying? Didn't I implicate you?" Lu Yanhe sighed, "I didn't expect that this matter would be written like this."

“I don’t know where Zhou Shuchun got the news.” Huang Kairen said, “Now my fans don’t know the situation and have been emotionally aroused. Anything I say will only intensify the conflict, so I haven’t responded.”

“Brother Huang, does acting in this drama make you very stressed?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Lu Yanhe immediately realized what a stupid question he was asking.

If the pressure wasn't too great, Huang Kairen wouldn't have been tossing and froing before and wouldn't want to act anymore.

Huang Kairen: "It's a lot of pressure, but I thought about one thing clearly. If I don't make this movie, I will regret it, and I will regret it for the rest of my life. If I really want to fail in the performance, I will fail. If I play a role, I can If you want me to be completely ruined, it only means that I am a poor actor and cannot be an actor. To be honest, which actor has never played a role that was despised by everyone? They all have this experience, and I also have it. The pressure is great, but. I figured out what I had to do and I had to do it. Zi Xing also encouraged me to act.”

 “Where’s your agency?”

"Ever since I decided to go public with Zi Xing, my relationship with them has been a bit tense." Huang Kairen's tone also sounded a little helpless, "Now they can't interfere with my acting choices, but they have said a lot of unpleasant things. , has always advised me not to take it - actually, Yan He, I don’t know if you understand what I say, maybe it’s because I have acted in many dramas and played many heroic roles. They were all surrounded by others at important points in their lives. Many people told me to give up, but they persisted and succeeded in the end. During this process, I often had a feeling-maybe this is also a critical moment for me as an actor. Should I stick to my own judgment as an actor? Judgment? Then, a voice in my head said, if I don't persevere once, I will never become the hero I once played."

Every word written by Huang Kairen touched Lu Yanhe's heart.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe finally understood and understood Huang Kairen’s deepest thoughts.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe let go of a little guilt - Huang Kairen did not "reluctantly" agree to take on the drama because of his personal relationship with him, he made his own decision.


 Entertainment critic Guan Suchen published a commentary article, which stated:

"I think the crux of the recent uproar is whether Huang Kairen will give up starring in this movie due to the opinions of fans. In fact, from my perspective, there is nothing to hesitate about. You know, the production lineup of a top-notch movie like "Rouge Button" is enough to impress any actor in the country. Even this may not be a role that Huang Kairen can normally come into contact with at this stage - and he will most likely be exposed to it. Because Lu Yanhe is the screenwriter.”

"It may be difficult for fans to understand how sharply different the levels of actors are in the entertainment industry - the reason why Lu Yanhe is a miracle is because he miraculously achieved a rocket-like rise, rising to the level of an ordinary person without experiencing any suffering. Everyone is begging for his position. But apart from him, no actor has such ability, including Li Zhibai, who is in the same position as him in the eyes of many people, and his good friend."

"It's difficult to explain the difference with one standard, but to put it simply, it's actually the same thing. In everyone's mind, he is now the top filmmaker, no matter what kind of movie he appears in. , no one will think that he is unworthy. And I am sorry that Huang Kairen has not reached this point yet. He is indeed a very good actor, and he did not change his pursuit of good works and good performances even when he was most popular. We can clearly see his efforts and progress in every film. However, there are many such actors. There is really no shortage of good actors in the entertainment industry. He is very popular and works hard, but he is not there yet. The position of starring in the top movies - this position used to only belong to actors of the level of Chen Bige, Shang Yongzhou, and Chen Pinhe, but now there is Lu Yanhe."


  This article by Guan Su Chen aroused the anger and criticism of Huang Kairen’s large number of fans.

Of course, they have reasons to be angry.

  Although Su Chen’s article described them as “losing their minds, not understanding the situation, and engaging in trouble”, how could they possibly endure it?

Even though Su Chen is not a public figure, she just makes a living by writing comments. It is common for her to be criticized by fans. She has long been used to it and doesn't take it to heart at all.


 Leaf vein network.

 Liu Qiao put down his mobile phone and curled his lips.

The trouble Huang Kairen encountered had nothing to do with him, but because of Xin Zixing's relationship, he habitually paid attention to it.

 The intranet system suddenly prompted him that a new approval was coming to him and he needed to sign for approval.

When I clicked on it, I saw that it was the brand ambassador of—actually the previous spokesperson candidate.

Three people, director Wang Zhong, singer Song Linxin, and actor Lang Xia.

Since they couldn’t find another artist who could be as compatible with as Lu Yanhe, they finally used the second option, finding three people with different identities to work together as brand ambassadors.

Wang Zhong is because he won the Best Director at the Situl Film Festival, which is a high standard.

Song Linxin is because she is famous as a literary young artist among young artists, which is consistent with the user label of

 Lang Xia, because he is very popular and his price is low.

This matter has been discussed at the executive meeting before, and now it is just a signing and approval process.

 However, the moment he saw this approval, an idea flashed through Liu Qiao's mind.

 If the spokesperson can be replaced, why can’t the magazine? Why can't the editor-in-chief?

Lu Yanhe has not accepted Liu Qiao's moves during this period, which has made Liu Qiao a little depressed. Judging from the current signs, it is a foregone conclusion that Xin Zixing will leave, and "Jump Up" does not seem to have any intention of renewing its contract with As a result, the content section of has definitely been greatly affected, not to mention a huge blow.

 Looking for someone to edit a new e-magazine?

 The production cost of electronic magazines is not high. For, the investment cost and return for the electronic version of "Jump Up" can be said to be their company's content brand with the highest return rate. If it were to end like this, it would definitely be a huge loss to the Leaf Vein Network.

Liu Qiao signed for approval and began to think about how to create an electronic magazine that could succeed "Jump Up".

Of course, in order to learn a lesson and gain wisdom this time, the copyright of the e-magazine must remain on, instead of being taken away like "Jump Up".


Despite the huge opposition from fans, Huang Kairen finally signed a contract to star in "Rouge Button".

Lian Xun was so shocked that he forgot to express his dissatisfaction for a while.

Only then did he understand how serious Huang Kairen was this time, even ignoring the opinions of his fans.

“Are you crazy? Can’t you see the huge opposition from fans?” Lian Xun asked.

Huang Kairen said: "I saw it, and I thought about it seriously, but my conclusion is that I want to act."

Lian Xun asked in disbelief: "What kind of ecstasy soup did Xin Zixing give you? Why did you become so paranoid after being with her? Didn't you listen to other people's opinions?"

Huang Kairen looked at him with a strange expression and asked, "What does this have to do with Xin Zixing?"

 Lian Xun closed his mouth, fell silent, and said no more.


Two days later, Huang Kairen's fan support club suddenly announced that it would stop all activities. If Huang Kairen does not withdraw from the crew of "Rouge Button", the fan support club will not be restored.

This incident triggered a hot search.

 However, despite this, Huang Kairen did not make any response.

 Some media photographed him going out in a car and asked him if he had anything to say to his fans.

He only said one sentence: "I have always used my works to talk to my fans, in the past, now and in the future. There is nothing else to say." Huang Kairen's indifferent attitude made more fans frustrated Incessantly.

 For a time, Huang Kairen and his fan club were in a stalemate.

 This is something that even Xun never thought of from the beginning. Lian Xun is now mute and eats Coptis chinensis, unable to express his pain. If he had known that it would end like this, would he still have taken the initiative to find Zhou Shuchun and try to force Huang Kairen to give up the drama through the power of fans?

While Lian Xun regretted his decision in his heart, he couldn't help but be angry at Huang Kairen. Why was he like a rusty clockwork, unable to change the position of his thoughts?

 Especially...he is being scolded quite harshly now. His personal social account was almost blocked.

 Being the manager of a celebrity artist is unavoidable.

Of course, this time it was his own fault.

Seeing that Huang Kairen is so stubborn this time and must film "Rouge Button", Lian Xun has now completely given up the idea of ​​asking Huang Kairen to give up this idea, and sincerely hopes that the affairs between him and Zhou Shuchun will not be leaked to The third person knows.

On this day, Lian Xun accompanied Huang Kairen to a business event. As a result, several radical fans rushed to Huang Kairen and shouted at him not to be confused, not to destroy his own future, and not to destroy what he had finally accomplished. Career, emotional, and loud voice attracted the attention of many people.

Lian Xun had to stand in front of Huang Kairen with his assistant and bodyguard to prevent those radical fans from approaching him.

 Suddenly something hit me from behind.

 “You piece of shit, you’re doing this kind of thing for Huang Kairen! You’re not worthy of being Huang Kairen’s agent!”

With a sharp curse, a hard object hit Lian Xun on the back of the head.

 Even Xun didn't have time to react before his eyes went dark.


“Is he okay now?” Xin Zixing asked on the phone.

"There's a big swelling on the back, and there's congestion. Alas, I'm still in the hospital." Huang Kairen's tone was a little low and self-blaming, "I haven't woken up yet. Fortunately, the person just hit me with his cell phone. It wasn't anything." Something sharp, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.”

Xin Zixing said: "Don't blame yourself too much. This matter is still your fan's problem."

 “Why do I have such fans?” Huang Kairen also sounded a little more angry.

“Have you called the police?”

"I've reported it." Huang Kairen said, "We must not tolerate this kind of thing. This is intentional harm!"

Xin Zixing: "I didn't expect that filming "Rouge Button" would bring you such a big trouble."

"The more this happens, the more determined I am to make this movie." Huang Kairen said, "I didn't even realize that my fans have such a strong desire to control me when I shoot a movie. What? I have to ask fans for their opinions when I act? If they can’t accept it, then they just don’t like me. Why do I want to hurt people?”

Xin Zixing could hear a strong sense of self-blame in Huang Kairen's words of venting his anger.

 She understood why Huang Kairen blamed himself.

Lian Xun did not agree with him playing "Rouge" from the beginning. As a result, fans thought that Lian Xun accepted this movie for him.

 In the eyes of fans, their idols would never make such stupid decisions.

 It must be the fault of the agent and the team.


The incident of Lian Xun being attacked by a fan became a hot topic.

Not long after, Huang Kairen, who had been silent for a long time, finally posted on Weibo:

I have to accept the play myself, and the role I have chosen. I think very clearly about how I want to be an actor. You don’t have to accept it, and you don’t have to like it, but don’t hurt others. If you were me Fans, please don’t be an executioner in the name of liking me and doing good for me.

 In the comment section of his Weibo post, many fans burst into tears accusing him of being "ruthless".

—If it weren’t for the poor script and character design, why wouldn’t we support you? ! I have been a fan of you for so many years, and I support any decision you make, but you are obviously playing the role of a big scumbag, why do you want to play it? What did you see in him?

 Huang Kairen was overcome by a temper and replied: Have you read the script? Did you read every line? Can I only play positive roles?

—If this role is really good and Lu Yanhe wrote the script himself, why didn’t he act in it? Have you been cheated on, baby? Don't be stupid, why are you always so innocent?

Huang Kairen took a deep breath and typed with his fingers like flying: I want to act, so Lu Yanhe let me act. If I don't act, it will be Lu Yanhe. I want to thank him for giving me the opportunity, but you think He refused to act and I picked up trash. How should I explain it? If you scold him like this, how should I face him? Have you ever thought about it?


That night, Huang Kairen sat next to Lian Xun’s hospital bed and exchanged dozens of lines with his fans.

If Lian Xun wakes up at this time, he will probably faint again after seeing the confrontation between him and the fans.

 No manager would want his or her artist to communicate with fans on social networks.

  I don’t want to do it even if I have any reason.

 The Internet is a place where no matter what you say is useless—people can never expect to be reasonable in the field of public opinion.


Lu Yanhe thought that at this time, he couldn't stay out of the matter and just be an outsider.

So, he also posted on Weibo:

 The script has some green spots, but everyone’s creations are adding to it. The character has imperfections, but if you meet the right actor, imperfection is like Venus with a broken arm. In this era, we seem to have been brainwashed in a special way, thinking that only characters without flaws are the best art. Looking back, in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he is only told to bear the world, not the world. Why is Cao Cao still a great hero in the hearts of many people? Why did the lazy and irresponsible Zhu Bajie in "Journey to the West" become a suitable marriage partner in this era? For actors, characters are not good or bad, not in the past, not now, and not in the future. "Rouge Button" is lucky to meet Brother Kai Ren, because its male protagonist has found an actor who is most suitable to play him. Lu Yanhe is not suitable, others are not suitable, and only Huang Kairen is the most suitable.

Ten minutes later, Chen Bige forwarded Lu Yanhe's Weibo post: Lu Yanhe almost became my leading actor. Fortunately, at this time, Kai Ren resolutely said he was willing to act, so, as our screenwriter said, I Got the most suitable male lead.

Yu Jiang suddenly appeared in the comment area of ​​Lu Yanhe’s Weibo: In that case, why didn’t you say these things earlier? Maybe if you had said it earlier, Huang Kairen's manager Lian Xun wouldn't have to suffer this injury.


“Looking for me to be the editor-in-chief of’s new e-magazine?”

Yu Jiang put down her phone and looked at Liu Qiao sitting in front of her with some confusion.

"Mr. Liu, do you want me to be the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up"?"

"It's not "Jump Up", it's another electronic magazine." Liu Qiao corrected, "Starting next year, we hope to make another electronic magazine on We have spent more than two years proving that there are still many readers. Reading a magazine.”

Yu Jiang: "Mr. Liu, editing a magazine is too strenuous. Now I have my own company, which is quite busy."

Liu Qiao said: "Teacher Yu, Lu Yanhe is also very busy, but doesn't he also take the position of editor-in-chief of "Jump Up" well? You are one of the most popular writers at the moment, and we want to make a book that is better than "Jump Up". A better magazine can only be made by having an influential writer like you as its editor-in-chief.”

Yu Jiang frowned and asked: "Jump Up is already the best-selling magazine in China. Why do you want to make another magazine that is more popular than Jump Up? Is Jump Up going to leave"

 She asked this crucial question to the point.

  Liu Qiao: "What's wrong with this? We just think that as a large literary and art website, how can we only be a magazine brand?"

Yu Jiang rolled his eyelids, "I don't want to appear on the same platform as Lu Yanhe's "Jump Up". That kind of magazine without style will lower my level too much."

 Liu Qiao couldn't help but cursed in his heart, "What the hell!"

Although "Jump Up" is leaving, its achievements are obvious to all.

 It also lowers your level!

 What level do you have that is worthy of being lowered?

Even Teacher Shi Xia published a new work in this magazine!

Liu Qiao held back his temper and continued to smile and said, "So, Teacher Yu is not moved at all? There is no room for negotiation at all?"

"Yes." Yu Jiang said immediately, "As long as you drive away Lu Yanhe and others from "Jump Up", I will be your editor-in-chief."

 Liu Qiao looked at her in disbelief.

Yu Jiang misunderstood the meaning and asked: "Why, can't you do it? If you can't do it, forget it." (End of chapter)

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