Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 397: 'Nepotism' Scandal

 Because of Ho Daren's unexpected win, when it was later announced that the best director was Wang Zhong and the best film was "Three Mountains", many people at the scene were still immersed in the shock brought by the former.

  Comparatively, Wang Zhong and "Three Mountains" won the award completely within expectations.

The hit film "Late Spring" ended up being silent. The best screenplay award was taken away by "White Pearl" and the best cinematography award was taken away by another film.

 It can be said that "Three Mountains" is the biggest winner tonight.

Although Lu Yanhe was also shocked by the result of Best Actor, he still chose to comfort his frustrated friend at this time.

"It has been a long time since you made a movie for the first time and you have been able to get so many nominations. You see, Director Wang has been filming for a long time. This is the first time he won the Best Director at the Phenom Awards." Lu Yanhe said, "You must have lost because you were too young."

Liu Bige squinted at the trophy in Lu Yanhe's hand.

“The youngest winner of Best Supporting Actor in history, told me that I lost because I was too young.” Liu Bige looked at Lu Yanhe, “I don’t know how to find a better reason to comfort me.”

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "The best director is still different."

They talked and laughed for a while, and Miao Yue, who was sitting behind, came over.

It was nominated for the Best Screenplay Award. As one of the screenwriters, Miao Yue also attended the award ceremony tonight. Unfortunately, she did not win the award in the end.

Liu Bige was a little helpless and said: "I thought that at least we would be given a best screenplay award."

Indeed, the script of "Late Spring" is undoubtedly good.

 White Pearl, a film with mixed reviews and critical acclaim, won the best screenplay—it can only be said that it may really appeal to the judges of this year.

Miao Yue smiled and said, "I didn't win the prize. Let's try harder next time."

Liu Bige asked Lu Yanhe: "How about you just go back later?"

 Lu Yanhe said: “Are you planning to engage in other activities?”

“I didn’t win this award. It’s too uncomfortable to go back now. Let’s go find a place to drink.” Liu Bige said, “Are you going?”

 Tomorrow is Saturday, there are no classes. Lu Yanhe nodded and asked, "Where are Kong Fan and the others?"

Liu Bige said: "They will come over later and they all have other arrangements."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Liu Bige asked curiously: "You won the award, don't you need to celebrate with the crew of "Three Mountains"?"

Lu Yanhe said: "We have celebrated several times, and I haven't heard that we will continue to celebrate today. Director Wang is probably tired."

However, "Three Mountains" is the biggest winner tonight, winning both Best Picture and Best Director. This honor is indeed worthy of celebration.

Just as he was talking, director Wang Zhong’s long-term producer Chen Ling came over.

 He was planning to get together later.

Lu Yanhe said: "I have already agreed to go drinking with Bigo and the others."

Chen Ling said with a smile: "Director Bigo, come together, and all of you from the "Late Spring" crew come together."

Lu Yanhe looked at Liu Bige.

 Liu Bige nodded obediently and said yes.


Lu Yanhe called Li Bi and Helan together.

However, I have been specifically warned not to take photos or videos in the future. This is not a public occasion and should be kept private.

Li Bi knows numbers very well and nodded.

 Lu Yanhe will occasionally bring people from "Jump Up" with him when he has such an opportunity, so that they can have the opportunity to meet various people.

 In many cases, you really need to know the person yourself in order to be useful at critical moments.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t want the people in “Jump Up” to have titles that are louder than their names—it’s difficult, but we can’t settle for the status quo just because it’s difficult.

Li Bi was already familiar with the business, but this was the first time for Helan to attend such a gathering with many celebrities.

 Helan was inevitably nervous.

However, she was relieved when she discovered that all the glamorous people before had taken off their makeup and put on casual clothes. They were not as "precious" as they were at the award ceremony before, and had an approachable aura.

Lu Yanhe is very familiar with the two productions of "Three Mountains" and "Late Spring".

 Mainly because he is familiar with the two directors, Lu Yanhe has no social burden at all.

After he introduced Li Bi and Helan to everyone, he ignored them and took Liu Bige to drink and chat in the corner.

Miao Yue instead chatted with Director Wang Zhong and others about a recently released movie.

Liu Bige asked: "After you finish filming "Path of Glory", will you really act in that fantasy film called "Burning"?"

Lu Yanhe nodded, "I have this plan. Sister Ziyan told me that I have taken too many serious art films and have never made a commercial blockbuster. Over time, the industry will form a stereotype about me. I don't want everyone to misunderstand me. I just want to act in artistic films.”

Liu Bige: "It's definitely okay for you to act in a commercial film, but originally I have another film to be shot next year, and I originally wanted to find you."

“Huh? Is it the one you told me about in Venice before?”

"No, that script is still being revised. Yueyue has new ideas for the script." Liu Bige said, "It was a script sent by Longyan Pictures. They wanted me to film it. In fact, it was their previous support. I was filming "Late Spring" and I promised to help them make a more commercial movie after "Late Spring"."

“I haven’t set a schedule for next year. When will your movie start shooting? Have you decided yet?”

“I guess it will start in March or April next year.” Liu Bige shook his head, “Are you also busy with classes in March or April next year?”

"I've almost completed my required courses this semester, and there won't be many classes next semester. If the film can be filmed in Yuming, then I'll be fine. If it's not filmed in Yuming, it'll be really embarrassing." Lu Yanhe said, "What kind of role is that? , you want to shoot with me.”

"A psychotic rich second generation decided to fake his death in order to get rid of a girl who was even more psychotic than him and chased him. As a result, he caused a lot of trouble. It's a comedy." Liu Bige said, "I really like this setting. I find it interesting and lively. As you can tell by watching "Late Spring", I like the kind of drama with a lot of people. Various characters take turns to appear here, which is very wonderful. Moreover, although the script is very vulgar, it is not It’s vulgar, and it’s like listening to hearsay and gossip.”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe said: "Then you can ask Li Zhibai to play this role. As soon as you said it, I felt that he is suitable for this role, more suitable than me. He will definitely be able to play the role of the second generation of a psychotic rich man."

Liu Bige was a little surprised, "Really? How is his acting skills?"

 “Haven’t you seen his play?”

"Occasionally I have seen some clips." Liu Bige said, "However, movie acting is still different from that. In fact, someone recommended Li Zhibai to me to play this role, and even brought me a picture of him in the idol drama The performance clip in "It's a similar character. I think his performance is too simple and not neurotic enough."

Lu Yanhe said: "That's definitely because the TV series doesn't allow him to act too neurotic. You want the male protagonist to have a bit of evil neurosis, right? And underneath this appearance, he must still be kind-hearted in nature. people."


"That's Li Zhibai, I guarantee you with my credibility." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "You meet him and let him try the show, and you will know why I said that."

"I'm not doubting you, okay, then I'll contact him later." Liu Bige nodded, "come and play a guest role for me when you have time."

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded readily and agreed.

Liu Bige suddenly remembered something and said, "Are you going to have basically no classes in the second half of next year?"

"Yes, I am about to start writing my graduation thesis. I have contacted the teacher and started to choose the topic." Lu Yanhe said, "I am going to start writing in advance."

"This is best. You have to leave me a schedule for the new play that Yueyue and I wrote, and it is tailor-made for you."

"Well, you set the shooting time and tell me and Sister Ziyan in advance." Lu Yanhe said, "I will leave it for you."

 At this time, Sui Fangran and others came over.

I came here specifically to say hello to Liu Bige.

 Lu Yanhe immediately acted as the introducer.

Liu Bige was also very friendly and enthusiastic towards Sui Fangran and others, saying: "I am deeply impressed by the three of you. You performed really well in "Three Mountains"." They hurriedly said thank you.

Lu Yanhe picked up the wine glass and said, "Then let's talk first. I'll go find Director Wang."

He turned around and saw that Li Bi was not dancing with his long sleeves as he usually did on this occasion, but was looking at his phone with a frown on his face.

Lu Yanhe then walked over and asked, "What's going on? What happened?"

Li Pi immediately said: "Because the Best Actor award was so unpopular, there is now a quarrel on the Internet."

 Lu Yanhe doesn’t find it strange at all that there is such a commotion on the Internet.

 The moment this result came out, everyone probably expected what would happen next.

Lu Yanhe said: "Is there any new news?"

Li Bi said: "Chen Pinhe's agent accepted an interview with a media and said that this time Ho Daren won the award, which made the Phenom Award look very unprofessional. He also pointedly said that no matter how good the actor is, it is not as good as having a judge as a judge. The chairman’s old classmate.”

Lu Yanhe frowned in surprise: "What do you mean?"

“Someone exposed on the Internet that He Daren and Xi Wei’an, the chairman of this year’s Phenom Award jury, were college classmates.” Li Bi said, “This should be true. A photo of them in college has been exposed.”

Lu Yanhe opened his mouth in surprise, "Is it really because of this that the Best Actor is such an upset tonight?"

Lu Yanhe thought it was because the movie "Nine Songs of the Galaxy" had too little box office and not many people had seen it, including him, so he missed out on a great performance.

 He really hasn’t thought about the dark side.

In this industry, Lu Yanhe knows that many dramas and many actors actually have the quality to win awards, best actors and actresses, but they are not seen just because they are not famous.

Like the three domestic awards, especially the three film awards, there will be some upsets from time to time, pushing some unknown people into the spotlight.

 The unpopular ones are popular, but often no one will question that these winners are not strong enough.

 Lu Yanhe has not heard of a "nepotism" scandal like this one for a long time.

Li Bi took a deep breath, "I really want to seize this hot spot. Now the entire Internet has exploded in discussion about this matter. Especially fans of you and several other nominees have gathered together to discuss the Phenom Award. The argument was made with great fanfare.”

Lu Yanhe: “Has the Phenom Award responded?”

"No." Li Bi shook his head, "The incident happened suddenly. It is estimated that the organizer of the Phenom Awards is still investigating the situation."

This matter is really causing a big fuss.

When Lu Yanhe came to Wang Zhong, Wang Zhong was answering the phone.

Wang Zhong motioned him to wait a moment with his eyes.

 Lu Yanhe made a gesture of "please speak slowly" and waited aside.

 Wang Zhong didn’t seem to want Lu Yanhe to avoid the call. As a result, Lu Yanhe heard the names “He Daren”, “Phenom Award” and “Xi Weian”.

After hearing about the situation from Li Bi, Lu Yanhe guessed what the phone call Wang Zhong was talking about was probably about.

I don’t know who called Wang Zhong to talk about this matter.

 Lu Yanhe waited for Wang Zhong to finish the call.

Wang Zhong asked: "Have you heard that He Daren and Xi Wei'an were college classmates? I heard that the Internet has completely fermented, and everyone is discussing this matter."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Well, yes, I heard about it just now, so is it true?"

“It’s true that we were classmates in college, but it was not because of this relationship that there was an unexpected result in the Best Actor award. We don’t know yet, and we are investigating.” Wang Zhong said.

“There are so many people on the jury, and it’s not Xi Weian who has the final say. However, this result is indeed surprising, which is why it has caused such a big controversy.”

"If it turns out that the results of the Best Actor selection this time were seriously affected by Xi Weian, then the scandal will be huge. As far as I know, each Phenom Award award is generally voted for by the members of the jury. Yes, the chairman of the jury usually coordinates all the judges when there is serious disagreement. Of course, his opinion is also very important. In fact, he still needs to sign every result. "

Wang Zhong suddenly smiled, looked at Lu Yanhe, and said, "If this matter gets bigger and bigger in the future, I guess you won't be able to stay out of it. There will definitely be many people who want you to express your opinion."

"Let me express my opinion?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and said: "What do I have to express my opinion on this? I am just a companion and it has nothing to do with me."

“You put it like that, but others don’t think so.” Wang Chong laughed, and after he finished laughing, he couldn’t help but scratch his head, “Oh, next year the Phenom Awards will ask me to be the chairman of the jury. This hot potato will be very hot by then.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Zhong with some surprise, "Will you be the chairman of the jury next year?"

"Hmm." Wang Zhong nodded, "So, perform "Path of Glory" well and try to win the Best Actor Award next year."

“Then I’m so embarrassed.” Although Lu Yanhe said this, his eyes were bright, as if he was looking forward to it.

If Wang Zhong were the chairman of the jury, if nothing else, the prejudice about his age would definitely be minimized.

"However, I am not the leading actor in "Path of Glory"." Lu Yanhe said, "I can't win it."

"Then let's get the Best Supporting Actor Lian Zhuang." Wang Zhong said with a joking smile, "However, if you are compared with others, I can't help you. I can't help you with this nepotism scandal. I don’t want it to happen to me one day.”

"I know." Lu Yanhe smiled, "If that's the case, what about "Rouge Button"? Sister Bi Ge should want to apply for the best actress, right?"

Wang Zhong fell into deep thought and said, "This is really a problem."

Two seconds later, "It's not a big problem. "Rouge" may not be released next year."

Lu Yanhe was stunned, "Huh?"

Wang Zhong said: "I don't edit movies that fast, and there is really no need to rush to release it next year. I think it will be more interesting to release it in the winter."

Wang Zhong said this, and Lu Yanhe immediately had a picture in his mind.

 The overwhelming tones of white, black and gray in winter are bleak and deserted.

 A century seems to be ending here.

Think about it, after watching "Rouge" in the cinema, then coming out and walking into the vast night, that kind of atmosphere -

Lu Yanhe said to Wang Zhong: "You are right, this movie should be released in the winter."

"I'm worried. Winter in our country is not a good time for this kind of film. Basically, it is occupied by the Lunar New Year and Spring Festival films. There is almost no room for dramas like "Rouge Button" to survive." Wang Zhong said, “I really don’t know if it will be released in the winter.”

 The production cost of "Rouge Button" is not low. If you are aiming for a box office of at least 100 million, you must not be willful.


 After the Phenom Awards, the list of winners attracted much attention. Of course, 90% of the attention and heat was taken away by the result of Best Actor.

 Lu Yanhe's Best Supporting Actor, even if it broke the Phenom Award record, was only publicized by his fans and did not cause much sensation.

 The next day, Xi Weian stood up and responded to the so-called "old classmates take care of old classmates".

"If you know how our jury decides on each award, you will know that the result of an award is not something I can control. We have a total of nine judges. After everyone deliberates, they each vote, and the person with the highest vote wins the award. "Xi Wei'an emphasized, "Even if I am the chairman of the jury, I only have one vote and only affect one-ninth of the result."

Some people buy into Xi Wei'an's explanation, while others refuse to.

 As for this kind of thing, basically as long as it happens, there will not be a perfect result.

 But, at least it is a response.

According to Lu Yanhe's understanding of this matter and the direction of this kind of thing, even if some people don't understand it, it is estimated that this matter will end here.

  No matter what, this award has been awarded to He Daren and it is impossible to take it back.

Even if there are some problems during the review process, these problems will definitely be sealed in a small area and will not be made public.

 However, under this situation, someone suddenly broke the details of the Best Actor jury voting.

 Details once again caused an uproar. (End of chapter)

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