Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 399: new cooperation

All good things come to an end.

Everyone knows the truth, but when it comes to separation, few people can truly remain calm.

 Xin Zixin and "Jump Up" posted late at night, giving the official announcement of "Star!" 》The leaf vein network was hit hard.

They didn't mention anything bad about, but they announced it at such a time point, almost at the same time, you said to start a new magazine, and I left. Putting the two things together, who wouldn't think more about it? .

 A hot search term quietly appeared:

 What happened to "Jump Up" and Ye Vein Network?

 This entry is even more popular than "jump up and announce that we will no longer cooperate with".


Liu Qiao said angrily on the phone: "Even if you don't cooperate with us, you should have informed us in advance, right? Why didn't you even say hello to us and just announced it online? This Let’s be very passive.”

Chen Siqi said calmly: "Mr. Liu, when you announced to Yu Jiang that you were going to launch a new magazine "Star!", didn't you say hello to us?"

Liu Qiao: "These are two different things! Our creation of "Star!" has nothing to do with "Jump Up"."

"But Yu Jiang and I have been fighting every now and then, and you say it doesn't matter?" Chen Siqi's tone suddenly changed, "Since you don't care about my face, why should I care about yours? Before you call me to question me, first Ask yourself, what have you done to me!"

 After saying that, Chen Siqi hung up the phone.

Liu Qiao looked at the hung up call in shock, unable to recover for a moment.

Chen Siqi actually filed a complaint first? !

 The reason why they established "Star! ”, isn’t it because you refused to renew your contract with “Jump Up”? !

 Wait a minute, "Jump Up" has never mentioned this either.

 These are all their judgments and expectations.

If Liu Qiao calls and talks about this again, Chen Siqi will definitely not admit it.

Or... Liu Qiao's eyes changed.

The information about "Jump Up"'s refusal to sign a one-year cooperation agreement was conveyed by Xin Zixing.

So is this information true or false?

 Did Xin Zixing deliberately muddy the water?


 Asking them to create an electronic magazine from scratch is very time-consuming and the return rate is not high.

 But if it is to cooperate directly with an already mature magazine, and it is a magazine with hundreds of thousands of readers, of course they are willing to cooperate.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi suddenly had more phone calls.

 The one that surprised Lu Yanhe the most was Lansen, a 24-hour convenience store brand.

Lan Sen was found through Lu Qingzhen’s relationship.

Lu Qingzhen said: "Although Lansen is a chain convenience store, they focus on the brand image of urban petty bourgeoisie. They have dedicated brand websites and APPs to create the concept of online communities. They have tens of millions of members on their websites, Active in APPs and mini-programs. They want to talk to us about the electronic copyright cooperation of "Jump Up". It does not need to be exclusive. It is similar to a channel. If we are willing, we can put the electronic version of "Jump Up" in their community. On the platform, they are willing to split it 28%, and they only take 2%.”

 Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi listened to Lu Qingzhen’s introduction to the situation, and each thought silently.

"Non-exclusive channel?" Chen Siqi was the first to speak, "Actually, it would be good not to do exclusive sales. Treat "Jump Up" as a product and sell it in various supermarkets. The more supermarkets, the more traffic there will be. , maybe more will be sold.”

 Lu Yanhe said: "What about the shortcomings?"

"The disadvantage is that we don't know what impact and consequences it will have if such a magazine is sold through multiple channels." Chen Siqi said, "Because we also know that it is not just about giving a thing a larger market. , it can get greater feedback. Previously, "Jump Up" was able to be launched on because the audiences of the two overlapped a lot, but if it was put on a social platform of a convenience store brand, it would not be possible. Definitely, maybe once the magazine put it up, it would be full of negative reviews, which would actually affect the image of "Jump Up."

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Qingzhen, what do you think?"

"I won't talk about other platforms for now. I think Lansen's social platform can be a try." Lu Qingzhen said, "Because Lansen convenience store has always focused on the concept of urban petty bourgeoisie, and its registered users are largely Within this range are the users that "Jump Up" can reach. In fact, if "Jump Up" wants to further expand its influence in the country and further increase sales, it will be a brand with a wide range of users like Lanson Convenience Store. Collaboration is one way to try.”

  Chen Siqi: “This is indeed an opportunity worth trying.”

Lu Qingzhen said: “Just like finding bookstores for physical books, I want to get my books to as many bookstores and more conspicuous bookshelves as possible.”

"Of course, I think there is another very important reason why they want to cooperate with "Jump Up"." Lu Qingzhen added, "They want to ask you to be their spokesperson."

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi was also stunned.

 It is normal for someone to want to find Lu Yanhe as a spokesperson.

Lu Yanhe now receives more than ten business cooperation deals every month.

 However, both of them noticed that Lu Qingzhen did not say "you", but "you".

Lu Qingzhen said: "So this is why they are willing to cooperate with "Jump Up" at a price of 28% that is completely inconsistent with the market conditions. The biggest difference between Lansen convenience stores and other supermarket-type stores is that it has always been You are trying to create an attitude towards life and use this attitude to shape your own brand image. On the one hand, "Jump Up" is consistent with the urban petty bourgeoisie, and on the other hand, you two have a sense of being young and elite."

 The so-called sense of young elite means that at a young age, one has already become a leader among young people.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi are indeed representatives of this type.

Lu Qingzhen said: "On the one hand, you two have never done an endorsement together. If you two endorse together, the topic will definitely be very high and it will bring a lot of heat and discussion to Lanson. On the other hand, through young people like you, They are the spokespersons of the elite to create this kind of brand image and make young people feel that becoming a member of Lanson is an attitude towards life and something similar to a sense of identity. They proposed these two things together.”

According to Chen Ziyan’s initial design, Lu Yanhe would generally not accept endorsements such as Lansen Convenience Store.

 Even though it is one of the largest convenience store brands in the country.

 So far, Lu Yanhe has not accepted the endorsement of a fast-moving consumer brand. This is not only Chen Ziyan’s request, but Lu Yanhe himself also agrees with this. Lu Yanhe doesn't want to waste his fame and favorability by accepting some relatively low-level endorsements - after all, there is no shortage of money now, so there is no need to try every means to make money. It is another thing when there is no money.

 However, Lanson is different. As Lu Qingzhen said, its brand image distinguishes it from other chain convenience store brands. In everyone's mind, it is not an ordinary convenience store.

Moreover, it is actually very similar to the stationery brand "Baixing" that Lu Yanhe took over before, and they are both brands with high national popularity.

Lu Yanhe’s only concern is whether accepting this endorsement with Chen Siqi will have any bad effects later on.

Chen Ziyan asked the team to study and evaluate this matter carefully, and finally concluded that it would be good for Lu Yanhe's public image that he and Chen Siqi accepted this endorsement together.

"Lu Yanhe's current career achievements are so impressive. Almost every time he appears, it is related to his acting. Good acting skills, nominations, or winning awards. If he can make more of an impression and memory "It will be of great benefit to enrich his public image and keep the public curious and paying attention to him."

 Chen Ziyan understood what this meant as soon as she heard it.

 Speaking of which, Lu Yanhe is too good—

It may be a bit Versailles to say this, but the fact is that a person who is too good and too perfect can actually easily create a sense of distance in people to some extent. The so-called high-quality idols often have high popularity and at the same time, they also give themselves to themselves. Set up a confinement and confine yourself within it.

"Also, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi have made their relationship public a long time ago, but because they spend less time together and more apart, there are always some rumors and rumors. It seems that there is something wrong with their relationship and they are not close. There is such a situation Cooperation and endorsements can also stabilize their close relationship in the public eye. Lu Yanhe's relationship with Chen Siqi, especially his and Chen Siqi's speeches and actions in several public occasions, makes him feel alive and acceptable. "To see him as a human being is crucial."

 Chen Ziyan nodded.

 “Okay, then I get it.”

 Chen Ziyan made a prompt decision and accepted the endorsement.


As a result, Lu Yanhe received the highest endorsement fee since his debut.

 Ten million a year.

 The number was so high that he was shocked.

Of course, this belongs to him and Chen Siqi, and they have to be divided. At that time, Lanson asked whether the two people's endorsement fees should be negotiated separately or together.

Lu Yanhe knew that Chen Siqi's endorsement fee would definitely not be high if they were negotiated separately, so he asked to negotiate together.

 Chen Ziyan has negotiated such a considerable figure.

While Lu Yanhe was shocked by the endorsement fee, Chen Ziyan said: "You don't even think about how influential you are now. You have almost reached a super first-line position. You are only one short of the best actor."

The so-called super first-line position is where Chen Pinhe, Shang Yongzhou, and Chen Bige are currently.

 Lu Yanhe: “No.”

 He always felt that he was far worse than them.

"I'm not telling you lies." Chen Ziyan said, "This is the market's judgment of you. You are inferior to them in terms of qualifications, works, and awards, but you have more national favorability than them, in terms of artist image. , there may not be anyone in the entire entertainment industry who can compete with you, and in terms of masterpieces in the past two years, even they can't compare with you."

In the entertainment industry, there are only a handful of celebrity artists who earn tens of millions of dollars in endorsements in a year.

 Mainly due to Lu Yanhe’s four consecutive hits this year, the most popular movies and TV series all come from Lu Yanhe.

 It is no exaggeration to say that if Lu Yanhe dares to say that his results are second this year, no one dares to say that he is first.

 Including those who won Best Actor and Best Actress.

 With four hit movies in hand, his status is as if he was welded to death at the feet of Lu Yanhe.

 This is the biggest reason why Lu Yanhe’s endorsement fees have soared.

Lu Yanhe met with the head of the media and public relations department of Lansen Convenience Store.

 This time it is a cooperation promoted by others.

The other person is a forty-year-old woman. Judging from her appearance, she is a woman with a bun face and a very friendly smile.

 “Sister Hong.” Lu Yanhe immediately shouted.

Liang Hong stretched out her hand with a smile on her face, shook hands with Lu Yanhe, and said, "I finally meet you in person. I am your fan."

Lu Yanhe was flattered and held Liang Hong's hand with both hands, bowing slightly, "Thank you for your love, and thank you for connecting us so that we can cooperate."

Liang Hong said: "I used to be a magazine editor, and then I came to Lansen by accident. When I found out that you and Siqi were going to make a magazine together, I was shocked. I didn't expect that you would really overcome all difficulties." After I started doing it, I bought every issue. I often think back to my time as a magazine editor and feel nostalgic.”

Lu Yanhe asked with some surprise: "Which magazine have you ever been an editor in? Siqi and I came up with this idea after the college entrance examination because we like reading magazines."

Liang Hong smiled and waved her hand, "You must have never seen it. "Natural Biology", a name that sounds very much like a scientific magazine, is actually a comprehensive magazine."

Lu Yanhe nodded, suddenly enlightened.

"Actually, Sister Hong, after knowing that you wanted to put the electronic version of "Jump Up" on Lanson's social platform, I am very happy, because this is an attempt that we never dared to think of before." Lu Yanhe Said, "We all know that this will usher in a lot of unfamiliar potential readers, and we don't know what everyone will think after seeing such an electronic magazine."

Liang Hong said: "It's okay, Yan He, good things will definitely find their soulmates. Many of our Lansen members are people who are willing to pay for literature, art and good content. We just need to create a relationship between them." Opportunities for matchmaking.”

This is very comfortable to say.

 Lu Yanhe said thank you.

 He said: "Actually, Sister Hong, there is one more thing we want to ask your opinion on."

"Huh?" Liang Hong was a little confused, "What's the matter? Do you have any other requests? Just ask."

"It's not a request, no." Lu Yanhe hurriedly shook his head in denial and explained, "It's about the physical book of "Jump Up" magazine. I was wondering if I could give it a try and put the physical book on the shelves in Lanson's convenience store? End of chapter)

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