Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 402: Chance and accident (12,000 words!)

However, what is very bad is that although the crew's filming went smoothly, on this day, it got dark earlier than expected in the mountains.

 The light did not meet the requirements for shooting, so everyone had to regretfully go down the mountain early.

Fu Kai said: "Although the shooting was not completed in one day, the shooting went very smoothly today. Let's keep working hard."

●Today’s shooting went really well.

 There are no force majeure factors.

The biggest fear when filming on the road is force majeure.

By the time he returned to the hotel at the foot of the mountain, Lu Yanhe felt that his feet were almost numb from the cold.

 But the hot water in the hotel is not that hot yet.

Lu Yanhe first got himself a bucket of hot water. He originally wanted to warm his feet, but it didn't have such an effect at all.

At this moment, Wang Biao came and knocked on the door.

 “Brother Lu, are you still awake?”

Lu Yanhe responded and said: "The door is unlocked, you can just come in."

Wang Biao came in, holding a long object in his hand.

"Brother Xiao Lu, I bought a few that heat up quickly. I tested the water temperature here during the day and it was not very hot." Wang Biao said, "I guess you have been filming in the mountains for a whole day and you definitely want to take a shower." "It's hot."

Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Biao in surprise and said in shock: "Wang Biao, you are too reliable. I just think the water here is not hot enough."

Wang Biao showed a bright smile and said: "Then let me boil some hot water for you. You can soak it first. I will add the hot water to you later."

He came directly in, found a basin, heated up a basin of hot water for Lu Yanhe, and then poured it into his foot-washing bucket.

 It’s finally warm now.

Lu Yanhe sighed with satisfaction.


 There is a saying that the filming conditions for the movie "Path of Glory" were the worst that Lu Yanhe has ever experienced.

 Hot water is only one aspect, there are other aspects as well.

Lu Yanhe was half asleep at night when he suddenly heard a strong wind blowing outside, and the howling sound was like the whine of a monster, which gave off a disturbing meaning.

Lu Yanhe was not afraid, but he felt a little nervous in this remote hotel at the foot of the mountain.

It just so happens that the heating in this room doesn't work very well. My feet can't be warmed even though I'm wrapped in a quilt.

 When he got up the next day, Lu Yanhe had some dark circles under his eyes and had not slept well.

Shang Yongzhou looked the same.

 Breakfast is given to them by the hotel owner.

There are no conditions here, that is, one bowl of noodles per person, no toppings, plain, and one egg per person.

 Lu Yanhe is really hungry. I guess it's because when the weather gets cold, calories are consumed faster and I get hungry faster. Lu Yanhe finished one bowl and even wanted another bowl.

However, he shouldn’t eat anymore.

 When filming, you must pay special attention to the control of your body shape. On the big screen, a pound more or less may be obvious.

Wang Biao prepared two large thermos pots for him and said: "One pot is filled with chicken soup. I asked the kitchen to stew it specially. Brother Lu, if you are hungry, you can drink some. The other pot is filled with warm water."

Lu Yanhe was once again shocked by Wang Biao's preparation.

Wang Biao said: "Brother Lu, don't be too moved. These are all prepared for you according to the requirements of Sister Ziyan and Sister Siqi."

 He had a bright smile on his face.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Okay, thank you very much."

Wang Biao said proudly: "I should do everything."

 After breakfast, get ready to go up the mountain.

Of course there is no makeup team here, there is just one makeup artist who is responsible for the makeup of all the actors.

 The main reason is that basically everyone in this movie appears in the "original style", which is commonly known as appearing without makeup.

 But compared with pure makeup, there is still a bit of a gap.

 Because it is necessary for both of them to deal with it more "everyday life".

The two of them have very good images because they usually take special care and their skin condition is also very good. Even without makeup, they still don't feel "lifelike" after being photographed, so they will ask makeup artists to deal with them properly. A little rough, oily or even dull.

  Fu Kai's request for both of them was OK with them.

 In fact, basically any normal actor will accept such a request as long as they don’t deliberately act ugly.


 It takes more than an hour to go up the mountain.

 Lu Yanhe was riding in his own nanny car. After getting in the car, he put on his headphones and listened to music.

  What I listened to was the performance of the latest issue of "Idol Era".

He has always felt that his talent in music is not very good, so he has never dared to be a music copywriter - because he really doesn't remember many songs, and it is easy to use them up, such as now, when needed. Take out one occasionally.

Despite this, he still likes to listen to music.


“In this issue of "Idol Era", the feedback on your stage is not very good. Some people say that your stage is becoming more and more perfunctory."

Zhou Pingan frowned and looked at Li Zhibai, who was sitting lazily on the sofa, as if he hadn't woken up, and was still rubbing his eyes with one hand.

Li Zhi gave a hum.

“Are you too tired recently?” Zhou Pingan asked.

“Don’t you know best whether I am tired or not?” Li Zhibai said, “Another live broadcast was arranged for me last night. This month I have already gone to two live broadcast rooms to bring goods to people.”

"These are the brands you endorse, as agreed in the contract." Zhou Pingan was a little helpless, "If you are too tired, you can ask for leave from "Idol Era" and take two temporary breaks."

Li Zhibai said: "The end of the year is the most critical time for voting. Do you want me to take a two-term break to make way for Ma Zhiyuan?"

Zhou Ping'an's face froze.

 “Why are you still targeting him like this? He is completely different from you.”

"Who knows, since I can act, can't he also act?" Li Zhibai said, "Anyway, these dramas we perform don't require any acting skills. No matter how exaggerated the performance is, fans will pay for it, and we can run some topics and do a little more Marketing is not another Li Zhibai.”

Zhou Ping'an's expression paused.

 He knew why Li Zhibai was acting like he was dying to him again today.

 I finally got better some time ago, but today I don’t want to see him at all anymore.

 It turned out that someone had communicated with him again.

These words were said by Zhou Ping'an at the company's high-level meeting two days ago. When talking about Ma Zhiyuan's future development and positioning, he mentioned these remarks.

Zhou Ping'an cursed in his heart, who was the talkative woman who spread these words to Li Zhibai's ears.

"Zhi Bai, there's no need for us to be so entangled in this matter. That's just me using you as an example at the company meeting to tell them that Ma Zhiyuan can take this path in the future and doesn't have to be an idol all the time." Zhou Ping'an Sighing, "You don't want to see Ma Zhiyuan, I know that, but I have never delayed your work because of his affairs. Are you still dissatisfied?"

"Let me ask you, a drama called "Winter Inn" came to me before, but you turned it down because I couldn't match the schedule, right?" Li Zhibai asked with a straight face.

Zhou Ping'an's heart pounded again and he said: "It seems that there is such a drama, and you really can't match the schedule. You have to act in other dramas later. Liu Bige's new movie has been signed, and you have to film it later This movie, isn’t it?”

"If I remember correctly, Yan He recommended me to him for the new movie directed by Liu Bige in December, so he came to find it, right? You recommended "Winter Inn" to me in November." Li Zhi Bai Leng looked at Zhou Pingan, "I have endured many things in the past, but you just rejected this drama, and then you recommended Ma Zhiyuan to act in this drama. What do you mean?"

Zhou Ping'an really didn't know what to say at this moment.

 He did not expect that Li Zhibai even knew about this matter.

“Do you really want me to change my agent?” Li Zhibai asked, “I’m not kidding you.”

 Li Zhibai has actually said this many times.

 But nothing made Zhou Pingan feel that Li Zhibai was serious than this time.

Zhou Ping'an also knew that this matter was very unethical.

"Zhi Bai, the reason why this drama was rejected is because it is just a romantic drama, and the heroine is Mengli." Zhou Pingan said, "It is not suitable for you at all, I will definitely reject it."

"Then why did you give it to Ma Zhiyuan?" Li Zhibai said, "I have told you a long time ago that if you look for my resources, even if they are wasted, you are not allowed to give them to Ma Zhiyuan. I am not even willing to share garbage with him. , I told you a long time ago.”

Zhou Pingan took a deep breath.

 “He is also my artist, Zhi Bai, don’t act like a child.”

"You think I'm being childish, don't you?" Li Zhibai looked at him with a cold face and nodded, "Okay, I understand, I have nothing to say to you anymore, you can leave."

Zhou Ping'an: "Treat hundreds of people, you—"

 “I don’t want to tell you anymore, please go.” Li Zhi waved his hand in disinterest.

 The more he behaves like this, the more unsure Zhou Ping'an feels.

If Li Zhibai got angry with him or threw things at him, Zhou Ping'an wouldn't be so guilty or even panicked.

Zhou Ping'an knows best how violent Li Zhibai's character is.

 A person with such a character just lets you go coldly.

Zhou Pingan knew very well that Li Zhibai was really **** off.

 “Treat a hundred people, I will never do it next time.” Zhou Pingan said immediately.

Li Zhibai glanced at the time and said: "The press conference for the second season of "Six People" will start soon. Don't you go and see Yan Liang's performance?"

Zhou Pingan suddenly felt uneasy.

“If you don’t want to leave, then I’ll go find Yan Liang.” Li Zhibai stood up and left without looking back.


"The second season of "Six People" starts airing today." Shang Yongzhou said to Lu Yanhe when he saw the message pushed on his mobile phone.

 The two of them are taking a rest now, sitting in the car and chatting.

Lu Yanhe was quite surprised and asked, "Really? I don't know."

 Shang Yongzhou said: "We are holding a press conference for the second quarter."

Lu Yanhe came over and took a look with Shang Yongzhou.

 The director of the second season of "Six People" is still Bai Jingnian.

 Except for Lu Yanhe being replaced by Chen Ziliang, it is all the original cast of the first season.

At such a press conference, a reporter asked: "Without Lu Yanhe participating in the second season, will you worry that the ratings of the second season will not be as good as the first season?"

"We have confidence in our drama." Bai Jingnian said, "Yan He has always said that "Six" is a success of collective creation, and everyone in our second season has not slacked off. I hope that the series "Six" can be Becoming a truly evergreen series.”

“The first season was filmed and aired at the same time. This season will be aired after the filming is completed. There are eight more episodes than the first season, with a total of sixteen episodes. Is it still aired weekly?”

“Yes, this season it will be from 9pm to 9:30pm every Friday and Saturday, please come and support us.”


Shang Yongzhou said: "Actually, the first season was so successful, but you quit directly. I think it is quite a pity. The first season was so successful. In fact, everyone knew that it had a lot to do with you. At that time , except for you, there is no second attraction in this drama. All the promotion models are created by you and your girlfriend, and they are almost copying your formula now. "

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "It's okay. I have a very good relationship with the creative team of the first season. I also hope that they can continue this series. This is a very good sitcom and can discuss a lot of things in it. topic."

Shang Yongzhou nodded, "You do have enough confidence in yourself. I believe you will definitely be able to have more popular works than "Six People" in the future, right? Because you have to know that "Six People" can bring actors very difficult to obtain. One thing is nationality, which is something that 99% of movie actors cannot get.”

 There must not be as many people watching movies as watching TV series.

 in the country, this is a reality.

Lu Yanhe also understands.

"It's okay, senior brother." Lu Yanhe smiled, "As you said, I have great confidence in myself, and I will be able to produce sitcoms that are not inferior to me in the future."

"Is it the "Wulin Gaiden" you exposed before?"

 “Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 “You won’t act in that play.” Shang Yongzhou said.

 Lu Yanhe: “But I am a screenwriter, it’s the same.”

 Shang Yongzhou wants to say that actors and screenwriters are different.

 The screenwriter is still behind the scenes.

 The first thing the audience remembers is always the actor whose face they can see.

 But seeing the relaxed and indifferent look on Lu Yanhe's face, he did not say such words.

 Shang Yongzhou didn’t understand Lu Yanhe’s self-confidence, and Lu Yanhe also knew that Shang Yongzhou didn’t understand it.

 But he knew what he was doing.

He does not lack nationality. In the past three years, the most important thing he has lacked is nationality.

 So, whether he appears on camera or not, it has little impact on him. The key is that he is portraying the image of a "creator", even the image of a "creator". He is not the brush in the hand of a painter, nor the fingers of a pianist. He is the creator. This is what he wants to express.

 Becoming an actor is not his ultimate pursuit.


“Yan Liang, Yan He did not participate in the second season, and it was replaced by Chen Ziliang to star in this drama with you. After this cooperation, can you share with us how you feel about working with Chen Ziliang?”

 A reporter asked.

Upon hearing this, Yan Liang felt that this reporter was deliberately looking for trouble.

 To stir up trouble.

Yan Liang turned around and looked at Chen Ziliang.

 The latter looked at him with a somewhat complicated expression.

 Because Yan Liang was not very friendly to Chen Ziliang in the crew.

Yan Liang frowned slightly, then withdrew his gaze and said: "As for our cooperation, in fact, everyone can just watch the drama. Talking too much at this time will affect the audience's mood while watching the drama."

Wen Minglan also immediately stood up to smooth things over, adding: "Don't let us judge each other as actors. In this season's content, our relationship has changed a lot. Don't let the real relationship between us actors affect us." The audience’s understanding of the relationship between the characters in the play.”

At this time, the reporter who just asked the question said: "We heard that Chen Ziliang, as a new actor in the second season, was excluded by your cast members in the first season. Is there such a thing?"

As soon as this question was asked, the whole audience was in an uproar and looked at them in astonishment.

Yan Liang was also a little shocked at this moment and felt at a loss. Before the press conference, they had prepared many questions that reporters might ask, but they never expected that reporters would make a fuss about Chen Ziliang's relationship with them.

Others are also at a loss.

None of them have experience answering such questions, and the most important thing is that they really didn't get along with Chen Ziliang on the set, and their relationship was somewhat tense.

Yan Liang couldn't help but start to think about how Lu Yanhe would solve this problem if he were here.

 “I think this question is ridiculous.” Suddenly, an unexpected voice sounded.

Yan Liang was startled and turned around to look.

 The person who spoke was Zhan Yun, who plays Li Lili.

 Her character itself is a bit impulsive.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Yan Liang was subconsciously worried that she said the wrong thing.

 But Zhan Yun went on immediately.

"Chen Ziliang debuted many years before us, and he is a big star. When will it be our turn to squeeze him out?" Zhan Yun looked at the reporter who asked the question with dissatisfaction, "Why do you think so? What's the matter? Did it make you feel this way?"

 The reporter sneered and said, "I've heard that too."

"Who did you listen to? Who is so ignorant?" Zhan Yun said aggressively, "Is this rumor meant to make us guilty of bullying Chen Ziliang? How can a star of Chen Ziliang's level be such a newcomer like us? Can you be bullied? Don't be too funny, please? Please stop asking such funny questions, it will look very disrespectful."

Zhan Yun made such an angry accusation, which solidified the atmosphere at the scene.

Wen Minglan and Bai Jin sat next to Zhan Yun, one on the left and the other on the right. Wen Minglan went to hold Zhan Yun's right hand, while Bai Jin looked at Zhan Yun with concern.

 Among the three girls, only Zhan Yun usually has the kind of character that dares to say anything.

Her words were so sharp that even Yan Liang and her friends sitting next to her found it harsh, not to mention the media.

 The media was like a pot going crazy, talking about it one after another.


 The fact that the second season of "Party of Six" became a hit before it was aired has long been expected. After all, it is a hit first, so the sequel will definitely attract attention.

 However, to be noticed by everyone and get out of the circle in this way is something no one expected or wanted to see.

Zhan Yun’s speech made the media reporters a little unhappy.

 However, the reporter’s question also made many fans of the drama and actors unhappy.

 Isn’t this just deliberately looking for trouble?

Honestly, he asked them if they were at odds with Chen Ziliang.

Which normal media would ask this kind of question at the press conference of a new drama.

Both sides insist on their own opinions, and the end result is a group of curses.

After Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou finished filming, on the way down the mountain, Shang Yongzhou’s driver went down early to help him buy shoes and socks. They were filming in the ice and snow, and one pair after another got wet. The last pair of shoes was also killed today. The ones before have not been dried yet.

Shang Yongzhou took Lu Yanhe’s car down the mountain.

Shang Yongzhou sighed, his face twitching, "My feet are almost numb from the cold."

Lu Yanhe said: "Brother, why don't you take off your shoes and socks and cover them with your clothes, otherwise it will take more than an hour to go back and you will definitely catch a cold."

The heater is on in the car, and I don’t feel cold even after taking off my clothes.

Shang Yongzhou thought it made sense, so he did it.

 Lu Yanhe immediately took out his mobile phone and took a photo.

“This scene is worth taking a photo to commemorate. Tsk tsk, the great actor is wrapping his feet in clothes in embarrassment.”

 Shang Yongzhou: “…”

 Then, the two people saw the news about the second season of "Six" on their mobile phones.

Shang Yongzhou asked curiously: "Why does this reporter look so ill-intentioned? He came prepared."

 Lu Yanhe said: “It feels like it.”

“Furthermore, asking this kind of question at a press conference would be punishable,” Shang Yongzhou said.

Lu Yanhe: "Actually, Zhan Yun is right. They only became popular last year. Chen Ziliang has been popular for many years. How could they be able to stick together and exclude them? Moreover, with Chen Ziliang's character, everyone can get along with him." It’s not a good relationship.”

Shang Yongzhou asked: "Have you ever had any issues with Chen Ziliang?"

Lu Yanhe did not hide it and nodded directly.

"When I participated in the "Little Songs Gathering" before, I was ridiculed by him." Lu Yanhe shrugged, "I had several unpleasant encounters later on, so I didn't deal with it very much."

 “Then why did he join the second season?” Shang Yongzhou was surprised, and when he realized what he was doing, he sighed, “What Beijing and Taiwan did is really unethical.”

Lu Yanhe: "It's such a big TV station, why does it have to take care of our trivial matters? If you want to use Chen Ziliang, just use it. Anyway, I won't participate in the second season. If I participate in the second season, maybe I won't be happy. Beijing and Taiwan I will listen and weigh it, but I won’t participate again.”

"That's true." Shang Yongzhou said, "Actually, this kind of thing is the most irritating. I have encountered this kind of thing before. I made a movie and it was very successful, but the producer wanted to develop When it came to the sequel, my schedule was inconsistent and I couldn't participate in it. In the end, I found a rival of mine to play, which made me so angry that I never cooperated with that film company again. "

 “How about the sequel?”

"The sales are not bad, just because the sales are not bad, I am even more angry." Shang Yongzhou said it with an annoyed look on his face, and he looked really angry.

Lu Yanhe understood Shang Yongzhou’s anger very well.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe and Shang Yongzhou seemed to have finally found some topics to talk about together because of similar experiences.

Shang Yongzhou said: "So you just said that you sincerely hope that the second season will be good. Even Chen Ziliang has played the role, and you still hope that it will be good?"

“Well, I hope, but I hope that Chen Ziliang’s character will be scolded and his performance will not be popular.” Lu Yanhe said sincerely.

 Shang Yongzhou burst into laughter.


Lu Yanhe chatted with Yan Liang privately on his mobile phone and asked how the situation was.

 The media conference must have made Beijing and Taiwan very unhappy if something like this happened.

 It is quite a scandal after all.

  When a new drama is launched, it is a high-profile drama. No one wants some negative events to affect its broadcast at this time.

Yan Liang said: Zhan Yun was criticized by people in Beijing and Taiwan, and now Bai Jingnian is still doing explanation work with others.

Lu Yanhe also thought that Zhan Yun’s speech would definitely be criticized by Beijing and Taiwan.

 After all, her words caused dissatisfaction with most of the media.

 This will lead to a negative impact on the media's evaluation of the second season of "Six".

Yan Liang added: However, Chen Ziliang was scolded even more severely. Lu Yanhe was stunned and asked: What's going on? Why was he scolded? I don’t think he said anything at the press conference.

Yan Liang said: This reporter was arranged by him, and the so-called discord and exclusion were all rumors spread by his team, and he was deliberately trying to make things worse.

 Lu Yanhe was surprised when he heard what Yan Liang said, and felt inexplicably ridiculous because of it.

Chen Ziliang's doing this kind of thing is both unexpected and reasonable. He is a person who does this kind of thing.

 Lu Yanhe: This person is really amazing.

 Yan Liang: Jingtai warned him and his team not to make any unnecessary moves, otherwise he will be dealt with directly.

Lu Yanhe: This can be regarded as Beijing and Taiwan shooting themselves in the foot.

Yan Liang: Who asked them to cast such a scourge as Chen Ziliang in the second season? He deserves it. I really hope he won’t be there in the third season.

He does not mean that.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized that it was true that he could actually find a way to prevent Chen Ziliang from participating in the third season and quit directly after the second season.


This evening, the second season of "Six People" starts, and it is still broadcast exclusively on the TV station.

  The ratings exceeded 2 when it first aired.

This number made the director of Jingtang, who had been nervous, breathe a sigh of relief.

Although they have been saying that a drama cannot be supported by one actor, they are still worried that the audience will not buy it if Lu Yanhe leaves "Six People".

Then the real-time ratings have now exceeded 2, which shows that the audience still wants to watch it.

 This is perfectly normal. In a sequel to a hit movie, even if one of the leading actors quits, won't there still be other leading actors?

Moreover, there is also a popular star Chen Ziliang joining the cast, who also has a large number of fans.

  Everyone in Beijing and Taiwan was beaming with joy and smiling.

However, the happy moment did not last long. Since its launch, the ratings of this drama have been falling, although the decline is not large.

 It dropped bit by bit. By the time the first episode was about to be aired, the real-time ratings only remained at 1.2.

 This number is of course a precarious number for "Six People" and can only be said to be just qualified.

 Inside Beijing TV, the senior management who had just been delighted with the 2% real-time ratings at the launch were stunned and immediately asked, what on earth is going on? Why do ratings continue to drop? It dropped by almost a point! -

 The ratings of the second season of "Six People" are not only concerned by Beijing and Taiwan.

 The entire industry is paying attention to the ratings of this TV series. Everyone wants to know whether this drama can once again create brilliant ratings.

If the ratings of the second season of "Six" can still replicate the success of the first season, it means that this low-cost sitcom and weekly broadcast model can be replicated.

Beijing and Taiwan are not the only traditional TV stations. Of course, other TV stations also want to copy this success. In particular, this proves that domestic series can also be produced through seasonal broadcasts. The revenue of one big drama is enough to catch up with half of the country - this has been proven long ago.

That evergreen series means that there is no need to worry about the next two to three years.

 This is the reason why "Six People" has received so much attention in the industry.

 It is a benchmark.

 However, the ratings of the first episode of the second season started high but then declined. Although the average ratings of the final episode still reached 1.54%, which is considered a good start, the trend is not optimistic.

 And the evaluation of this drama has also been somewhat affected.

—It can be seen that the creative team has tried their best to maintain the flavor of the first season, but after changing the screenwriter, another rat **** who can't act came in, making the show not as natural as the first season. Well, if the first season was very fresh, short, fast, and not sloppy at all, the rhythm of this season is more or less delayed.

—Yes, I also think that the second season is not very good to watch, at least not as good as the first season. The atmosphere of the first season from strange to familiar, the feeling of making jokes between friends, this season has changed. . Why did Chen Ziliang join this drama? He is really not suitable for this drama at all. He is so abrupt in this drama that he seems to be on the wrong set.

—Yes, I can still keep reading the passages where Chen Ziliang is not present. But when Chen Ziliang appears, I feel disgusted.


These comments are so fierce that the word "ugly" has become a hot search topic.

 Going through such a hot search term, almost all of it is related to the second season of "Six", and you can see how big everyone's opinions are.

 However, such opinions were actually within the expectations of Beijing and Taiwan.

Any sequel to a film or television drama will be disliked by people because Zhuyu comes first.

The key still lies in whether the ratings can be stable in tomorrow's second episode. If they can be stable, then there won't be a big problem.

 If the ratings continue to drop, there may be a problem.

 The problem is big.

 The production cost of the second season of "Six" was more than doubled.

The salaries of these actors have increased several times, not to mention the additional funding for other productions.

Of course, there are still a lot of advertisements.

There are three product placements alone. Not to mention the theater-named ones.

 Beijing and Taiwan are not willing to collapse the second season of "Six People" now.

Therefore, after the first episode was broadcast, many viewers expressed difficulty in accepting that Chen Ziliang appeared in the second season instead of Lu Yanhe. Beijing and Taiwan were also embarrassed to see these voices. I clearly know that the appearance of a new character will definitely be disliked, but at this moment I still can't help but think about one thing, is Chen Ziliang too bad, that's why he is scolded so much? -

What should I say about Chen Ziliang's situation this time? In fact, many people know that he was waiting to be scolded for the second season, just to see how long he could last.

 Because once the audience builds familiarity with Chen Ziliang and begins to accept his existence, he will begin to enjoy the benefits brought to him by this hit film.

 However, his persistence comes at a price. For example, in the early stage, you will face overwhelming doubts, which will also affect others. Maybe he couldn't even hold on until the dawn came, and he was scolded to the point of being unable to stand up.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Ziliang wants to overtake him in a corner and create an image of himself being marginalized in the crew because he is a newcomer, so as to gain the sympathy and hatred of the audience.

 This is a way to overtake on a curve.

 The audience can accept him as quickly as possible instead of examining him as a newcomer.

However, things turned over helplessly.

This matter did not go as smoothly as he thought. He revealed at the media conference that the other actors in the crew had united to exclude him and target him. Instead, Zhan Yun pushed back.

Chen Ziliang almost couldn't hold back and asked Zhan Yun on the spot, didn't you deliberately exclude me, alienate me, and pretend I didn't exist?

Chen Ziliang is not a fool. No matter how he is treated by everyone on the set, he certainly has some concerns in his heart.

 It’s just that he himself knows why everyone is so alienated from him.

 He did not hide the fact that he wanted to add drama to himself. This is the core reason, and Chen Ziliang knows it in his heart. Of course he wouldn't say anything like this.

 He just found an advantageous aspect of this matter and wanted to use it to his advantage.


 Chen Ziliang's situation became very embarrassing.

 Because the ratings of the first episode were high and low, he was the one who got scolded the most after the premiere.

Those two things are connected together, and he is the one who caused the ratings to go up and down.

 On Saturday, Chen Ziliang still went with everyone to promote.

 This has been arranged long ago.

 For the second season of "Six People", Beijing and Taiwan arranged very intensive promotional activities for them, just to carry the sedan chair for this drama.

 Chen Ziliang gathered with everyone backstage.

As soon as he appeared, the atmosphere that had been filled with laughter just now solidified instantly.

 No one told a joke anymore.

Seeing this situation, Chen Ziliang snorted coldly, sat down in his seat, put on his headphones, and didn't bother to say hello to them. He took out his mobile phone and browsed various messages on the Internet as if no one else was watching.

 Others also took out their mobile phones.

 Fortunately, this is an era in which tools are very developed and convenient, so even if a very annoying person is present, you don’t have to be unable to say a word just because of his presence.

 If you can’t say it with your mouth, you can say it in the group using your mobile phone.

  Zhan Yun: I am really annoyed by this person. Why do we still let this person participate in our publicity activities today? So many people are scolding him and don't want to see him. Didn't Jingtai see it?

Pak Jin said: Bear with it, no matter what, he is also one of the leading actors in the second season, and his reputation and popularity are higher than ours. Beijing and Taiwan also hope to use his popularity and influence.

Zhan Yun: If he really had that ability, why would he come to act in our drama? He could just take on a drama with a male protagonist and let the whole crew revolve around him. There would be no need for him to be "ostracized" by us. ".

  Zhan Yun: How disgusting, how could this man say such a thing?

Wen Minglan: We really don’t pay much attention to him.

  Zhan Yun: Is it ostracizing him to ignore him? Damn it, can you please be reasonable? Why doesn't he reflect on why he is ignored by us? When the reporter asked the question yesterday, I almost couldn't hold it back.

Wen Minglan: Fortunately, you held back, otherwise the news of our quarrel with him would have been spread on the stage, which would have a great impact on our subsequent scenes. After all, in the play, we all gradually became friends.

Zhan Yun: I really don’t want to act with this person anymore. He actually did something disgusting like asking reporters to hype it up.

Yin Xincheng: We are both big stars. The feeling of filming with Yan He at that time was really different. Alas, I actually quite understand Xiaoyun's mood. I also hate pretending to be friends with him in front of the camera so cowardly.

Yan Liang: No matter what, just endure everything until the second season is finished. The whole world is not as big as our drama. Even Yan He here will say this.

Yin Xincheng also said: Yes, if Yan He were here, he would definitely say the same thing.


Lu Yanhe stood in the howling cold wind and sneezed three times in a row.

Fu Kai heard Lu Yanhe's sneezing and asked quickly: "Is it because of the cold wind?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded, "A little bit."

At this time, Wang Biao came over carrying a big kettle.

“Brother Lu, do you want a drink to get rid of the cold?”

Wang Biao's big pot today is not only chicken soup, but also **** stewed chicken, which has a spicy **** flavor.

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

So Wang Biao poured a cup of chicken soup and handed it to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe drank it in one gulp, which warmed his throat and made him feel particularly comfortable.

 “Comfortable.” Lu Yanhe felt that his internal organs were soothed.

Seeing this, Fu Kai said: "You are a very reliable assistant. Can you give me a drink too?"

Wang Biao immediately looked at Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile and said, "Pour a glass for the director, and we'll get more later."

 Actually, when most film crews go to places with difficult conditions like this to film, they will always have a chef or nutritionist on staff.

But again, "Path of Glory" is a small-budget art film, and we don't have the budget to do this.

  The meals that the crew eats every day are ordered locally by Lifestyle Production.

 Sometimes the hotel makes it, sometimes the restaurant prepares it and sends it over, and sometimes it’s just a local person.

Wang Biao’s approach was destined to serve Lu Yanhe alone.

First of all, it is difficult to buy a chicken every day. Chickens are not available in every place. When you can buy them, buy a few more, cut them up, and put them in a plastic bag. Fortunately, this is a natural refrigerator in the ice and snow. , not afraid of bad things.

  Secondly, it’s not enough to have raw materials such as chicken, and you have to stew it every day.

Originally, Wang Biao had to cook in the hotel kitchen, but later he simply bought a casserole and took it with him. It was convenient to have a car anyway.

Every day wherever he goes or stews, some supplements will be put in them, just to supplement Lu Yanhe's nutrition.

 An assistant like Wang Biao made Fu Kai jealous.

It’s not that Lu Yanhe is the only one with an assistant, but that Lu Yanhe’s assistant is extremely reliable, has great plans for Lu Yanhe, and takes good care of him.

Lu Yanhe was on the crew filming the drama "Path of Glory", which was actually quite strange.

Because he has never filmed a scene like this on the road. He has to change places to film every now and then. He is always on the road and lives in different places. He cannot get used to it as time goes by and he always has to face new changes in the environment. .

Lu Yanhe cannot feel familiar with the shooting environment, as every day is something new.

 He also slowly got into the character of Jiang Ying.

If he was asked to make an evaluation of Jiang Ying, he would say that Jiang Ying is a typical person with a "knife face and a tofu heart".

He has very common problems among adolescent boys, such as being easily irritated, having a bad temper that explodes at a moment's notice, and not recognizing any of his relatives when he is acting stupid.

 However, he has one of the greatest advantages, which is also his greatest background, that is, he has empathy and is kind-hearted.

 So, these two sides constitute his awkwardness and also his cuteness.

One of Lu Yanhe’s biggest challenges in playing the character is that he doesn’t quite know what it’s like to be a fool, and he’s even less able to get into a state where he deliberately wants to argue with you and just ignores you.

 Because it has no logic and cannot figure out the logic.

 If you want to interpret this character according to logic, you will make a mistake from the beginning.

 So, Lu Yanhe often called Li Zhibai and Li Pengfei in the past two days.

 Because the two people around him are closest to the external state of this character.

"Why do you dare to say anything? Why don't I dare? What's there to be afraid of?" That's what Li Zhibai said, "In the worst case, I won't be an artist anymore. I won't swallow my anger just because I am an artist. , so I changed myself, it’s not necessary.”

Lu Yanhe said: "So you have never had anything to worry about since you were a child?"

"It was really rare before. No matter what I do, I know that my family will support me." Li Zhibai said, "Now I have restrained myself a little. I know that some things are not that simple to deal with. Don’t cause them any more trouble.”

“Your parents will be very touched when they hear this, right?” Lu Yanhe asked with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true. They really don't care that much about my affairs. As long as I don't make trouble, no one will care about me." Li Zhibai chuckled, "Actually, when I was a kid, I would deliberately do things to get them to pay attention to me. Go stir up some trouble."


"Or I deliberately didn't speak when they were around, just to let them ask me what happened." Li Zhibai sighed as he spoke, "I would have forgotten it even if you didn't ask me. I really want their attention.”

Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered that one time Li Zhibai went home specially for his birthday, but no one in the family remembered that it was his birthday, and they even taught him a lesson about some things he did during that time, which made him so angry that he stayed up all night Back to their rental house.

From this point of view, Lu Yanhe suddenly understood why Li Zhibai, a second-generation rich man and popular idol who looked as handsome as a 250-year-old, had disliked him and Yan Liang, his two roommates, but at the same time never left him.

 At this moment, Lu Yanhe suddenly had a deeper understanding of the character Jiang Ying.

 So, does he essentially feel lonely?

 An almost instinctive loneliness and resentment at being unable to integrate with the world gave him a hedgehog-like appearance.

Lu Yanhe was sitting in the nanny's car, thinking about the character's status alone, in a daze.

 Suddenly, there was a commotion outside.

 Someone was shouting something.

Lu Yanhe came to his senses and immediately opened the car door.

 A gust of cold wind rushed in instantly.

 The shouts were louder and harsher.

 “Quick, work harder!”

 Lu Yanhe saw several people squatting or lying on the edge of the pond in front.

He quickly ran over and found that Fu Kai had somehow fallen into the pond. His lower body was still splashing in the water, but his hands had been grabbed by someone.

In the winter, everyone wears down jackets. When soaked in water, people feel as heavy as if they were filled with lead.

People are difficult to pull.

 So, Lu Yanhe also rushed to help and pulled him up together, but he really couldn't use the strength.

Zou Dong followed. Seeing this, he pushed the two people aside and stretched out an arm, "Director, hold my hand."

Fu Kai's face turned pale from the cold. Hearing this, he grabbed the hand that was holding him steady on the bank without hesitation. He grabbed the arm Zou Dong handed over to him with trust and hugged him directly.

Zou Dong shouted: "Everyone else should let go first."

Zou Dong is mainly tall and strong, and his strong figure makes people feel safe and convincing.

 Everyone did as he said and gave up.

 “Two more people, put their arms around the director’s waist.”

Under Zou Dong's arrangement, in less than five seconds, Fu Kai was pulled out of the pond like a radish by Zou Dong's exertion.

"Quick, quick, quick, don't be stunned yet, come with me to change clothes!" The life producer was busy, and asked Fu Kai, who was sitting on the ground as if he had lost all strength, to get up and follow him.

Fu Kai was trembling all over.

Lu Yanhe felt cold just looking at him.

 He turned around and called Wang Biao and asked him to bring over the large pot of chicken soup.

Hunting, grunting, pouring a full cup first.


Lu Yanhe brought the cup to Fu Kai's mouth.

Fu Kai took a sip of the cow drink and finally let out a groan.

 “Holy shit—”

The eldest sister of the life producer smiled and scolded: "Don't worry about me now, hurry up and change clothes with me! Otherwise, you can go to the hospital to get an injection, and the crew can stop working."

 I don’t know if it was the last sentence that stimulated Fu Kai.

He suddenly came to his senses, stood up tremblingly, and followed his eldest sister.

Lu Yanhe had time to listen to everyone explain what happened just now.

After a long time of work, Fu Kai went to the edge of the pond to smoke, and accidentally slipped in.

 Fortunately, there was someone watching nearby, otherwise, Fu Kai couldn't swim, and something might have happened to him in this nearly three-meter-deep pond.

 “Where is my senior brother?” Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered.

 There was such a big commotion, but why didn’t Shang Yongzhou show up?

 When everyone heard Lu Yanhe's question, they remembered that Shang Yongzhou was nowhere to be seen.

 He quickly turned around and started looking for it.

 Someone found him behind a house more than 20 meters away.

 He looked at a window on the wall with a pale face.

They called his name, but he didn't seem to hear them.

 Then, they came closer and followed Shang Yongzhou's gaze, and their hearts felt at the same time.

  A figure was hanging behind the window, inside the house in front of them.

 “Ah—” Someone’s scalp was almost blown off and he screamed in terror.


 Two hours later, Shang Yongzhou was also wrapped in a furry blanket and sitting in the car. His face still looked very pale and his blood color had not improved.

Lu Yanhe looked through the car window and saw Shang Yong sitting in the back seat without anyone on Saturday, and understood his state at this moment.

 If it were him, it might not be much better.

 Lu Yanhe knocked on the window.

Shang Yongzhou trembled all over. He turned around and saw that the person outside the car was Lu Yanhe, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door.

Lu Yanhe got into the car with two cups of steaming coffee and handed one to Shang Yongzhou.

“Senior brother, let’s drink some coffee, even if it’s just instant coffee.”

 Shang Yongzhou held the paper cup in both hands, brought it to his mouth, and took a sip.

"The man you saw...the police conducted a preliminary investigation. I overheard them discussing in private that there was a high probability of committing suicide. About this man's situation, someone who lived next to him just came over to introduce it and said He was sick and couldn't afford to be cured, so he kept putting it off, saying that he might not be able to go on any longer, so he couldn't help but leave. "

Lu Yanhe told Shang Yongzhou the story he had heard.

 Shang Yongzhou nodded numbly.

 He took a deep breath and asked, "How is the director?"

“I’m telling everyone to pack their things. We can’t take pictures today because of the situation. Let’s call it a day.”

Shang Yongzhou softened his expression and nodded, "That's fine."

 Several things happened in succession today, which cast a shadow over the shooting.

 Fu Kai and Shang Yongzhou were no longer in the mood for filming.

 The same goes for Lu Yanhe.

It’s just that Lu Yanhe didn’t expect that this matter would become a hot search topic.

The crew of "Path of Glory" accidentally discovered a body on the set. (End of chapter)

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