Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 407: One hundred million yuan!

 At about the seventh or eighth kick, the door was finally kicked open.

 The door lock made a clanging sound and changed its shape.

Lu Yanhe was the first to rush in. He didn’t have to look for it very hard. Lu Yanhe immediately saw Professor Zhao Dezhong on the floor of the living room.

 He was lying on the ground with his eyes closed tightly. The scene looked very scary.


Lu Yanhe was particularly grateful at this moment that he took the driver's license test while filming "Road to Glory" and drove here with Chen Siqi today.

He and Zhao Dezhong’s neighbor’s 16-year-old son carried Professor Zhao Dezhong downstairs and rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

About ten minutes later, Chen Siqi and the neighbor’s eldest sister also rushed over.

The eldest sister said: "I have already called Professor Zhao's son and daughter. His son will be back soon, but because he works in Jinkou, I don't know when he will arrive."

Lu Yanhe was still breathing heavily.

"I just called my counselor. Professor Zhao is a teacher in our college. The college will take care of it and will arrange for someone to come over right away." He said to the neighbor's eldest sister, "Sorry to trouble you."

"Neighbors don't say such disrespectful things." The eldest sister said, "Professor Zhao also helps our family a lot. This brat's composition has been tutored by Professor Zhao countless times, and he can still write well. A complete mess."

The sixteen-year-old boy didn’t expect to be scolded by his mother at this time.

“It’s a blessing that you came today, otherwise he would have lived alone and no one would have known that he fell to the ground. Oh, what a blessing among misfortunes, God bless you.” said the neighbor’s eldest sister.

Lu Yanhe also felt lucky.

 It would be really unthinkable if they didn't come today.

"Well, Professor Zhao is the same. Living alone, his son and daughter are not worried. They have to hire a nanny to take care of his daily life. He insists that he is not old and has not retired, so he does not need to hire a nanny. Now, okay, a nanny No one knows if I have high blood pressure at home,” the neighbor’s sister muttered.

Chen Siqi asked: "Where is Professor Zhao and his wife?"

"His wife passed away a few years ago," said the neighbor's eldest sister. "The children are also very successful. One is a senior executive of a company in Jinkou, and the other is studying for a doctorate in the United States. Even though they are far away, they can't come back in case of emergency. "

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi realized what was going on.

This really makes people don’t know what to say. It sounds a bit sad.


 Soon, a vice president of the college and Chen Shiqiu came over together.

Although Zhao Dezhong is not the kind of teacher who is very popular among many students in the college, his academic status is very high and he is also a very important professor to the college.

I knew that Zhao Dezhong almost fainted at home without anyone noticing. Fortunately, he was caught up by Lu Yanhe. The vice president of the college patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "Yan He, I am really grateful to you today."

Lu Yanhe said: "We met by chance and made an appointment to meet with Professor Zhao."


 After the leaders of the college come over, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi no longer need to stay here.

They can't help much by staying here.

However, because they were worried about Professor Zhao’s situation, neither Lu Yanhe nor Chen Siqi mentioned leaving.

 They just waited with everyone.

 Wait until the rescue was over and Professor Zhao Dezhong was out of danger, then he breathed a sigh of relief and left with his neighbor's sister and others.

 It was already evening at this time.

To be precise, the setting sun has almost completely sunk into the ground, and the sky is almost dark, leaving only a little bit of white space, as if it is struggling not to be dragged away.

Lu Yanhe said to the neighbor’s eldest sister: “Let’s take you back first.”

“Oh, there’s no need to bother you so much. We’ll just take a bus and go back. There’s a bus right in front of the hospital.”

Lu Yanhe: "It's so cold that it's troublesome to wait for the bus. We just happened to have a car. It only takes ten minutes to take you back. It's not troublesome. Let's come together."

When the neighbor sister saw what Lu Yanhe said, she smiled gratefully and said, "Then I'll trouble you."

"No trouble."

 After what happened with Professor Zhao Dezhong, Lu Yanhe now feels a little tired for no reason.

 Not physically, but mentally.

 They sent the neighbor’s eldest sister and her son back first.

 When the neighbor's eldest sister and her son had already walked in, Lu Yanhe did not put down the handbrake, but sighed softly.

 Chen Siqi said: "Are you tired?"

 “A little bit.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

“How about we find a restaurant here, eat something first, and relax for a while. I have been nervous all afternoon, and now I feel relieved all of a sudden. I must be tired.” Chen Siqi said.

 Lu Yanhe said yes.

 Chen Siqi took out her mobile phone, searched for nearby restaurants, selected one, and said, "Let's go. There are restaurants about a hundred meters away. Let's have something to eat."

Lu Yanhe nodded and got out of the car with Chen Siqi.

As soon as he got off the car, Chen Siqi grabbed Lu Yanhe's hand without any explanation and put it into his pocket.

Lu Yanhe was stunned and looked at Chen Siqi in surprise.

Chen Siqi smiled at him and said, "You looked a bit handsome when you kicked the door today."

 Lu Yanhe suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Oh shit.

 When can we get rid of this habit of being shy when being praised? -

The news that Lu Yanhe rescued Professor Zhao Dezhong quickly spread in the college, and then spread to the school.

 It was originally during the winter vacation. Everyone was active online and few people were in school.

 After this incident came out, various group chats were discussing it.

 And this incident was quickly spread to the Internet. The news that Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi saved the school teacher was naturally reported by various media and became a very interesting news event.

Lu Yanhe was really worried that Professor Zhao Dezhong, who was in the hospital, would be disturbed in this heat.

He immediately sent a message to Chen Shiqiu, saying: Teacher Chen, I didn’t expect that this matter would also spread on the Internet. Teacher Zhao may want to take precautions against media interference.

Chen Shiqiu said: Okay, I will also communicate with the hospital and ask the security guards to pay more attention.

Lu Yanhe: Teacher Chen, is Teacher Zhao awake?

 Chen Shiqiu: Not yet. I am staying with you here. If you wake up, I will let you know.

Lu Yanhe: Okay, but, Teacher Chen, are you the only one guarding there?

Chen Shiqiu: Several teachers from our college have arranged a class. Another teacher will come to pick me up at ten o'clock in the evening. Teacher Zhao's son should also arrive around ten o'clock in the evening. I will tell him the basic situation. go back.

 Lu Yanhe: Yeah, thank you, Mr. Chen.

 Chen Shiqiu: You should also go to bed early.

 Lu Yanhe: Yeah.

 Putting down the phone, Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yanhe was quite emotional when he met Professor Zhao Dezhong today. He thought of his parents, his real parents. I don’t know what happened to his parents after he traveled to this world. Will they miss him? Will they be devastated because the white-haired man sent the black-haired man away? When they get old, will they be like Professor Zhao, sick and uncomfortable, but with no one to take care of them?

As he thought about it, Lu Yanhe's eyes turned red.

 Can’t help myself.

 “Dong dong!”

 There is a knock on the door.

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses and quickly collected his emotions.


 “Your father.” Li Zhibai shouted with a broken voice.

Lu Yanhe: “…Get in.”

Li Zhibai opened the door, entered the room, put one hand on the door, and asked, "Is your teacher okay?"

 “Out of danger.” Lu Yanhe stood up and sighed, “Fortunately, nothing caused a major incident.”

Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe's eyes carefully and said, "Damn it, Lu Yanhe, aren't you? Are you crying?"

 “You’re crying, you idiot.” Lu Yanhe pushed away Li Zhibai who was blocking the door, walked out, and poured himself a glass of water. “When will Yan Liang be back?”

"It has to be tomorrow. He is busier than the two of us now. The second season of "Six" is on the hot search every day. Either one is scolded or the other is scolded. Only their old actors are slightly better. I haven't been scolded, the popularity is gratifying, they are invited everywhere, they are as busy as trapeze artists." Li Zhibai clicked his tongue and looked at Lu Yanhe, "Tell me why you didn't arrange one for me in this drama before. Where’s the role?”

 “No money.” Lu Yanhe said bluntly, “Your salary cannot be afforded based on the price of the first season of this drama.”

 Li Zhibai said: "Uh."

“I didn’t invest in this drama, and you don’t need to reduce your salary for the drama in Beijing and Taiwan. They have taken advantage of it.”

"Same." Li Zhibai responded and nodded, "Yan Liang has already accepted the role of "The Gold Rush". We will both go out to film in March and April. Do you have any plans?"

Lu Yanhe said: "There was a movie that had been looking for me before. I was still hesitating whether to take it. I haven't thought about it. I have no other arrangements for the time being."

 Li Zhibai: "It's rare to see you free."

“There is no time for that.” Lu Yanhe said immediately, “I just haven’t acted myself, but I have been busy, including the play I said I would write for the three of us, which I plan to shoot next year.”

 “That’s still more than a year away.”

“Well, we need to get the script out this year and find the producer and investors.” Lu Yanhe said, “We can’t rush to find it then.”

 “Same.” Li Zhibai nodded.


 After Yan Liang came back, the three of them began to officially rehearse the program "Green Apple Paradise".

 Because there has already been a mature stage, they don’t have to prepare for too long this time. They just need to get back to the familiar feeling.

 On January 27th, the three of them went to the filming location of "A Man on the Road" together.

 They will guest star in the film together.

The scene where they cameo is the scene where Wang Baoqiang and several of his co-workers squatted together to discuss the IOU and how to get the money back.

That shot was also very funny in the original work.


 Since director Jiang Lu directed "The Road to Misfortune", he has met some stars he has never seen before every now and then.

 They all came to guest star in this movie.

 A road comedy movie with a "rural atmosphere" and "village atmosphere" has turned into a Lunar New Year lineup.

The brilliance of this cast makes Jiang Lu suspect that this movie will eventually become a movie that counts stars.

 When Lu Yanhe and the other three appeared, Jiang Lu became more and more convinced of this idea.

I have known for a long time that the three of them are going to guest star in this movie, but there are many people who agreed to guest star but ended up not coming due to various reasons.

 As for this scene... Jiang Lu originally thought that these idol-level stars would be unwilling to act.

 Because the image is really not good-looking and very vulgar.

  If it is said that this is sacrificing image for a very important role, then forget it.

 But unfortunately this is just a cameo scene.

Jiang Lu thought they would not agree.

 But after Lu Yanhe and the other three knew that each other was like this, they agreed without saying anything.

 After arriving at the scene, Lu Yanhe did not expect that the first person he saw would be Li Bi.

Li Bi was carrying a camera and said with a smile: "Boss, you didn't expect it, I'm here too."

 “What are you taking pictures of?”

"The behind-the-scenes shoot will be used to promote the movie when it is released." Li Bi said, "This series of yours is called, What you looked like before you came here and what you looked like after you came here. You will use your handsome and handsome pictures now to compare them later after you have changed your clothes and made clothes." Let’s compare the pictures after finishing the modeling.”

“…” Lu Yanhe was speechless for a moment, “Why do you waste so many ideas?”

 “It’s mainly because the boss teaches me well.” Li Bi said with a silly smile.

Lu Yanhe said speechlessly: "I have never taught you this kind of thing."

 “I’m not the only boss.” Li Bi still had a silly smile on his face.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were listening to their conversation, both laughing so much that they leaned forward and clapped their thighs.

 “Oh, you three are finally here!” Jia Long walked over wearing a suit.

 “Hello, Teacher Jia!” Li Zhibai greeted Yan Liang.

“Ahem, what kind of teacher are you? My name is Brother Long.” Jia Long greeted them warmly.

Director Jiang Lu said with a smile: "There are no scenes for Teacher Jia today. I knew you were coming, so I came here specifically."

Lu Yanhe hugged them and asked, "How was your filming? Did everything go well?"

"It went well. This kid Wang Dashan looks silly and bored, and he is really energetic when acting." Jiang Lu said, "Besides, Teacher Jia is here to take charge. If anything happens on the set, Teacher Jia will directly solve it." ”

Jia Long smiled and said, "Fuck you, you make me look like a mountain king."

After chatting for a while, they were about to do some styling.

Jialong pulled Lu Yanhe and walked aside.

Lu Yanhe looked at this posture and knew that Jia Long must have something to tell him.

 “What’s the matter, Brother Long?”

“I want to ask you something.” Jia Long said, “Wang Dashan, have you ever thought of signing into your own company?”

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Jia Long said: "I know you opened a company with your agent, but I don't know if you have signed artists. If you don't have this idea, I want to sign Dashan to me. This kid has acting talent. It’s not just an ordinary talent. It’s fate to film this scene with him. I want to take him with me.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "Brother Long, it's a good thing that you are willing to take him. I don't have the energy to be an artist manager yet, especially the company that I established with Sister Ziyan. It's really just a shell company. It's convenient. It’s for business, why do everyone think my company does everything?”

 Lu Yanhe was also helpless.

Jia Long smiled.

"You discovered this kid Dashan and you recommended him. I can't go past you and sign him directly." Jia Long said, "Since you don't have this idea, then I'll go talk to him about it. Well, this kid still doesn’t have an agency, so he only shoots movies by himself.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Jia Long's approach, even if he didn't do it, was totally fine, and Lu Yanhe couldn't say anything, but he took the initiative to greet Lu Yanhe first, which really made Lu Yanhe feel comfortable.

 As for bringing artists…

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and warned himself not to be too greedy for the time being.

 He is not busy with all the things he has to do now, so he is biting off more than he can chew.

 When it becomes bigger and stronger in the future, why worry about no artists being willing to come?


The three of them, Lu Yanhe, put on white hats and overalls, with cotton-padded jackets stuffed inside, making them look even more clumsy. As soon as they walked out, they looked at each other. They were stunned for two seconds, and then they all pointed at each other. laugh.

Not only were they dressed, each of them was put on makeup and had their hair styled, making their hair look less fashionable and energetic, and even a little greasy. Their faces also had uneven skin tone. , he doesn’t look like a star anymore.

The three of them all used very authentic makeup, unlike many celebrities who play this type of characters, whose makeup looks very perfunctory.

Li Bi’s camera has already arrived.

The three of them stood together, using the most earthy styles to pose in the most arrogant and cool poses.

Jia Long looked on and said with a smile: "Oh, this is a cameo scene, it is a big sacrifice."

Wang Dashan also appeared at some point and was standing next to Jia Long, looking very reserved.

 “Dashan!” Lu Yanhe greeted him happily when he saw him.

Wang Dashan showed a very reserved smile and shouted: "Lu...Boss Lu."

 Still like this.

Lu Yanhe sighed helplessly.

 “Call me Yan He, big brother!” Lu Yanhe sighed.

Li Zhibai slapped Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said seriously: "What are you talking about, boss! You are our boss, how can we call you by your name!"

Yan Liang quickly caught up with him, with a serious look on his face, nodded, and said, "That's right, boss, you are our sponsor father."

Lu Yanhe gave them both his middle fingers without politeness, and then introduced them to Wang Dashan.

 “Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are both my good friends.”

Wang Dashan looked at them with surprise and longing, his posture even more restrained, "Hello, I'm Wang Dashan."

 He stretched out his hand as if to shake their hands. Li Zhibai laughed. He stretched out his right hand, but instead of holding Wang Dashan's hand, he grabbed his wrist, pulled him towards him, and hugged him directly. His other hand was on his side. A pat on the back.

 “I am very optimistic about you.”

Wang Dashan looked at him flattered.

Yan Liang shook his head and said with emotion to Lu Yanhe: "Li Zhibai is a social gangster."

Lu Yanhe said: "We will never learn the skills of a ruthless gangster in our lifetime."


  It can only be said that it was very relaxing for a few of them to shoot this scene together.

Jiang Lu originally thought that the three of them would have idol baggage and would not be able to integrate into the overall style of the movie. Unexpectedly, the three of them stood and squatted in front of Wang Dashan, and the status of little people working hard at the bottom of society came out.

Li Zhibai found a toothpick from somewhere and picked it between his teeth.

Yan Liang squatted behind Wang Dashan and Li Zhibai, looking uneasy, confused and at a loss as to what to do.

Lu Yanhe clasped his hands together and breathed into his palms tremblingly.

Jiang Lu turned to Jia Long and said, "The three of them are really amazing."

Jia Long smiled, "Don't underestimate the three of them. The three of them have played roles that everyone likes in the past few years. No matter what the role is, if it is liked by everyone, it must have its ability. Moreover, the relationship between the three of them is It's great. To do this kind of drama together is like performing a stage play with friends, which makes them feel more relaxed than other times."

 That is indeed the case.

If one of them were to play a guest role like this, they would probably be a little embarrassed, thinking that such an action would be a bit unsightly and carry the baggage of an idol.

Now the three of them have a feeling of doing bad things together and sharing the shameful feeling. On the contrary, they are a little liberated in nature, and they can do whatever they want.

 When they performed the first version, Jiang Lu couldn't help but say it.

“Everyone, please stop acting, we are not doing a drama.”

Lu Yanhe and the three of them looked at each other and couldn't help bursting into laughter at the same time.

Wang Dashan looked at them blankly, not knowing what they were laughing at.

This shot took two hours to shoot, and it was finally finished.

Jia Long said: "Let's have a meal together? When will you leave?"

“Tomorrow, we thought we would be filming until night.” Lu Yanhe said, “Brother Long, what delicious food will you take us to eat?”

“There is a local restaurant here, it tastes really good.” Jia Long said.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 The filming of the movie is still going on here, and Director Jiang Lu and the others can only stay on the set and continue to eat box lunches.

Jialong took Lu Yanhe and the three of them to the place he mentioned for dinner.

 The three of them took off their makeup, changed back into their own clothes, and turned into young and handsome guys again.

On the way, Jia Long asked, "Zhi Bai, I heard you changed your agent?"

"Ah, yes." Li Zhibai said, "I just changed. Brother Long, you are very well-informed."

“I also heard what my agent said. Zhou Pingan was also Yan He’s agent before. It seems that everyone is saying that your agent has lost two popular artists in a row, and they are curious about when Yan Liang will leave.”

Yan Liang didn't expect that this matter had something to do with him. He couldn't laugh or cry, waved his hands and said, "I haven't thought about leaving him yet. I haven't even established myself yet."

"This is good." Jia Long said, "Although I haven't had much dealings with Zhou Pingan, my agent said that Zhou Pingan's ability is quite strong, especially his eye for drama, and he can always give people a chance to play. When my own actors picked suitable roles, they also mentioned Zhi Bai, saying that all the roles Zhi Bai acted in the past two years were chosen by Zhou Ping'an? "

 “Yes, that’s right.” Li Zhibai nodded frankly and admitted, “He indeed picked it for me.”

“Do you usually choose the scripts yourself? Or do your agents and team members pick them up and pick them up for you?” Jia Long asked.

Yan Liang said: "Only Yan He is reading the script by himself. Before Li Zhibai and I, Zhou Ping'an acted whatever he said. Anyway, I didn't have the autonomy to take on the drama before."

When Jia Long heard this, he was a little curious and asked: "Did Zhou Ping'an also pick up "Six People" for you?"

"Then thank you Yan He." Yan Liang glanced at Lu Yanhe, smiled, and said, "He went to persuade Zhou Ping'an. At first, because this drama was a sitcom, everyone was not very optimistic about it, and he was not optimistic about it either. Another one, At that time, the production budget was very low, and the remuneration that could be given to me was also very low. Zhou Pingan was even more reluctant for me to act, but Yan He told him that as long as I acted in this drama, when the second season of this drama is released, I was able to convince Zhou Ping'an that I could add zero to each episode's pay."

Jia Long couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Yan He, you are really good at drawing a pie for him as soon as you come up." Jia Long said.

Lu Yanhe: "Zhou Ping'an is the kind of person who looks at everything for his own benefit. It doesn't matter if you tell him that the script is good or suitable for Yan Liang. You have to tell him categorically how much influence Yan Liang can bring to him by acting in this drama. Only the return of benefits can impress him personally.”

Jia Long: "This shows that you can see him accurately."

"The three of us have been led by him since we debuted. How could we not know him well?" Lu Yanhe couldn't help but feel a little uninterested when he talked about this.

“He can be considered a legend. He has brought you so many popular stars.”

“But everyone broke up with him unhappy.” Lu Yanhe said.

Jia Long said: "Then you can't use Chen Ziyan's standards to judge other managers. Apart from her, I haven't seen many managers who can have a happy breakup with artists."

 “That’s true.”

“Why did Zhi Bai suddenly decide to change agents? Can I ask?” Jia Long asked.

"It's not inconvenient. He gave Ma Zhiyuan the resources that others were looking for me. Ma Zhiyuan and I were enemies in the first place and we didn't deal with each other. If he still does this kind of thing, I can't bear it anymore." Li Zhibai said, " I can tolerate everything else, but not betrayal."

Jia Long nodded.

“Ma Zhiyuan is also a very popular young man, right?”

"Yes." Li Zhibai nodded, "It's quite popular, and he's very good at marketing."

Jia Long couldn't laugh or cry when he heard what Li Zhibai said.

Li Zhibai asked: "Brother Long, you have been in the entertainment industry for so long, is there anyone you don't like?"

"How could it not be possible?" Jia Long smiled, "Where there are people, there will be disputes and conflicts, but sometimes everyone will not show it on their faces and try to maintain a sense of dignity."

"Then Ma Zhiyuan and I can't maintain this kind of respect. Basically, we have never had any contact with each other."

“You are all still young, don’t say this too early.” Jia Long smiled.

 A few of them arrived at the restaurant where they were eating.

 The restaurant is in a small courtyard.

Jia Long said: "This small yard belongs to the boss himself. You see, they also got a piece of land and planted some fruits and vegetables."

“It seems that in this kind of private restaurant, you grow your own fruits and vegetables.”

“The main thing is that it is all natural and has no additives.” Jia Long said, “Actually, I really want to have such a piece of land at my home. It’s quite interesting to grow vegetables by myself when I have nothing to do.”

“Brother Long, forget it. You’re so busy and you’re away from home for three days. How can you have that time?” Li Zhibai said.

 “Just wait until I retire.”

“That’s probably difficult. In the actor industry, there seems to be no such thing as retirement.” Lu Yanhe also laughed, “If you want to retire, the audience won’t want to see you retire.”

Jia Long: "That won't work. I don't plan to act in a drama for the rest of my life. It's so tiring. I have to live my own life."

“It seems that many people say they want to have their own lives, but in the end there are very few people who can actually return to their lives.” Yan Liang said.

"Sometimes I think about it. Now I am thinking that one day I will retire. But if I really retire, can I really endure the state of never doing the things I like again? It's suspenseful enough. Maybe I will still endure it when the time comes. Don’t stop acting.”

Jia Long smiled mockingly and said, "You guys debuted so early, do you still feel fresh about this industry?"

"Yes." Li Zhibai said immediately, "I like acting and performing on the stage, otherwise I wouldn't suffer like this."

Jia Long: "That's great. I often meet some child stars who debuted very early. Maybe because they entered this industry too early, they lost their enthusiasm for this industry very early. You must protect them well. This enthusiasm, once it loses its enthusiasm, it becomes just a job.”

“If you lose your passion for this business, you’ll quit.” Li Zhibai shrugged.

Jia Long: “I’ve heard what you said from many people, but I rarely see anyone really quit.”

"The main reason is that many people think that they can still make a lot of money if they don't work as an artist, and think that they can live a good life with other jobs. However, they find that they are just taking advantage of this industry. Once they leave this industry, they will have nothing. "Li Zhibai told the truth unceremoniously, "Many people around me are like this, all of them are pretentious. If you ask me, if they stop doing this business and still want to live like this, there is only one Method."

"any solution?"

 “Either be a chicken or a duck.”

Lu Yanhe spurted out a mouthful of water.

Although he had seen Li Zhibai's surprising moments too many times, at this moment, he was still directly shocked by Li Zhibai's expression.

Jia Long also opened his mouth and then closed it. He rarely spoke and hesitated, not knowing what to say.

However, what Lu Yanhe did not expect was that within two days, a very hot topic appeared on the Internet, which was very similar to what they discussed that day.

Moreover, it also brought an unnecessary disaster to Lu Yanhe, which almost affected their program in the Spring Festival Gala.


 “Is there really anyone in this world who doesn’t want to be a star?”

 “If you had the chance to be a star, would you do it?”

“It’s great to be a star, you can make a lot of money.”


 A media company made a plan "If you were given a chance to be a star, would you do it?" and interviewed passers-by.

 Everyone’s reaction was basically the same.

There is no one who doesn’t want to be a star. There are only a few people who say they don’t want to be a star because they have careers they love more.

"Not every star has to work very hard. If I were asked to be a star like Lu Yanhe, I would probably choke. Firstly, I don't have that kind of strength, and secondly, I can't be as diligent and hardworking as him. However, some celebrities only work four or five days a month, taking photos, recording programs, saying some non-shocky words, and doing some eye-catching actions, so that they can gain popularity and have advertisers pay for them. Make a lot of money, so why not do it if I have the chance?”

"Yes, many idol artists nowadays have no culture if they want culture, no talent if they want talent, and they don't even have a good-looking face. They can't even make vases, so they are packaged by capital, as if they are very popular. He made money casually."

 As for the income of celebrity artists, everyone has been unequal for many years due to the huge income gap.

"It's not that I want to be a star. I just envy their income. I go out early and come back late every day to work, earning thousands of dollars a month of hard-earned money, and I envy them very much." A girl smiled. Sighing, "Sometimes I joke and complain to my parents, why don't you make me more beautiful? Then I can be a star. No matter how tired I am, I won't be as tired as I am now at work."

"I know this kind of jealousy is unreasonable, but it's just jealousy." Another person said directly, "Forget it if you don't know. After knowing their high income, they still complain that filming is tiring, dance practice is tiring, and the pressure It’s so big that I really want to say, how about we exchange lives and let me experience their tiredness.”


This interview video was edited and broadcast online. It was beyond everyone's expectations and caused a huge response.

 The gap between rich and poor is an issue that cannot be ignored in any society. When it comes to the income of celebrity artists, it is easy to cause dissatisfaction in everyone's hearts.

 While everyone was discussing and discussing, Lu Yanhe was mentioned. There is no way, after all, Lu Yanhe is the most representative among young artists now.

Some people calculated Lu Yanhe's income last year. Based on this calculation, someone calculated a very exaggerated figure, saying that Lu Yanhe's income last year was conservatively estimated to be 100 million.

This number is of course false. Lu Yanhe has not earned so much money at all. However, what he said is clear and logical. From film remuneration to magazine income, from endorsements to other business income, the numbers are listed one by one.

Many people online think this is true.

 Because Lu Yanhe was indeed on fire last year.

The topic of Lu Yanhe’s income exceeding 100 million last year has become a hot search topic.

A high-quality artist with a perfect image, hard work, and diligence suddenly became unqualified because of his high income, and began to be attacked by some people.

—You are only 21 years old and you can make 100 million a year. It’s really scary.

 —No wonder everyone wants to be a star, who doesn’t want to be a star?

—It’s not against Lu Yanhe, I just feel it’s unfair. Lu Yanhe is talented and works hard enough, but is he the only one in the world who is talented and works hard enough?


 When the doubts about Lu Yanhe arose, Lu Yanhe was rehearsing at CCTV with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

 At the end of the rehearsal, Lu Yanhe and the director team once again discussed some modifications to the details of the stage.

Three agents, Chen Ziyan, Zhou Ping'an and Lin Suyang, all stood aside and waited. Because it was the Spring Festival Gala, they took it very seriously and came to the rehearsal with them.

As soon as the discussion ended, Lu Yanhe and the other three were taken away by their respective agents.

Zhou Pingan and Lin Suyang turned a blind eye to each other.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang said goodbye with normal expressions.

This scene is also awesome.

Lu Yanhe didn't know what happened yet, so he followed Chen Ziyan out. Chen Ziyan told him what happened.

When Lu Yanhe heard that his income last year exceeded 100 million, he was surprised and asked: "Is it true? Do I have that much income?"

"Of course not. It's not like I don't know how much income you have." Chen Ziyan said, "They said your salary for "Late Spring" was 10 million. You know how easy it is for them to come up with these data. It's completely unreliable. Spectrum.”

At that time, the film "Late Spring" did not have a large production budget at all, and Lu Yanhe's salary was only one million, which was far lower than his market salary. Now this marketing slogan is talking about 10 million... The production cost of this movie is only about 10 million. Seeing that "Late Spring" did well at the box office, we naturally thought that Lu Yanhe's salary was also very high.

Chen Ziyan said: "But this kind of thing is not easy to respond to. If we responded by saying that it is not that high at all and giving an accurate salary figure, then more people will come out and say, "One million is not that much." It’s another new trouble.”

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Are there many people attacking me online now?”

“There are some, but the main thing is not to attack you, but to criticize the artist’s high income, but you are just being targeted.” Chen Ziyan said.

 Lu Yanhe sighed.

 “This is really…”

Chen Ziyan said: "I'm just telling you about this first. When you go out later, there will be many media outside. When they see you, they may ask questions in this regard. You should answer all these questions first." Don't reply, just say it's false. It's all untrue revelations. I have to have a good talk with the public relations company about how to deal with this public opinion later."

 At the rehearsal of the Spring Festival Gala, there are always a lot of media outside, because they all know that they can meet many celebrities here.

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

As soon as we went out, sure enough, many media photographers and reporters came over.

 As Chen Ziyan expected, many people asked about his income.

Lu Yanhe answered according to Chen Ziyan’s established script.

"One hundred million? If I made so much money last year, why would I work so hard this year?" Lu Yanhe shook his head helplessly, "It's not that exaggerated. It's fake. It's fake."

“Then how much money did you make last year? Can you tell us?” Another person asked immediately.

 “This is so easy to reveal.” Lu Yanhe shook his head.

“Why is it difficult to disclose? Is it because although I haven’t earned 100 million, I still have about the same amount?” someone asked with ill-intentioned intentions.

Lu Yanhe was stunned and glanced at the reporter.

The reporter saw Lu Yanhe suddenly look over and stepped back behind the camera.

Lu Yanhe sighed, thought about it, and responded sincerely:

“First, it’s because I don’t know how much money I actually earned, because I didn’t see the specific contract. It was the contract that my agency team handled for me, but I know very well that I didn’t earn that much money.”

"Secondly, it's because I did make a lot of money, but that's because when I was an artist, I also started a business. Thanks to everyone's care, "Jump Up" magazine and self-media were very successful and brought me I have earned a very generous income. But why don’t you ask other company bosses and entrepreneurs how much money they make instead of me? You have bad intentions.”

Lu Yanhe nodded at him in a joking tone.

"Third, if you earn more or less, as long as there is no tax evasion, and as long as every penny is earned on the basis of observing disciplines and laws, there is no need to be judged by everyone, right?" Lu Yanhe said helplessly, "Then if that's the case If so, how can I make my career bigger and stronger in the future? Siqi also wants to publish "Jump Up" overseas, and I also want to sell my script overseas and produce more versions. movies."

Chen Ziyan suddenly took a step forward, stood in front of Lu Yanhe, and said, "Everyone, it's getting late. We have to go back and rest early. Everyone, please go back and rest early."

She and Wang Biao escorted Lu Yanhe to break through the circle of media reporters, get into the car, and leave.

"You talk a little too much." Chen Ziyan said to Lu Yanhe, "Although you speak very well, you talk too much and it is easy for others to make an issue out of it."

Lu Yanhe nodded and admitted his mistake, "Sorry, I was irritated by the reporter's question just now and couldn't hold it back."

“Don’t think too much, have a good rest, I will handle the matter of public opinion.” Chen Ziyan said, “I hope this public opinion can be resolved as soon as possible.”

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

However, things went against expectations. The next day, the director team made a vague suggestion that if the issue of Lu Yanhe's high income could not be reduced in the short term, in order to ensure the broadcast effect of the Spring Festival Gala, the program "Green Apple Paradise" would be withdrawn first.

 Hearing the news, Lu Yanhe was stunned. He didn't expect it.

 Chief director Liu Yang specifically approached Lu Yanhe for explanation.

"Yan He, please understand us. This is the Spring Festival Gala. It is of great significance and nothing can go wrong." Liu Yang said, "No one wants to see such a public opinion incident. I also know that in this matter You are not wrong, but we must consider the overall situation.”

Lu Yanhe was a little at a loss at this moment.

 Sometimes, it may be like this, the fault is not yours, but you must bear the consequences of it.

Liu Yang said: "You are a very good artist and a representative of young artists. We really hope you can appear on the Spring Festival Gala stage."

Lu Yanhe collected his emotions, temporarily stabilized his rationality from the chaotic mood, and said: "Director, if everyone finally evaluates that I can't go to the Spring Festival Gala, please keep the program "Green Apple Paradise" and let Li Is it okay for Zhibai and Yan Liang to complete this show? Don’t let my affairs implicate them. They have also put in a lot of effort to prepare for this show.”

 Liu Yang sighed and said, "I'll fight for it." (End of chapter)

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