Just discovered it and I’m sure I’m going to order it!

  Although I had predicted that this novel would receive tens of thousands of orders, I was still nervous before I actually got this badge.

 This book was distributed through a vest, and I applied for a contract with 100,000 words, but failed. At that time, I thought that a dead horse should be treated as a living horse doctor, so I republished it under this pen name, because "One Night" brought some old readers, and dozens of people followed the book, and they also got good luck smoothly. The editor favored me and invited me to sign a contract.

The idea of ​​reposting it at that time was that I had written 100,000 words, so don’t waste it. Unexpectedly, I actually saved my life.

   I didn’t know how to describe how **** I was scolded at the beginning. But because it was 100,000 words written long ago, even if people scolded me, I could still update it as usual. Then, the first round of recommendations and the second round of recommendations came.

 The first round of recommendations actually failed, but it was revived later. Thanks for depositing the 100,000-word manuscript. Otherwise, I might have given up after the first round of failure results came out and before the next week’s resurrection results came out. After all, it had been rejected once before, which made me wonder if this book was really rubbish.

 At the end of the second round of recommendations, which happened to be at the end of September last year, the editor of Good Luck came to ask me if I wanted to put it on the shelves. At that time, the results of the second round of recommendations had not yet come out. I asked the editor if there was a good chance of entering the third round. He said, I can’t say there is no chance, but there is little hope.

 I chose to put it on the shelves.

 Then, the first order was 375, a number that made me very excited. Because my goal for this book was to have 500 average subscriptions, and the first subscription was 375. This small goal felt like it was being achieved in minutes, so there was a big wave of passionate 10,000-word updates. Looking back now, I can only say that only a rookie with a good attitude like me at the time would think 375 is a very remarkable number.

Probably because the word count is much more recent and stable, the average subscription has been rising. By the end of October, I got the news that it could be recommended by the editor-in-chief.

 What you were thinking at that time was that this book could achieve the goal of becoming a high-quality book?

 Just wrote it down all the way. The goal is getting bigger and bigger, and the number of words is also increasing. In fact, during the writing process of this book, I was basically in a state of going back and forth, sometimes getting a boost of blood, and sometimes needing to cheer myself up. Real life is also very busy. I was really worried that because I was too busy in real life, it would affect the update of the novel. After all, it was not easy, and the results of one novel were getting better and better. In order to prevent problems with updating the novel, my schedule is basically very disordered. It is impossible to sleep before twelve o'clock. I try my best to make myself write better, concentrate more, and even start live broadcasting. Let everyone supervise my coding.

But maybe it’s because during the whole process, I didn’t encounter any problems other than writing. Therefore, despite the various ups and downs of frustration attacking me in my heart, in fact, objectively, I was always climbing and could see myself leaving. The place you want to reach is getting closer and closer.

 Writing novels is really a joy. Because there are many readers who can empathize with my emotions when I write from what I write.

 I am not a writer who treats readers very well. At least in my case, I always put myself first and make myself satisfied and happy when I write. It’s not that I don’t care what readers want to read, but to be honest, there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand readers. I want to satisfy all of them. Even if I have a hundred fingers, I can’t find one that will satisfy everyone. It's not like a story that everyone is satisfied with. If you don't have the ability, why not make yourself happy and satisfied with writing, and then leave readers who can like this story.

 But I’m very lucky. Every time I’m scolded and it seems like I’ll never recover, some readers will firmly let me write according to my own ideas. It’s because of these supportive voices that I have the confidence to continue writing.

This story can meet you, encounter good luck editors, and get a milestone score of 10,000 booked. I didn't expect it when I wrote the first word.

  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

 At this moment, besides being excited, I am grateful.

 Hahahahahahahahaha, from now on, I also have thousands of novels! (End of chapter)

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