Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 415: Why is this move so outrageous?

Lu Yanhe has never heard of the conflict between Longyan Pictures and HP’s current head of the Asia-Pacific region.

Of course, this is nothing unusual.

Although film and television are art, those who make film and television are still essentially businessmen.

 Conflicts and frictions are inevitable when doing business.

However, Mrs. Huang’s approach was a bit uncomfortable. If he hadn't asked Tom White in advance, if Tom White hadn't told him directly, he might have been kept in the dark and done bad things with good intentions without knowing it.

At the last stop, Director Wang Zhong’s company.

Lu Yanhe watched the first cut of "Rouge Button" with Tom White.

 The initial cut of "Rouge Button" lasted nearly three hours, and no special effects or post-production work had been done yet. However, the English subtitles had been preliminarily produced, and Lin Yu and He Lan helped to make it.

Their English skills are both very good, not just at the level where they can communicate on a daily basis.

Lu Yanhe was actually a little surprised when he started editing the version, because compared with the original version in his memory, the shots, images and style were so similar, as if there was a tacit contrast between them.

Wang Zhong treated the movie scenes with less resentment and more sadness about the passage of time.


  The first cut version is very long, nearly three hours, and many shots and rhythms are much slower than the original version. To put it simply, it is less "commercial" and has a little more artistic expression.

 Putting these aside for now, the development of the entire story and the feeling of the characters are very similar to when Lu Yanhe wrote this script.

 Especially Huang Kairen—

 Chen Bige's good performance was within Lu Yanhe's expectations.

Huang Kairen came to play this role. Although he believed that Huang Kairen could do it, he was still worried. But in the movie, he seemed to act in it.

His acting style is different from Leslie Cheung's suave style in his memory, and fortunately it is different. Otherwise, Lu Yanhe is worried that he will feel that he is ahead of others and incomparable.

 Huang Kairen's performance in "Rouge Button" is more like the feeling Takeshi Kaneshiro had when watching Zhang Ziyi dance in "House of Flying Daggers".

A son from a rich family, cynical and careless. Only when he gets along with Ruhua in private, will he show some affection, such as looking at Zhou Xun in "If Love".

 Love is true love, there is no need to question it. Liangbo is really Liangbo, and because of the careless and casual feeling about him, he is even more sarcastic.

Lu Yanhe realized that Huang Kairen had taken a more dangerous path. He did not handle this character beautifully like Leslie Cheung, handling it in such a way that the audience felt that cowardice was human nature. They were only angry, disappointed, but also had a vague understanding of it.

Huang Kairen did not do any beautification of Twelve Young Masters, and his acting ability and style cannot be beautified. The basic conditions are there. Not everyone is Leslie Cheung. However, ambitious actors will strive to create a three-dimensional character in their own way.

The twelve young men played by Huang Kairen are cynical and suave on the outside, holding hands and showing deep affection is true, but timid and retreating, unable to accept the truth, are on the inside.

 After reading it, one can only feel that his tenderness towards Ruhua may be true tenderness, but before his life and death, it was only tenderness destined to be scattered.

To Lu Yanhe's surprise, when the screening of the original cut was over, when Lu Yanhe was about to turn his head to look at Tom White, he found that the latter's eyes were red and there were tears.

Tom White took a deep breath and said to Lu Yanhe: "This is really a heartbreaking story."

 Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered, oh, these foreigners seem to have a special liking for this kind of tragic love story in the context of Chinese culture.

Especially a story like "Rouge Button" about a woman who stubbornly waits for someone for hundreds of years... Lu Yanhe took a breath. Well, such a story is no longer up to date in the current Chinese film market, but for foreigners, this kind of "love will last forever" type of story that takes place in another cultural background. The tragedy of love plays into their hands.

Tom White’s love for “Rouge Button” actually has a very strong personal flavor.

Of course, Lu Yanhe was very happy no matter what.

 Afterwards, Director Wang Zhong also took the time to meet with them.

Tom White immediately expressed his feelings as a movie fan after meeting director Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong sent a set of Blu-ray DVDs of "Three Mountains" signed by himself to Tom White.

Tom White accepted the gift almost carefully, then quickly picked up the gift he had brought, and said: "Director, this is the first DVD version of "The Remaining End" that you shot before and was released in the United States twelve years ago. , you said in an interview before that you hope to one day be able to collect a set of DVD versions of your directorial works sold in various countries. I hope you like it."

At this moment, Wang Zhong was stunned.

 "The Remainder" is a movie he shot more than ten years ago. The number of DVDs sold in the United States is very small. He doesn't know the specific number, but it certainly does not exceed 10,000 copies. He didn't even have this set himself, but today Tom White actually brought it over.

Wang Zhong couldn’t help but feel excited.

 “Wow, this, this…is really meaningful.”

Lu Yanhe glanced at Tom White in surprise.

 This gift is really thoughtful. When Tom White said that he was a long-time fan of Wang Zhong, he was not just saying it casually.

To give such a gift, you must first read Director Wang Zhong’s interview and know what he wants. You must also know what Director Wang Zhong has collected and what he has not. Finally, you must have the ability to get even the gift. Director Wang Zhong didn’t even get the DVD version.

To put it simply, there is a lot of thought behind giving such a gift.


 In the past three days, except for classes, Lu Yanhe has been accompanying Tom White all the time.

 Finally, after Tom White met Director Wang Zhong, his trip to China came to an end.

On the way to send Tom White to the airport, Lu Yanhe said: "Tom, remember to tell me in advance next time you come to China."

"This trip to China has allowed me to see a lot and gain a lot." Tom White said, "I hope that after I go back this time, I can convince the headquarters to sign a long-term cooperation framework with you like Northern Lights Video." ”

 Hearing what Tom White said, Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and didn't expect it.

Tom White said: "If HP wants to develop the Asian market, we must cooperate with the best creators from various Asian countries. Yan He, if you can invite me to China this time, it will also allow me to see China." I can understand the current situation of film and television production with my own eyes.”

 Lu Yanhe: “I’m glad to hear you say that.”


HP's upcoming head of Asia Pacific Tom White came to China for a tour and was personally received by Lu Yanhe. This news spread not only in the Chinese film and television circles, but also reached the ears of Maxine's Zhong Benzhuo.

 Now Zhong Benshuo will no longer doubt it.

 He immediately became nervous and contacted Lu Yanhe immediately.

 “You want to watch the movie now?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Zhong Benshuo said: "Yes, Yan He, if it is suitable, we can sign the agreement now. We don't have to wait until it is broadcast to consider overseas broadcasting."

Lu Yanhe really didn’t expect that Tom White’s visit would arouse Zhong Benzhuo’s sense of crisis.

Lu Yanhe said: "Mr. Zhong, the two films that have been filmed so far are both movies. The "Squid Game" you are concerned about has not started filming yet."

As for what kind of project "Squid Game" is, Zhong Benshuo has actually known it for a long time. If he really wanted to buy it in advance, he would have taken action long ago, without waiting until now.

 Zhong Benshuo was speechless again for a moment.

 He was hesitating.

 He hesitated whether Tom White had reached an agreement with Lu Yanhe during this trip.

 Perhaps they have signed an agreement a long time ago?

It is also possible that Tom White did not like these projects and returned empty-handed.

 Zhong Benshuo actually didn’t want to make a decision so early. I haven’t seen the finished product yet, so if I buy it in advance at this time, I might just get it. After all, Maxine cannot enter mainland China and can only do business outside mainland China. If the things he shoots are not good and the data is ugly, it will be his failure.

With Zhong Benshuo’s hesitation, Lu Yanhe actually knew Zhong Benshuo’s true thoughts.

 In fact, he was afraid of being overtaken by Tom White and afraid that he would suffer a loss.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

At this time, Lu Yanhe suddenly realized why he had always been a bit repulsive towards Zhong Benshuo, and he was not as impressed as Tom White.

Because Zhong Benshuo gives him a strong sense of a businessman, and his words, actions, and attitude towards him are full of a sense of calculation, while Tom White gives him a sense of more respect for creation and creators, which is not so obvious. , a sense of utilitarianism that is ready to come out.

People, of course you can be utilitarian, but it’s best not to act so utilitarian.

When Lu Yanhe saw that Zhong Benshuo was silent, he was too lazy to make excuses with him and said, "Mr. Zhong, if you haven't thought it through yet, let's talk about it later. Indeed, the movie hasn't been filmed yet. Let's talk about cooperation now. It's not safe. I understand." ”

Since Lu Yanhe made it clear what he said directly, Zhong Benzhuo looked a little embarrassed, but Lu Yanhe couldn't see it.

After talking to Zhong Benzhuo about this matter, Lu Yanhe put down his mobile phone and went to watch the Northern Lights video.

When it comes to discussing cooperation with HP, Lu Yanhe is actually not that strong yet. He who can really talk about cooperation from a relatively "you come and I go" position is Northern Lights Video, which also has a large library and The big video company for creators.

"I don't mind if you use a few of my projects as guinea pigs to try to cooperate with HP." This time, Lin Desheng, the boss of Northern Lights Video, was also there. For matters involving the company's strategic development, he must be there. , Lu Yanhe said bluntly, “Due to policies, overseas streaming media like HP cannot be directly launched in our country. This is a sure thing. At present, it will basically not change, but HP really wants to open up the Asian market. This market definitely includes mainland China, so HP itself cannot enter directly. Just like Maxine, it can only earn some copyright fees through licensing cooperation with domestic video platforms for each of its works. "

"Yes, but some copyright fees are a drop in the bucket compared to the real core benefit of a video platform - members." Zheng Huairen said immediately, "HP wants to enter the Asian market, especially the mainland Chinese market, and it is definitely not based on this royalty fee. Small goals.”

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Yes, but the current prospects are like this. Therefore, under this premise, since people have demand for our domestic market, we can also use this demand to open overseas markets. I am just giving an example. , what if, I mean what if, Northern Lights Video and HP Video sign a cooperation framework and make a separate film library list. The works in the list are open to each other, and there is no need to discuss cooperation one by one, saving each other a lot of time. Energy, according to the number of plays or the number of playbacks or new members, etc... In short, how to divide the interests is the indicators you care about. Make a formula. This is what you communicate. However, under such cooperation, HP’s works can enter our market on a large scale and meet the audience through you, and Northern Lights’ works can also truly go overseas through HP.”

"This kind of cooperation model has existed before." Zheng Huairen said, "Our domestic video platform has also had similar cooperation with overseas streaming media and film and television companies, but in the end it did not last. This cooperation model is very risky. Big, to put it bluntly, in this kind of cooperation, everyone will definitely feel that they have suffered a loss and the other party has taken advantage. It may be okay in the first and second years, but later on, the accounts will be unclear and no one will be trusted. Who, finally fell apart."

"Mr. Zheng, this ending proves one thing." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "I was just making ideas on paper, but what you said tells everyone that this kind of cooperation model is actually not without profit prospects and success. As a result, it ended not because the audience didn’t buy it, but because of internal issues between the two parties.”

Zheng Huairen was stunned.

"I still think that we can take our time with this kind of cooperation. The film library does not need to be very large at the beginning. Let's explore first and build trust with each other. This is also exploration." Lu Yanhe said, "What kind of publicity does our drama have to them? Intensity, what kind of publicity their play will have when we come here, how much investment is required, and what kind of effect can be obtained. Only by trying it out bit by bit and trying it yourself can you have the confidence to carry out larger-scale projects in the future. Of course, these are just my little thoughts, not just HP, but other video platforms as well.”

He looked at Lin Desheng and said: "Mr. Lin, the reason why I would take the liberty to make such a suggestion is because many of my future film and television projects will definitely want to take the route of internationalization and global sales, not just limited to The domestic market. I have a cooperation framework with you, and we are currently cooperating very smoothly. The demand for overseas channels is not only needed by me, but also by you, so I suddenly proposed such an idea, a concept of cooperation. I just hope it can inspire others.”

Lin Desheng nodded.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know whether Lin Desheng agreed with the idea he proposed, and to what extent.

However, this is indeed what Lu Yanhe really thinks at this moment.

Everyone is talking about going out and publishing works overseas, but how and where? I'm out, is anyone watching?

 Because there is no successful precedent, no one knows whether this road can work.

Only Lu Yanhe knows that in the context of globalization, on a broadcast platform like streaming media that dominates most of the world, so-called cultural barriers can be overcome.

 Hence, Lu Yanhe is unswervingly determined to let his works go out.


 Among the projects that Lu Yanhe is currently cooperating with Northern Lights Video, "Squid Game" and "Wulin Gaiden" are the most important ones, and "Rouge Button" only has a little investment, just for fun.

However, in addition to film and television projects, Lu Yanhe also has an "unexpected surprise" that has made Northern Lights Video very popular, and that is "Confessions on a High Platform" which was made for the promotion of the movie "Late Spring". Now it has become a jump-starting movie. An important project that the company cooperates with Northern Lights achieves high returns at very low costs.

People at Northern Lights Video find it incredible that such an idea has become an evergreen program, with the number of views for each episode exceeding 10 million. Occasionally, the content of an episode will explode and the topic will explode on the Internet. Even the number of views for that episode can reach tens of millions.

 It is truly low cost and big return.

Such a program alone can bring tens of millions in revenue to Northern Lights Video and Jump Company every year.

Of course, compared with those S+-level programs, the income is much less. Their income may start at 100 million. However, the key is that the production cost of "High Stage Confessions" is so low that this program almost has no The risk of losing money is the most powerful part.

 The kind that really makes money from an idea.

This idea was thought up by Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi.

Because Lu Yanhe is so famous in film and television dramas, almost no one has noticed that in the column of screenwriters of the program "Confessions from a High Platform", Lu Yanhe's name is ranked second, and Chen Siqi is first.

But the people of Northern Lights Video will not ignore this in any case.

Zheng Huairen suddenly spoke and said, "Yan He, actually, if you come here today, we also want to discuss other cooperation with you."

 “Other cooperation?” Lu Yanhe frowned in surprise and looked at him in confusion.

 They had never mentioned this to him before.

Zheng Huairen said: "We heard that Xin Zixing, the previous producer of "City Travels", was hired to the new company established by your agent."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe glanced at him in surprise, "That's true, but Mr. Zheng, does this have anything to do with what we are talking about today?"

Zheng Huairen smiled and said, "We heard that the reason why Xin Zixing was poached was to serve the company's customers, some of whom are rich but have passed away and want to become popular again, or who want to become popular again. To put it simply, for artists who have another big hit, tailor-made variety shows will help them become popular again.”

Lu Yanhe snorted.

“We also heard that you will be the planner and writer of these shows.”

Lu Yanhe knew what they were planning.

Lu Yanhe looked at them with some surprise.


After the Northern Lights video came out, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but express his gratitude to Chen Siqi for how fast the Northern Lights video responded.

After Chen Siqi heard about it, he laughed: "It seems that "Confessions on a High Platform" gave them a taste of the sweetness."

"I really didn't expect it." Lu Yanhe's focus was not on this at all, so when Zheng Huairen solemnly proposed to him that he wanted to sign another cooperation agreement with him in program production, Lu Yanhe really did not think of.

 Chen Siqi: “Actually, I think this is a good thing.”

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi said: "On the one hand, this can help Sister Ziyan's company attract very powerful partners. This itself also requires the support of a video platform, as you know. On the other hand, if you think about it, even if you start Although you have signed up for so many dramas, there are still many artist friends that you have to reject. Sometimes, people really need your help in their career, but due to the compatibility of the work, script and characters, you really can't force it, just If you can refuse, now if you can have a stable channel to produce programs and let them become popular through this channel, they can actually achieve their goals, and they don't have to act in your drama."

Chen Siqi's words suddenly opened Lu Yanhe's Ren and Du channels, and he reacted instantly.

 “That’s true.”

Chen Siqi: "Actually, you are talented in making programs. You have done so many designs for "Young Days" before, and the feedback you received in the end was also very good. This time, "Confessions from a High Platform" is also true. Although you are just casually following us It’s just an idea, but it’s this idea that makes this show possible.”

Lu Yanhe smiled coquettishly.

 Just kidding, he also watched a lot of programs before he traveled through time.

Even if you haven’t watched it all from beginning to end, you have heard about the highlights and highlights of each program.

 Lu Yanhe didn’t just “mention an idea casually”, but he could only “mention an idea” and asked him to fill in the content and enrich the details, but he didn’t know.

Lu Yanhe said: "I have really enjoyed my cooperation with Northern Lights Video. They want to cooperate with me in this area, and of course I am willing, but it is not my final say. After all, the copyright owner of the program production is not here." I have made an agreement with them to make an appointment later and ask Sister Ziyan to talk with them again."

"Hmm." Chen Siqi said, "Every time you say that my ambitions are getting bigger and bigger, and my business is getting bigger and bigger, I don't think you are any better than me."

Lu Yanhe thought that because he had the golden finger of a time traveler, he had endless "creative" treasures.

 You are a native, and you can come up with all kinds of interesting ideas in your head. You are much better than me.

Lu Yanhe couldn't say these words to Chen Siqi, he could only laugh.

Chen Siqi suddenly sighed relaxedly.

“When I finish classes this semester, I will be a senior and will graduate.” Chen Siqi said, “Suddenly I feel a little stressed.”

 “Huh? Pressure?”

"Well, I always thought that I was a student, doing "Jump Up" or something like that. Even if I really screwed up in the end, it didn't matter. After all, my job is to be a student, and I had such a retreat in my heart. But in the future, I will immediately I am no longer a student, and I can no longer leave myself such a psychological retreat.”

 Chen Siqi’s words made Lu Yanhe fall into deep thought.

It turns out that Chen Siqi still has such an idea.

But that’s right, he will be a senior soon.

 Then, I will graduate from college.

Of course, if other people heard what the two of them were feeling now, they would probably accuse them of being crazy.

 After all, they are only in their junior year, and they are already thinking about their graduation.


The Picaro Film Festival has come to an end. Unfortunately, "Night Run" did not win the award in the short film competition section.

However, what followed was media reports that HP had acquired the exclusive global streaming rights to "Night Run" for seven figures.    This transaction price has made news in all major media.

A short film basically cannot go to theaters. In the film and television system, it is not the kind of work that can make money. However, HP would spend seven figures to buy the exclusive streaming rights of "Night Run", which is surprising. , stupefied.

 When this news reached China, everyone thought again of the recent news that Lu Yanhe received Tom White, the incoming head of HP's Asia-Pacific region. Their thoughts were surging, and there were only two big words left in their minds: No wonder.

 Actually, this matter really has nothing to do with Lu Yanhe.

 This deal was negotiated as early as Bikalo. This deal was not negotiated by Tom White as the specific person in charge. Of course, he must have contributed to the situation behind the scenes. The high reputation of "Night Run" in Bikalo and Wang Zhong's popularity and influence in the hearts of movie fans around the world are the key reasons why HP gave such a transaction price.

 Can make money.

 Short films are short films and can still make money.

 In the era of streaming media, users are gold mines, traffic is passwords, and clicks to play are money counting machines.

 While the transaction price of "Night Run" has attracted widespread attention, it has also attracted everyone's attention once again to Lu Yanhe's commercial value.

Lu Yanhe knew that the key was not with him, but others didn’t.

 Everyone in the country may now feel that this matter is inseparable from Lu Yanhe’s trip to China with Tom White.


“Oh, I really don’t know what to say.” Lu Yanhe was helpless. After class, he came to Chen Ziyan and complained to her, “How come everything has something to do with me? Why didn’t I know I was so powerful?”

"Remember what I said before? At your current stage, even if something has nothing to do with you, as long as it has a little bit to do with you, others will think it has something to do with you, not to mention your trip with Tom White , I didn’t hide it, everyone knew it.”

Chen Ziyan took a cup of prepared latte from the coffee machine and brought it to Lu Yanhe, "This is also a good thing. Let everyone think that you have a good relationship with Tom White. In the eyes of others, the cards in your hand are getting better and better." If you have more, they won’t dare to go against you.”

Lu Yanhe said: "No one is against me now, right?"

"There will always be a big tree that attracts the wind, and a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind." Chen Ziyan said, "You can't see your opponent now because you didn't let them catch the handle. Once they catch it, they will launch an offensive." It will be overwhelming and you won’t expect it.”

 Lu Yanhe felt a chill in his heart.

 “So terrible.”

Chen Ziyan nodded, "But you are on the right path now. Make friends widely. There is no harm in having many friends. I am very happy. You have filmed so many movies and you have not become enemies with others. On the contrary, most people have become Your friend."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

Chen Ziyan: "Now that "Unfortunately" has been filmed, "Squid Game" will start shooting soon, and "Wulin Gaiden" is expected to start shooting in the middle of this year. Basically all projects are in the process of advancement. What will you film next? Have you thought about the movie "Fire" that came to you before? "

Lu Yanhe: "I'm not sure, Sister Ziyan, I don't know if I want to act."

 Chen Ziyan said: “If you are not sure, then I would suggest you take it.”


"It's the same sentence again, because this is a commercial blockbuster, you need a blockbuster." Chen Ziyan said, "And this movie has another advantage. The role you are looking for is not Ichiban, but Shang Yongzhou, which means You don’t have to handle the box office. To be honest, I don’t know if you can handle the box office of a commercial blockbuster. You can act as the second male lead without facing too much pressure.”

 From a long time ago, Chen Ziyan told him that he must act in a commercial blockbuster.

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe nodded.

“So do you think this script and this story can be turned into a movie?”

"I'm actually quite optimistic about it," said Chen Ziyan. "This is Longyan Pictures' specialty project, a magical blockbuster. Although the reputation of magical blockbusters in China has always been average, and there are no particularly explosive or classic works, this is the film industry. It is a part that cannot be ignored, and Longyan Pictures is doing very well, has rich experience, and has achieved good results in the past. In this kind of subject matter that is destined to be very expensive, none of their films have ever suffered a loss. You can get your money back at the online box office.”

Lu Yanhe understood what Chen Ziyan meant.

“Okay, let’s do it.” Lu Yanhe said, “Anyway, I don’t have any other dramas to join.”

 The second season of "Seventeen Floors" is still being written, and filming is expected to start next year.

"Miss Ning" has been missing since the funds were cut off. All the congratulatory letters went to France and they haven't been in China for a long time. Lu Yanhe felt that it might be difficult to make this movie again.

 It’s a pity.

Miao Yue is still revising the script for Liu Bige's new spy movie. Moreover, he is currently preparing a romantic comedy movie starring Li Zhibai, so the new spy movie will be moved to a later date.

Lu Yanhe, who was busy at first, suddenly had no projects to join the team.

 So, it’s okay to play “Fire”.

 What Chen Ziyan said made Lu Yanhe take it very seriously—

 He cannot just be a film actor who acts in art films, low-budget films, or films directed by newbies.


After learning that Lu Yanhe finally relented and agreed to sign a contract with "Burn Fire", Mrs. Huang immediately called Lu Yanhe.

"That's great, Yan He, you are willing to join us in this movie. Believe me, you will not be disappointed." Huang Tai said, "With your joining, this movie will definitely be better."

Lu Yanhe smiled and said: "Mrs. Huang, you are so polite. I am very happy to have the opportunity to shoot this movie together. This is my first time shooting this type of movie. There is a lot to prepare and learn."

Mrs. Huang said: "If you need anything, just tell me and I will help you arrange it."

 Lu Yanhe hurriedly said yes.

After talking to Mrs. Huang on the phone, Lu Yanhe immediately called Shang Yongzhou.

 “Brother, I decided to sign a contract with “Burn Fire”.

Shang Yongzhou was a little surprised, "So fast?"

“Well, it seems that this movie project is the most suitable for me at the moment.” Lu Yanhe said, “Can you act?”

“I’m still hesitating, I haven’t thought about it yet.” Shang Yongzhou said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve acted in a movie like this.”

Shang Yongzhou has acted in many such visual blockbusters in the past, but in the past two years, he has acted less. The main reason is that his status has been firmly established and he no longer needs to rely on the box office results of such blockbusters to promote himself.

 Lu Yanhe said: “I was actually quite moved by this story.”

“Well, its emotional appeal is very strong.” Shang Yongzhou also said, “Actually, it would be nice if the script could be more literary.”


"That's what I told Mrs. Huang and the others. They said that the screenwriter is still revising the script. I also said that we should wait and see." Shang Yongzhou said, "The current script is good-looking, but the lines , the dialogue and the characters are still a bit thin. It doesn’t mean that it has to be complicated or reversal, but it does lack a sense of completeness. At least when I read the script, I couldn’t think of this character in my mind.”

 Shang Yongzhou has extremely high requirements for scripts. Lu Yanhe felt this when he was filming "Path of Glory" with him.

 Actually, the script is not about how complicated or twisty it is, but about a feeling. It was like a Japanese movie "Little Forest" that Lu Yanhe had watched before. It basically had no plot. It just talked about a young girl growing fruits and vegetables, cooking, making wine and other very daily things in the countryside. As a result, Lu Yanhe watched it from the beginning. By the end, I didn't feel bored at all.

What is the standard of a good script? It may be difficult to give a quantitative indicator of one, two, three or four, but at least a good script is one that after you read it, you have a clear understanding in your mind, well, you know it is good.

Shang Yongzhou smiled again and said: "Mrs. Huang called me. She probably wanted to tell me about your agreement to sign the contract and persuade me to sign the contract."

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but laugh.

 “Then I’ll hang up first.”


 Lu Yanhe hung up the phone and fell into deep thought.

Fantasy blockbuster?

 Lu Yanhe actually thought of a story in his mind.

If it weren't for Chen Ziyan's reminder, Lu Yanhe wouldn't have thought of it for a long time.

 However, at that time, this movie was actually one of the domestic fantasy blockbusters and had a relatively good reputation.

 "Painted Skin".

Perhaps after filming "Fire" and seeing the filming locations of magical blockbusters, he can write the script for this movie?

  Anyway, the story of "Liao Zhai" has already been filmed a lot.

 The story of "Painted Skin" has been made into a TV series in this world, but it has not yet been made into a movie.

Because the story has been known to everyone for a long time, everyone feels that if such a story is made into a movie, not many audiences will watch it.

But Lu Yanhe knew that the movie "Painted Skin" actually retained the core element of "changing hearts", and other stories were re-created.

  It can be made into a brand new story.

 New wine in old bottles.

Lu Yanhe created a new folder called "Painted Skin" in his laptop and put it here first to avoid forgetting it.


Within a day or two, the nomination list for the new Red River Award was announced.

 The Red River Award, which is held every March, will also be held as scheduled this year.

Lu Yanhe was nominated for Best Actor for "Seventeen Floors", while Chen Bige and Li Yuefeng were also nominated for Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor for this drama.

These are all expected nominations.

 Unexpectedly, it is the second season of "Six".

The second season of "Six People" that just finished airing, this time at the Red River Awards, even though it was nominated for the Best TV Series, it was not nominated for the Best Director Award.

 Some people asked why, and an insider answered directly that Bai Jingnian's name was not on the registration list.

At this time, everyone suddenly noticed something. Bai Jingnian was no longer in Beijing.

 He went to the Northern Lights video.

 The fans of "Six in a Row" were immediately blown away.

You know, during the broadcast of the second season, there was a lot of criticism, but director Bai Jingnian received a lot of praise. At that time, many people said that when the script and lines were written so bloody, the director was still working hard to make the second season It is not easy to maintain the authenticity of the first season in the second season. You can see the efforts of the director, who try his best to weaken the **** plot development through camera language and maintain the warm and warm atmosphere of this drama.

Because of this incident, Beijing and Taiwan were scolded by fans of "Six People" and became a hot search topic.

When Lu Yanhe learned about this, he couldn't help but cursed.

“It’s really short-sighted. Just because Director Bai Jingnian went to Northern Lights Video, we won’t sign him up for the Best Director Award? Haha.” Lu Yanhe curled his lips, “It’s really nonsense.”

Wang Biao nodded and agreed.

 “Scrupulousness taken to the extreme.”

 “Isn’t this just looking for scolding?”


Bai Jingnian looked at the hustle and bustle on the Internet and the notification tone on his cell phone that almost never stopped after the hustle and bustle. He sat in his office and was in a daze in silence.

 Many friends sent him messages to comfort him.

 Bai Jingnian doesn't really want to reply to these comforts now.

Beijing and Taiwan didn’t even submit his name for the Best Director award, which was something he never expected.

 At any rate, he has worked hard in Beijing and Taiwan for so many years, and he is an old man.

This made Bai Jingnian feel uncomfortable as if a cut had been cut in his heart, bleeding.

Bai Jingnian really wanted to call Beijing and Taiwan to ask what they thought.

 The phone rang again.

This time it’s not news, but someone calling.

Bai Jingnian took a look and saw the three words "Lu Yanhe" displayed on the screen. He hesitated for a moment, but still answered the call.


“Director, are you in a good mood?” Lu Yanhe asked straight to the point.

 “It’s okay, just a little disappointed.”

“Sigh, I don’t know if my experience can comfort you.” Lu Yanhe said with a hint of teasing, smiling.

Bai Jingnian suddenly remembered that the conflicts between Lu Yanhe and Jingtai were much greater than him.

At that time, Beijing and Taiwan’s “blockade” of Lu Yanhe was also vigorous.

 Lu Yanhe said: "I hope you won't be affected by this incident. We will have "Wulin Gaiden" in the future, and this drama can also help you win the best director."

Bai Jingnian laughed when Lu Yanhe said this, and his depressed mood eased a little.

“Whether I win an award or not, I actually don’t care that much anymore. I’ve been filming for so many years.”

"You don't have to care in your heart, but you still have to win the award. You see, the eyes of the public are sharp, and the audience of "Six" can see how much you have contributed to the second season of "Six". "

"But the audience can see it, but they can't see it either." Bai Jingnian still couldn't hold it back and said angrily.

Lu Yanhe said: "They can't see because they are blind. If they weren't blind, they wouldn't let you go."

These words entered Bai Jingnian's heart.


"Thank you for what, director." Lu Yanhe said, ""Wulin Gaiden" will definitely become a work that is not inferior to "Six Men". By then, no one will question your ability as a director and turn a blind eye."

“Actually, it’s all thanks to the fact that the script you wrote is very good.”

"It's understandable for my fans to say that, but if people in this industry still say that, it's really ridiculous." Lu Yanhe said, "We have all seen how many good scripts are made by a director every year. It’s a bad movie. If the screenwriter could handle everything with just one script, I would have paid my screenwriter’s salary higher than my salary as an actor.”

Bai Jingnian laughed.

"The screenwriter is very hard-working, very serious, and very talented, and there needs to be a director who can make it happen." Lu Yanhe said, "TV dramas are not the art of words, but the art of the camera. The person who controls the camera is not the screenwriter, nor the person who controls the camera." The actor is not the photographer, but the director who has shouted with a loudspeaker or not. "

Bai Jingnian took a deep breath after listening to Lu Yanhe's words.

“Yan He, thank you for coming to comfort me. Your words really comfort me.”

"I believe, director, when you look at what happened today next year or the year after that, you will just tell it as a joke." Lu Yanhe said, "Just like when I look at what happened with Beijing and Taiwan now, Those things are definitely not my joke, but Beijing and Taiwan’s joke.”

 Bai Jingnian's heart was aroused by Lu Yanhe's words.

“You are right, let this become Beijing and Taiwan’s joke, not mine.”

Lu Yanhe: “Director, let’s work together!”

 “Well, come on!”


Lu Yanhe hung up the phone, took a deep breath, rubbed his aching head, and thought, why has his brain started to hurt recently? Is he thinking too much?

 You won’t get gray hair anymore, right?

He hurriedly ran to the mirror to check.

 After confirming that he still had black and shiny hair, Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, looking at myself in the mirror, I was stunned.

 Wait a minute, what happened to him?

 Why does this move look so arrogant? -

 From 3252 to 4449, 6,000 words are guaranteed, and 5,000 words are added.

 Successfully completed! (End of chapter)

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