Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 416: duplicitous feelings

 Li Zhibai sneezed loudly.

He was filming on the set of "Moonlight Symphony". The sun was shining brightly when he suddenly sneezed, startling the actress standing opposite him.

 The latter immediately took a step back.

 “Sorry, sorry.” Li Zhibai said immediately.

 Actress Cheng Siran maintained a forced smile on her face and reluctantly said it was okay.

 She took a tissue from the assistant's hand and wiped her face silently.

 The makeup artist saw this and hurriedly came forward to touch up the makeup.

Director Li Daoxing smiled and asked: "Zhi Bai, spring has just arrived and it's still cold. Please pay attention to your health. Why do you start sneezing?"

 Li Zhibai said: "I don't know, maybe there was an insect in my nose just now and it was a little itchy?"

 He was just joking.

However, this scene obviously reminded the heroine Cheng Siran of some scenes, and she showed a disgusted expression.

"Moonlight Symphony" is a fantasy romance drama with only sixteen episodes.

 Director Li Daoxing is a veteran in filming urban love-themed TV series and has many masterpieces.

However, previous dramas usually started with thirty or forty episodes, and this is the first time for him to make this kind of high-quality drama with sixteen episodes and the quality of filming is comparable to movies.

Because it stars Li Zhibai, all parties are very optimistic about this drama. Many actors who want to make themselves famous have taken the initiative to reduce their salary and are willing to play a supporting role in this drama.

 The current market situation is indeed changing a lot.

Li Daoxing has lamented to his friends privately that in the past, there were not many actors who were willing to cut their salaries just to join a movie starring a big star. At that time, the gameplay of TV series was different from now. In the past, it was the directors who were responsible for the dramas, but now it is slowly becoming the actors.

This is a change in market trends. Only Luo Yuzhong and other veteran directors who have already made their names known have the label of "carrying dramas" in this industry, and now there are new directors, such as the director of "The Seventeenth Floor" Lian Bei , obviously the first drama and the second one "Seventeen Floors" were big hits, and logically he should have been among the famous directors. However, in everyone's mind, he is still not the one who can shoulder a drama. key people.

 In short, if he wanted to make a drama with unknown actors, almost no platform would be willing to invest or buy it. Of course, the actors still recognize him, and there will definitely be no shortage of A-list actors to star in his projects.

  I am just talking about this ecological issue.

But if a drama has a bad director and a bad script, but if an actor of Lu Yanhe’s level stars in it, then unfortunately, the platform will even directly assign the drama an S-level.

  This is an unhealthy film and television ecological environment, but it exists objectively.

As a popular idol, Li Zhibai has been popular for so many years. After turning to the actor track, he produced several masterpieces and successfully became an actor who can carry dramas in the eyes of the capital. Then he appeared in "Moonlight Symphony" In this drama, becoming the male protagonist of Ichiban means that the drama must revolve around him.

Li Daoxing, a senior director, did not find this situation difficult to accept. Mainly because Li Zhibai, apart from paying attention to his own role, does not interfere in anything else and will not make any mess. For a director, it is enough for a big-name star to do this.

Even, because of Li Zhibai’s character, Li Daoxing had a pretty good relationship with him.

 Comparatively speaking, the heroine Cheng Siran arranged by the investors is a little more troublesome. But it's not a big deal, she's just a little pretentious, the princess is a little sick, but other than that, there's no big problem.

However, when filming this drama, Li Zhibai often couldn't stand the numbness and nausea after saying a line, couldn't control his expression, and collapsed directly.

“Sorry, sorry, give me a moment.” Li Zhibai often raised his right hand to apologize to everyone, “This line really killed me.”

He would also look at Cheng Siran sincerely and ask: "Do you girls like men talking to you like this?"

 Cheng Siran: "... Under certain circumstances, if he talks like this normally, I would want to punch him."

Li Zhibai looked at the sentence "If you really want to leave me one day, don't tell me, otherwise, I won't let you go" in the script with a twisted face, and sighed, "I can understand that you girls like This kind of affectionate, domineering and inexplicable toughness, but if I were this man, what do you mean you don’t need to tell me? Damn it, otherwise I wouldn’t let you go. Do you like it or not? Why do you talk so much nonsense? I can’t even let go.”

Cheng Siran listened to Li Zhibai's complaints and couldn't laugh or cry, and showed a hard-to-speak expression.

“This is a pure love story, please be more serious.” Cheng Siran complained, “You always make a show, and I can’t even join the show.”

Li Zhibai sighed and continued to force himself into the state as if accepting his fate.

"come on."

Zhou Ping'an must have deliberately made him uncomfortable by accepting this drama for him!


Zhou Ping'an handed the script to Ma Zhiyuan.

Ma Zhiyuan refused to take the call.

"I won't act in a supporting role." Ma Zhiyuan said with a straight face, "If you ask me to act, forget it, and ask me to play a supporting role. When will I have to be reduced to playing a supporting role for Liu Zefan? His popularity is not as high as mine. Woolen cloth."

"His popularity is not as high as yours, that's because you are an idol, and his fans are not as keen on making rankings and statistics for you as your fans." Zhou Ping'an glared at him, "His "Eternity" is the most recent one. The most popular fairy tale drama in the past five years, his base is bigger than yours. This time, he also defeated several other first-line actors and got the role in "Squid Game". You played a supporting role for him, which is currently The most suitable choice.”

Ma Zhiyuan said: "I don't believe that a play without a male protagonist can be performed."

"Yes, but they are all **** dramas. If you want to act in an S+ level drama, you can only start as a supporting actor." Zhou Pingan said unceremoniously, "Are you willing?"

Ma Zhiyuan pursed his lips.

Zhou Pingan also curled his lips.

“Don’t expect to become fat in one sitting.”

Ma Zhiyuan said: "Li Zhibai has now started to play the leading role. His new drama is Ichiban, right?"

Zhou Ping'an: "Don't forget, Li Zhibai's first film was also a supporting actor."

Ma Zhiyuan frowned.

Zhou Ping'an: "You should believe in the play I picked for you."

 Ma Zhiyuan: "I'm not a newbie. I've been here until now. If you ask me to play a supporting role, I can't convince myself."

 He was very stubborn and refused to play this supporting role no matter what.

Zhou Ping'an was very angry.

“I believe you have given me a good eye for choosing roles, but I will only play the leading role.” Ma Zhiyuan said firmly.


"The second male lead in "Mountain Peak"?" Yan Liang was a little surprised and asked, "Is this role suitable for me?"

"Suitable." Zhou Pingan said on the phone, "After filming "The Gold Rush" is completed, you will have a two-month break and can join the team directly."

Yan Liang hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, since you think it's suitable for me, brother Ping'an, then I'll act."

"Hmm." Zhou Ping'an smiled slightly, "Believe me, although this role is the second male lead, it is not inferior to the leading actor in terms of brilliance. Moreover, with you playing the leading role, it will definitely become a hit."

“I am just a little surprised that there is an online drama about fraud. I have never seen it before.”

"Now more and more themes are emerging." Zhou Ping'an said, "This is a good phenomenon, and the quality of scripts is getting higher and higher. If you look at the scripts we have found now, many of them are only about ten episodes in length. Compared with the past, it is much easier to do dramas, and the efficiency of filming is also much higher. "

Yan Liang hummed.

 “How was the filming of The Gold Rush?”

 This drama was filmed in Southeast Asia, not in China. Yan Liang was filming in a mountain with the crew, so it was difficult to get in touch with him.

“The conditions are quite difficult. We are always bitten by insects, and rashes appear on our bodies for no apparent reason,” Yan Liang said.

When Zhou Ping'an heard this, he asked: "Have you asked a doctor to prescribe medicine for you? This cannot be done carelessly. No one knows what kind of poisonous insects they are."

Yan Liang said: "I have seen it. There is a doctor accompanying the crew, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

 “You can always endure hardship.”

“Filming a treasure hunting scene like this involves going deep into the mountains and forests, so I was mentally prepared for it,” Yan Liang said.

Zhou Ping'an: "The theme of "Gold Rush" is indeed good. It is very rare in China. It should attract a lot of attention when it is broadcast."

 “Hmm.” Yan Liangying.

Zhou Pingan hung up the phone and breathed a sigh of relief.

The role of the second male lead in "Top of the Mountain" was really good. Ma Zhiyuan refused to play it no matter what, and Zhou Ping'an didn't want to waste it, so he gave it to Yan Liang.

 In fact, since Yan Liang became famous with "Six People", there have been many dramas coming to Yan Liang. However, there are rarely protagonists, and in better dramas, they usually have supporting roles. It's not that Zhou Ping'an is unwilling to accept a supporting role for Yan Liang, but Yan Liang's own image is not suitable for starring in a drama with a more mainstream theme.

His acting talent is not that high. He does not have the "star halo" of Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan. He can act well, but not brilliantly. Therefore, when Zhou Pingan takes over roles for Yan Liang, he prefers roles with more complex characters and more intense plot lines, using the colors of the script and characters to give Yan Liang greater appeal.

 "The Gold Rush" and "The Top of the Mountain" both belong to this type of play.

 The former has a special subject matter and the story itself is attractive. Any character who appears in this story will be charmed by the legendary story itself.

  The latter is simply an outstanding character, just like the psychotic rich second generation played by Li Zhibai in "With You to the End of the World".

The advantage of Yan Liang's acting is that he has all the basic skills. No matter what role he plays, it will not make people feel too bad or make him feel out of touch. Therefore, Zhou Ping'an dares to accept roles with more extreme personalities for him.


Yan Liang and Li Zhibai are not in Yuming, and Lu Yanhe is less likely to return to Ziyuan Bridge.

 He has not joined the group yet and has few public schedules, so he doesn’t have to leave early and come back late.

Like this week, Lu Yanhe has only one public schedule, to participate in the Red River Award.

The nomination for "Seventeenth Floor" was already a surprise. Without any chance of winning the award, Lu Yanhe felt very relaxed.

 At this Red River Awards, the winner of the Best Actor was the capable actor Wen Ding, and the winner of the Best Actress was Lu Sui.

Lu Sui was so excited that she burst into tears on the stage.

Lu Yanhe remembered that almost two years ago, it was also the Red River Award. Xu Yiren won the best actress. Lu Sui was also shortlisted that year. She was defeated and her face was so ugly that she didn't even have time to put it away. She was caught by the camera. Everyone saw it.

 Now it can be considered that I got what I wanted.

Lu Yanhe attended the award ceremony with a relaxed attitude and returned to school.

There are not as many classes this semester as the last semester. He doesn’t have to be so anxious and nervous every day to catch up on classes, homework, and papers.

 Writing a paper is actually a physical job because you need to check a lot of literature and information. Although Zhenhua does not require them to publish papers, the requirements for papers are strictly in accordance with the publication requirements.

 Assignments for many university courses are usually written and handed in. The teachers will give a score, file it, and then use it as part of the usual grade when calculating the overall grade of the course. But in Zhenhua, it’s not as simple as handing it in and having the teacher give you a grade.

Many teachers in Zhenhua will most likely send you an email after reading your homework, and make an appointment with you to come to their office for communication and discussion, and may even ask you to rewrite and revise it.

Lu Yanhe often receives emails like this.

 The teachers did not lower their expectations of him just because of his star status.

As soon as he returned to school this time, he found that he had received an email from Professor Zhao Dezhong in his mailbox.

Professor Zhao Dezhong has been recuperating since he was caught by Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi because he fainted at home and was sent to the hospital. He also asked for leave from the college and has not scheduled any classes for him this semester.

Lu Yanhe visited Professor Zhao several times later, especially after he agreed to write a column for a separate volume of "Jump Up". Chen Siqi also visited him frequently.

Lu Yanhe is still confused as to why Professor Zhao Dezhong suddenly sent him an email and there are no classes for him this semester.

 When he opened the email, Lu Yanhe was surprised to find that it was him who had sent him a book list.

  Zhao Dezhong suddenly gave him a book list, and Lu Yanhe was stunned.


Zhao Dezhong said: Last time you told me that you didn’t want to go to graduate school because of your practical work considerations, and that you didn’t want to take the academic path, you just like reading. This is a book I prescribe for you. Shan, you can read it when you have time. They are all introductory books to our ancient literary works. Maybe you will be interested.

 Lu Yanhe was flattered and replied "Thank you".

Lu Yanhe has not figured out why Zhao Dezhong would do this.

However, since the book list was carefully drawn out for him, Lu Yanhe thought about it and immediately ordered all the books on the list online.

 He thought for a while, opened the "Xueyou" APP again, logged into his account, and posted a new update:

The school teacher gave me a reading list, which included eight books. They were not course assignments, but just out of interest. After thinking about it, I often saw people saying that they couldn’t read books, and they often read them all on their mobile phones. It felt like a waste of time. Although I I don’t quite agree with this statement. After all, I always feel that people should live in a way that makes them happy, even if it is a way to waste their time in the eyes of others. But if you are interested, you can participate in my sudden reading plan. Let's read these eight books together, share reading progress, share excerpts, and share reading experiences. It’s just reading, you don’t need to finish the book, just find what you like and read it.

 At the back, there is a book list given to him by Professor Zhao Dezhong.


 Lu Yanhe, as the spokesperson of the "Xueyou" APP, has recommended some books he has read and movies and TV series he has watched on this APP from time to time in the past three years.

This is mainly an APP that focuses on the concept of "learning online community". It is mainly used by students, and younger white-collar workers are also a small number of customers.

 But it is still rare to initiate a reading plan on the APP like this, because Lu Yanhe is not the kind of person who likes to drag others to read together—

  Not everyone likes reading. For some people, it is a pleasure, while for others it is just like chewing wax. Except for must-read books and necessary knowledge, there is no need to force one to love reading.

 But now another good thing happened in Lu Yanhe's mind. Reading is a good thing after all. If it is a good thing, then no matter what method it is, it is also a good thing to be able to read more books in the end. Anyway, we didn’t lock people in a small dark room to read, and force them to read with their hands and feet tied. I really couldn’t read it, and no one really tried to force it.


Lu Yanhe released this reading plan, which made the person in charge of the "Xueyou" APP stunned.

 Lu Yanhe did not greet them in advance for this event, and it was not an event planned by them on their own initiative. Such an event suddenly appeared, and many users only saw it after they signed up to participate.

“The academic tycoon Lu Yanhe is back again.”

“He starts this reading plan, how many people do you think will join it?”

“It would be great to have tens of thousands of people sign up. Of course, the number of people who can actually follow him and read these eight books is probably only one in a hundred, or even one in a thousand.”

“Why did Lu Yanhe come up with such a reading plan out of the blue?”

"It may also be related to their follow-up actions of "Jump Up". I saw "Jump Up" sent a message saying that they will include a special volume in the next six issues and invited authorities in various fields in the country. Scholars write columns.”

 “What kind of special volume is this?”

“I don’t know anything else, but the name of the separate volume is ‘China in Culture’, and one of the people who opened a column in the separate volume is Professor Zhao Dezhong of Zhenhua University.”


 China in culture?

Lu Yanhe was a little shocked. He didn't expect that Chen Siqi's name for this special volume would achieve such great success.

But Chen Siqi said: "To be a headline-maker, we need to make this special volume known and heard by everyone, so the name must be louder. The same is true for our special volume, literature, philosophy, history, economics, and law …Why is it not China in culture? It’s all about our own culture.”

Lu Yanhe clicked his tongue and said, "Bull."

 Chen Siqi: "On the contrary, you suddenly started some reading activities on Xueyou APP, which made others think you were building momentum for our special book."

 “It’s purely a coincidence.” Lu Yanhe smiled.

 Chen Siqi: "Coincidence or not, it has been said so anyway. It doesn't matter. It has indeed created momentum for us. You are the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up" anyway, so it is normal to create momentum."

Lu Yanhe raised the corners of his mouth.

“Siqi, I actually have another idea about your special volume.”

 “What do you think?” Chen Siqi asked.

Lu Yanhe said: "For this special volume, we invited six experts and scholars to write six columns on six topics. This is in the form of text. Have you ever considered making it a video?"


"Actually, it's a program, a cultural program." Lu Yanhe said, "Each issue's manuscript is about three to four thousand words. If they appear on the camera to speak, it will be about twenty minutes, neither long nor short. As you said before, it is also convenient for office workers to read an issue on the subway.”

"The special volume is called "China in Culture", which is a big name, but if it is made into a whole series, each teacher will record six issues on a theme, from astronomy and geography to literature, history and economics." Lu Yanhe said, " Producing these contents in various forms such as text, audio, video, etc. can catch all the potential people who are interested in these contents as soon as possible.”

Chen Siqi took a deep breath.

 “It’s really amazing.”

"What's wrong?" Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi said: "Sister Zi Xing just called me an hour ago. What she said to you is almost exactly the same. She also said that this column can be made into a video program simultaneously." Lu Yanhe looked surprised.

He did not expect that Xin Zixing would think of this first.

 Lu Yanhe came up with this idea after experiencing a series of cultural programs from "Lectures of One Hundred Schools" to Pay for Knowledge.

Xin Zixing, however, relied on her own acumen to bring it up earlier than Lu Yanhe.


“You mean, Lu Yanhe wants to make a cultural program?”

Zheng Huairen looked at Jiang Zixin with some surprise.

Jiang Zixin nodded and said: "To be precise, Chen Siqi and Xin Zixin did it together, but it just so happened that Lu Yanhe also came up with the same idea."

"Just use the column content in their separate volume of "Jump Up"?"

“Yes.” Jiang Zixin nodded again, “Ask us if we are interested.”

Zheng Huairen asked: “What do you think of their idea for this program?”

Jiang Zixin took a deep breath and said: "To be honest, I can't judge. If we just look at the content and form of this program, I think inviting some experts and scholars to come and talk about things in their professional knowledge fields will not be enough for the audience." There will be a lot. After all, CCTV has produced many programs like this, which talk about popular science and humanities and history, but not many people watch them. However, their format seems to be different this time. From what they mentioned to me. When I looked at some of the topics, I really wanted to see what they were talking about.”

 Zheng Huairen: “What topic?”

"For example, Professor Zhao Dezhong of Zhenhua University, the topic he is going to do is 'Revealing the past and present lives of the five masters and apprentices in "Journey to the West"'. It is especially like the deliberately gimmick titles created by marketing accounts. China Most people know the story "Journey to the West", and when they see the title, they will be more or less interested," Jiang Zixin said.

“Yes, it’s true.” Zheng Huairen nodded.

 Jiang Zixin saw that Zheng Huairen's attitude was relatively positive, so he continued: "Moreover, this program, like "Confessions from the High Platform", has a relatively low production cost."

Zheng Huairen nodded, "Let's make an appointment for everyone to sit together and discuss it."


“Each expert and scholar chooses a topic, prepares five to eight issues according to a twenty-minute period, and takes one to two days to record it.”

 Not long ago, Xin Zixing sat in the conference room and introduced her thoughts on the program to everyone.

"The filming team can be left to us, or it can be left to your own team of Northern Lights Video, but our team will be responsible for the program recording site and the audience." Xin Zixing said, "We will work with Zhenhua The University Youth Association worked together to create a lecture situation, inviting students from various universities to create an academic lecture atmosphere, but the atmosphere is definitely more relaxed than a real academic lecture.”

"The requirements and difficulty of other aspects of our program are not high, and a basic shooting team is enough to shoot it." Xin Zixing said, "At the same time, the separate volume of "Jump Up" will also be synchronized with the program. publicity."

Zheng Huairen said: "Such a program without the participation of celebrity artists at all, it is difficult to attract everyone's attention."

Lu Yanhe said: “It’s not that this program is difficult to attract everyone’s attention, but that our program production industry doesn’t know how to promote this type of program.”

 Chen Siqi smiled slightly at Zheng Huairen: "Mr. Zheng, we are doing publicity and sales. Now our team is professional."

Zheng Huairen really couldn’t refute it.

 After all, the people in front of him are people who have made people into adults many times what others think is impossible.

"We can have two ways of cooperation. The first way is that we produce all the programs ourselves, and you are responsible for buying the copyright and broadcasting them exclusively on your platform. The second way is that we do it together and develop it together." Xin Zixin said , "Actually, if our team is not too small and we don't have enough manpower, it is completely possible for us to do this kind of program ourselves. Yan He said, he has cooperated with you, so because of the actual lack of manpower, we first came to If you are not optimistic about the prospects of this show, it doesn’t matter. Let’s talk to other platforms.”

Zheng Huairen immediately made a "stop it" gesture.

Are you kidding me? To say that the production cost of this program is very high and the risk is very high, he still hesitated. For a program with such a low production cost like this, even if it is a risk, how could he be willing to let Lu Yanhe go with other people? Platform chat.

“I was just thinking about what kind of effect this program would have.” Zheng Huairen smiled.

Lu Yanhe looked at Zheng Huairen and said, "It may be the effect of a big hit, Mr. Zheng."

Zheng Huairen looked at Lu Yanhe in confusion and didn't know for a moment whether Lu Yanhe was joking or if he really felt that way.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t know whether this show can become a hit, but Lu Yanhe knows that there is definitely an audience market for this show.

So, Lu Yanhe thought that he should do it well. Try it first. Be it Xin Zixing or Chen Siqi, they are both very capable people to get things done.


“If we want to record the program simultaneously, then the serialization method of our separate volumes will have to be changed.”

After chatting with the people from Northern Lights Video, Chen Siqi said: "Before, we thought that six teachers would open six columns at the same time, and publish one in each issue. But now, our program cannot be updated to the third one." For one issue, just wait a month before updating the second issue. I have to discuss with the editorial team what to do with the content of this special volume.”

"Actually, you can follow your original plan." Xin Zixing said, "This program will definitely take some time from recording to post-production and then online, including submission for review, advertising and investment, etc. It hasn’t been done yet. There’s no need to rush it, the show will be done more leisurely and the quality will be higher.”

“Really?” Chen Siqi heard this, “I thought you would be able to produce this show next month or the month after that.”

Xin Zixing: "Of course we can do it quickly, but the teachers probably haven't finished the script yet. Even if we want to hurry up, we still have to wait for the script before we can shoot."

 Lu Yanhe said: “That’s the case.”

Xin Zixing said: "In addition, the news that Sister Ziyan's company is planning to customize programs for outdated artists has spread, and many people are asking about these things."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Let's see what kind of clients come to sign with us first, and then we'll discuss what kind of programs we will do."

“Hmm.” Xin Zixing looked at Lu Yanhe jealously.

“What are you doing? Sister Zi Xing, why are you looking at me like that?”

“I just want to know why you have so many ideas in your head.” Xin Zixing said, “And every idea is so interesting.”

"Actually, it's not bad." Lu Yanhe said, "Didn't you also think of the program "China in Culture"?"

"I think you can make the best use of everything. The experts you found are all well-known people in the industry, and they write the column in the same way as a magazine. This must mean that the content of this column is mostly ordinary. "Everyone can understand it and it's interesting to watch. If it has such good content and is made into a cultural program, wouldn't it be able to be watched by more people?" Xin Zixing said.

 Her tone was full of matter-of-factness, as if she could think of these things and it was no big deal.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Real geniuses seem not to realize that they are geniuses.

 But in the field of program production, nothing is more important than a keen heart.

 Creativity is the most valuable. This creativity does not mean that you have to create something that no one has created before. If you have a pair of eyes that can keenly discover that there is a market demand and there is no corresponding product on the market, then you can still create a creative program. .

 It is a common lecture on university campuses. When it appeared on the TV screen, it became "Lecture Forum" and became the first cultural program to take advantage of others.

A meaning.


 "What? "China in Culture"?"

After Xu Bin heard about Lu Yanhe's recent actions from Hu Siwei, he showed a puzzled expression, "Why is he starting to do programs again? Is he going to become a producer?"

Hu Siwei smiled and said: "Actually, he has already produced several programs, such as "City Travel" on Although he is not a producer in name, if this program can be produced, just like him It has nothing to do with it. Last summer, wasn't there another popular show called "Confessions on the High Floor"? Later, Northern Lights Video also made a program about it and it has been broadcasting it all the time. "

Xu Bin said: "These are all very ordinary programs, right? They are not very popular."

"It is indeed incomparable with those S+ level popular variety shows, but their profitability is even higher than many popular variety shows." Hu Siwei said, "Moreover, this time's "China in Culture" has this theme. It is very suitable for the positioning of our Beijing TV station. Didn’t you invite us to a meeting some time ago to create a program centered on improving cultural influence? "

Xu Bin said: "I just heard you say that their program actually just invited a few university teachers to the studio to give lectures. There is nothing new. And how many viewers would like to listen to this kind of content? Lu Yanhe himself I am a college student and I think everyone likes to listen to this kind of thing. If you go to the street and see, how many people are still reading? "

Hu Si Siwei didn't know what to say when he heard Xu Bin's words.

He hesitated for a moment and said, "Taiwan Xu, I think this program must have an audience, and it can fulfill the station's mission. If we can buy it and broadcast it on the TV station, it may have unexpected effects."

“Moreover, it can also ease our relationship with Lu Yanhe.”

“How can we relax it? He has already mixed up with Jiang Lan, and he refuses to come back and continue to act in "Six People"."

“But we can cooperate with him on new projects.” Hu Siwei said.

Xu Bin frowned, thought for a moment, and waved his hand.

"What's the cooperation? I've said nice things to him and apologized to him a few times before, but he didn't take any notice of me. Do we have to be with him? Without him in this entertainment industry, everyone else would be dead, right?" Xu Bin said , "This man has such a bad temper, who knows if he will cause trouble later."

Hu Siwei's heart felt as cold as if it had been blown by the winter wind.

 A hot stove was put out.

He didn't expect that Xu Bin didn't want to cooperate with Lu Yanhe anymore.

Xu Bin suddenly remembered something, "He brought that Tom White here before, and even asked you to have a meal with Tom White. Did he tell you something else? He wanted to return to "Party of Six"?"

"No, he said in front of the media that he would never come back. How could he come back?" Hu Siwei sighed inwardly.

Xu Bin: "He and Northern Lights poached Bai Jingnian, and I haven't settled the accounts with him yet. Don't get involved in anything else in the future, or let me take the blame again."

Hu Siwei was silent.

 He was silent because he felt uncomfortable. When Lu Yanhe and he were working on the project "Seventeen Floors", he was the one who invited Lu Yanhe to "Six". This drama could obviously become a good story about their "discerning eyes" in their acting careers. Now, Instead, it has become an existence that cannot be mentioned and needs to be avoided.

Hu Siwei sincerely hopes to get back on good terms with Lu Yanhe. Even if they can no longer work together on "Six People", they can still work together on other projects.

 However, things backfired.

 It seems that not everyone has the same idea as him.


That evening, at 8:30, Hu Siwei drove out from Beijing, avoiding the evening rush hour, and arrived at the "White Sail Bistro" without any traffic jams.

Bai Jingnian is already waiting for him in the cubicle.

"Oh, you're finally here." Bai Jingnian stood up, hugged each other, and patted his shoulders, "Why did you get off work so late today? The show has already finished."

"I was communicating with the screenwriter about the script, and the meeting didn't end until 8:20." Hu Siwei sighed, "You ran away, so you didn't leave this whole thing to me."

Bai Jingnian smiled and waved his hands.

“Looking at it now, it was right to choose to leave at the beginning.” He shook his head in disinterest, “I can only say two words about the Red River Award, which is chilling.”

Hu Siwei was silent because he really didn’t know what to say.

In terms of Bai Jingnian’s departure and the Red River Award, as Xu Bin’s direct subordinate and Bai Jingnian’s long-time friend, he was caught in the middle. It was actually difficult and uncomfortable.

 Hu Siwei certainly tried to resolve the matter properly, but in the end, there was no solution.

 No matter how much he knew that Bai Jingnian's ability and talent as a director were in the first echelon, the leaders inside the station just didn't recognize it, and it was useless no matter what he said.

People often have a stubbornness in their own judgments that is as deep-rooted as stereotypes.

“If he was really capable, why would he finally have a movie with a better reputation after encountering the drama "Six People"? Look at what movies he has filmed before."

Hu Siwei felt aggrieved for Bai Jingnian in his heart. What scene were you filming? Isn't that all a bad show you forced on him? Everyone can point their fingers, but all important roles are arranged by the leader. Advertising slogans can be strongly inserted into the plot and dialogue. How could a play like this not be bad? What can a director without any background or voice do?

However, Bai Jingnian himself did not say these words, and Hu Siwei did not have the courage to stand up for him. Bai Jingnian left decisively, and Hu Siwei could only bless him in his heart.

"Northern Light Video is willing to sign a contract with me on such favorable terms. In addition to the results of "Six People", it is mainly because of the drama "Wulin Gaiden". They need to find a suitable director to direct it. It was Yan He who told them that he After looking for me, I was rejected by Jingtai, so Northern Lights came up with the idea." Bai Jingnian smiled, "It's a good thing. I have been in Jingtai for more than 20 years, and now I am finally out, and I can see a new world. New scenery.”

 Hu Siwei: “I envy you.”

Bai Jingnian smiled and said, "There is nothing to envy. There are also risks."

"With your ability, Lu Yanhe's script, and Northern Lights' investment, "Wulin Gaiden" will not be bad, unlike "Six People", damn-" After Hu Siwei cursed such a swear word, he felt He was stunned, then laughed angrily.

“I heard that Zhang Lan will be assigned a leading role in the third season?”

"Yes." Hu Siwei nodded and sighed at the same time, "Zhang Lan replaced Chen Ziliang as the starring role in the third season. I am happy to see it happen. Chen Ziliang's acting skills are really unwatchable. They were all edited out in the later editing. Not good. However, Zhang Lan is too self-centered. He has already expressed his opinions on the script twice and is still not satisfied and refuses to sign the contract. "

"Why do you have to find her to play the role?" Bai Jingnian asked, "Can't we just let Yan Liang and the others who were there in the first season continue the story?"

“What else is there to ask? Why did they insist on adding a new character like Chen Ziliang in the first place? It’s still the same now.”

“Have you not learned the lesson of bringing Chen Ziliang over for the second season?”

"Eat it. They thought they had found the wrong person, so they found Zhang Lan. They felt that Zhang Lan had the best luck among actresses in recent years." Hu Siwei shook his head, "Zhang Lan's luck is okay. Bless Six Season 3.”

Bai Jingnian fell into a state of speechlessness.

 “Luck? Blessing?”

“Well, you heard it right, they are even starting to care about these things now.”

 Hu Siwei didn't realize that his seemingly speechless expression also concealed a quiet disappointment that he himself was not even aware of.

Bai Jingnian smiled sarcastically, "That's **** nonsense. Fortunately, I left."


“Wulin Gaiden will start filming in May. You two remember to save a time slot for me to make a cameo.”

Lu Yanhe asked during the video call with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

 “Okay.” Both of them made an OK gesture.

Li Zhibai: "It's rare that both of us are filming outside, but you didn't join the set. You've been off for two months, I'm jealous."

 “I’m just taking a rest, I’ve been busy all the time.” Lu Yanhe said speechlessly, “Very busy.”

“Are you two on the set?” Lu Yanhe asked again.

Yan Liang shook his head: "I'm in the hotel. There must be no signal on the set. It's rare to have a day off today. There won't be any scenes of mine."

 Lu Yanhe asked: "How is the filming of your movie going? When will it be finished?"

"There is still more than a month left, and it is estimated that it will not be completed until the end of April. If it is delayed further, it may not even be completed until May." Yan Liang said, "The director must shoot in real locations. Those who work in foreign countries always encounter problems. , many problems cannot be solved for a while, which always wastes time.”

“Be careful, I heard it’s very chaotic over there, and some people are even bold enough to kidnap people.” Li Zhibai said.

“No, no, the crew is reliable.” Yan Liang said, “We are followed by bodyguards when we travel.”

Lu Yanhe: "You have to be more careful when filming in the mountains. If you are in the deep mountains and old forests, you won't be able to go to the hospital immediately if you have an accident."

"Yeah." Yan Liang nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"What about you? Li Zhibai, you were filming "Echoes of Moonlight", but I didn't hear anything about the crew?"

"I don't have anything to say. I just film as usual and call it a day. Occasionally I have dinner and a glass of wine with the other guys on the crew." Li Zhibai said, "However, after I changed my agent, I feel that my ears are still the same. I felt a lot more relaxed, and finally no one was yelling at me every now and then. He had a soft spot for that idiot Ma Zhiyuan. I heard that he wanted to act in a play for Ma Zhiyuan, but it turned out that Ma Zhiyuan was the second male lead in that play. , refused to act no matter what, Zhou Pingan’s face turned green with anger.”

"Huh?" Yan Liang was stunned, "He recently accepted a play for me, and it was a play with the second male lead. Isn't this the one?"

"What the hell?" Li Zhibai's eyes immediately stared, "He gave you a role that Ma Zhiyuan refused to play? What a shameless piece of shit!"

Yan Liang: “It’s not necessarily the same play.”

"Based on my understanding of Zhou Ping'an, there is a high probability that it is the same drama." Li Zhibai said, "This person is so shameless."

Lu Yanhe saw that Yan Liang's face looked a little unhappy, and immediately said: "Actually, if the role is good and the script is good, then it will be his loss if Ma Zhiyuan does not act. As long as Yan Liang plays the role well, there will be many opportunities for Ma Zhiyuan to regret it later. Didn't you also say that? ?Zhou Ping'an still has a very vicious eye for drama."

Yan Liang's expression softened slightly, nodded, and said, "Lao Lu is right, as long as the script is good and the character is good, it doesn't matter even if Ma Zhiyuan doesn't want it, he will suffer the loss."

Li Zhibai nodded, "Anyway, Yan Liang, please be more careful and don't let them trick you, especially Zhou Ping'an. His partiality comes from genes and grows in his bones. You must be careful." You can't let him give Ma Zhiyuan the opportunity that originally belonged to you. If this happens, just tell us and we will scold him to death for you. "

Yan Liang smiled.

 Lu Yanhe: "The worst case scenario is to just start a fight with him on Weibo. Anyway, Li Zhibai and I don't owe him anything."

“Owe him? I owe him a fairy, I have done my best to him.” Li Zhibai snorted.

“Well, you two have not been in Yuming for the past two months. I have basically been living at the school and have not returned to Ziyuanqiao.”

“You can’t see that from now on, you’ll be thinking about us day and night and can’t sleep, right?” Li Zhibai chuckled.

 “You are so wretched.” Lu Yanhe immediately said in disgust.

Li Zhibai: “Tsk, tsk, what you say is not what you mean.” (End of this chapter)

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