Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 418: I like this little thing

 Zhou Mukai was very disillusioned.

He also did not expect that one day he would become an emotional master, sitting in the school cafeteria and analyzing (dissuading) a man and a woman.

 The source of all this comes from a sentence Lu Yanhe asked him.

"Have you ever found that you and your girlfriend have completely different judgments on one thing?"

Zhou Mukai got inexplicably caught up in answering this question, and then became a witness to help Wang Xiao prove that he might not have received the hint.

 How does he know whether Wang Xiao has received any hint from another girl?

 He was not at the scene.

 What does it have to do with him!

 But no matter what, in the end Lin Miaomiao still accepted this statement with hesitation.

 The anger on his face is less.

Wang Xiao sighed and sighed silently, falling in love is not easy.

He held Lin Miaomiao's hand and said affectionately: "Miaomiao, I only have eyes for you and no one else."

Lu Yanhe and Zhou Mukai showed the same "disgusting" expressions.


Wang Xiao and Lin Miaomiao both belong to a group of well-known students at Zhenhua University.

 The former is because of his status as the president of the Youth Association, and the latter is because of his beauty and reputation as a mathematical genius.

 The fact that the two of them were together also caused an uproar in the school.

Especially Lin Miaomiao’s suitors.

You cannot say that just because Wang Xiao is very good, he is worthy of Lin Miaomiao. In the eyes of a love rival, no matter how awesome you are, you are still a dog.

Some people ridiculed in the forum: Looking at the way you fight dog-eat-dog over a girl, you don’t have the demeanor of Zhenhua University students at all.

 After a second, someone replied: You have style. Why are you browsing the forum? Read your "Tao Te Ching".

"There are always people who think that Zhenhua students should establish their minds for the world, establish their lives for the people, carry forward their unique knowledge for the past saints, and create peace for all generations." Mao Jiayang was browsing the forum in the dormitory. When he saw this, he curled his lips, "It seems that as long as we are not Appearing in a higher place is like playing with things and losing one's ambition, as if we can't even fall in love. "

"You don't care what they say." Xiao Jing curled his lips, "I'm going to the UK to study as an exchange student for a year. Do you know what any of my relatives said when they heard about this?"

"say what?"

“They say that I admire foreigners and don’t study hard in Zhenhua and insist on going abroad. They say that the country has worked hard to train me, but I just want to immigrate.”

“Six, the distance from exchange studies to immigration is bridged by just opening his mouth.”

“Anyway, some people think that Zhenhua students are awesome, outstanding, and the pride of heaven. On the other hand, they always look at you with colored glasses, speculate on you, evaluate you, and act as the judge of your life.”

"You have seen Yan He in the past few years. Seeing how he is praised to the sky by his fans, once something is not as good as what they want, Yan He will act as if he has made a huge mistake. Yan He is not them anymore. It was the person they had in mind, and then they felt that Yan He had failed them."

“Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. I have learned this sentence since I was a child. But what if the water itself is not peaceful water? What should I do if the boat is overturned?”

“You two, pull them down. When we were talking about Wang Xiao and Lin Miaomiao’s relationship, you mentioned the relative philosophy of water and boats.” Zhou Mukai couldn’t help but interject.

"Have you never encountered this kind of situation?" Xiao Jing asked in surprise, "You studied literature, and your relatives didn't ask you to write Spring Festival couplets for them during the New Year. Then you said you couldn't write calligraphy, and then they He looked at you with an expression of disbelief and asked, "Why can't you even write with calligraphy? Aren't you from Zhenhua?"

 Zhou Mukai said: "I don't quite see their expressions."


Zhou Mukai said: "Because they always feel very proud when they see me. I'm embarrassed, so I don't look directly at them anymore. As for the situation you mentioned, I have never encountered it."

 “Same people but different fates?”

Lu Yanhe was lying on the bed reading a book when he heard the three of them discussing lively and sat up.

"Actually, as long as you don't take what others say to your heart, no matter what others say, it won't affect you." Lu Yanhe said, "I think no one can avoid being discussed, so learn how to block others." The sound of music is a required course for everyone.”

Xiao Jing was shocked: "I went, and Lu Yanhe actually started taking psychological chicken soup classes."

Mao Jiayang: “I understand the principles, but I can’t do it.”

“Hmm—” Lu Yanhe pondered for a moment, then lay down again, “Yes, I am a practical person and have no teaching experience from a theoretical person.”

Mao Jiayang said: "However, Yan He, I have always been curious. When you open your social media every day, you will definitely see someone scolding you, right? Do those voices really not affect you at all?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe said, "But because I watch it every day, the impact will become smaller and smaller. As I said, I am a practical person. No matter what others say, I am hypnotizing myself. It is not important and I don't take it to heart. Over time, this kind of thinking inertia was formed.”

 “Awesome, everyone started to hypnotize themselves.” Mao Jiayang said.

Lu Yanhe smiled.


Just when Lu Yanhe really felt that he was a practical person and his defense ability was getting stronger and stronger, God seemed to want to test him, and another news broke in the school forum.

Lin Miaomiao once liked crossing the Lu Yan River.

 As a result, the nature of the story suddenly changed.

It is known that Lu Yanhe and Lin Miaomiao have known each other before, and Lu Yanhe and Wang Xiao have a very good relationship. Wang Xiao is now boyfriend and girlfriend with Lin Miaomiao. Lin Miaomiao was revealed to have liked Lu Yanhe. Now let’s ask, Wang Xiao knows that Lin Miaomiao once Do you like crossing the Luyan River? Did Lu Yanhe know that Lin Miaomiao had liked him? Can Wang Xiao and Lu Yanhe continue to be friends?

Lu Yanhe’s face turned green.

I don’t know which idiot posted such a post anonymously on the forum.

 At school, everyone’s eyes changed when they looked at him.

 Becomes full of gossip and ambiguity.

If Lin Miaomiao stood up at this time and called the person who spread the rumors sick, and directly denied the matter, then the matter might become a mystery, and we don’t know whether it is true or not, but at least the person involved has denied it.

However, Lin Miaomiao was noncommittal and did not respond. Even when her classmates asked her, she did not answer directly. This information made everyone begin to believe the anonymous poster.

 In this matter, Lu Yanhe was particularly embarrassed.

 Because he himself felt that Lin Miaomiao had liked him, but Lin Miaomiao had never confessed to him or made it clear.

This matter made it seem like it was not OK for him to stand up and respond, nor was it OK for him not to respond.

   itself is not something he can respond to.

When Lu Yanhe went to record "City Travels", the footage of his meeting with Lin Miaomiao in Jiangzhi was also discovered.

 There is more and more discussion in the school.

This matter has even become a hot search on Weibo.   Besides Chen Siqi, there is another girl in Lu Yanhe’s life!

This topic has caused quite a stir.

Lu Yanhe could not justly accuse people of rumors this time.

Lin Miaomiao didn’t respond, Wang Xiao didn’t respond, and Lu Yanhe didn’t respond either. The three people’s silent attitudes condensed into a noncommittal and specious question mark that appeared in everyone’s minds.

 However, this matter cannot be allowed to continue to ferment.

No one knows what it will look like in the end when it is magnified.

The result of sitting back and doing nothing is very likely to turn into a mess.

Lu Yanhe called Wang Xiao.

 “Senior, let’s go out and have a meal together.” Lu Yanhe said.

Wang Xiao teased: "You invited me out for dinner at this time because you were afraid that they wouldn't talk enough about us? You also have to send them oil and firewood, right?"

Lu Yanhe smiled, relieved by Wang Xiao's teasing attitude.

 At least Wang Xiao didn't sound particularly concerned about this matter.

 But you must mind it, right?

 Think from someone else’s perspective, definitely.

Wang Xiao said: "You don't want to have dinner with me. From the first day I fell in love with Miaomiao, I knew she had liked you."


 “She told me.”

 “Did she really say that to you?”

 “Well, what’s wrong? Don’t believe it?”

 “Because...she didn’t tell me.”

"She said she had been waiting for you to chase her." Wang Xiao laughed, "She scolded me for a long time, saying that you were annoying and had never taken the initiative to chase her. Later, you and Chen Siqi got together, and she I’m slowly starting to dislike you.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe was ashamed.

Wang Xiao said: "She is embarrassed to face you now."


“Because she has done this to you, and the whole school knows about it.”

 “Why doesn’t she just deny it? Just pretend it never happened.”

 “Her character would not allow her to deny her past self.”


Lu Yanhe asked: "But, senior, I asked you out for dinner not to explain this matter to you, but to show it to them. They must know that no matter how harshly they spread these words, they are actually correct. We have no influence at all.”

Wang Xiao: “Huh?”

“I don’t want to explain because I don’t want to respond to these useless rumors. We can go out to eat together normally, which proves that we are not affected by this incident. With our posture out, everyone is not so... concerned about this matter.” Lu Yanhe said.

Wang Xiao thought for a while and said, "Okay, you are an expert and I will listen to you?"

 “Just the two of us.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Hang up the phone, Lu Yanhe thought for a while and was about to send a message to Lin Miaomiao. Suddenly, Chen Siqi called.

Lu Yanhe slapped his head, sighed, and answered the phone.


Chen Siqi said: "I'm at the gate of your school."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi is here to ask questions?

 That’s not the case, right? This matter...has nothing to do with him.

 Chen Siqi is jealous?

Lu Yanhe heard Chen Siqi say in an uneasy state: "I have made an appointment with Lin Miaomiao to have dinner together. Do you and Wang Xiao want to come together?"

 A completely unexpected statement.

Lu Yanhe was surprised at first, and then he couldn't help it and laughed.

 “Why are you laughing?” Chen Siqi asked in confusion.

Lu Yanhe gave Chen Siqi a screenshot of the call record between himself and Wang Xiao, and said: "I sent you a picture, you can see it yourself."

 Chen Siqi was silent for a few seconds, and then, in the silence, Lu Yanhe heard Chen Siqi burst into laughter.

 Since when did he and Chen Siqi's thinking gradually become so similar?

 For one thing, one problem, and one trouble, the ways and angles to solve it are so similar.

Chen Siqi: "I said, when you received my call just now, were you a little nervous?"


“Do you think I’m jealous, so jealous that I come to you to accuse you?”

"How could it be? You don't have such a character." Lu Yanhe hurriedly denied it.

Chen Siqi snorted slightly and said, "Whatever you say, I can't verify what you think anyway."

"I swear, what I said is absolutely true. In my mind, you have never been a girl who would be jealous casually."

Lu Yanhe felt ashamed.

 I'm sorry, God of acting, I have to use a little of the talent you gave me for my own personal affairs. (End of chapter)

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