Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 430: Goodbye Jiang Zhi (7,000 words updated!)

Lu Yanhe is very happy every time he meets He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi.

 He likes these two from the bottom of his heart.

 Because they all gave him a sophisticated but not snobbish, warm and pure feeling.

The most important thing is that the two of them were able to give up the aura of a prestigious school and the convenience of the city, return to such an underdeveloped place, and use what they have learned to make a successful life in a big city. What you know, what you know, and what you are capable of, to help this place become a better place.

 After dinner, Lu Yanhe was ready to go back to the inn to rest.

Since they all drank some wine, He Yunlan asked a local friend to pick them up and bring their luggage.

 Staying in the same inn as last time.

 The room has already been reserved for them.

He Yunlan said: "I will take you to have breakfast tomorrow morning, and then we will go to see Tongfu Inn."

Lu Yanhe nodded, said yes, and said: "Brother He, you should also go to bed early. Thank you and sister-in-law for the hospitality. I am so happy to be able to **** sister-in-law's craftsmanship."

He Yunlan smiled and patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder, hugged him, and said in his ear: "Yan He, compared with everything you have done for us Jiang Zhi, our little is nothing. Thank you, thank you very much."

Lu Yanhe felt an indescribable sourness in his heart.

 Actually, what did he do? He just did a few simple things according to his own work. He made no sacrifice at all, but he received such heartfelt thanks from He Yunlan, a person who really sacrificed a lot. Lu Yanhe felt frightened and at the same time a little guilty, feeling that he had not done more or thought more.

"Brother He, you are too polite. Jiangzhi is a city that deserves to be known by everyone." Lu Yanhe said, "Especially the people here. It is because the people here are good enough that this city is good enough."

He Yunlan smiled.

He patted Lu Yanhe's face and said, "If nothing else, I have long recognized you as a brother and taken it to heart. If you call me big brother, I will treat you as my younger brother. As for me, I am capable It's not big. All your efforts are put into this small town, but don't worry, Xiao Lu, your crew and your drama will come to us to shoot. As a brother, I will definitely do it within my ability and give you the most convenient way. condition."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

 “Thank you, brother.”


Lu Yanhe used to be quite afraid of times like this. When he saw them, he would feel that the situation and scene of such a heart-to-heart exchange, especially between two grown men, was weird.

But at this time, especially after drinking some wine and not drunk, the guard is like an iron lock that has been rusted and loosened, so some words that cannot be said normally, disgusting words, words that express one's heart , like a wheel, it all came out in one go.

After Lu Yanhe arrived at the inn, he lay down on the bed and looked at the dark blue night sky outside the window and the stars as bright as diamonds.

 I don’t hear anyone’s words, I can only hear my own heartbeat and breathing gradually calming down.

 He was thinking about what he had said to He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi at the dinner table that night.

 Perhaps he was really a little carried away at this moment. He was actually thinking about something that he had never dared to imagine before.

 What else can he do for Jiangzhi? -

 The next day, Lu Yanhe woke up very early.

 Mainly because I drank alcohol the night before, went to bed early, and felt dizzy. The quality of my sleep was not good, and I had no dreams all night.

 There is the sound of birds chirping outside the window, as clear as falling beads. Opening the window and looking outside, the morning mist curled up, decorating the city of Jiangzhi like a fairy dream.

Lu Yanhe stretched out, went to get his mobile phone, and took a picture of this scene.

 He sent it to Chen Siqi.

 It’s only half past five in the morning.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that Chen Siqi was still sleeping at this point.

Who would have known that Chen Siqi would reply instantly: I'll be there in ten minutes.

  ? ? ?

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

 He immediately washed his face, combed his messy hair, and went downstairs.

 Zou Dong has also woken up and is boxing in the inn yard.

 “Yan He, are you going out so early?” Zou Dong withdrew his fist.

“Brother Dong, good morning, you’re the one who beats you. Siqi is coming soon. I’ll pick her up at the door.” Lu Yanhe said.

Zou Dong nodded and watched Lu Yanhe trot out.

What surprised Lu Yanhe even more was that Chen Siqi actually drove here by himself.

 Her car drove out of the morning fog, facing the sunshine that pierced the clouds, and stopped in front of Lu Yanhe.

Chen Siqi got out of the car, held the car door with one hand, and gave him a tired but still bright smile.

 “Why did you get up so early today?”

"I went to bed early yesterday." Lu Yanhe explained, "What about you? Why did you get up so early?"

“I didn’t get up early, I didn’t sleep at all.” Chen Siqi said, “I finished my work very late yesterday, so I thought I might as well drive over and sleep here.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

 “You are driving while tired.”

Chen Siqi: "It's okay. I know what's going on with me. If I'm really sleepy, I'll park the car on the side of the road and sleep."

Lu Yanhe: "Just be tough."

"Let's find a place to have breakfast first. I'll catch up on my sleep after breakfast." Chen Siqi raised her head and yawned. The morning sun fell between her eyebrows and her neck, drawing out smart lines.

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized that Chen Siqi seemed to be getting more and more beautiful? Her appearance didn't seem to have changed much, but something about her body seemed to have changed a lot. A kind of fullness like a peach approaching its ripe state. Realizing this, Lu Yanhe's cheeks suddenly turned a little red. This thought was involuntary, but it also made him a little flustered, worried that Chen Siqi would see something fishy.


Originally, Lu Yanhe was going to have breakfast with He Yunlan at eight o'clock in the morning, but Chen Siqi was busy eating to catch up on her sleep, so Lu Yanhe accompanied her to find a breakfast shop that opened very early on the street.

Chen Siqi ate a bowl of noodles, and Lu Yanhe asked for a bowl of bean curd soup.

 “You eat so little?”

“I’m going to have dinner with Brother He later. I made an appointment with him last night.”

"Oh." Chen Siqi ate a bowl of noodles very quickly, "I'm really sleepy. I won't accompany you to see Tongfu Inn in the morning. You can go by yourself. If I don't contact you at noon, you don't have to worry about it. Me, wait until I wake up naturally.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded.


Chen Siqi was full and stretched lazily.

"I'm going to bed."


 In the morning, He Yunlan took Lu Yanhe to see Tongfu Inn.

This inn is completely built in antique style and has nothing modern at all.

Lu Yanhe said: "This is really what I imagined."

 About the appearance of Tongfu Inn, Lu Yanhe described it in great detail and even drew a sketch for them.

 Including the general layout and style of the inn.

 Lu Yanhe was actually surprised when he recalled this. Because he didn't expect that in a drama he watched many years ago, when he recalled these things that had nothing to do with the plot, he would be so clear.

 Some plays really enter our memories and lives.

Lu Yanhe looked around Tongfu Inn inside and out.

“We haven’t made more specific arrangements yet, but the main structure has already been made.” He Yunlan said, “Do you think it meets your requirements?”

“It fits very well.” Lu Yanhe nodded, his eyes twinkling, “This is what I imagined Tongfu Inn should look like.”

He Yunlan smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

 At the beginning, when He Yunlan snatched the construction rights of this Tongfu Inn from many tourist cities, He Yunlan knew that he was taking advantage of a favor. If it weren't for Lu Yanhe's care, Jiangzhi would not be able to compete with other popular tourist cities in terms of geographical location and economic conditions.

 After he got this project, it can be said that he used all the power at his disposal to build this inn. Every aspect is personally monitored and detailed. He Yunlan didn't want to finally get such an opportunity, but in the end he couldn't meet Lu Yanhe's requirements.

 There has not been any decoration inside the inn, only simple tables and chairs.

 However, even so, Lu Yanhe can already match the Tongfu Inn in his memory under the current conditions.

Lu Yanhe felt an inexplicable feeling. This feeling may be similar to that of a wanderer who has been away from home for many years and suddenly eats an authentic hometown dish. The moment you enter your mouth, through the stimulation of your taste buds, all kinds of memories come flooding back, telling you where you come from along your limbs and bones.

In order to keep this inn from being disclosed to the public before the official broadcast, and to make the filming go more smoothly, of course, the most important thing is to make it possible to further develop and build a large-scale real-life Seven Heroes Town in the future. Tongfu Inn was built On the outskirts of the city, there are few people.

Because in the script, the environment of Tongfu Inn and Qixia Town is a relatively rough and rough environment, not so beautiful, so in addition to Tongfu Inn, a courtyard was built first, surrounded by a courtyard wall. We got up and carried out "urbanization" treatment inside.

Lu Yanhe became more and more excited the more he looked at it.

"I suddenly regretted not leaving a role for myself in "Wulin Gaiden" so that I could film here." Lu Yanhe sighed deeply, feeling a little regretful.

He really couldn't bring himself to play any of the main roles in this drama. Because he was so impressed by this drama, he couldn't imagine that he could replace any one of them, including Yan Xiaoliu.

He Yunlan said: "We have abundant natural resources of mountains and rivers here. If you want to shoot a movie, this place is open to you at any time."

Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, thank you, Brother He. I have heard several people complain that it is difficult to film here in Jiangzhi. There is a difficult leader who has very strict requirements for the crew to film here. I asked They said that this difficult leader insisted on making the crew sign an environmental protection agreement, and the compensation was very high, which was scary. I said, just ask the crew not to damage other people's environment, and they just laughed. , saying that filming may not have any impact on the local environment.”

He Yunlan said angrily: "They are all reasons. I made it very clear. What I ask for is that it cannot cause irreversible damage to our place. Some crews want to cut down a few trees in the woods so that they can use the swing arm. There are also crews who want to make some artificial changes to some of our landscapes just to capture the most beautiful pictures, how could I agree? "

Lu Yanhe: "It's okay, Brother He, don't get excited. I also think you did it right. Such a beautiful place in Jiangzhi cannot be permanently damaged for the sake of a small immediate profit. Jiangzhi It’s getting better and better, it’s good to take your time.”

He Yunlan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Only you will agree to my requests without hesitation.”

"Because what I hate most is the behavior that brings harm to others for the sake of my own affairs." Lu Yanhe said, "Furthermore, I believe that there is nothing in this world that must be done. They have to use a Doing it in a way that destroys the local environment only shows that they are lazy and unwilling to think of a compromise. "


 The two of them finished watching Tongfu Inn, walked around the area, and were ready to return to the city.

He Yunlan asked: "Is Siqi still sleeping?"

"She hasn't contacted me yet. She must be still sleeping. She didn't sleep last night. Let's ignore her for now." Lu Yanhe smiled. "She told me before she went to bed. If she didn't contact me at noon, it means she She’s not awake yet, please don’t wake her up.”

"You two are really working hard." He Yunlan lamented, "I sometimes see you suddenly starting live broadcasts and writing scripts at one or two in the morning."

"That's not true. It was purely because I had insomnia at night and couldn't sleep, so I just got up." Lu Yanhe explained to himself with a smile, "I don't work that hard. I admit that I work hard, but really for what reason? It seems that in my senior year of high school, I worked hard for the college entrance examination for a whole year. "

He Yunlan: "This experience of yours is legendary. Wouldn't you consider making your story into a movie?"

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

“Inspirational young man, I think many people should be interested in your story. Moreover, it is adapted from real life cases. Many parents want to take their children to watch it.” He Yunlan said.

Lu Yanhe fell into deep thought and was silent for a while, then said: "However, I feel that my experience is not very replicable." "Whoever watches movies wants to copy the skills you used to get into Zhenhua University. They all want to feel what you did at that time." The fighting spirit." He Yunlan said.

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses and let out an ooh.

“I, I really haven’t thought about it.” Lu Yanhe didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. “Instead, I want to write the love story between you and your sister-in-law into a script and make it into a movie.”

"Huh?" He Yunlan was stunned, and his cheeks suddenly turned a little shy, "What's so good about our story that makes a movie possible?"

Lu Yanhe said: "It's true, I'm very touched myself."

 “Well, that’s just to move myself.” He Yunlan suddenly sighed with a sense of loss.

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

 He had never seen this side of He Yunlan.

He Yunlan said: "It's okay for Yiyi and I. In fact, it's our own choice. But sometimes when we look at Xiaohu, he stays here with us, but Jiangzhi's educational resources are indeed not as good as other places. Now. It's elementary school, which is a little better. His mother and I can help him make up for some things that are not taught in school, teach him English, and let him have an English context. But as he moves on to junior high school and then high school. , Different schools and different environments will have an increasing impact on him. We are also considering whether Yiyi or I will take Xiaohu to Jiangguang to attend junior high school, so we can't delay him. "

 This is a very real problem.

Lu Yanhe, a person who is so eloquent and good at finding angles to cheer others up, didn’t know what to say for a moment.

"Actually, there is another way to ask my parents to take him to school in Jiangguang. However, this child is very worried now. When he heard that he was leaving us to go to junior high school, he refused to go at any cost, and even deliberately failed the exam." He Yunlan's The tone was also very helpless.

 From a rational point of view, allowing He Yunlan's parents to take him to school in Jiangguang is the best way to get the best of both worlds. This not only allows He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi to continue working and living in Jiangzhi, but also ensures the quality of Xiaohu’s education.

 However, life is not rational, not even between relatives, parents and children.

 It is unreasonable for you to explain this to an eight-year-old child.

 The reality of the situation was before him, and Lu Yanhe didn't know what to say for a moment.


Sometimes, Lu Yanhe has to face such a world full of huge gaps and completely different things.

His ambition is complacent, but it is not the complacency of this world.

The world is a big place and he may not have the ability to change it. But at least for the people he met in real life like He Yunlan and Liu Yiyi, he hoped to do his best and do his best.


 In the afternoon, Lu Yanhe finished his lunch and went back to the inn to find Chen Siqi.

 Chen Siqi had just washed her hair and was sitting by the window, lying on a wicker chair. Her black hair was swaying in the breeze, like a lily in the water.

 “You woke up early?”

“I just woke up.” Chen Siqi put down the Ipad in his hand and said, “Have you finished eating with them?”

“Well, we’ve finished eating.” Lu Yanhe asked, “Have you had lunch?”

“Not yet. I saw a rice noodle shop with very good reviews on the Internet. After I dry my hair, I’ll go eat rice noodles from that shop.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 “Do you have any plans for the afternoon?”

"No, I'll stay here for two days and take a vacation." Lu Yanhe smiled, "One of the biggest advantages of Jiangzhi is that although it is very popular, the total number of tourists here is still because the transportation is really inconvenient. Not much. I walked around with Brother He this morning, and basically no one recognized me.”

"The crowds here are not very dense. If you wear sunglasses, others will not recognize you unless they are very close." Chen Siqi said, "It is really comfortable to stay here for two days and take a vacation. ”

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "I'll come over and stay for a few days when I have time, especially when I'm rushing to write a manuscript. I think writing a manuscript here will definitely have a smooth flow of ideas."

 Chen Siqi laughed.

"I advise you not to be too optimistic. I know too many writers who often say this. Why rent a house on the beach and look at the sea every day, so that your thoughts can flow freely? How about locking yourself in a hotel? Isolating any relationship with the outside world so that I can write without distraction is actually a lie. "Chen Siqi said, "It doesn't matter if you can't write or you can't write."

Lu Yanhe couldn't help laughing.

 “Okay, you’re right.”


In the afternoon, Lu Yanhe accompanied Chen Siqi to eat the bowl of rice noodles she wanted to eat, and the two of them wandered around Jiangzhi.

One of the most attractive things about the city of Jiangzhi is that there are many small shops here. These small shops are all different. Some are bookstores, and you can see many old books published thirty or forty years ago. It may not be found anywhere else. Some of them are local clothing and accessories stores. When Chen Siqi passes by such stores, he will always go in and take a look, and will never miss them.

 When you are tired of shopping, sit down at a roadside cafe and have a cup of coffee.

Because there were not many people there, if someone occasionally recognized him, everyone would just laugh and talk for a while, then wave and say goodbye.

This feeling is extremely rare.

 While strolling around four or five in the afternoon, they suddenly passed a middle school.

 “Hmm?” Chen Siqi looked at the school inside the wall.

“This school looks... quite old. It looks like it was built twenty or thirty years ago and has not been renovated.”

Unlike many renovated middle schools, the iron railings next to the gate of this middle school are even covered with vines, and the green plants are as dense as the sea.

 Inside the school gate, a few students in school uniforms were scattered on the spacious playground.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi both stopped at the same time, looking at the school in front of them in a daze.

Lu Yanhe said: "Actually, if "Love Letter" could be filmed here—"

Before Lu Yanhe finished speaking, a clear bell suddenly rang in the campus.

As if a seal had been opened, in an instant, the noisy voice spread from the campus in front of me.

 It's like a certain formation has been activated.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi woke up from a dream, smiled at each other, and hurriedly left the school gate before the students swarmed out.

 They entered an alley next to the school. There were many small shops in the alley. There was a bookstore among them, and the two of them went in. The boss sitting at the door looked up at them. Against the light, he couldn't see clearly what they looked like. He could only see that they were a man and a woman. He thought they were a student couple from the school next door. He smiled and said nothing. Said, lowered his head again.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi walked inside. There are only two types of books on the bookshelf, one is youth romance novels, and the other is fantasy adventure novels. The target market is obvious. However, if you continue walking inside, you will find quite a few more serious books at the very back.

 The bell at the door rang, and someone came in again.

"Boss, has the new issue of "Jump Up" arrived?!" a very clear girl's voice asked.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were startled. They didn't expect to meet readers of "Jump Up" here.

 The boss said: "Not yet. It will probably arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, why is it taking so long." Although the girl who came to buy "Jump Up" didn't buy what she wanted, she still went inside, "Ruoruo, do you want to go to my house to do your homework later? My mother won’t come back until nine o’clock in the evening.”

 Another girl's voice sounded with a hint of excitement, "Really? That's great."

The moment this voice sounded, Lu Yanhe's heart paused.

This voice…

 The breeze blew, and the white gauze curtains were blown up into the air.

The setting sun shuttles between the white gauze curtains, changing the light and shadow.

This scene suddenly overlapped with the scene in my memory.

Lu Yanhe turned his head and looked over with some doubts.

 Passing between the bookshelves, he saw two girls.

 One was obviously excited, very lively, and very agile. She held the hand of her friend next to her and rummaged for something on the bookshelf.

The other one is more delicate and quiet, but definitely not Xiaojiabiyu’s character. The smile on her face is like a flower with morning dew, fresh, beautiful, and as vital as the early morning.

 Chen Siqi noticed Lu Yanhe looking at the two girls and followed his gaze with some surprise.

The carefree girl was holding a book in her hand and pointing to the girl next to her.

The girl next to her with a ponytail and a bare face, but pretty and peaceful, leaned next to her friend's face and smiled along with her, her eyes curved like crescent moons.

 Chen Siqi understood immediately.

OK, the chosen heroine of "Love Letter" has appeared.


 Fortunately, at least their faces cannot be deceived, so they will not be regarded as liars.

However, when they suddenly appeared in front of the two girls, the two girls' eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost.

When the lively girl let out a scream, the bookstore owner immediately asked: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

I don’t know what he thought it was. When he rushed over, he was still holding one of his shoes in his hand.


"Am I dreaming?"

This girl named Zhang Ruozhi gently swatted her friend's hand away.

“You’re twisting yourself, and you’re actually twisting my arm!” Zhang Ruozhi was angry.

 Liu Lingmeng's big eyes still looked at Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi sitting opposite them in disbelief.

"This is incredible." Liu Lingmeng said, "I dreamed about meeting you last night. How come my dream suddenly came true? Which Bodhisattva heard my prayer?"

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi both laughed.

This girl named Liu Lingmeng is so interesting.

However, although Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi did not communicate, they both knew that the reason why they were sitting here with these two girls was because of the girl named Zhang Ruozhi.

 Zhang Ruozhi looks nothing like the girl in "Love Letter" that I remember. Zhang Ruozhi has a very small oval-shaped face, and her facial features are as beautiful as if they were measured with a ruler. But the feeling on her body seemed to be carved out of the same mold as her in "Love Letter".

 When he smiles, he is a little quiet and shy, but his eyes are as lively and pure as those of a deer.

Chen Siqi explained: "We are here for vacation. We have been to Jiangzhi before. Do you know?"

"I know, I know." Liu Lingmeng nodded immediately, "They say it was you who made our city popular. In the past two years, the number of tourists has gradually increased."

 The following sentence was said to Lu Yanhe.

 Zhang Ruozhi also used her trademark, curious eyes to look at Lu Yanhe inquiringly.

When Lu Yanhe saw her look, he had only one feeling in his heart. It was so similar, so similar.

 Liu Lingmeng looked at Lu Yanhe with some confusion, thinking, why does Lu Yanhe keep staring at Zhang Ruozhi?

That look seemed to have some other intention.

 She looked at Chen Siqi again.

His real girlfriend was sitting next to him, and he didn't hide his interest in Zhang Ruozhi at all, but Chen Siqi didn't feel jealous at all, and just let it go, as if he didn't see it.

What's happening here?

 Liu Lingmeng's brows frowned subconsciously. (End of chapter)

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