Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 436: Support (eight thousand words updated!)

Since his debut, Lu Yanhe has almost never been criticized on a large scale or for a long time.

 This audition incident is one of a kind.

In the comment area under Lu Yanhe’s Weibo, I don’t know how many people expressed their disappointment with him.

 The general meaning is that if you still choose to use a top actress like Chen Bige in the end, there is no need to organize auditions in the first place and use the banner of selecting new talents.

Facing these scoldings, Lu Yanhe said nothing.

 He just kept silent and let everyone scold him.

At this time, he couldn't explain anything.

The more this happened, the more Zhou Shuchun was sure that the two girls he saw that day were ordinary female high school students.

 There is nothing special about it.

Only with this attitude can Lu Yanhe keep Zhang Ruozhi mysterious and undiscovered.

The other party involved in this matter, Chen Bige, was also involved in an unreasonable disaster. Although this matter actually has nothing to do with her, because she is the heroine, some people have opinions about her.

 Since "Seventeenth Floor", Chen Bige's career has been on the trend of returning to its peak.

 "Rouge Button", "Night Run"...and now there is another "Love Letter".

Someone directly said: "Why are Chen Bige's recent dramas related to Lu Yanhe? Either they co-star with Lu Yanhe, or they are scripts written by Lu Yanhe. The content of her new works is too high. Is it possible that Chen Bige's level is too high? Actress, can’t she act without Lu Yanhe?”

 Chen Bige’s fans certainly sneered at such a statement.

 Are you kidding me? Who are you talking about?

"Chen Bige is becoming more and more picky and her output is getting less and less. It's true, but you want to say that she can't act without Lu Yanhe? You might as well ask the major film companies if they don't have Lu Yanhe. I won’t hand over the notebook to Chen Bige. I don’t know how to say this.”

“However, Chen Bige and Lu Yanhe cooperate too frequently. How can they cooperate so frequently.”

"What's wrong with the frequent collaborations? "Seventeen Floor" was a big hit, "Night Run" was shortlisted for the Picaro Film Festival, "Rouge Button" is the new film directed by Wang Zhong, not to mention the attention "Love Letter" has received, you Why don't you ask the other actors, who wouldn't want to act in any of these films? Why don't you tell me why director Wang Zhong has collaborated with Lu Yanhe so many times, from "Three Mountains" to "Night Run" to "Rouge"? "Buckle", three times too, right?"

 On the Internet, there are constant controversies.

 The content of their dispute was indeed something that Lu Yanhe had never thought of.

I really have a feeling of "why bother".

 If people cooperate with each other for a long time, if the cooperation is smooth, the cooperation will be more. In Hollywood, many directors have their own group of actors. After working together on seven or eight films, they don't care about fresh sparks. They need to find fresh people to cooperate, and they can still produce good and classic works.

Lu Yanhe also sneered at such a statement. Lu Yanhe thought to himself that in "Rouge Button" he was actually a behind-the-scenes person and did not appear on screen. And "Night Run" is also a short film, not a serious feature film, and it doesn't leave a deep impression on everyone. After careful planning, Chen Bige acted with him as the heroine. "Love Letter" is still the second film. In fact, in the movie "Love Letter", Lu Yanhe did not have any scenes opposite Chen Bige due to the plot. Lu Yanhe's scenes were all filmed opposite Zhang Ruozhi.

This also means that Lu Yanhe and Chen Bige did not share the same frame in "Love Letter".

 However, none of this can be explained. Lu Yanhe didn't want to explain. In every play and every story, the narrator has his own ideas. Some are first raised and then suppressed, some are first suppressed and then raised, some are constantly reversed, and some are just a blur. If you have to stand up and explain every time you are questioned, then many things will lose their meaning.

Lu Yanhe believes that these controversies will disappear after the movie is released.


 In the movie "Love Letter", in addition to these main characters, there are also several very important roles.

"This story, to put it simply, is about a pair of high school students who had the same name, so they were teased by everyone and noticed each other. And many years later, the boy Aijiki and a girl who looked the same as the girl Aijiki were in Together, her name is Zheng Ni, and Sister Bi Ge plays two characters: Zheng Ni and the adult female Huai Jing Shu. The boy Huai Jing Shu died unexpectedly while climbing. Zheng Ni missed him very much, so she gave him to Huai Jing Shu. I once wrote a letter to the address when I was in high school, but it was sent to the home of a girl, Huai Jingshu. In these letters, the two girls got to know each other, recalled Huai Jingshu, and unexpectedly discovered that when they were in high school, Not only girls are secretly in love with boys, but boys are also secretly in love with girls. When the girls find out about it, the boy is already dead. "

Lu Yanhe sat in front of Wan Xin, the winner of the Red River Award for Best Actress, and introduced the movie "Love Letter" to her.

This actress, who is nearly 50 years old, is still well-maintained, her posture is elegant and pleasant, and her eyes are still as moving as spring water.

Lu Yanhe met her at the Red River Award Ceremony. After leaving her contact information, they only greeted each other during the New Year and holidays, and there was no unnecessary contact. This time, when Lu Yanhe was looking for actors for this movie, he suddenly thought of this elegant actress.

Lu Yanhe said: "Actually, I want you to play my mother in the movie, the mother of the boy I play, Huai Jingshu."

Wan Xin showed a bit of surprise.

“Xiao Lu, do you want me to play your mother?”

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Mainly because I am playing a beautiful boy in the movie, and I must have a very beautiful mother for everyone to believe it."

Wan Xin laughed.

“Xiao Lu, when do you plan to film this movie?”

"The filming is divided into summer and winter. Your scenes are all in winter." Lu Yanhe said, "There are not many scenes, only two scenes. However, you will know after reading the script. It is not a role that can be played by just anyone. It takes a lot of internal strength.”

 Wan Xin: “When I heard you tell this movie story, it seemed quite sad.”

"It's not sad, it's regretful." Lu Yanhe said, "You will know after reading the script. What I want to tell is not a sad story about missing each other, but a realization of the regret and memories of youth. Someone once secretly liked you, and the existence of this fact is a very beautiful thing. "

Wan Xin said: "Okay, let me read the script first, and I will reply to you as soon as possible."

 “Thank you, Sister Wan Xin.” Lu Yanhe said.

Wan Xin said: "Originally, I set a rule for myself. Unless I have to, I must not play the role of mother or mother-in-law. What I mean is the kind of role of mother or mother-in-law that surrounds the protagonists. I I still want to play the heroine for a few more years. It’s because you found me that I made an exception and read the script first.”

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Sister Wan Xin, this role is not a side character in the traditional sense, and your acting skills will not turn her into an ordinary side character."

Wan Xin nodded.


 In addition to Wan Xin, there are many other actors to be found.

Lu Yanhe always visits in person.

 Thanks to Lu Yanhe's current influence, Lu Yanhe can basically make an appointment with anyone, and there is no situation where he cannot get an appointment.

 It’s just that because everyone is very busy, we may not be able to spare time to see him specifically.

 Some actors were still on the set, so Lu Yanhe simply went to visit the cast and meet them on the set.

 Generally speaking, Lu Yanhe’s search for actors was relatively smooth.

 There were some who refused, but most of them agreed.

 Everyone believes that Lu Yanhe’s movies will definitely be good.

And because in the process of communicating with everyone, Lu Yanhe could not hide the fact that he was planning to direct this movie, so the news that Lu Yanhe was going to write, direct and star in the movie "Love Letter" slowly spread.


Yu Jiang is also very active during this time because "Flowers on the Stars" will be screened and sold at the Jose Film Festival.

 She first officially announced that her new novel will be published in "Star!" " was serialized on "Beloved", and it was announced that Lang Xia will star in another movie adapted from her novel.

 In mid-April, Icefield Video took the lead in organizing a screenwriter forum.

Yu Jiang was invited to participate.

 A total of eight screenwriters participated in this forum, including Feng Qiyue, the screenwriter of "Seventeenth Floor".

At the forum, everyone started a discussion on one of the topics: "The difference between screenwriters and directors."

When everyone's discussion was getting heated, the host suddenly mentioned: "Actually, I saw a report before that someone actually invited Teacher Feng Qiyue to be the director of his own script, but Teacher Feng Qiyue later rejected it. Teacher Feng, Can you share with us how you think about this?"

Feng Qiyue said bluntly: "I am a person who doesn't like to deal with people. Otherwise, I would not be engaged in the profession of screenwriter. A large part of the reason why I chose this profession in the first place is because the nature of the work in this profession is very pure. Like other professions, there are too many people to deal with. In fact, many people who think like screenwriters also think like directors, but not everyone is suitable to be a director. This is not just a matter of way of thinking. Directors almost require you to do so. He is an all-rounder and knows a little bit of everything.”

The host mentioned: "There is recent news that the movie "Love Letter" written by Lu Yanhe will be written, directed and starred by him. I wonder what teachers think of this?"

"Lu Yanhe is very young. He is only 21 years old. It is not easy for him to achieve such results at this age. And I have always felt that at this age, he wants to try new things, which is particularly good. One thing." A screenwriter said.

“Oh, you also said that he is only twenty-one years old.” Yu Jiang shook his head.

“Teacher Yujiang, is there anything you want to say?”

“Forget it, I won’t say it anymore, lest the words I say sound unpleasant and everyone accuses me of targeting him.”

 “Haha.” Feng Qiyue suddenly smiled.

Yu Jiang looked over and asked, "Teacher Feng, is there anything funny about what I said?"

 Feng Qiyue said: "Nothing."

 He shrugged.

Yu Jiang: "Anyway, we are all here now. If you think what I said is funny, you might as well say it directly. There is no need to stop talking like this."

"Then I'll tell you, don't be offended. I just find it funny. You said it so that what you say doesn't sound bad and everyone thinks you're targeting him. Isn't that what everyone thinks? Aren't you targeting him?" Feng Qi Yue asked.

Yu Jiang said: "It turns out that Teacher Feng worked with Lu Yanhe on "Seventeen Floors", so you came to fight for him?"

"Does he need me to fight for him?" The expression on Feng Qiyue's face seemed to say, "Are you kidding me?" He said, "Teacher Yu Jiang, in fact, apart from yourself and your small group of supporters, there is no one People will think that what you said about Lu Yanhe was a sensible statement."

Yujiang’s face became very ugly.

"It seems that Teacher Feng, you have a really accurate understanding of yourself. You are really not suitable for dealing with others." Yu Jiang said, "We are here in a forum, and everyone is discussing things matter-of-factly, but you are attacking me personally. ”

Feng Qiyue: "You said in a contemptuous tone that Lu Yanhe is only 21 years old, isn't that right?"

Yu Jiang: "When I said he was twenty-one years old, wasn't it just a matter of fact?"

“Didn’t I just talk about the matter based on the facts?” Feng Qiyue said, “Teacher Yu Jiang, why don’t you take a serious look at what everyone on the Internet is saying.”

Yu Jiang said: "I never pay attention to what is said on the Internet. Who knows whether the person who said those things on the other end of the Internet is a troll, a black man, or even a dog."

“Dear netizens, Yu Jiang has personally attacked you and called you dogs.” Feng Qiyue spread his hands seriously and said.

Yu Jiang’s expression changed drastically.

 “Feng Qiyue, don’t deliberately misinterpret my meaning!”

"Didn't this come out of your mouth? Isn't this just a matter of fact? Did I take it out of context or add fuel to the fire? Fortunately, there is a live broadcast!" Feng Qiyue was too lazy to pretend and looked at Yu Jiang coldly, "Pretend to be crazy or stupid. "

Yu Jiang’s face turned red with anger.

 She got up and left the table angrily.


After Yu Jiang left the meeting angrily, the forum continued.

 Another screenwriter sighed and said to Feng Qiyue: "You are serious, why did you have such a big conflict with her?"

Feng Qiyue said: "She took the initiative to mention Lu Yanhe first. If she can resist mentioning it, I can just go with her casually to save face."

 “They didn’t shoot you.”

"But she is mad at Lu Yanhe." Feng Qiyue said directly, "She has no interaction with Lu Yanhe, nor has she ever cooperated with him. She has always been flirting with Lu Yanhe. Even if she loves him, she always badmouths him. I don't know. What's going on in her mind? I thought that after Yan He's several dramas came out last year, she would have known how ridiculous her words were and wouldn't say them again, but she didn't expect them to start again. "

“Just think of what she said as farts. No one will believe her anyway.”

"If you're used to her, why do you think she's just farting and just let her fart? If she wants to fart, go back to her own home and don't fart in public. Let her stink as much as she wants. Don't stink me."


Because this forum is more professional, only a few thousand people are watching the live broadcast. However, the number of views of Feng Qiyue and Yu Jiang's mutual quarrel, as well as Feng Qiyue's complaints after Yu Jiang left, exceeded 10 million in one day.

  This episode of the two of them quarreling with each other was wildly reposted by major marketing accounts.

 Everyone knows that traffic is coming.

 And this incident also became a carnival for the melon-eating crowd.

Yu Jiang and Lu Yanhe’s grudges are actually known to anyone who is familiar with them.

 However, it is not so familiar to the majority of netizens. Many people don't know the cause and effect, and are a little confused as to why they started to quarrel.

So some kind-hearted netizens compiled a collection of past grievances between Lu Yanhe and Yu Jiang for netizens who don’t understand the causes and consequences to read.

 The heat comes one after another.

 Feng Qiyue himself is a very famous screenwriter. You may not have heard of his name, but basically everyone knows about the movies and TV series he wrote.

 He rarely speaks with such enthusiasm.

The act of suddenly standing up to help Lu Yanhe choke Yu Jiang was hilarious to the audience, but was surprising to industry insiders.


“Does Teacher Feng have a good relationship with Yan He?”

"We are all filming "Seventeenth Floor" together, and we will film the second season later, of course it will be great."

“There are so many actors who have filmed Feng Qiyue’s script, why haven’t I seen Feng Qiyue stand up and speak for other actors?”

“That means the relationship between Feng Qiyue and Lu Yanhe is better.”

“Actually, it may be because Teacher Feng Qiyue simply dislikes Yu Jiang.”

“Yes, Yu Jiang is also a weirdo, many people have criticized her.”

“But have you noticed that even though so many people don’t like Yujiang, Yujiang is still doing well.”

"Because she is popular. This is the era of traffic. Moreover, she now has her own company and is also involved in film and television production. No matter what, her novels are popular. Look, her "Flowers on the Stars" The popularity is so high, maybe the box office will exceed 100 million. If such results are achieved, do you believe that many actors will start to praise her and say good things about her? "

 “That’s really…disgusting.”

 “You are disgusted with yours, but she is happy with hers.”

"If I were Feng Qiyue, I would also support Lu Yanhe." The person immediately said, "Why should people like Yu Jiang occupy the entertainment industry? Then I still hope there are more people like Lu Yanhe."

“Then do you now know why Feng Qiyue wants to speak for Lu Yanhe?”

 “Those who have attained the right will receive many help, but those who have lost the right will receive little help.”


 The attitude on the Internet towards this turmoil is almost one-sided. Sites were closed for July.

 It is said that in the Internet age, no matter how popular something is, the heat will pass after a few days.

  But people have memories.

 Yu Jiang’s name has been on a lot of hot searches, but most of the time it has been negative news. Over time, her popularity has become less popular.

People frowned subconsciously when they saw her name. This time they were quarreling with Feng Qiyue. Not to mention the content of the quarrel, many people would feel disgusted the moment they saw the name Yu Jiang, and would develop a kind of hatred. "Why is it her again" disgust.

Yu Jiang was even more furious after seeing the reaction on the Internet.

"Teacher Yu, don't read the news on the Internet. They don't know the real situation at all. They will only use some fragments to evaluate you out of context."

 Her assistant comforted her.

"When "Flowers on the Stars" is released, everyone will know how wrong they were." The assistant said, "The feedback from the internal test screenings of this movie was so good. Feng Qiyue was just bullying based on his seniority. You, when this movie becomes a hit at the box office, he will find out, in the eyes of the actors, who is the person they want to befriend more, you or him."

Yu Jiang’s mood was soothed a little by the assistant’s words.

She said: "I don't believe that one person can succeed in anything. He is just a 21-year-old boy. No matter how talented he is, can he still make a classic?"

Yu Jiang did not mention the seventh month at all.

 The knot in her heart is still Lu Yanhe.

 The assistant silently shut up.

If it were Feng Qiyue, the assistant felt that Yu Jiang could definitely compete, but Lu Yanhe? Even if she was Yu Jiang's assistant, she didn't have the shame to say what she just said.


"How can it be so easy to be a director?" He Yingzi also told Lang Xia, "If he was really encouraged by the people around him to be the director of "Love Letter", then he would have really screwed up."

Lang Xia asked: "But we don't know if he has talent as a director. Maybe his talent as a director is not worse than that of an actor?"

He Yingzi said: "That has nothing to do with us. We will go our own way and we will not be worse than him at all. Are you less popular than him now? Not really, is it? Now is an Internet era, a traffic In this era, haven’t even those luxury brands with high standards in the past begun to find various idols as spokespersons and promotions? Lang Xia, you don’t have to belittle yourself at all, as long as you can continue on the path you are on now. , you will also become the most popular actor."

 Lang Xia nodded.

He Yingzi said: "Actually, I recently fell in love with a script, but it's a pity that the script has already been assigned to someone else, Yan Liang."

 “What script?” Lang Xia asked.

He Yingzi said: ""Top of the Mountain" is a high-quality drama, with one old and one young. The younger one is the second male lead, but the character is no worse than the male lead. It is a fraud theme, which has never been seen in our domestic online dramas. I’ve never seen a drama with this kind of theme.”

Lang Xia asked: "Then if this character is really good and filming hasn't started yet, why not talk to the producer? We can bring money into the team. Aren't there several brands that are very willing to invest in my drama? ?”

"Yan Liang is also a popular actor thanks to the "Six People" series. He can do whatever we can bring him." He Yingzi sighed, "It would be great if I saw this script first. Unfortunately, this script was given to me first." Zhou Pingan was originally cast by Ma Zhiyuan, but when Ma Zhiyuan refused, Zhou Pingan was cast directly by Yan Liang.”

“Yan Liang still accepts a role that Ma Zhiyuan doesn’t want to act in? He is really spineless.” Lang Xia curled his lips.

He Yingzi said: "As long as the role is good and the cast is good, what kind of backbone do you need at this time? If an actor wants to get a good role, he can do anything."

Lang Xia shook his head: "I can't do it."

He Yingzi smiled and said: "You don't have to do these things since I'm here anyway. After "Flowers on the Stars" is released, you will go to shoot "Beloved" and star in two movies in a row. You are in the film industry It’s a step in. I hope both movies will do well at the box office.”

Lang Xia asked: "In the sequel to the movie "Fire", can my character be one of the protagonists?"

He Yingzi said: "We have been communicating with them for a long time. They have only written a rough draft of the script for the sequel. They have not officially started writing the script yet. Why are you anxious?"

Lang Xia: “I don’t want to just be in this movie series.”

"If you perform well in the first film and the audience feedback is good, your role in the sequel will naturally increase." He Yingzi said, "Now the movie "Fire" is a complete melee. How many actors have to play it?" , if I continue to ask for additional roles in the sequel, they will be disgusted. "

Lang Xia pursed his lips and did not refute anything. He just said reluctantly: "Okay."


“Wan Xin’s performance contract legal affairs have been handled.” Chen Ziyan said, “Two scenes and a salary of 600,000 yuan are enough for you.”

 Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan, Teacher Wan Xin is worthy."

 Chen Ziyan said: "The current creative lineup of "Love Letter" is a bit exaggerated."


"You won't say it yourself. There are Luo Yuzhong, Liu Bige, and Xin Zixin behind the scenes, and there are Chen Bige, Wan Xin, and Li Songfan in the cast. You are the only one who can spend about 10 million on this movie. The production funds are available," Chen Ziyan said, "It would be impossible for anyone else to hire so many people with this amount of money."

 Lu Yanhe said: "I paid the film according to the market price, without any discounts."

"The market price is the market price, but so many companies use the market price to invite you to act. Have you gone? They come to pick up your drama because of you." Chen Ziyan said, "Otherwise, why would Wan Xin come? In your movie, she plays a role with only two scenes? It’s not like she doesn’t have a leading role.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded, "That's right."

 Chen Ziyan said: "With the current lineup, if we say that the production budget is only 10 million, no one will believe it."

Lu Yanhe said: "This movie mainly spent money on the production team. There is no need to make special effects, and there is no need to spend much money on costumes."

"Love Letter" is a drama with a modern background. It does not need to spend money on special effects like many blockbusters, nor does it need to invest high production costs in costumes like costume dramas. Basically all investment is in people.

Chen Ziyan said: "What I mean is nothing else. We don't have to promote this movie because the production budget is very low, because no one will believe that 10 million can really make this movie. If it were shot by another person, If we want to spend 10 million to shoot "Love Letter", we will never find a lineup like yours. If we promote this, it may be counterproductive."

Lu Yanhe finally understood Chen Ziyan’s intention.

 He nodded and said, "I understand, Sister Ziyan, I will pay attention to it."

 Chen Ziyan asked: "The "Love Letter" is almost finished. When do you plan to shoot "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years"?"

 Lu Yanhe said: “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Do you want to continue to be the director of this movie?” Chen Ziyan asked.

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said: "There are far more arrangements in "Those Years" than in "Love Letter". It's already very troublesome for me to make "Love Letter" now, so I'd better forget about "Those Years"."

“That’s what being a director is like.” Chen Ziyan said, “If you don’t plan to be the director of “Those Years” yourself, then I will communicate with other film companies and see who can be found to produce with us.”

 Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Zi Yan, actually the box office of "Those Years" should be higher than that of "Love Letter". I plan to invest more in this movie."

 Chen Ziyan said: “But if you invest too much, other companies may not be willing to take over.”

The more Lu Yanhe invests, the less other people’s shares will be. If the expected revenue from this movie is not high enough, they may not be interested in doing this project.

Lu Yanhe said: "That's not too much. I mean, sister Ziyan, if you are interested, you can also invest more, and the box office of "Those Years" will be higher."

Lu Yanhe doesn’t know what the box office performance of the movie “Love Letter” is.

 Because the subject matter and content of this movie are too far away from the current movie market.

Lu Yanhe is also not sure how many of the current audience are willing to go to the cinema for such a movie about secret love with a somewhat sad ending. This film is controlled by his and Chen Ziyan's production company. There is no cooperation with other film companies and no other capital to invest, ensuring that Lu Yanhe can shoot the film completely according to his own ideas. All the funding for this film came from people like Lu Yanhe, Chen Ziyan, Chen Siqi, Luo Yuzhong, Liu Bige, and Chen Bige.

 Everyone is willing to invest. Lu Yanhe believes that it is definitely not because they believe that this movie can be a box office hit and help them make a lot of money, but because this is the first movie that Lu Yanhe has written, directed and starred in, so they are specifically supporting him.

Especially Chen Ziyan, besides Lu Yanhe himself, Chen Ziyan is the second largest investor.

Lu Yanhe is also worried that if "Love Letter" fails, the movie "Girls We Chased Together in Those Years" can help Chen Ziyan earn some money.

Chen Ziyan smiled.

She said: "I'm not that professional in film production yet, and I don't know how much it will cost to make the movie "Those Years". I'll talk to a few companies first to see if they are interested. If They are willing to give me a small share to invest, and of course I am willing to invest more.”

 For projects that are not very optimistic, of course, we have to beg our grandpa and grandma to get the support of investors.

But for a project like "Those Years", Chen Ziyan believes that there must be a large number of film companies willing to join in the production. In this case, it is really not sure how much investment share they are willing to give. Good projects will never lack investment, and investment shares must be grabbed.

Chen Ziyan knew that Lu Yanhe actually didn’t know much about these things. The movie "Love Letter" almost used a house-keeping method to raise the investment. In Chen Ziyan's view, it was a group of relatives and friends who saw that this child in their family was going to start his own business, so they did not contribute any efforts. They also took a sum of money to support the child and help him realize his wish.

 Why did Chen Ziyan remind Lu Yanhe not to publicize the 10 million production fund?

 Because apart from "Love Letter", there will not be another movie made like this.

Of course, Chen Ziyan can't talk too much to Lu Yanhe about these things.

 Everyone is trying to protect this purity of Lu Yanhe, especially Chen Ziyan as her agent. (End of chapter)

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