Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 438: Overseas (10,000 words updated!)

Lu Yanhe never expected that Jiang Yuqian would suddenly say these words to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Sister Yuqian, I think it's not that you don't have the acting skills to win awards, but maybe because you want to win awards so much, you inevitably have such obsession when acting."

Jiang Yuqian looked at Lu Yanhe with a strange expression.

Lu Yanhe thought that he had said this rudely, so he immediately apologized and said, "Sister Yuqian, I just said it casually. Don't take it to your heart."

"No, you are right." Jiang Yuqian said, "It's just that I didn't expect that it was you who came to tell me this. I only realized this when I was filming "The Squid Game". Since "The Age", I wasn't in the right state for acting, and I worked **** every scene. Maybe it was because Director Luo helped me adjust it, but the final result was pretty good. I continued to act like this, especially the feedback from "Golden Age" was very good, which made me more confident to act like this, but it was not satisfactory, and I didn't know what the problem was. "

"During the time I was acting in "The Squidward Game", I realized that I was playing a role that I really liked and a role that really moved me. Especially knowing that this role basically had no chance of winning any awards, I had no intention of winning any awards. When I was acting in this drama, I was in the wrong state when filming the previous two dramas.”

Jiang Yuqian said this very sincerely.

Lu Yanhe could tell that this was Jiang Yuqian's sincere words.

"So, I thought about it. Rather than winning an award, I still want to maintain this state. At least when filming this scene, I can regain my confidence as an actor. After I perform a scene, I don't have to do it again. Go ask others how I performed."

Lu Yanhe nodded, sincerely happy for Jiang Yuqian.

Jiang Yuqian smiled. Under the sun, her face remained unchanged from when Lu Yanhe first saw her a few years ago. However, those who are familiar with Jiang Yuqian know that she has come a long way to regain this relieved and relaxed smile.


  “‘A Journey Away’ is going to be released in the summer.”

 Before leaving for the Jose Film Festival, Jia Long suddenly contacted Lu Yanhe and told him the news.

“Summer schedule? I thought this movie was going to be put on the Spring Festival schedule. Doesn’t it mean that the Spring Festival schedule is more suitable for this movie?”

"I can't get on." Jia Long was also a little depressed and annoyed. "The producer of this movie, Yannian Film and Television, told me very clearly that their promotional resources for next year's Spring Festival will be reserved for the sequel to the previous year's box office champion "Beetle Project." ”

“Beetle Project” is the action movie starring Cheng Shiyan, right?” Lu Yanhe knew about this movie, which grossed 4.2 billion at the box office and was the box office champion of the year.

Generally speaking, the Spring Festival schedule can only accommodate six to seven films that can be effectively scheduled. As the period with the highest box office in a year, this period is a battleground for major film companies. It also means that generally a film company can only send one main-controlled film into this period. Very few companies can submit movies at the same time. Two copies are given.

 Yannian Film and Television gave up on "The Journey" and chose the sequel of "Beetle Project" to enter the Spring Festival. From an objective perspective, Lu Yanhe can actually understand.

He sighed, "Then it can only be placed in the summer schedule. If not, we can only move it later."

Jia Long also sighed and said: "Yes, we agreed at the beginning that this movie would be most suitable for the Spring Festival, and Yannian Film and Television also promised well, but now we regret it because of the sequel of "Beetle Project" ”

Lu Yanhe knew that Jia Long must be very angry now.

 Speaking of which, Jia Long is also one of the most powerful movie stars in China at the box office.

Yannian Film and Television did not hesitate to choose the sequel to Cheng Shiyan's "Beetle Project". Apparently, it believed that the movie "The Man on the Road" cannot be compared with "Beetle Project".

Of course, in fact, the two movies themselves are not of the same order of magnitude.

With a predecessor that grossed 4 billion, any film company would not hesitate to choose the sequel to this box-office masterpiece.

Lu Yanhe and Jia Long could only admit that they were unlucky.

 “‘Rouge Button’ won’t be released in the summer, right?” Jia Long suddenly asked Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "We haven't set a schedule yet, but "Rouge" and "On the Road" are completely different in style. Are you still worried that the two movies will collide?"

“Who makes it possible that the screenwriters of these two movies are you, and your fans are the audience we all need very much.” Jia Long said helplessly, “Of course we don’t want to crash, so it’s best to avoid it.”

Lu Yanhe said: "I'll go tell Director Wang and try not to crash."

"Okay." After Jia Long finished talking about the business, he asked, "When will you set off?"

"This Saturday is the premiere of "Rouge Button". I will leave the day after tomorrow." Lu Yanhe said, "I really can't make it to the screening of "On the Road" and can't attend. I'm sorry."

Jia Long said: "You must not miss the premiere in China."

 “Well, I will definitely not be absent.” Lu Yanhe said.

 After chatting with Jia Long, Lu Yanhe hung up the phone.

He stretched out and suddenly heard Wang Biao let out a surprised sound.

 “What’s wrong?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Wang Biao said: "The movie "Nineteen Years of Crime" was suddenly announced to be released this Friday."

This news shocked Lu Yanhe.

I haven’t heard anything about this movie for a long time. At that time, Liu Jiazhen was so angry at the movie’s risqué manipulations that he wanted to withdraw the authorization. Of course it was impossible, so Liu Jiazhen had no choice but to give up. However, after that, Liu Jiazhen completely cut the movie off from himself and never mentioned it again.

Even Ruyi Pictures didn’t want to continue this movie for a while.

Lu Yanhe didn’t expect that it would suddenly land in the air.

 Generally speaking, a movie always leaves some time for itself to promote.

In this era, if a movie is not promoted well, it will die faster than anyone else.

 The film version of "Nineteen Years of Crime" stars Chen Jiping and Chen Ziliang.

  Both of them are also very famous actors. Such a movie is destined not to be released quietly. They forwarded the release news of the movie as soon as possible and also forwarded the trailer.

Lu Yanhe also watched the trailer for the first time. To be honest, judging from the content of the trailer, it is quite attractive.

Chen Jiping's acting skills are also very good, and several scenes are shocking.

 Chen Ziliang also has very good shots. It can be seen that the acting skills are indeed carefully considered.

However, because he knew before that the movie was a flop, Lu Yanhe could almost imagine how the audience would scold the movie when they walked out of the cinema.


 The movie is scheduled to be released, but as the original author, Liu Jiazhen has not made any news.

Many people didn’t know the inside story and thought it was Liu Jiazhen who didn’t know about the movie’s release, so they went to Liu Jiazhen’s comment section to remind him.

 Especially many readers of Liujiazhen are looking forward to the film adaptation.

 Almost all readers of Liujiazhen know that he became famous through the book "Nineteen Years of Crime Records". An example of becoming famous in one book. Now that this book has been successfully adapted into a movie, which will be released soon, naturally many people are looking forward to it.

Liu Jiazhen originally wanted to say that "the film adaptation has changed a lot and it is a blind change." However, the agreement he signed with Ruyi Pictures also required that he could not make any negative remarks about the film adaptation. Liu Jiazhen could only endure it, feeling very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Lu Yanhe comforted him on the phone and said: "The rights to the series have been transferred to us. Li Zhibai is already looking for a screenwriter to adapt. Let's not worry about the movie. We will work on the series."

 “Yan He, thank you very much.”

 Liu Jiazhen knew that there was no need for Lu Yanhe to help him buy back the copyright of the plot. When Ruyi Pictures bought the film and television rights, Liu Jiazhen had actually already received the copyright fees.

 He was neither tricked nor deceived. After talking to his colleagues about what he had experienced, he found that it was not an exception. Basically, everyone has experienced the same things. Faced with such a thing, there is nothing they can do. They can only treat it as a loss, step on a **** while walking on the road, and take it as their luck.

 However, in this case, Lu Yanhe kept his word. I really helped him buy back the drama rights of "Nineteen Years of Crime".

Lu Yanhe smiled again and said: "However, even if we buy it back, we may not be able to make this drama a good one. Good intentions may not always lead to good things. Don't have too high expectations for us."

 Liu Jiazhen laughed.

“I’m very grateful that you are willing to give this story a second chance.” He said, “I can almost imagine that after the movie is released, my book may have a big impact.”

“Have you seen the final edited version of the movie?” Lu Yanhe asked.

“They wanted to see me and contacted me, but I didn’t reply to them.” Liu Jiazhen said angrily, “I don’t want to cooperate with Ruyi Pictures anymore in the future.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Okay.”

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that Ruyi Pictures actually contacted him and wanted to ask him to help promote the movie.

“It was through your recommendation that this original novel became known to so many people.”

Generally speaking, forwarding it, helping with publicity, and saying hello will all help.

 However, Lu Yanhe refused this time.

“Sorry, I am friends with Teacher Liu Jiazhen. He is not satisfied with this film adaptation cooperation, so I will not forward it this time.”

The other party didn't seem to expect that Lu Yanhe would refuse so bluntly.


Lu Yanhe rejected them, packed his luggage, and set off for the Jose Film Festival.

 Lu Yanhe has also gone to many film festivals.

 However, the Jose Film Festival is the most lively and crowded film festival that Lu Yanhe has ever seen.

 In Jose, movie posters hang in almost every corner of the city. Stars from film and television classics, popular movie stars and other posters can be seen everywhere.

 Lu Yanhe even saw the posters for "Late Spring" and "Three Mountains".

Jiang Zixin from Northern Lights Video brought someone to pick him up.

 Northern Lights Video also invested in the movie "Rouge Button".

Zheng Huairen came here with Jiang Zixin.

On the one hand, they came here with Northern Lights Video's library of many online movies to see if they could find some buyers here. On the other hand, they also wanted to see if there were any good movies that they could buy here. The broadcasting rights in mainland China will be exclusively broadcast on Northern Lights Video.

 They arrived four or five days in advance.

 Jiang Zixin's interest was very high. At first, Lu Yanhe didn't know why. Soon after getting in the car, Jiang Zixin said it himself.

“Five of our self-made films have been favored by foreign film producers and purchased overseas distribution rights.” Jiang Zixin said, “It’s a complete surprise.”

 In China, online movies are basically regarded as shoddy and low-quality films by default. In fact, the reason for this impression is that its overall quality is not very high. However, in recent years, there have actually been several very ingenious works in online movies.

 Northern Lights Video has been investing money in making its own homemade online movies. The investment is not large. For many online movies, the production cost of a film is usually only a few million, and some can even be produced in the hundreds of thousands. Due to financial constraints, the production of many movies is indeed not very sophisticated. But even so, those who know how to make movies and are talented can still stand out from these movies. Northern Lights Video has several contracted directors who were discovered from online movies and later became directors of their self-produced series. Some directors also set up studios, signed contracts with Northern Lights, and filmed one film after another.

The only profit channel for these online movies is video on demand. The current box office ceiling of Wangda is around 50 million. This means that it is actually difficult for many online majors to achieve profitability. The reason Jiang Zixin was excited was because during this trip, they found that some of these online majors abroad were actually willing to spend money to buy copyrights. This means that there are actually many Internet companies that can make further profits through this channel.

Lu Yanhe thought of Chen Siqi’s “power accumulation plan”.

I don’t know how many people will sign up for this “power accumulation plan” after it is launched.

 Jiang Zixin told Lu Yanhe: "The market for "Rouge Button" is also very good. Since we came here, more than a dozen film companies have inquired. Everyone is very interested in this movie."

Lu Yanhe said: "Director Wang Zhong is still influential in the international film industry, and his films have always had stable distributors in various regions. Most of the film producers who came to inquire this time are probably those who have been working with Director Wang for a long time. Old friend."

 Jiang Zixin shook his head and said: "The director said that he had never collaborated with most of them before, and he was also surprised why so many film producers came to inquire."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised at this time.

Logically speaking, the film directed by Wang Zhong has a fixed audience and is not a commercial film. How come so many film producers suddenly became interested in it? A Best Director Award at the West Tur Film Festival wouldn't make him suddenly so popular commercially.


 When Lu Yanhe got off the bus, there were many media reporters at the door of the hotel, including many Chinese reporters.

The sound of the shutter sounded instantly, one after another.

 Many people shouted his name. Many foreign reporters obviously knew him, shouting his name in broken Chinese pronunciation.

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect the most was that there were actually some foreign movie fans holding posters of him or movies starring him, wanting to ask him for his autograph.

Lu Yanhe quickly signed a few autographs for them, expressed his gratitude, waved to the photographers who were carrying cameras to take pictures of him, and then walked into the hotel.

Throughout the whole process, Jiang Zixin stood aside and looked at this scene with some surprise.


Jiang Zixin doesn’t have many opportunities to participate in film festivals overseas, but she has come a few times.

Every time I come here with a different crew, no matter how popular an actor is at home, when he goes overseas, he is basically an ordinary artist. Many celebrities who promote themselves as international movie stars in China and are also very popular overseas actually have few people who really know them.

 Jiang Zixin has never seen Lu Yanhe promote his popularity overseas. I had only heard that "Sixteen" and "Seventeenth Floor" were very popular on Maxine, and "Three Mountains" and "Late Spring" received very good feedback from film festivals. But Jiang Zixin never thought that so many people would know Lu Yanhe at the Hollywood Film Festival.

Media reporters from various countries must not be shills—Jiang Zixin also knew that some celebrities would pay shills specifically to build publicity. They are people who often run film festivals around the world. In addition to the four major international film festivals, there are other film festivals around the world. These media reporters are actually the ones who understand the changes in the world film industry best.

 Jiang Zixin was quite surprised.

She also had some doubts in her heart, why she had never seen Lu Yanhe and his team promote his popularity and influence overseas when she was in China.

If it were any other artist, drafts would have been flying all over the sky.

However, of course, with Lu Yanhe’s current momentum in the country, there is no need to publicize this anymore. He is already at the top of his age group and no one can match him.


Lu Yanhe took a short rest in the room, and Linyu came over.

She knocked on the door and said to Lu Yanhe: "Yanhe, shall we leave in half an hour?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "I can just change my clothes. Should we go there in advance?"

Linyu said: "It's enough to leave in half an hour. It's still early. You just arrived at the hotel, so take a rest."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Linyu gave him another bound A4 paper.

 “You should take a look at Evan Gardi’s information first.”

 Lu Yanhe took it and said yes.

Evan Gardi is the executive editor of "Jose Films" and a critic with a strong voice in the film industry. Linyu got in touch with Evan Gardi after she met him through the American "Variety" film critic Tom Wynn.

This time when Lu Yanhe came over, Linyu took the initiative to propose to Evan Gardi that she wanted to visit the "Jose Film" magazine.

 Evan Gardi readily agreed.

 "José Films" is one of the most influential film media in the world.

 The top ten movies it selects every year are very valuable. The films that can be shortlisted may not be released in theaters in various countries, but they will definitely be targeted by film producers in various countries, so they will not worry about sales. Online screenings and DVD sales will see a wave of growth.

  It can be said that this is a person who truly has substantial influence on the film industry.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that Linyu would be able to recognize such a person and make connections so that he could also get to know him.

Linyu said: "The two film reviews I wrote before were translated into English and read to him. He published one of them in the January issue of this year and the other on the official website of "José Films". He He also told me that he is actually very interested in Chinese movies, and if I have any good reviews, I can send them to them.”

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.


Different from Lu Yanhe's imagination, "Joseph Film" magazine is not located in a high-end, modern office building, but in a single-family, three-story small house. Probably because the film festival was being held, many movie fans came here to take pictures and check in at the door of "Jose Film" magazine.

 The doorman guards the door and prevents irrelevant persons from entering.

When Lu Yanhe, Linyu and their party arrived at the door, a woman with long brown hair waved to them.

 It is the person who comes specifically to pick them up.

 Among the movie fans gathered at the door, someone recognized Lu Yanhe and called him excitedly.

Lu Yanhe smiled and said hello to the person who called out his name.

 The person who came to pick them up looked at him rather unexpectedly.

After entering, I discovered that this small house also comes with a courtyard, with a garden-like design. There are people sitting on chairs reading books, and there are also people typing notebooks there. They should all be people working at the "Jose Film" magazine.

“It’s so beautiful here.” Linyu said with a smile to the person who came to pick them up. “It must be a pleasure to work here.”

The other party immediately replied: "Believe me, dear, although I love my job very much, when it's time to go crazy, no matter how good the environment is, it can't stop you from going crazy."

Lu Yanhe and Linyu both laughed when they heard this.

Evan Gardi came downstairs himself to pick them up.

"Hi, Lin, Yanhe~" Evan Gardi happily hugged both of them warmly, "I have been waiting for you, and you are finally here. Is the weather here still suitable? Isn't it? Is it hotter than in China now?”

Linyu nodded and said with a smile: "It really needs to be warmer. We broke out in a sweat soon after getting off the plane. The first thing we did was to go back to the hotel and change clothes quickly."

She introduced to Evan Gardi and said: "Yan He also just got off the plane, went back to the hotel and changed clothes, and we came over here. I have been reading the magazine "Jose Films", and today I finally have the opportunity to Come and see how this legendary magazine was made, I’m so excited.”

Evan Gardi looked at Lu Yanhe with a smile on his face.

"I'm glad you can come and visit." Evan Gardi said, "I know that Yan He is now one of the most influential actors in China, and he is also the founder of "Jump Up" magazine."

Linyu nodded and said yes.

Lu Yanhe said to Evan Gardi: "I also often read the magazine "Jose Films". Although our "Jump Up" is a literary magazine and not a journal that specializes in film-related content, we also have related content." Many readers pay close attention to the content section. Linyu often sends me some well-written film reviews. As an actor and a screenwriter, good film reviews can indeed bring me a lot of inspiration. "

Evan Gardi laughed and said: “I thought you filmmakers didn’t like us reviewers.”

"No, speaking from myself, I just don't like the kind of film critics who have personal biases and write reviews not from the perspective of film aesthetics but from the perspective of personal grievances." Lu Yanhe said, "Actually, I know Many creators, including Wang Zhong, the director of "Three Mountains", and Liu Bige, the director of "Late Spring", have the habit of reading film reviews, not only their own film reviews, but also other people's film reviews. I also think that good reviews are good. , looking at this movie from another perspective and dimension will not only help us examine our own creations from the perspective of others, but in fact sometimes it can also give us new thinking and stimulate our creations. "

The smile on Evan Gardi's face was a little warmer.

He said: "I saw news reports that you will write, direct and star in a movie?"

“Yes, prepare to shoot in two stages: summer and winter.” Lu Yanhe told Evan, and Evan led them inside until they reached the door of his office.

Since he took the initiative to visit his family, Lu Yanhe did not take Wang Biao with him, but only Zou Dong. Zou Dong did not enter the office, but stood at the door. Many people looked at her with curiosity and confusion, probably wanting to know who their executive editor's guest was today.

Zou Dong was standing at the door expressionlessly. At this time, someone came over and asked him to sit on the sofa next to him for a while. They were speaking in English, but Zou Dong didn't understand them very well. But he made some gestures with his hands and pointed at the sofa in the reception area, and he understood what he meant.

This is the work area, and you can see the entrance to the editor-in-chief's office from the living room sofa.

He felt that it was strange for others to stand here all the time, so he sat down calmly.

 At this time, a black-haired girl came over.

 “Hi, you are Chinese, right?” The girl has an Asian appearance.

Zou Dong nodded and asked, "Are you Chinese?"

“Oh, I’m not, I’m Korean.” The girl said, “But I studied in China, so I can speak Chinese.”

 Zou Dong: “Hello.”

“Are you from Lu Yanhe’s side?” the girl asked.

“Yes, he is my boss.” Zou Dong nodded.

“I am now an intern at Jose Film Magazine.” The girl said with a smile, “I was surprised when I saw you come in just now. I didn’t expect to meet you here.”

Zou Dong nodded and looked at her with some doubts.

 He didn't quite understand why the girl told him this.

The girl smiled at him and said: "I am really lonely here as an Asian. Are you free tonight? Can we go out for a drink together?"

 Zou Dong was a little surprised and suddenly came over.

This girl is actually dating him?

 Since the divorce, Zou Dong has never considered starting a new relationship. And probably because of his personality, he basically remained indifferent and taciturn. Although he had met a woman who expressed her thoughts in a vague way, she had never taken the initiative to ask him out like the girl in front of her.

The girl in front of me really looks like a recent college graduate. Although she put on makeup that looked very workplace and professional, no amount of mature makeup could hide her youthful look that just came out of college.

Zou Dong said: "I'm sorry, I have work that doesn't allow me to go out alone."

 He rejected her.


“This time, the two films you wrote will be screened at the Jose Film Festival. It’s amazing. It’s my first time as a screenwriter to achieve such results.”

El Gardi said to Lu Yanhe, “Besides, I heard that “Rouge Button” was filmed very well.”

 “Oh?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

El Gardi said: "I met with Wu Yang, the artistic director of the Jose Film Festival, two days ago. I asked him if there was any work in the main competition section that deserved special attention this time. He told me, "Rouge Button" from China will definitely be a work that attracts much attention and discussion. "

Lu Yanhe was suddenly surprised, "I didn't know he had such a high opinion of our movie."

Evan Gardi said: "However, we are all wondering, why didn't you act in the script you wrote yourself?"

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "There were various considerations, but the main thing is because I think I am not suitable for that role."

Evan Gardi said: "Few actors will take the initiative to realize that they are not suitable for what role, especially someone like you who was named a genius at a very young age."

 Lu Yanhe: “Because I know that I am not a real genius.”

“Then you are too modest.” Evan Gardi smiled and said, “It’s a pity that you will only stay for two days this time, and you will leave the day after tomorrow.”

 Lu Yanhe: “I still have some things to do when I go back. I also hope that I will have more time next time I come here and I can watch more movies at the film festival.”

 Evan Gardi nodded.

 Before leaving, they took a photo together on the small balcony outside Evan Gardi's office.

Evan Gardi said: "I'm looking forward to the premiere of "Rouge" tomorrow. I will also go to watch the movie."

 Lu Yanhe: “Then I look forward to your arrival.”


This time I came here, it was really just a simple visit.

Of course, the content of this visit is relatively simple, but the purpose is not simple.

Lu Yanhe and Linyu are coming here just to establish contact and then gradually strengthen communication and exchanges.

 In the film industry, anyone who knows a little bit about how important the voice of critics is knows. Does box office matter? It is 100% important. No film company will think that awards are more important than box office. However, for any filmmaker, if their career is extended to ten or twenty years, especially if an actor has reached the position of a top actor, it will definitely not be measured by box office.

 Do not evaluate right or wrong, only look at objective facts. Some of the most famous legendary movie stars in film history relied on their box office success to gain fame. And they can achieve their status in film history precisely by relying on other people's voices and other people's evaluations. Especially the comments from the comment circle.

Hence, if Lu Yanhe wants to follow the path of a legendary filmmaker, it is impossible not to deal with people in these critical circles, and even to have good relationships with them.

Lu Yanhe was delivered to the door personally by Evan Gardi.

This scene was also seen by many movie fans who took photos and checked in at the door of "Jose Film" magazine.

For those senior movie fans, they may not know Lu Yanhe, but they must know Evan Gardi. Therefore, this scene really surprised them and they were curious about who this person sent by Evan Gardi himself was. .

Those who knew Lu Yanhe were also excited at this moment.

Look, Lu Yanhe was personally delivered to the door by Evan Gardi! -

 Chen Ziyan did not do any marketing, but this photo went viral in the domestic film circle.

Last time, Lu Yanhe invited Tom White, the head of HP's Asia-Pacific region, to China on a personal basis. Maxine also held two fan meetings in South Korea and Japan, allowing everyone to see Lu Yanhe's overseas connections and energy. This time, Lu Yanhe was actually photographed again having such a good personal relationship with the executive editor of "José Films" magazine. When he went to José, not only was he able to visit the "Joseph Films" magazine, but he was also attracted by Evan ·Gardi received it personally.

  Not to mention the online forum for top international film critics held by "Jump Up" in order to slap Japanese film critic Kazuzo Nagayama in the face.

 A question arises in many people’s minds: Where did Lu Yanhe know these big shots?

 Even if Lu Yanhe was popular in China, it would be impossible for so many people to come to befriend him, right?

It’s not like there are no filmmakers in China who have won international awards before, and there are also filmmakers who have been successful in Europe and the United States for a period of time. However, even they don’t seem to be able to compete with so many people like Lu Yanhe. Make friends and interact with each other.

Lu Yanhe saw an entry about himself on the hot search. The content was: How did Lu Yanhe build up his connections?

 He smiled.

His connections were not just built on his own.

In the film critic circle, Linyu got to know a lot of people quietly and became a member of their circle. At the same time, because of "Jump Up" and Lu Yanhe, people recognized her while , and was willing to give him a little more favor on this basis, which created the illusion that "Lu Yanhe's personal network is terrible".

Well, Lu Yanhe’s evaluation of his hot search is that it is actually all an illusion.

What kind of personal relationship? How deep of a personal relationship? We just met for the first time today.


 But others don’t care.

 After Lu Yanhe returned to the hotel, he met Jiang Zixin and others and had dinner together.

Jiang Zixin and Zheng Huairen's eyes changed when they looked at Lu Yanhe.

 They don’t say they can call the shots at home, but at least they can speak out whenever they want to do anything. When they go abroad, no one cares who you are.

 But in this "revealing his true form" environment, Lu Yanhe was actually "sculpting a golden body", telling them how not to change their mentality when facing Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe and the others had dinner with the crew of "Rouge Button".

During the dinner, Shang Yongzhou, who serves as this year’s image ambassador, also came.

 The atmosphere was lively for a time.

 The guests who were dining in the same restaurant cheered in surprise when they saw so many of them, especially when they saw Lu Yanhe and the others.

 Especially Shang Yongzhou.

His visit to the Jose Film Festival this time made basically everyone who came to the film festival familiar with him.

After all, he is the image ambassador. His image and the posters of this film festival are posted in every corner of the city. Not only that, he also appears frequently in official reports.

People in the restaurant heard people around them say, "He is Wang Zhong, the director of the movie "Three Mountains"" or "He is Shang Yongzhou, don't you know? The image ambassador of this year's Los Angeles Film Festival" or " Chen Bige! I love her "Pirates of Xinqi" series!" Or "Is that Lu Yanhe?"...

 For a time, many people came up to take photos with them or ask for their autographs.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

“Oh, do you really know me?” Lu Yanhe couldn’t help but ask the foreigner who came to him for a photo. He looked at the foreigner’s mobile phone that was already held up.

People say: "Of course I know you. I'm a big fan of yours. I love your show "Six People" so much. I've watched this show three times!"

Lu Yanhe was shocked.

 Such a conversation, and a similar confession of "I like your XXX so much" also appeared on Wang Zhong's side.

Zheng Huairen immediately took out his mobile phone and took a video of this scene, which lasted about thirty seconds.

Jiang Zixin said: "I really didn't expect that we, "Rouge Button", would meet so many foreign fans when we had dinner here. Really, every day in China, I see people bragging that they are international superstars and have international influence. . What is true influence? Look at this scene."

Zheng Huairen smiled knowingly, turned around and sent the video he took to the people in the company.

 An hour later, thanks to the operation of the Northern Lights, this video became the top three trending searches.

The hot search terms are: The crew of "Rouge" received enthusiastic support from foreign fans at the Dutch Film Festival.

 Click in and it’s this video.

The video was posted by a very ordinary account. The poster claimed to be a movie fan who came to watch a movie at the Los Angeles Film Festival. He was eating at a restaurant with friends in the evening. Unexpectedly, he encountered the scene in front of him. Then, it was the video that Zheng Huairen took. .

Jiang Zixin’s words were also recorded, converted into text, and released as subtitles.

As Zheng Huairen expected, such videos are always easy to attract attention and hot discussion on online platforms.

Any country or nation passionately hopes to see its people, things, and things recognized and sought after abroad. This is the simplest emotion of every human being. While Chinese-language film and television is indeed at a disadvantage, it is certainly heartening to see such a few people recognized by so many foreign fans at international film festivals, asking for photos and autographs.

Zheng Huairen accurately targeted this public psychology and gave "Rouge Button" a large-scale publicity and promotion.

This also creates an impression in everyone's mind. This is a crew composed of top domestic filmmakers. This is a film that represents China and is sought after at overseas film festivals—in fact, this is similar to the film "Rouge Button". It doesn’t matter half a dime, and the movie hasn’t been released in Jose yet.

 You can promote it, who cares about you?

 The data of "Rouge Button" on various platforms have soared.

But at this moment, an inappropriate voice suddenly came out: Huang Kairen was standing nearby. No one knew who he was, didn't he feel embarrassed?

This kind of statement, which was obviously deliberately intended to be offensive, was still very popular and was liked and commented on by many people.

 Some people even said: Isn’t it normal for him to be a TV star and not be recognized by overseas audiences? I felt from the beginning that he should not appear on the set of "Rouge Button". I still don't understand why Lu Yanhe didn't play this role himself?

This comment actually got a lot of likes.

Huang Kairen’s fans were certainly angry, and some were filled with indignation:

—Are you mistaken? You, Lu Yanhe, asked us, Huang Kairen, to play this role because you didn’t want to play it yourself. It’s not like Huang Kairen asked you to play it. At the beginning, we said that there was something wrong with this character, so we didn’t hesitate to let him play it. Huang Kairen is acting!

 —Are TV stars just low-level? Are movie buffs so noble? Then let Lu Yanhe act in whatever TV series you want, just let him act in movies! ,


I have been working hard this month and have updated a total of 300,000+ words, with an average of 10,000 words per day. As a working dog, I can only say that I have tried my best to maintain such an update frequency.

 June is over and July is coming soon.

 I ask for your continued support next month as well.

I will continue to work **** coding, and everyone should also actively vote for me! (End of chapter)

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