Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 441: examine

Lu Yanhe returned to China alone and did not continue to stay at the Jose Film Festival with the team of "Rouge".

This film received an excellent reputation from the audience at the Jose Film Festival - on the contrary, the critics' reputation was a bit worse, but it can't be said that it was not good. Almost all commented that it was a good-looking movie, but compared to Wang Zhong's previous films The work, just lacks a little complexity.

 This situation has been expected by everyone. Everyone knows that the movie "Rouge Button" will definitely not be as well-received by critics as "Three Mountains" because it is so beautiful. Even if the atmosphere of the movie is still Wang Zhong's previous style, the narrative rhythm is completely storytelling. rhythm. Its light whiteness is lower than everyone expected from Wang Zhong.

 However, the audience gave nearly 100% positive reviews, and still sent "Rouge Button" to the first place in the list of films that have been screened in the main competition unit.

 In other film festivals, word-of-mouth from the media and audiences is just a reference. In fact, it is the judges who select the winners, and they will be affected. However, there are often cases where the award results are inconsistent with public expectations. At the Jose Film Festival, because of its unique selection mechanism, one hundred film critics and two hundred audiences vote for each award, so that the reputation of a film at its premiere can often be seen. There is no hope of winning a prize behind it.

 As for the current situation of "Rouge Button", it is obvious that it will win an award, but it just depends on what award it will be.


Lu Yanhe got off the plane and walked out of the airport wearing sunglasses.

 Chen Ziyan drove to pick him up.

Lu Yanhe was still very surprised and asked: "Sister Ziyan, why did you come in person?"

 Chen Ziyan is getting busier and busier at work now, and has little time to take care of such trivial matters.

 Chen Ziyan said: "I made an appointment with a doctor to take a look at you."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was stunned, "What?"

Chen Ziyan said: "Isn't your expression out of control? This is too rare. I must give you a check-up."

 Lu Yanhe: "That's not the case. I guess I just didn't manage my expression well at that moment."

“You don’t need to control your expression. It’s normal if you don’t control your expression.” Chen Ziyan said, “It’s always better to be careful and go get a check-up to avoid having any physical problems at such a young age.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned speechless: "..."

Wang Biao also said: "Brother Lu, Sister Ziyan is right. It's better if you go to the hospital for a check-up. It's better to be fine. If there is something, it can be discovered and treated early."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”


The doctor was appointed by Chen Ziyan specifically to find connections.

With an artist like Lu Yanhe, going to the doctor is in a sense equivalent to going to the police station - once the news comes out, it will definitely trigger the public's imagination and all kinds of speculation.

Lu Yanhe actually wanted to ask which department this doctor was from, but he was embarrassed to ask. He always felt that if the answer was a bit outrageous - such as psychiatry, he would not be able to help but complain about Chen Ziyan, even if he knew that she was doing it for his own good.

 The doctor asked him about his recent situation, and then asked: "Are you stressed?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "There is no pressure."

The doctor smiled and said, "Then you have a really good attitude. I thought it would be extremely stressful for you to write, direct and star in a movie at such a young age. I have other clients because one is very important." I couldn’t sleep all night long because of my work.”

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "I don't feel any pressure, and I don't have insomnia. However, my work schedule may be a bit abnormal recently, and I sometimes go to bed late."

The doctor nodded and did not ask any further questions about "pressure". He seemed to just exclude it as an option. He asked Lu Yanhe about other aspects, from life to work, from recent mood to long-term expectations.

 Then the doctor took him to another room.

 The room is neat and clean.

 There is a small table inside with a test sheet and a pen on it.

The doctor said: "Answer these questions."

Lu Yanhe gave him a strange look and asked, "What kind of test is this?"

“I’ll tell you after you answer.” The doctor smiled and said.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 However, after Lu Yanhe finished answering, he was not told what kind of test it was.

 He was taken to other rooms by the doctor and examined and tested by some instruments.

  Throughout the whole process, Lu Yanhe felt like a puppet being manipulated, acting according to instructions.


 “Did you see anything?”

The assistant put down the telescope in his hand and shook his head at Zhou Shuchun.

Zhou Shuchun took the telescope from his assistant and looked at the small building diagonally opposite the car. Indeed, he couldn't see anything, so he could only put down the telescope.

“Brother Chun, why are we here to take pictures of Lu Yanhe again? Didn’t you say that we couldn’t take pictures of anything?” the assistant asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhou Shuchun snorted and said: "What do you know? Everyone else is still staying at the Jose Film Festival, but he ran back alone. Something must have happened. After "Rouge Button" premiered at the Jose Film Festival, The reputation is very good, and many media regard it as a strong contender for the Grand Prize of this year's Hollywood Film Festival. Which artist would be willing to come back at this time."

The assistant thought for a moment and said, "It's quite normal for Lu Yanhe to be reluctant. He often comes to participate in international film festivals. I feel that international film festivals are not that precious to him."

"Are you stupid? Who told you about the international film festival? Now the film written by Lu Yanhe is very likely to win the award. Do you know what this means?" Zhou Shuchun said, "Look at the Xituer Film Festival You can see how much the Best Director Award has improved Wang Zhong’s status. Do you think Lu Yanhe would leave at this time if it wasn’t a very important matter?”

 The assistant suddenly understood.

"I see."

 He asked: "What important thing could that be?"

Zhou Shuchun took a deep breath.

"shut up!"

 After saying this, he couldn't help it anymore, and continued: "If I knew, why are we still squatting here? We would have been sent out long ago!"

 Looking at the stupid assistant, he began to think, why would he find such a stupid assistant? -

 After the test, Lu Yanhe sat in the lounge and waited for the results.

 Only Wang Biao and Zou Dong accompanied him.

 Chen Ziyan doesn’t know where she went.

I don’t know if the full set of examinations he went through gave him some psychological hint. Lu Yanhe suddenly became a little nervous, worried that he might actually find something wrong.

 He really doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with him.

 At the same time, in another room, the doctor was talking to Chen Ziyan about the results of the examination.

"Let's talk about the good side first. Judging from the examination, he doesn't have any serious problems. However, I analyzed it and found that the perfunctoriness he showed in the video is actually not perfunctory. You will know if you look carefully. He That was a complete loss of control over his expression. Through chatting with him, we can actually know that he didn't realize anything was wrong with him at the time, nor did he feel that his expression was perfunctory, so the problem here was a bit serious. "

"To say the worst, there is a deviation between his self-perception and actual neural control, and he is not aware that there is something wrong with his expression. This may be a neurological problem. The test results also show that his subconscious The stress and anxiety are much greater than what he said and he is not as calm, calm and optimistic as he appears.”

Chen Ziyan frowned and looked at the doctor in surprise.

The doctor said: "In this era, people will have more or less mental problems, but his situation is more serious. His values ​​in all aspects are much higher than the normal standard, but we can't see anything from his surface. Can't tell. He doesn't realize it at all."

 Chen Ziyan: “Why is this?”

"Based on what you told me and what he just said, the possible conclusion I can draw now is that he has been busy with various jobs and studying since the college entrance examination, especially in the past three years. The change in work is so great that it may exceed the span of ten or even twenty years for other artists," the doctor said. "He has passed this stage in a way that others seem incredible, from being an artist in a low period to He suddenly transformed into a top actor, but correspondingly, the people and things he came into contact with, and the responsibilities and pressure he faced also increased. "

"People around him have formed the impression that he is a genius and that he will succeed in whatever he does. In fact, this impression will bring invisible constraints and burdens to him. He can succeed in everything, and he will definitely not only It's just miracles and luck, but he does everything with the attitude that he must do it well and succeed, and he may also hypnotize himself over and over again that if he can do it, he will be OK. His mental tension lasted until a certain critical point, and he didn't even realize it before suddenly collapsing and losing control. However, his habitual memory made him think that he was still in this normal state. "

 Chen Ziyan and everyone were stunned.

so serious?

 How could it be so serious?

 However, Chen Ziyan wanted to refute, but couldn't refute a single word. Because every word the doctor said can be found in Lu Yanhe. Indeed, over the past three years, everyone has formed the impression that "Lu Yanhe will succeed in whatever he does", and everyone has high expectations for Lu Yanhe. Lu Yanhe usually looks very calm, and Chen Ziyan often praises him for being mature and calm beyond his peers. But this was actually a sign—

 Isn’t being mature and calm beyond one’s peers an abnormality in itself?

Chen Ziyan's face almost became tense.

“What should we do in this situation?” Chen Ziyan asked.

The doctor said: "Reduce his work and reduce the people and things he has to deal with every day. We cannot continue to let him put aside reality and enter the performance world of other personalities, and at the same time let him become an operator who faces reality and calculates every day. It’s about relationships, interests, gains and losses. An ordinary person would feel double the mental burden if he worked two jobs a day, let alone someone like him who is high-intensity and strives to do everything extremely well.”

Chen Ziyan took a breath of air. The doctor's words were like a giant hammer, hitting her heart hard.

 Isn’t this the current situation of Lu Yanhe in the past two years, especially in the last year? -

 “They’re coming out!” the assistant shouted.

Zhou Shuchun lowered his voice and roared: "Keep your voice down!"

The assistant was scolded by Zhou Shuchun, and his head instantly dropped.

Zhou Shuchun glared at him with hatred, but the camera in his hand did not rest and took many photos.

 Until their car left and disappeared.

The assistant asked: "Brother Chun, why don't we follow?"

Zhou Shuchun took a deep breath and said, "Follow me. I'll go see where this place is first."

He got out of the car, crossed the road, pretended to be a tourist, and took a few pictures of some surrounding buildings. It seemed that he was simply interested in this place, and he kept coming to the front of the building, which was blocked by a large iron gate.

  Unfortunately, there are no markings on this building. From the outside, it is impossible to tell where this place is.

At this time, Zhou Shuchun even wanted to climb over the wall and climb in to see where this place was.

 The more secretive a place is on the outside and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly, the more it means that the inside is not simple, otherwise, it would not be so mysterious.


On the way back, Lu Yanhe felt inexplicably heavy.

Chen Ziyan did not hide anything from him and asked the doctor to tell Lu Yanhe exactly what he told her.

Lu Yanhe didn't accept it at first, thinking it was too exaggerated. He didn't feel it at all. Why did he suddenly become so stressed that it even affected his nerves?

 But when the doctor finished everything, Lu Yanhe had to accept that he might really have... something wrong?

 The atmosphere in the car was a little dull for a while.

 No one spoke.

Zou Dong was driving, and Wang Biao was sitting in the passenger seat.

Chen Ziyan turned to look at Lu Yanhe several times, but stopped talking.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he might really have to make a choice. He has too many things to do. He is filming, going to school, writing scripts, working on projects, calling and meeting with different people every day. Especially recently, he has become the director of "Love Letter". He needs to take care of it. There are more things to do. I have to meet at least two groups of people a day and make no less than ten phone calls.

 Have you really never felt tired? Of course there is. However, he has always felt that it is normal to be tired or tired. Just grit your teeth, get through this period, and rest for a few days to recover.

Chen Ziyan suddenly said: "Yan He, "Love Letter"..."

"Sister Zi Yan, I will continue to work on "Love Letter", but I will try not to be a director in the future," he said.

Lu Yanhe feels that he has been under too much pressure recently, which was caused by the directing job of the movie "Love Letter".

It is necessary to rationally deal with all kinds of trivial and complicated things, but also to detach and think aesthetically and emotionally about how to express the story of this movie, just like a person has to deal with how to design the traffic lights of an entire city. To make the city's traffic flow smoothly, we need to think about how to integrate these traffic lights into the city in the right way.

 It can’t be one second earlier or one second later, the timing must be just right—

 Lu Yanhe felt that he might not be tired, but that he had given himself too much similar ideological baggage and pressure.

"Perhaps the pressure of many things in the company has also been put on you." Chen Ziyan said, "A lot of work should have been the work of the producer, because this film was invested and controlled by us ourselves, and many of the tasks were originally done by All the work shared by others falls on you alone.”

Lu Yanhe said: "When I decided to make this movie myself, I had to bear this. We are not professionals to begin with and can only learn by doing. But now I have been told that I overestimated myself. ”

Chen Ziyan nodded, "Whether or not, as the doctor said, you lost control of your expression because of excessive stress, at least the problem has been detected. Otherwise, if you continue like this, you still don't know what problems will occur. "Forget about the movie "Love Letter", we still don't have to control the rest of it ourselves."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.


 Lu Yanhe returned to Ziyuanqiao in the evening.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are still on the crew and have not finished filming.

 Still he is the only one.

However, people come to clean the house regularly, so even if you don’t come back for a long time, it will still be as clean as ever.

 After Lu Yanhe came back, he put the suitcase aside and returned to the room.

 Finally, he was the only one left.

At this time he can completely relax and think about the fact that he is too stressed.

 Until this time, he would still have doubts from time to time.

 Is he really stressed out? Why didn't he realize it at all?

However, he didn't realize it either. Even when he was with his closest friends, Chen Ziyan, Wang Biao and Zou Dong, he couldn't completely relax. Only when he was truly alone could he start to think about this matter without distraction.


 Lu Qingzhen was still very surprised when she suddenly received a call from Chen Ziyan.

When she hurried to the restaurant, she found in disbelief that Chen Ziyan had ordered a glass of wine and drank it alone.

Lu Qingzhen and Chen Ziyan are too familiar. Because of their familiarity, Lu Qingzhen knew clearly how abnormal Chen Ziyan's behavior was.

“What are you doing?” Lu Qingzhen asked in disbelief, “You actually started drinking alone.”

Chen Ziyan was a little uninterested and said: "Qingzhen, now I doubt whether I can still be a good agent."

Lu Qingzhen never thought that one day she would hear Chen Ziyan say these words.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Qingzhen asked, "Don't you do a good job as an agent? Lu Yanhe's new film "Rouge Button" was a hit with the audience at the Hollywood Film Festival. I don't know if Lu Yanhe has been in your hands in the past few years. How well it has developed, and he is already a leader of the younger generation.”

Lu Qingzhen suddenly thought of something and asked, "Aren't you because?" Chen Ziyan sighed deeply and said, "But I didn't even notice how much pressure Yan He was feeling."

" under pressure?" Lu Qingzhen felt incredible, "What kind of pressure can he have?"

Chen Ziyan laughed softly.

Sure enough, no one thought that Lu Yanhe would be under pressure.

 In the eyes of others, he is so proud that he should not feel any pressure at all.

Chen Ziyan took a deep breath and told Lu Qingzhen about Lu Yanhe’s diagnosis results from the doctor.

Lu Qingzhen showed an expression of disbelief.

 Lu Qingzhen: “How could it be?”

Chen Ziyan also wanted to ask, how could it be?

 This is a result that no one can imagine.

Lu Qingzhen said: "Maybe it's just that Yan He was under too much pressure during this period. He may have written, directed and acted in a work at the same time, and had to deal with other things. It is indeed stressful. However, how can you be so arrogant? Zi Yan ”

Chen Ziyan said: "I didn't even notice that my own artist was too stressed and anxious."

"That's because Yan He really didn't show it at all. Didn't you also say it? He didn't even realize it."

 Chen Ziyan did not speak.

Lu Qingzhen said: "Zi Yan, you have to know how much you care about Lu Yanhe. I can see it. If even you don't find out about Lu Yanhe's problem, then no one can find out about Lu Yanhe's problem."

At this time, two people’s cell phones rang at the same time.


 That's it for tonight. I drank too much and fell asleep.

As for the controversial points, maybe I didn’t handle them well, but I didn’t write them blindly. There are corresponding arrangements.

 When I come to my senses, I'll see if I can make it smoother and more natural.

  Sorry for bringing you a bad reading experience. (End of chapter)

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