Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 47: battle of wits

Chapter 47: Fighting

Probably Lu Yanhe’s expression was so serious and solemn that Liu Qin forgot to scold Li Pengfei immediately, and instead asked: “What situation do you want to react to?”

Lu Yanhe said: "Luo Zicheng just insulted me with words in front of the whole class and spread rumors about me and another female classmate, which caused great harm to me. Classmate Li Pengfei couldn't stand it and acted bravely and punched him." , therefore, I am reporting this situation to you.”

 Liu Qin: “…”

 Other students passed by in the corridor from time to time, and they all cast a curious glance.

Lu Yanhe stood in front of Liu Qin, a head taller than the head teacher who was wearing high heels. His expression was as indifferent as those handsome male protagonists in youth movies, as if he had a pair of eyes without sadness or joy in the sketch, but there was an air of determination. meaning.

Liu Qin sighed and said, "Come to my office with him."


 “Who? Who hit my son!”

A woman with short permed hair and heavy makeup suddenly opened the door and burst in angrily. She was like a glaring King Kong. The first thing she did after entering was to scan everyone in Liu Qin's office.

When she saw Luo Zicheng's huge and shiny panda eyes, she suddenly let out a scream. It seemed that this scene was more serious than she expected.

"Son! Who hit you!" Luo Zicheng's mother let out a heart-breaking cry. Before Luo Zicheng could answer, she immediately looked at Liu Qin angrily, "Teacher Liu, why is my son in school?" Will you be so seriously injured?"

Just when Liu Qin was about to explain, the door was pushed open with another bang.

 “Li Pengfei, you brat, if you don’t get the tiles for three days, you deserve to be slapped, right?”

A man in a suit and leather tie, with a rather heroic appearance, rushed in, with an angry look on his face and a broom in his hand that he didn't know where he came from.

 “Come here!” He pointed at Li Pengfei and roared angrily.

Li Pengfei quickly stood behind Lu Yanhe: "Brother, don't let him get close to me!"

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Ms. Li Fengying was about to have a seizure when she was interrupted by another King Kong. She looked at him and yelled at him without knowing why. Her mind was racing. Combining the situation in front of her with what he said, she immediately understood that this was the culprit of her son's injury. Dad!

"I said, parent, it turns out it was your son who punched my son!" Ms. Li Fengying has never been called a kind-hearted person since she was a child, and she has never considered herself to be a kind person. "Look. The way my son looks now, your son is a violent criminal!"

Li Luzhi immediately lost his smile and said: "Sorry, sorry, this brat just needs to be dealt with. Oops, I really suffered, Xiao Tang!"

 A young man in a black suit immediately opened the door and came in, "Mr. Li, what are your orders?"

"Hurry up and take this classmate to the hospital for a checkup. Go to the Seventh Hospital and find Dr. Chen." Li Luzhi pointed at Luo Zicheng and said, "It makes me feel bad! Li Pengfei, you are so careless, you want to make me angry to death." You are all parents, how distressed this classmate’s mother must be!”

 Li Fengying was a little dumbfounded for a moment. Before coming, she had made an aggressive plan to peel off the other person's skin, but the result was that this parent was different from what she had imagined. She admitted her mistake and apologized so quickly, and immediately called someone to take her son to the hospital for a check-up. This made her so angry that she didn't know how to express her anger.

When Luo Zicheng saw that his mother stopped talking, he became anxious and immediately said: "Mom, this is not about whether to do the inspection or not. Li Pengfei hit me. He violated the school rules and regulations. He must be given a demerit! Mom! !”

Li Fengying woke up from a dream and felt that she had been deceived. She regained her composure and glared at Li Luzhi angrily: "Parent, don't fool us here, this matter can't just be let go! You should take my son to the hospital for examination. In addition to examination, Your son's violence against his classmates is so bad that he must be severely punished! Teacher Liu, am I not asking too much?"

Liu Qin said: "Two parents, as soon as you rushed into my office, you didn't give me a chance to speak. Can you calm down now and let me tell you the whole story?"

Li Luzhi pretended to be very obedient and gave Xiao Tang a look. Xiao Tang immediately turned around and left the office.

When Li Fengying saw him, she wanted to ask him if he didn't take his son to the hospital for a check-up.

 But this matter was delayed by herself, so it was hard to mention it again.

“About this matter, in addition to the two students Luo Zicheng and Li Pengfei, there is also another student involved, Lu Yanhe.” Liu Qin glanced at the boy who was pulled in front of him by Li Pengfei.

Li Fengying had been furious just now, and only then took a serious look at Lu Yanhe.

 This boy is quite handsome.

Li Fengying took another look.

"Before you came, I had already asked other students in the class what the situation was, so what I am going to say next has been verified." After Liu Qin said this, he glanced at Li Fengying.

This sight made Li Fengying's heart beat inexplicably.

 Liu Qin, the head teacher, can be said to be incompetent. Her son was studying in this class, and she had always hoped that Liu Qin could take more care of her son, especially in his senior year of high school. At the most critical time, if the teacher took more care of him, his final score might be higher. However, no matter how hard she and Luo Zicheng's father tried, they could not get anything into Liu Qin's hands.

"Two parents, if your children are in my class, I will definitely discipline them carefully. There is no need for these things. I don't lack these things and I never take them. Not to mention that the education bureau is very strict now and the school has been punished. The order will never be accepted.”

“Teacher Liu, this is just a thought, you don’t have to worry, there is no one else here, who would know.”

 “Thank you for your kindness, but if you don’t accept it, you won’t accept it.”

 Such a conversation happened no less than five times.

 Liu Qin is just like a piece of wood, no oil or salt can enter it.

 In fact, Li Fengying has always been a little scared in front of Liu Qin. Liu Qin has an undeniable aura about her. She is a senior class teacher and has taught senior high school classes for more than ten years. Her results have always been extremely good. Of course, what frightened Li Fengying the most was that her husband received a call from a leader one night. The content of the call was actually asking them not to disturb Liu Qin anymore.

This made them murmur privately, thinking that the reason why Liu Qin did not accept these gifts was because she had a high profile and looked down upon them.

They didn’t know that this was a call that Liu Qin asked the parent of a student he had taken care of before. The parent also worked in the system and was a big leader. It’s really not her own background.

 (End of this chapter)

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