Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 451: Visit by big names

On this day, a very famous visitor suddenly came to the crew of "Love Letter".

Wintour Robey, artistic director of the José Film Festival.

He didn't come by himself, but was brought here by Director Wang Zhong.

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he received the news from director Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong invited Wintour Robbe to China to participate in the Yuming International Film Festival in July through his personal relationship. The film festival has not yet started, so Wang Zhong dragged Wintour Robbe to Jiang. Chi.

Wintour Robey is a typical person who is not well-known at the public level, but is well-known in the film industry.

The artistic directors of the four major international film festivals are actually such people.

They control which films can enter the main competition unit, which films can be shortlisted for other units, and which films can only be rejected.

This is not just a matter of honor, for any film company, it involves interests.

Once your film is shortlisted for a film festival, OK, your film will have bargaining capital—especially for those low-budget independent films.

At the beginning, the crew members did not know the identity of this foreigner.

Later, when the news slowly spread, a surprised question appeared in everyone's mind.

An idea that didn't need to be reminded popped up in their minds: Is it possible that the movie "Love Letter" will be shortlisted for the Jose Film Festival?

Before Wintour Robey arrived, no one dared to think so.

Because many of them felt that the script of "Love Letter" was very ordinary and that it was a **** youth love story.

It is also because many of them feel that Lu Yanhe is a director for the first time. Even if he has a certain reputation internationally, he will not be able to go directly to the top international film festivals. At most, he will be able to go to some other ordinary film festivals. circle, such as the Yuming International Film Festival that will be held soon.


Lu Yanhe briefly told Wintour Robbe about the film he was filming, and introduced Chen Bige and Zhang Ruozhi to him.

In fact, Chen Bige has known Wintour Robey for a long time. This time, Chen Bige also won the Best Actress at the Hollywood Film Festival with the movie "Rouge", and once again consolidated her position in the Chinese film industry. Prior to this, Chen Bige was already a representative filmmaker of Chinese films.

Lu Yanhe's introduction was to introduce that Chen Bige is also the protagonist of this movie.

Looking at the entertainment industry around the world, there are not a few actors who have transformed into directors.

Wintour Robey was not surprised that Lu Yanhe wrote, directed and starred in a movie.

After all, "Rouge Button" and "People on the Road", which were shortlisted for the Hollywood Film Festival, are both screenwriters by Lu Yanhe. He is obviously a young man with ideas and creative talent.

Wintour Robert himself actually really admires Lu Yanhe.

As a newly emerging filmmaker in Chinese-language films, Lu Yanhe has made a lot of appearances in the international film industry in recent years. As artistic director Wintour Robey, although many people are eager to win his favor, he is also eager for new filmmakers who have the potential to become masters of the generation in the future.

To maintain its influence and status in the world film community, it is crucial for a film festival to constantly discover new blood and cultivate its own lineage of filmmakers.

Wintour Robey and Lu Yanhe went to see the recently shot material.

What I was watching happened to be the scene where Lu Yanhe and Zhang Ruozhi were in the library.

Zhang Ruozhi's deer-like eyes were as bright as a layer of paint in the dimly lit library room.

The look she casts at the window from time to time does not require a line at all.

Just such a picture, a shot, is enough to explain everything.

Film is the art of lenses.

And when she followed her gaze, beside the window, next to the white, light-transmitting curtains, there was a handsome and silent boy with his back leaning against the window, looking at the book in his hand expressionlessly.

This is the original shot, without any post-production lighting, color correction or filters.

However, because the lighting requirements are very high when shooting, this was selected from several hours of footage. Even the original footage is very beautiful.

Very cinematic, very subtle and beautiful.

Wintour Robey showed a bit of surprise and said: "These shots are so beautiful."

For Wintour Robey, there are too many movies to watch every year. He can be the artistic director of the Jose Film Festival, and his aesthetic vision for movies must be extremely high. When he said such words, Lu Yanhe believed that in addition to his superficial goodwill, he must also be somewhat sincere. In fact, Lu Yanhe was very satisfied with the shots of the movie "Love Letter", which completely met Lu Yanhe's imagination.

The two photographers Liu Bige borrowed, Bao Wenliang and Wu Zhou, were strong and young, and their skills were really good. They all have ways to fulfill Lu Yanhe's request. Liu Bige spends very little time personally taking photos.

Wintour Robert showed surprise when she learned that Liu Bigo, the director of "Late Spring", was personally the photography director for Lu Yanhe's new film.

He didn't seem to have expected that a director of Liu Bige's level would actually come over to serve as a director of photography when he was at his peak.

Wintour Robey was on set for four hours.

When Lu Yanhe was filming, Wintour Robbe was also nearby, chatting with Wang Zhong, Liu Bige and Chen Bige, while watching curiously.

It just so happened that this scene was filmed when the female Aijiki was on duty in the library, and another girl who was on duty with her liked the male Aijiki and wanted to confess her love to him.

This girl is an actress who came through the audition.

A girl from Jingyi, a freshman, is named Yifan, a very artistic name.

Lu Yanhe didn't know if she changed her name to herself later, or if her parents gave her this name when she was born.

According to Lu Yanhe's opinion, this girl is also very beautiful, but she is a different kind of beauty, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and lush hair styled with a wig.

At first, the hairstylist thought Lu Yanhe was trying to make the girl look ugly. Lu Yanhe knew at a glance that the hairstylist had misunderstood him.

"It still needs to be good-looking, but this girl should feel a little nerdy, a little paranoid, a little reckless and outright."

Yifan was surprised to hear Lu Yanhe's positioning of the character she played.

"Does my character still have such a setting?"

After she got the script, she originally thought it was just a typical foil role.

But if she has the opportunity to make a movie, and there are still many scenes and lines, she really wants to play even a supporting role.

Even the teacher at Jingyi agreed that she would come out to take on the drama - under normal circumstances, students at Jingyi are not allowed to come out to take on the role during their freshman and sophomore years.

This also shows that the teachers at Jingyi believe that their students will not suffer any disadvantages when they come to Lu Yanhe's crew to act.

Another point is that Lu Yanhe’s teacher is Luo Yuzhong.

Luo Yuzhong is from the Beijing Art Circle.

The teachers at Jingyi will naturally take more care of Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe told Ivan: "Every character, as long as it appears in the script, must have a meaning for his existence. Otherwise, why bother writing such a person?"

Ivan nodded thoughtfully.

"Look, our "Love Letter" actually talks about the ambiguity and feelings between boys and girls for a large proportion, right?" Lu Yanhe said, "The male and female Huai Jing Shu do not express their feelings to each other, and they miss each other. , so that it became an irreparable regret, but you dared to express your feelings and speak your mind directly. Even if you were rejected in the end and cried shamelessly, it did not become a regret for you. In this world, there are secret loves, confessions, and those naughty students who tease and tease them. For the female Aijingshu, your failure to confess is a memory she has of the male Aijingshu. For you, in your world, the female character is a supporting character, and you are your protagonist. You must first understand this character from your perspective. "

Ivan took a deep breath and said, "I feel like I understand it, but I don't quite understand it."

Zhang Ruozhi was listening thoughtfully.

Lu Yanhe said: "It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. We can just shoot it a few more times."

On the set, Lu Yanhe was a director who was not in a hurry.

Because it was his first time as a director, Zhao Yuheng made a shooting plan for him in the summer, and the time was very generous. Lu Yanhe had enough time to shoot slowly.

Because the actors filming in the summer are basically young actors, and they are basically actors with no filming experience. When filming in this situation, they will definitely need to spend more time getting familiar with and training them.

What is more stressful during filming is winter, with many scenes and a lot of scheduling, including various scenes, studio shooting, outdoor scenes, and some scenes with a lot of people. However, correspondingly, the actors at that time were all very mature and very good actors. Chen Bige, Wan Xin, Li Songfan... were all actors who were very good at acting. This meant that there would be fewer NG actors during filming. time, the efficiency will be improved a lot.

Wintour Robbe was shocked to see Lu Yanhe directing the actors on the scene and instructing various departments to make adjustments according to his requirements. The whole process was very stable and not irritable.

After all, Wintour Robbe actually knows very well that as a species, nine out of ten directors have a bad temper.

There is no way, the shooting scene is an extremely stressful environment, and there are few directors who will not be driven crazy by this environment.

Lu Yanhe was not driven crazy, just because he had done a lot of preparation work from the beginning, and all departments were controlled so that they did not dare to cause chaos in the open. Xin Zixing was in charge of logistics and finance, Luo Yuzhong went through the plans of each department several times to prevent Lu Yanhe from getting into trouble, and Liu Bige sat in charge of the scene. When Lu Yanhe couldn't express his instructions clearly, he was often the one to take the next step. A bridge of communication. And Zhao Yuheng, the experienced executive producer, helped Lu Yanhe solve all the problems and troubles. Lu Yanhe only had to ask for it, and then someone would help him realize it. Lu Yanhe really didn't feel pressured because he couldn't finish filming the movie.

Liu Bige said to Wintour Robbe: "If you ask people in our Chinese film industry, you will know how everyone evaluates him. In the eyes of many people, he is a genius who will succeed in whatever he does. ”


The news of Wintour Robey's visit to the set of "Love Letters" was not kept secret. She is willing to disclose her itinerary in China, which is also increasing the influence of the Jose Film Festival.

Therefore, the official account of the "Love Letter" movie posted a group photo of everyone.

Wintour Robbe, artistic director of the Netherlands Film Festival, visited the filming site of "Love Letter" and had an intimate exchange with Lu Yanhe, Liu Bige and Chen Bige.

This scene was also called by some media: Lu Yanhe’s international influence on stamp collecting increased by one.

In fact, this is not Lu Yanhe's influence, Wang Zhong brought him here.

Lu Yanhe himself never thought that inexplicably, many things would become his influence and his contribution.

After the news came out, people from several film companies, including Longyan Pictures and Ruyi Pictures, came to inquire whether "Love Letter" would participate in the Jose Film Festival.

Lu Yanhe could only laugh and laugh, and replied that the movie has not been finished yet, and he doesn't know whether he will participate in film festivals in the future.

In fact, Wintour Robbe did send him an invitation, hoping that Lu Yanhe would send him a copy after he finished filming the film. He hoped to have the film have its world premiere at the Los Angeles Film Festival.

However, Lu Yanhe had not decided whether to do this. Because it is not that simple for a film to participate in an overseas film festival. It is also an economic expense.

If you are not shortlisted for the relevant units and just go to the premiere, then if you add up the various factors, this trip may mean that millions or even tens of millions of funds have been poured into it.

"Flowers on the Stars" went to the Jose Film Festival for its premiere, which cost a lot of money.

Can "Love Letter" be shortlisted for the official section?

Wintour Robert didn't say anything, and Lu Yanhe himself didn't know for sure.

If it's just to go there to do a premiere and get some media coverage, Lu Yanhe feels that the effort and the benefits may not be directly proportional.


At this time, the summer season has entered into full swing.

New films are constantly entering the market, but most of them fail. Many films that have been worked hard for several years are sentenced to death in theaters in just two days.

The high risk and cruelty of the film market slaps every practitioner in the face.

The few dark horses that came out in the past have inevitably given rise to some optimistic thoughts in many people's minds.

Reality poured cold water on it.

Entering its third week of release, "City Raiders" has basically failed to make a dent in the box office, lingering at close to 300 million.

"Nine Yin" also failed to follow up, and a little dark horse seemed to have seen the end.

Currently, the only ones still running on the market are "Angry Crow" and "Angry Road". The long tail effect of these two movies exceeds the normal rules.

Especially the former, it's summer time, a lot of kids are on vacation, and they're bringing their families to watch this animated movie. Two or three people can buy a ticket. At the same time, many adults also come here to visit.

"Unfortunately" is running a little slower, but very steadily. The box office on weekdays can also maintain a drop of less than 10%. Entering its third week, the box office on weekdays has not dropped below 20 million.

Jia Long said that it was mainly due to the fact that there were no new competitors in the new films released in the third week, which gave "The Journey" a new window to enjoy the dividends of the market.

At this time, "Unfortunately" also announced that the film will be released in five Asian countries including South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore on August 2. In Japan, it will be later due to convention.

In fact, it is basically difficult for the movie "Unfortunately" to get a good box office overseas, because the jokes, jokes and social environment contained in it can only be understood in the context of Chinese society.

The purpose of announcing the overseas release at this time is mainly to create a new round of publicity for the domestic release and to stimulate the market potential that has not yet been squeezed out. You see, this movie is already popular enough to be released overseas. You Why don't you come and see it?

"Love Letter" also ended its summer filming after more than three weeks of filming.

July has come to an end.

Lu Yanhe had a meal with all the members of the film crew, expressing his gratitude and posing at each table.

I won’t say any more unnecessary words.

It’s not that it’s finalized, it’s still going to be filmed later.

Lu Yanhe also invited He Yunlan over.

This time the film was shot in Jiangzhi, especially the filming at Jiangzhi Middle School. He Yunlan was very helpful in coordinating the filming.

He Yunlan It's just a pity that the winter part of this movie was not shot here.

It may not snow in Jiangzhi in winter.

They had to find another place.

Lu Yanhe said to He Yunlan: "I still have a movie on hand, a fairy tale theme. I will continue to shoot it in Jiangzhi later. Then I will ask Brother He for your help again."

He Yunlan said: "Why are we so polite to each other? If you are willing to bring the crew to our place to film, I know it well. Whatever I can do, I will definitely do it 100%."

Lu Yanhe and He Yunlan each filled a glass of rice wine brewed by a local family and drank it all.


The box office of "Awkward" reached 570 million.

A crime-suspense movie called "The Explosive Needle" was released and became a huge hit. It opened on Wednesday and got a first-day box office of 80 million.

The leading actor Li Yuefeng almost destroyed his image, playing a persecuted and skinny person who escaped from a criminal organization.

The heroine Zhang Lan plays a charming boss lady who picks up this man who has passed out on the ground from the door of her house.

In order to get himself out of danger, the man played by Li Yuefeng pretended to be in love with her and asked her to help him get out of danger, but she really fell into it, and therefore, fell into the crisis caused by him.

Half of the filming schedule for "People on the Road" was lost in one fell swoop.

Lu Yanhe discussed with Jia Long and held a live broadcast to talk about interesting things behind the film production. At the same time, he also revealed that there may be plans for a second part of "The Lost Road".

As a niche comedy-themed movie with a very good reputation, no one expected that the movie could achieve such box office results.

It can be said that this movie made the two main creators Jia Long and Lu Yanhe make a lot of money.

In the long run, this movie may bring tens of millions in dividends to both of them.

At this time, it is actually reasonable that they want to develop a sequel.

They announced this news in order to further stimulate the box office performance of "The Road to Misfortune".

However, Yannian Film and Television, the film's producer and distributor, is anxious.



A highly acclaimed comedy movie that may have a box office of 700 million was about to develop a sequel, but you didn't tell them?

What do Lu Yanhe and Jia Long mean?

Do you want to bypass them for development?

Yannian Film and Television really didn't expect that the movie "On the Road" would perform so well at the box office.

Many people in the industry also said that this movie was released on the wrong schedule. If it had been released during the Spring Festival, given the theme and reputation of the movie, it would have grossed over 1 billion at the box office.

This is the compatibility between the subject matter and the schedule.

During the summer vacation, everyone's interest in watching movies with this background theme is greatly reduced.

Just like in Hollywood in the United States, the schedule around Halloween must be reserved for horror movies.

There is absolutely no other movie trying to compete for the Halloween slot.

Because the audience will not choose movies with other themes at this time.

Yannian Film and Television immediately contacted Lu Yanhe and Jia Long.

Why don't you call us when you make a sequel?

We were the company that reached out to you when you couldn't find anyone willing to give you the conditions you wanted for your movie.

Emotional cards are played very well.

Jia Long just said lightly: "We don't want to experience another movie that was originally scheduled to be released during the Spring Festival and was suddenly informed that it had to make way for other movies."

The reason why "Unfortunately" was released in the summer is because Yannian Film and Television wanted to reserve all their promotional resources for the Spring Festival period for Cheng Shiyan's "Beetle Project 2." (End of chapter)

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