Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 455: Open recording (7,000 words updated!)

 “How could this happen?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

Chen Siqi said: "Of course, this has nothing to do with her, it's just a coincidence, so others say she is a lost star. In fact, although the works she directed are not particularly high-grossing at the box office or very profitable, she has not lost money. But now companies are afraid to cooperate with her. People in this industry are a bit superstitious. If a director like her who cooperates with one company and closes another company cannot bring huge profit drivers to everyone, her past experience is a Huge resistance.”

Lu Yanhe nodded in understanding.

"As for why she didn't talk to Ruyi Pictures about cooperating with the sequel, Ruyi Pictures rejected her. There is no news on the Internet."

We still have to talk to Chen Ziyan about this matter.

As a result, when Chen Ziyan heard about this incident, her first reaction was: "She didn't deliberately follow you to the cinema to create a chance encounter, right?"

Lu Yanhe was a little confused, "Huh?"

Chen Ziyan: "Director Zhou Changying has too many stories like this. In order to get investors to agree to invest or to persuade an actor to star in her play, she can appear next to them everywhere and do everything possible to create chance encounters."

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

Chen Ziyan: "Zhou Changying...she must have broken up with Ruyi Pictures again?"

"Breaking up? Their movie has just been released." Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Ziyan: "Zhou Changying's character is a bit difficult to work with. Basically no one will be happy to work with her. She is almost paranoid in many aspects. Just look at the movies she has shot in the past. Very few people work with her." movie.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "It sounds like I can reject her directly without even thinking about it."

Chen Ziyan: "If you need my advice, of course I will advise you not to agree to this investment. The current box office performance of the movie "Behind the Golden Coat" is also very average, and it is estimated that the box office is only about 40 million. Of course, At present, the reputation of this movie is pretty good. Maybe if the decline is controlled well and the film schedule is stabilized, the movie can get more box office. "

Lu Yanhe: ""Behind the Golden Coat" should still be profitable, right?"

"According to my estimation, it should be profitable. Although the production cost is as high as 80 million, in fact it should only be between 1,000 and 20 million." Chen Ziyan said, "It is very unfair to exaggerate the production cost in publicity. Normal publicity method.”

Lu Yanhe: "Then if Zhou Changying wants to make a sequel, Ruyi Pictures should not refuse."

"That's not necessarily true. I haven't inquired about anything else, but I heard that most of the investment in the movie "Behind the Golden Coat" was not Ruyi Pictures' own funds, but was raised by Zhou Changying himself." Chen Ziyan smiled. Laughing, she said: "Actually, she came to me when this movie was made and asked me if I would be willing to invest in it."

Lu Yanhe said: "Huh?"

"I rejected her." Chen Ziyan said, "To be honest, it's not that I don't trust her, it's just that if I cooperate with her, there may be all kinds of troubles in the future. She is too paranoid. What she believes is ten cows. If you can't get her back, it's useless what you say to her, and sometimes she's quite unruly and unprincipled."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Unexpectedly, the next night, Lu Yanhe received a call from Northern Lights Video Zheng Huairen.

"Hey, Yan He."

Lu Yanhe originally thought that Zheng Huairen called him about "Wulin Gaiden" or "Squid Game", but Zheng Huairen asked him: "Do you want to invest in the sequel of the movie "Behind the Golden Jacket"?"

"Ah? No." Lu Yanhe immediately denied, "Why do you ask that?"

Zheng Huairen said: "When Zhou Changying, the director of the movie "Behind the Golden Coat", was raising funds from others, he said that he was very interested in the sequel project, and he also agreed to invest in this project."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe couldn't believe it, "How could this happen?"

"I also heard about it. Someone came to ask me about this matter, so I called you specifically to confirm with you." Zheng Huairen said, "In our industry, there are usually many capital parties who want to invest. However, many people don’t understand this and are easily deceived. Now that Zhou Changying is using you as a sign to invest, although under normal circumstances, no one will be deceived, there is no guarantee that anyone will be fooled.”

Lu Yanhe felt incredible.

Zhou Changying is not a new director. He has already made several movies. How can he do such a thing?

Lu Yanhe: "Thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would still be in the dark."

Zheng Huairen: "Although I don't have much contact with Zhou Changying, I have heard a lot about her. I would like to remind you that it is better to draw a line with her as much as possible and have less contact with her."

Lu Yanhe: "Well, I've heard about it too. Well, you may even find this incredible. I went to see this movie yesterday and happened to meet her in the cinema. After the movie, she introduced me to She was the director of this movie and said that she was preparing a sequel and wanted me to invest some money in her. I said that I would think about it. Unexpectedly, it was just one day before I encountered this kind of thing. Why did she cooperate with Ruyi Pictures for the first film, but she didn’t go to Ruyi Pictures for the sequel, but she came to us for investment.”

"Ruyi Pictures definitely doesn't want to cooperate with her anymore." Zheng Huairen said, "Ruyi Pictures originally cooperated with her and invested in this movie because the movie was originally going to be the main theme. Ruyi Film At that time, the industry was planning to put the film on the National Day schedule, but Zhou Changying later changed the script, saying that he wanted to weaken the political tone and make a film that could be screened at home and abroad, so he changed the background to a blurry one. The struggle between the revolutionary army and the warlords. Ruyi Pictures was very angry, but because the contract clearly stated that the final editing rights of the film were in Zhou Changying’s own hands, and Ruyi Pictures could not directly modify it.”

Lu Yanhe was shocked.

He didn't even know that there was something like this behind this movie.

It sounds like Zhou Changying has completely cheated Ruyi Pictures.

"But if Ruyi Pictures wants to make the main theme, why should it cooperate with Zhou Changying? There should be other directors who can make it, right?"

"Ruyi Pictures has no background in this area. Not every company can shoot the main theme, but Zhou Changying has the resources." Zheng Huairen said.

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

He said, why Ruyi Pictures dared to cooperate with Zhou Changying despite her reputation for cheating the film company? It turned out to be a special purpose.

Lu Yanhe said: "Mr. Zheng, please help me explain it to your friends. If someone asks you again, please explain it to me."

Zheng Huairen said yes.


Lu Yanhe immediately told Chen Ziyan the content of the phone call from Zheng Huairen.

"It's something Zhou Changying would do." Chen Ziyan's tone did not sound surprised at all, "She is the kind of person who dares to use any means to achieve her own goals."

Lu Yanhe: "What if someone really believed her words and was deceived into investing in that movie?"

"That has nothing to do with us."

"But isn't Zhou Changying using my name to deceive others?"

"Normally, anyone would be like Zheng Huairen's friend, asking someone to inquire to see if you really invested. If you believe whatever Zhou Changying says, then don't you deserve to be cheated? You should spend money. Let’s learn a lesson. With such a brain, it’s better not to get into the film investment industry, otherwise you will lose your money.”

Lu Yanhe didn't expect Chen Ziyan to say that.

"Do you want to remind others?"

"The main reason is that I'm afraid that some people will actually be deceived."

"Then you can post on Weibo, but don't mention your name. Just say that you received a call from a friend asking if you have invested in other movies. Just say that you haven't considered it recently." Chen Ziyan said, " You are already famous for your good taste in choosing dramas. In this case, there must be more than one like Zhou Changying. It is also a good thing for you to send an explanation like this. "

Seeing that Chen Ziyan agreed, Lu Yanhe immediately edited it and sent it out.

Unexpectedly, not ten minutes after he sent the message, Xiao Yun called.

"Yan He, are you talking about the director named Zhou Changying?"

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was stunned.

"She called me in the afternoon." Xiao Yun said, "She also came to ask me if I would like to invest in her new movie. I met her once before and was approached for a role. Of course, it didn't work out later. , I just left my contact information.”

Lu Yanhe asked: "Did she tell you that I would also invest?"

"She didn't tell me that, but she told me a lot about how difficult it was for her to make this movie, and she also said that she was bullied by people from Ruyi Pictures, even though the movie "Behind the Golden Coat" was profitable. But she wanted to deduct her bonus. So, she decided to make the sequel herself, "I'm still hesitant to help invest."

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment and said, "Film investment is very risky. I suggest you learn more about her past experience before making a decision."

Xiao Yun: "I saw something you posted on Weibo and felt something was wrong."

Lu Yanhe said: "I clearly did not agree to invest in her, but she told others that I would invest in her, and used me as a sign to deceive others, which made me unhappy."

"She probably knows that I know you, so she doesn't dare to fool me like this." Xiao Yun said, "If she dares to tell me that, I'll know what's going on as soon as I call you. She might just use this to fool me. Some people outside the circle, even if they want to contact you, they can’t contact you and can’t confirm the authenticity.”

Lu Yanhe: "Alas."

Xiao Yun: "Okay, I know what you mean, see you later on the show."



On the day of the recording of the first episode of the fourth season of "Young Days", Lu Yanhe came to the city of Zhaota.

Zhaota is a southern coastal city.

In August, it was necessary to find a relatively cooler place to record, so the program team chose this place.

Although this is the south, the climate is quite comfortable because it is coastal.

Lu Yanhe hasn't met everyone for a long time, and I'm quite excited to meet him again this time.

Originally, it was the night before the recording, and everyone was going to get together.

However, many people have to get to the hotel early in the morning and late at night, and they can't spare the time, so they can only give up.

By the time of the official recording, everyone was finally ready and able to meet each other.

Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, when we are together again, the familiar feeling is still there. Mainly because we usually chat more online and keep in touch.

The recording of the show started in the car.

Lu Yanhe was the third one to get on the bus from the hotel.

Before him, there were Peng Zhixing and Yan Liang.

"Brother Zhixing!" Lu Yanhe greeted Peng Zhixing as soon as he got in the car.

Peng Zhixing is the host for almost every domestic premiere of Lu Yanhe's movie.

Including "People on the Road", because Lu Yanhe did not have time to participate in the promotional schedule, he called many friends and asked them to help out. Among them, Peng Zhixing was responsible for the host of three special screenings, which was very impressive. Moreover, the crew of "Unfortunately" also appeared on Peng Zhixing's talk show for promotion.

As soon as Peng Zhixing saw him, he immediately smiled and congratulated, saying, "Congratulations, your new film has been shortlisted for the Venice International Film Festival. It's "Path of Glory," right?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Yes."

Of course, Peng Zhixing had already expressed his congratulations. He deliberately mentioned the movie in front of the camera. Mentioning this incident was also a way of publicity.

Lu Yanhe understood his intention.

"I asked Yan Liang just now if you suffered a lot while filming this movie. I heard that your movie was all shot on location, and many scenes were shot in remote and inconvenient places. ”

"Actually, I can't say it was very difficult, but compared to other movies, the conditions were a little more difficult when shooting this movie." Lu Yanhe laughed, "But you asked Yan Liang the wrong question."

"Huh?" Peng Zhixing was confused and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yanhe said: "He just came back from the deep mountains and old forests of Southeast Asia a few months ago. Compared with the movie he shot, I can say that I was enjoying myself filming "Path of Glory"."

Peng Zhixing looked at Yan Liang in surprise.

"He didn't say anything to me at all."

Yan Liang smiled and waved his hand and said: "You need to be careful when selling miserably now. It is easy to overturn, so I won't talk about it."

"Why do you need to be cautious when selling miserably?" Xiao Yun, who had always been carefree, got in the car.

She was wearing a baseball cap and dressed young and beautiful, like a girl coming out of campus.

Of course, she is at this age herself.

"Hey, you're not wearing makeup today?" Peng Zhixing asked in surprise.

Xiao Yun immediately said proudly: "Today's recording of the show, of course I put on makeup, but I specially put on a no-makeup look. Pretty, right?"

She posed in the narrow aisle to show off her graceful figure. The three boys who were very familiar with her immediately made a tacit "boo" sound.

Xiao Yun snorted lightly.

After Xiao Yun sat down, he looked at Lu Yanhe and said, "I finally see you. You are too busy. In July, we were arranged to read the script of "Wulin Gaiden". I thought I could see you, but I didn't expect it. You never showed up."

Xiao Yun plays Guo Furong in "Wulin Gaiden".

In July, Northern Lights Video organized a script reading for the actors. Director Bai Jingnian led everyone to review the script and discuss the characters and plot.

"I was filming "Love Letter" at that time." Lu Yanhe said, "I couldn't even participate in the promotion and domestic premiere of the movie "On the Road"."

Xiao Yun: "You're a busy man, forget it, you better be busy, write more scripts, and give me more roles to play."

"Be a human being. Some time ago, doctors said that I was too stressed and a little anxious. My agent immediately pushed me to do a lot of work. Now I have finished filming "Love Letter" and I am taking a rest." Lu Yanhe said.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yun immediately asked: "How are you now? Mental condition?"

"There's no need to look at me like I'm about to turn into a psychopath." Lu Yanhe said speechlessly, "I was just a little stressed because I was a director for the first time some time ago, so I just need to adjust it. "

A smile appeared on Xiao Yun's face again and he said, "That's good."

At this time, Li Zhibai and Liu Zhiyin came up one after another.

Li Zhibai was still yawning.

Liu Zhiyin complained from behind: "How many yawns have you yawned along the way?"

Li Zhibai said: "I arrived at the hotel at two o'clock yesterday morning and only slept for five hours."

Liu Zhiyin said: "I arrived at three o'clock yesterday morning. I had to get up at six o'clock this morning to do makeup and hair. I only slept for three hours."

Li Zhibai: “…”

Li Zhibai turned back and glanced at Liu Zhiyin.

The latter's face was full of energy and vitality, with no sign of fatigue.

"Did you give yourself chicken blood before going out?" Li Zhibai asked.

Ryu Ji-yin: "When I thought about being able to record a show with everyone again, I was so excited that I didn't feel sleepy at all!"

Li Zhibai rolled his eyes, "It's too stressful to record a show with you."

In the program "Young Days", there have been too many daily interactions like this.

Complaining about each other, making jokes, laughing and joking.

Qin Zhibai, Song Linxin and Su Xiao got on the bus last.

Nine people are ready.

The carriage suddenly felt like it was exploding, and everyone had endless things to say.

It's already the fourth season, and the sense of strangeness has long been eliminated. They are all familiar with each other, and they are reunited after a long separation. This kind of warmth is even more intense.

Li Zhenzhen held up the loudspeaker and shouted "Quiet" three times, but it all fell on deaf ears.

Li Zhenzhen finally had to walk up to each of them with a loudspeaker and ask them to calm down for a while.

When the car finally became quiet, Li Zhenzhen returned to her seat, sighed sincerely, and said: "Welcome everyone back to the fourth season of "Young Days"."

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Zhibai was the first to take the lead in applauding and cheering: "Oh oh oh oh -"

A rooster crows in celebration.

"I'm very happy that a group of us have gone from the first season to the fourth season. Some people were briefly absent due to work conflicts, but I am proud to announce that no one has left the show in our show!"

Li Zhibai immediately answered: "That's not right. Meng Li got off the show in the first episode of the first season."

Li Zhenzhen: "..."

Lu Yanhe saw Li Zhenzhen's hand holding the speaker tightened a little, and seemed to be unable to resist the urge to take action.

Li Zhibai immediately smiled shamelessly: "I was just joking, to liven up the atmosphere, cut it, cut it."

Yan Liang reached out with one hand and covered Li Zhibai's mouth.

"Director, please continue talking. I promise that Li Zhibai will not be able to speak again."

Others laughed.

Li Zhenzhen continued: "In three years, everyone has changed a lot. During the recording of the first season, some people had just made their debut, some had just entered college, and some had just returned from abroad. Three years later, everyone has changed." I am honored that this program has recorded a segment of each of your years. I hope that our program can continue for a long time and become our episode. ”

Liu Zhiyin expressed her love to the audience and said, "It will definitely work!"

Xiao Yun also nodded, "Yes, it must be possible!"

"Starting from the first episode, we have retained many of the previous links this season, but we have also added new links based on the previous ones. Of course, no matter what kind of link, the purpose of our program is to observe young people "It's a show about cohabitation and interpersonal relationships," Li Zhenzhen said with a smile, "Please continue to be your true self in the show, whether it's a quarrel or a hug, whether it's a cold war or love, please believe us, we will do our best. On the premise of protecting you, I will show you the most authentic state of getting along. "

Everyone applauded.

Why are you willing to keep recording this show? On the one hand, they have a good relationship with each other. On the other hand, the program team has always been very protective of them, allowing them to further support their own acting careers every time they appear on the show.

Just like for Lu Yanhe, this is almost the only place where his fans can learn about the real side of his life. He hardly participates in other programs and rarely shares content about his life online. His public image is almost entirely constructed from film and television dramas and media reports.

In this program, everyone can see Lu Yanhe himself as a middle-aged and funny young man. He can also see that he can complain about others, be lazy and have shortcomings.

After Li Zhenzhen expressed what he wanted to say to everyone on behalf of the directing team, he started recording the first episode.

She began to introduce the guests of the first episode.

"Our guests in this episode, Yan He and Yan Liang, are very familiar with each other."

Of course, everyone already knew that the actors from the "Party of Six" crew were coming, but they still had to pretend to be surprised and confused in front of the camera.

"Why are Yan He and Yan Liang so familiar?"

"Is it their mutual good friend?"

"Is he a member of Fengzhi Group?"

Everyone was talking about it.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang also looked at the car door with puzzled but expectant expressions.

"who is it?"

When Zhan Yun, Wen Minglan, Bai Jin and Yin Xincheng appeared, Xiao Yun and others made shocked expressions like "How is this possible?"

Peng Zhixing said in disbelief: "Is it really them?"

"Is this the first time that the crew of "Six People" are on the same stage in our variety show?" Xiao Yun asked.

Song Linxin covered her mouth.

"In my lifetime."

Lu Yanhe looked at everyone's reactions and felt that this performance was too exaggerated.

It’s not like they have never been on the same stage together. They had already been on the same stage at Northern Lights Video’s graduation party last year.

But after thinking of this incident, Lu Yanhe immediately realized—

Ah, the last time "Six" was in the same frame was already a year ago.

It’s also been a long time.

For a hit drama like "Six", according to common sense, the leading actors will be in the same frame and on the same stage under the arrangements of various capital and program groups.

After all, every time a combination appears, it is a huge flow of traffic, which can be converted into extremely high commercial value.

But because of Lu Yanhe's original conflict with Beijing and Taiwan, Lu Yanhe was absent from all promotional schedules related to Beijing and Taiwan before the show was aired.

After the broadcast, Lu Yanhe announced that he would not appear in the sequel of "Six People" again, which made the situation even more serious.

Due to various pressures, they did not appear in the same frame for a long time.

Later, with the "reconciliation" between Lu Yanhe and Beijing and Taiwan, the situation changed.

Last year's graduation party was the first time we were in the same frame, and this is the second time.

The second season has been aired for a long time, and the third season is about to start filming.

However, at this time, in the hearts of the public, the sixth character in "Six People" will always be Lu Yanhe, not Chen Ziliang, let alone anyone else.

Li Zhenzhen was able to realize the first variety show of the "Six People" crew in "Young Days", which must have been a lot of effort.

Lu Yanhe can almost imagine how big the reaction of the huge fans of "Six" will be when this episode is aired.

After all the personnel were assembled, Li Zhenzhen began to announce today's main tasks.

Everyone has to complete their work as hotel service staff at the hotel they stayed in yesterday, and receive scores from a panel of judges composed of hotel staff.

It's still the old rule, divided into five groups, three people in a group. The group with a higher score has priority in choosing the room for the night, and the group with a lower score can only choose last. We don’t know where the house is this season and what its condition is. It’s all unknown. Therefore, you can only try to make this component as high as possible so that you can take the initiative later.

Lu Yanhe drew lots and was chosen to be in a group with Xiao Yun and Liu Zhiyin.

After the lottery was completed, everyone followed their PD back to their rooms to change into hotel staff uniforms. Here, they also had to receive their secret mission—the link proposed by Lu Yanhe, write down their wishes, and submit them to Director team, and select another person’s wish, and try their best to help realize this wish.

According to the reminder from the director team, it is best for this wish to be related to your own life and something that others can help realize.

Lu Yanhe wrote that his wish is to "open a diary column on the self-media of "Jump Up" and write at least one diary entry every month."

After he changed into his uniform and completed his preparations, the director team also gathered everyone's wishes and came over with the box and knocked on the door.

The wish Lu Yanhe drew from the box was "to be a guest at my concert."

When he saw it, the owner of this wish was either Qin Zhibai or Song Linxin.

There are only two of them who are singers here.


My health is still not good, and my cough makes me feel like I am struggling to breathe.

Everyone should also pay attention to protection.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be positive. (End of chapter)

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