Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 457: Rise and Choice (8,000 words updated!)

Since Yin Xincheng became famous with "Six People", he is now considered a new star in the entertainment industry.

In addition to the two "Six" movies, he also starred in an idol drama as the male lead, which was well-received.

His agent spent a lot of effort to win the big drama "Blooming Flowers".

Nowadays, each company only puts on so many big shows every year, with more monks and less meat. For example, if Yin Xincheng wants to win "Flower Scene", it doesn't mean that he is willing to star, and people will immediately agree. He had to reduce his salary quite a bit to win this film. Not to mention sacrifice, he also paid a lot.

Now Chen Ziliang appears again.

Yan Liang told Lu Yanhe about this on the phone.

He said: Yin Xincheng is too embarrassed to tell you, for fear of disturbing you.

Lu Yanhe: Which production company is the production company of the drama "Flower Scene"?

Yan Liang: Sheng Yang.

Lu Yanhe: I have never dealt with this company, but does he want to quit the show now?

Yan Liang: There is definitely no way to quit.

Lu Yanhe: I'm not familiar with Shengyang and can't speak to them, so I can't be of much help.

Yan Liang: Since I don’t know him, forget it. I heard him talk about it, and when I thought that Chen Ziliang was in Huohuo again, I wanted to ask you for him.

Lu Yanhe asked: Do you have a good relationship with Yin Xincheng?

Yan Liang: Not bad.

Lu Yanhe and Yin Xincheng only met during the filming of "Six People", so they are not very familiar with each other, and they have no personal relationship.

Yan Liang and Yin Xincheng have filmed two seasons of "Six" together, and participated in various promotional trips. They have had many contacts, and of course their relationship may be more familiar.

Of course I will help if I can, but don’t force me if I can’t.


Here, Zhan Yun, who plays Li Lili in "Six People", is also drinking coffee and chatting with Liu Zhiyin.

Liu Zhiyin said to Zhan Yun: "I like your role in "Six People" very much."

Zhan Yun immediately smiled and said: "All the girlfriends around me tell me this."

"Well, of the other two girls, Chen Wanqiu is more artistic and honest, and Zhou Zhixi is a bit weird." Liu Zhiyin said, "Of course, they also have their own cuteness, but it's easier for me to embody Li Lili."

"Li Lili is the truest version of most of us. She is very nervous, can cry, can be fragile, values ​​her friends, and has her own vanity." Zhan Yun said, "After two seasons of acting, I sometimes can't tell the difference. Inside and outside the Qing Dynasty.”

Ryu Ji-yin: "How did you get the role of Li Lili in the first place?"

"The producer told me that it was Yan He who spotted me at first sight and said that I was suitable to play Li Lili." Zhan Yun said, "We went through several rounds of auditions at the time, and we never expected that we would be able to get the leading role."

Liu Zhiyin nodded and said, "In today's film and television dramas, few dare to use newcomers as the protagonists."

"Yes." Zhan Yun said, "Anyway, starring in the drama "Six People" is really like a dream, and it suddenly changed my life."

After saying this, Zhan Yun glanced at the camera in front of her and said to Liu Zhiyin: "I am so uncomfortable. No matter where I am, I will be caught by the camera."

Ryu Ji-yin: "I wasn't used to it before, but now that I've recorded a lot of programs, I think it's okay. You usually don't go on many programs, right?"

"I rarely record reality shows." Zhan Yun replied, "Before, I was basically acting."

Zhan Yun is the actor who has received the biggest dividends in "Six People" because the character she plays, Li Lili, is also the most popular character in the show.

After that, Zhan Yun also had good luck. She was offered the role of the female lead in two commercial films in a row, both of which did well at the box office, and her performance also received good reviews. This is really just luck. Generally speaking, the borderline heroines in this kind of movies are the vase type, they don't require much acting skills, and they don't have too many splashes. But it may be that Zhan Yun is already popular with audiences, so every time she appears in a movie, the audience likes her.

The results of several consecutive dramas have been good, which makes the market more optimistic about her.

The drama continues.

Ryu Ji-yin asked: "Will "Six People" continue to be filmed?"

"This is the current plan." Zhan Yun said, "We are also willing to continue this story. We don't want to end the stories of these people."


"OK, if Zhan Yun can say this in our show, it means that the popularity of "Six People" has caught up." Li Zhenzhen said with satisfaction, "Let's talk to Zhi Xing before dinner later in the evening, and try to make it more popular. The topic will be directed to the drama "Six People". If Yan He is willing to talk more about this topic, the audience will definitely want to watch it."

The assistant director nodded.

"However, Yan He has basically said everything that needs to be said about the drama "Six People", and besides that, there is also some talk about the wheel." Some people wondered, "What else can we talk about?"

"For the audience, they are willing to listen even if they are talking about the car." Li Zhenzhen said, ""Six People" has been broadcast for two years, and Yan He's role is still mentioned from time to time. The audience still recognizes him as the first Ji's six-member team, while before Yan He talked more about the sequel, about the production level, he rarely talked about the characters he played, his views on the show, the story and the characters. There’s so much to talk about.”

"It's true that Yan He has never talked about "Six People" from the perspective of a screenwriter."

For the directing team, although they should try their best not to interfere with the guests' performance in front of the camera, it is impossible not to provide guidance at all.

They must guide the guests on what content they want to see and what they are interested in.

As for what they say and what they say, that is their own business.


Peng Zhixing has always played the role of "guide" in this show.

If the director team wants everyone to talk about some topics or has some directional arrangements, they will communicate with Peng Zhixing and let him guide everyone.

At this point, Peng Zhixing and the director team have already cooperated very well.

Other members also know this, so they are generally more cooperative with Peng Zhixing's topics.

However, the director team did not expect that Peng Zhixing would reject them this time.

"Whether Yan He wants to talk about the topic of "Six People", I can't guide him." Peng Zhixing also said bluntly, "You all know that the drama "Six People" is a bit sensitive for Yan He."

The director team did not expect Peng Zhixing to reject them directly.

"I just mentioned this topic. If Yan He doesn't want to talk, he won't participate." The director team said, "We will not force him to speak up and join in this topic."

Peng Zhixing said: "But when we all talked about this drama, he didn't join in. This is strange. Didn't you notice? We have been recording for three days this time. When we are together, as long as Yan He doesn't If you take the initiative to mention "Six People", no one will mention this drama?"

Director team: “…”

It really is.

Peng Zhixing: "Everyone has the same idea, including several people from "Six People". They didn't take the initiative to mention "Six People" to Yan He. How could I mention it."

Peng Zhixing's words surprised the director team.

This was really unexpected.

However, Peng Zhixing was unwilling to do it, so they couldn't force it.

The directing team had no choice but to give up.

Of course, they are still somewhat depressed.

Everyone knows that this is a breaking point.

"Party of Six" is so popular that the discussion remains high. After two seasons, many parts of it will be picked up and re-discussed.

If Lu Yanhe could respond to netizens' interpretations from the perspective of the starring actor and screenwriter, it would definitely be eye-catching.

However, until the end of the first stage of recording, Lu Yanhe did not take the initiative to mention "Six People".

The first time "Six People" shared the same frame on the show ended like this.


"Where are you going back?" Lu Yanhe asked Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

Li Zhibai said: "I'm going to Hongcheng. I have a job there."

Yan Liang said: "I also want to go to Jiang Guang. I have to meet with director Mo Mofan to talk about the filming of "Top of the Mountain"."

"What is Director Shen doing in Jiangguang now?" Lu Yanhe was a little curious, "After "The Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time" was released, I thought his next work would be a movie, but I didn't expect that he would suddenly take on the role of "Top of the Mountain" drama."

Yan Liang said: "I didn't expect it. I heard that he has been good friends with Zhang Chi, the producer of our drama, for many years. He agreed to direct this drama with Zhang Chi a long time ago."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Then I will be the only one to go back to Yuming." Lu Yanhe was helpless, "I thought I could go back with any of you."

Li Zhibai: "Anyway, we will continue to record this program after a while."

"Well, Yan Liang, have you stopped coming since the second stage?" Lu Yanhe asked.

"Top of the Mountain" was about to start filming, and Yan Liang said at that time that he would not be able to finish recording the entire season of "Young Days."

Yan Liang said: "The second phase can still be done, but the third phase of recording cannot be done. We will start filming "Top of the Mountain" at the end of September."

"Where is this drama filmed? When we have time, we will come and visit the cast." Li Zhibai said.

"Jiang Guang." Yan Liang said, "I don't know if you are coming. Yan He will definitely come. Siqi is there."

Lu Yanhe smiled and curled his lips.

They broke up on the set of the show.

Lu Yanhe got into his nanny car and prepared to go back to the hotel, tidy up, rest for the night, and return to Yuming tomorrow.

On the way, he suddenly received a call from Jiang Yuqian.

"Hey, Sister Yuqian." Lu Yanhe laughed.

Jiang Yuqian asked: "What are you doing?"

"I just finished recording "Young Days" and I'm on my way back to the hotel." Lu Yanhe said, "What's wrong? Do you want to see me if you need anything?"

"Yes, I want to ask you, when do you expect to shoot the movie "Telephone"? I have received a script here, and I will start shooting it at the end of the year. I will see if I can pick it up. If the shooting schedule runs into time, I will have to reject it. "

Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan is still helping me communicate with various film companies about the script of "Telephone", and I don't know the specific situation yet."

He added: "You answer it first. The crew of "The Call" needs to be assembled. It's not that fast. It will definitely not be launched by the end of this year."

Jiang Yuqian said: "Okay, then I will take on that drama first."

Lu Yanhe was curious: "What kind of show is it?"

Jiang Yuqian: "The sequel to "Behind the Golden Coat"."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe sat up straight.

This "Ah?" made Jiang Yuqian confused and asked: "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with this movie?"

Lu Yanhe never expected that this movie would come to Jiang Yuqian again. "Well, director Zhou Changying came to me a few days ago and asked me if I was willing to invest."

Jiang Yuqian said: "That's it. Did you vote?"

"No." Lu Yanhe said, "Many people told me that this director should try not to cooperate with her and have less contact with her, so I refused."

Jiang Yuqian was stunned.

"Sister Yuqian, why do you want to take on the sequel to "Behind the Golden Coat"?"

"I went to see this movie, and I thought it was pretty good. Moreover, I read that the reviews were pretty good, and now the box office is almost 40 million. The character who came to me for the sequel script is the heroine, you know Yes, except for "The Call" that you asked me for, I basically can't get this kind of serious heroine movies now, and those who come to me are basically romantic roles. "

Lu Yanhe understood what Jiang Yuqian meant.

In fact, if Zhou Changying had not appeared, Lu Yanhe felt that the sequel to "Behind the Golden Coat" would indeed be a good project for Jiang Yuqian. Because the movie itself is indeed well shot, and judging from the first one currently being released, Zhou Changying is a director who is very good at filming actors. If Jiang Yuqian has not been deceived, the role given to her is indeed a flesh-and-blood heroine. The sequel to "Behind the Golden Coat" is the best project Jiang Yuqian can currently receive.

Jiang Yuqian asked: "Is there anything wrong with director Zhou Changying?"

"The problems I heard actually have little to do with the actors and content. They are basically at the production level." Lu Yanhe said, "This does not affect your acceptance of this film."

Jiang Yuqian was a little surprised and asked: "You refused to invest in this film, but do you still think this film is worthy of me acting in it?"

"I refused to invest because she was trying to deceive others under the pretense that I was willing to invest. Aside from this, I actually like the movie "Behind the Golden Coat". It was indeed well-made. Big." Lu Yanhe said.

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words." Jiang Yuqian said.


Jiang Yuqian's call reminded Lu Yanhe that the progress of the two movies "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" and "Telephone" was unknown.

The pressure brought by the movie "Love Letter" made both Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan decide to adjust their thinking in time. It is better to choose the model of "keeping the copyright in your own hands, and cooperating with other companies for production and distribution". In this way, you can save a lot of work, and you don't have to face the pain of becoming a fat man in one breath.

Chen Ziyan said: "The script of "Those Years" has made everyone a little cautious because all the youth love movies released this year have been rushed to the market. Even if you are the screenwriter, the copyright must remain in our own hands. Your screenwriter The remuneration is not low, and I don’t think the conditions currently being offered by various companies are good, and they are still being pushed.”

"The problem with the "Telephone" project is that the heroines Jiang Yuqian and Wang Jing are not favored by them." Chen Ziyan said, "The prerequisite for us to cooperate with others is that the film must use these two actresses. For the heroine, the production company basically has no room to intervene, and the investment share is only so much.”

To put it bluntly, Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan are faced with the contradictory problem of "both wanting and wanting".

The copyright must be kept in your own hands, and the investment share must be part of it. The main actors are also determined. The production and distribution part seems to be to find a contractor. The risk is too great, and the profit margin is too small.

Lu Yanhe said: "We only retain the other derivative copyrights and sequel copyrights of the story. The income from the film copyright is still shared according to the investment ratio, right?"

"The same, for them, there is not much difference." Chen Ziyan said, "These projects are not the kind of projects with a box office of more than 10 to 20 billion. The target box office is in the range of 200-500 million. Their profit margins are It’s too small, but it takes a huge risk that the movie will fail.”

What Chen Ziyan said is indeed a big problem.

Unless they are willing to give up the copyright and only retain a certain share of investment, there will be many more film companies willing to take over.

Chen Ziyan: "There is another way."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was stunned.

"We're going to acquire a production company," Chen Ziyan said, "so that we can produce movies ourselves."

Why did the previous "Love Letter" make Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan feel overwhelmed? Because everyone and every department on the crew needs them to build it. The process of starting something from scratch is actually very difficult and laborious.

And if they have a mature production company, then a lot of things are ready-made and mature.

Lu Yanhe said: "It should cost a lot of money to acquire a production company, right?"

"If you want to acquire a company that can independently shoot and produce movies, you will definitely have to prepare a lot of money. We are not talking about large production companies, but small and medium-sized production companies, the kind with thirty to fifty people. We If we want to acquire them, it will cost at least 300 to 500 million. We definitely can’t do it on our own. Production companies with a price lower than this cannot meet our requirements, and the acquisition is just a decoration.” Chen Ziyan said, “But, In the long run, it will be very beneficial to us. We can produce many film and television dramas ourselves, instead of constantly negotiating with various companies as we do now.”

"If we cannot rely on our own strength, then this cannot be achieved." Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Ziyan said: "There is a way."


"You can raise funds to acquire the production company through other capital investments." Chen Ziyan said, "After the establishment of our Linghe Film and Television Production Company, there have been many investment institutions and fund organizations interested in our Linghe, and several of them have come to us. I talked about it, and I had temporarily rejected it before. At that time, our company didn't have any works released, so the price could not be high. However, with the success of the movie "Journey to the Road", Linghe, who owns the rights to develop the sequel, was valued. It has grown a lot, not to mention, it also has the two dramas "Martial Arts Story" and "Squid Game", as well as the movie "Rouge Button". We can use part of the shares to exchange for our much-needed cash flow."

Lu Yanhe didn't know much about business matters. However, if a company wants to become bigger and stronger, it will be difficult to overtake if it only relies on primitive accumulation. Lu Yanhe also knows this.

Or, Lu Yanhe should not focus on production as the focus of his career in the future, and still insist on focusing on his career as an actor, with production only as a supporting support. Otherwise, if you really want to own a production company of your own and produce movies and TV series, it is inevitable to accept investment from outside capital. Acquisition is only the first step, and subsequent filming of film and television dramas will also require a large amount of funds. The value of the Linghe Film and Television Production Company, which Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan cooperated with, does not lie in production and distribution, but in the copyrights of the film and television dramas created by Lu Yanhe. Without these copyrights, it is just a leather company, an empty shell.

Lu Yanhe fell into deep thought.

No one wants to be a fool who suffers a loss.

Other film companies are not willing to become Lu Yanhe's tools and help Lu Yanhe and others make movies on the premise that the copyright does not belong to them. The benefits will not be much, and the risks will have to be shared together.

The current situation is actually not unsolvable.

It's a multiple-choice question.

It is to choose to do nothing, temporarily give up all plans, and slowly accumulate strength.

Or choose to take a step back, not retain the copyright of the film and television drama, and participate in the production of the project as a screenwriter or starring.

Or, according to what Chen Ziyan just said, accept investment from others, exchange equity for cash, take a big step, purchase a production company, and change the current positioning and basic structure of Linghe Film and Television.


Seeing Chen Ziyan hang up the phone, Lu Qingzhen put down her chopsticks, took a sip of wine, and asked with a smile: "It's so good, why did you suddenly talk to Yan He about financing again?"

"It's not about financing, it's about providing him with this option." Chen Ziyan said, "Actually, to be honest, to what extent Yan He will develop in the future is beyond the scope of what I can design. You can understand how I feel. Is that true? He is only a senior and has not graduated from college yet, but his career has reached a point where I have no way of saying that I can give him a guarantee. So, I can only give him more options. He makes his own decisions."

"If you let him make his own decision, he may not be able to make it." Lu Qingzhen couldn't laugh or cry.

Chen Ziyan said: "You have to learn to make decisions. Well, the main thing is that it depends on what he wants to do. No matter which way he chooses, he can go any way. Which way can go higher? Now I also say No. It’s better to let him figure out what he really wants.”

Lu Qingzhen asked, "Zi Yan, have you ever considered taking two steps forward from being an agent?"

"You know, if I had to take these two steps, I would have taken them long ago."

"Today is different from the past." Lu Qingzhen said, "You said it yourself, you have never met an artist like Lu Yanhe before. The height of his future career development is already beyond your imagination now, isn't it? Since So, why not take two more steps forward with him?"

Chen Ziyan fell silent.

Lu Qingzhen said: "You left the choice to him because you subconsciously felt that you would not participate in his more glorious future, right?"

Lu Qingzhen's words went straight to Chen Ziyan's heart.

Chen Ziyan cannot deny this.


"Whether it is Shang Yongzhou or Chen Bige, you have given yourself a thousand or ten thousand reasons to part ways with them. What are the different pursuits, different stages, and different ideals? Let me put it bluntly, you are actually afraid of ten thousand One day..." Lu Qingzhen stopped abruptly in the middle of her words. She spoke quickly and almost said the thing that Chen Ziyan cared about most, "You are afraid of affecting them, and you are also afraid that they will look back and wear colored glasses. It depends on you, so you would rather get together at the best time. However, you know Lu Yanhe’s situation better, will he mind? "

Chen Ziyan took a deep breath.

Lu Qingzhen said: "If you really plan to break up with Lu Yanhe like you did with Shang Yongzhou and Chen Bige, then I advise you to vaccinate him as soon as possible. This child is more emotional than you think. He is now He still lives with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, and he is willing to record the fourth season of "Young Days". Many of his actions illustrate this point. In his eyes, your easy reunion and separation may not be a kind of abandonment. ”

Chen Ziyan squeezed her hands.

"It's too early to tell."

"Is it early? I don't think it's early. It's only a matter of time before he reaches the top." Lu Qingzhen looked at Chen Ziyan seriously, "It's better if you think about it as soon as possible."

Good medicine tastes bitter, as does good advice.

Chen Ziyan knew that what Lu Qingzhen said hit the nail on the head.

She didn't have to admit it with her mouth, but she couldn't deny it in her heart.

"If Chen Pinhe is really his biological father, what are you going to do?" Lu Qingzhen suddenly asked again.


Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi discussed it seriously for a long time.

Regarding his troubles, Chen Siqi did not rush to give his own advice, but asked: "Is it urgent to establish a company that can independently produce film and television dramas?"

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "It's not that urgent."

"It sounds to me that the reason for making such a choice is because neither "Those Years" nor "The Telephone" received the popularity you expected at the beginning, right?" Chen Siqi said, "Other film companies are willing to follow the Not many people accept the deal with the conditions you expected.”


Chen Siqi: "This is what I am confused about. If you are not eager to make these films, then why do you need to make a choice now? Whether you do it yourself or do it for others, the current market will definitely be different from next year's market. "Unfortunate Journey" is just the first one. When "Wulin Gaiden" and "Squid Game" are aired, if it is as popular as you expected before, then the price offered by others now will be different from the price offered by others next year and the year after that. Will the price be the same?”

Lu Yanhe immediately understood what Chen Siqi meant.

"First, your company is not short of money. Second, Linghe Film and Television Production Company was established from the beginning to serve as the copyright owner of your script, so that it can participate in the production of every project." Chen Siqi said, "Then "Those Years" If you can't find a production company for "" and "Telephone" at the moment, just leave it alone and find it slowly. Anyway, it is just a script at the moment and will not cause any loss to you. I will wait until you complete the project "Love Letter" After that, you have a team that you have worked with and experience in making a film. When the time comes, whether you find someone else to direct these projects or you take a break and direct these projects yourself, it is completely fine. In my opinion, this is not the time to make a choice now.”

Lu Yanhe was thoughtful.

Chen Siqi: "Just like I have always wanted to publish Mook's "Jump Up" overseas. It has been so long and there has been no substantial progress. There is nothing to be anxious about. I will just prepare this plan and continue to work on it later. Try and keep thinking of ways. Your foundation in the entertainment industry is not that of a screenwriter or a producer. Your most important identity is that of an actor. Without your achievements as an actor, you would not be a famous screenwriter. With the current conditions and benefits, if you were to run a production company seriously now, what if you were overly anxious not long ago because of too much work, too much complexity, and too much pressure?"

Chen Siqi's meaning is already very clear.

She didn't want Lu Yanhe to take too big steps now.

Mainly it's not necessary.

Why take risks when you can be at the top if you just play it safe?

Out of selfishness, Chen Siqi also hoped that Lu Yanhe would not be too busy, too tired, and do things like being overly stressed and losing control of his expression again.

Chen Siqi: "You see, the team of "Jump Up" was built slowly, expanding and developing bit by bit. Although the speed is a bit slow, at least every step is under your control. You may not have Did you hear that the electronic magazine "Star!" edited by Yu Jiang has had internal disputes? "

"Ah? What's going on?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Chen Siqi said: "Yu Jiang also wanted to imitate our "Jump Up" as a self-media company. He had to do it on every platform and hired a lot of people. However, because they were all newly established teams, each person was responsible for one thing. As a result, there was no relationship between them. Fighting for advertising, fighting for authors, fighting for space... Sister Zi Xing's former colleagues told her privately that "Star!" is now in a mess, and it is said that the revenue and expenditure are still not balanced. Losing money every issue.”

Lu Yanhe heard about this for the first time.

"This is really—"

"You are shooting yourself in the foot." Chen Siqi continued, "Not to mention anything else, you have also seen the results of this rapid expansion. Even if you have money and people, it does not mean that you can work as a team. There is no team spirit. , A team that cannot be controlled is just a mess that will constantly cause you trouble.”

After listening to Chen Siqi's words, Lu Yanhe had an idea in his mind.

Capital has its own way of playing capital, but he has never mastered the way of playing capital. From the first day he came to this world, he has been following the belief of being honest and taking one step at a time, and has made it to where he is today steadily.

Chen Siqi is right, no one can tell what the future will be like, but at least now he can be a little more calm, a little slower, and hold the initiative in his hands for a little longer. He is on the rise, and the further he gets, the more chips he has. (End of chapter)

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