Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 461: Before departure (8,000 words updated!)

Lu Yanhe has been on the hot search for two days, in a funny and hilarious way.

What made Lu Yanhe even more depressed was that two guys, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, didn't come that day, but they kept making jokes about it.

One day in Ziyuan Bridge, the three of them finally had time to play games together.

Lu Yanhe is reading a book live.

Li Zhibai knocked on the door and said, "Playing games."

Lu Yanhe said: "I haven't finished the book yet. Wait until I finish this chapter."

"I can't wait any longer. Hurry up." Li Zhibai was too lazy to wait.

Lu Yanhe: "Just ten minutes."

Then, Yan Liang stood behind Li Zhibai and said, "What nonsense are you talking to him about? Drag him out."

So, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang walked behind Lu Yanhe, grabbed his shoulders and arms from left to right, and lifted him up from the chair.

Lu Yanhe was shocked.

"Holy shit!"

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang dragged him outside without any explanation.

"This trick is really useful." Li Zhibai commented with satisfaction.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed like crazy.

Lu Yanhe, who just made a hot search, likes to mention it again.


Lu Yanhe was speechless.

Inexplicably, someone on the Internet labeled her as having a "beautiful body and a soft body".

Although he doesn't like sports very much, he doesn't have a delicate body, right?


Chen Siqi was very happy in this regard. She often sends some memes from netizens to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe saw a black line in his head.


It can be said that Lu Yanhe's dramatic scene was the most popular scene of the charity event that night.

At the same time, Lang Xia's auction items were also ridiculed by many people.

In the eyes of netizens, the "opportunity to have dinner with Lang Xia" was too much, and he was unwilling to give out anything of value, and his attitude was too perfunctory.

In comparison, the manuscript that Lu Yanhe took out was not very valuable, but it was of great significance, as you can tell by seeing so many people raising placards at the scene.

Lang Xia's fans can only help Lang Xia explain. But the explanation is actually very weak. They said that the reason why Lang Xia took out such an auction item was with good intentions. He wanted to use a relatively novel way to liven up the atmosphere at the scene, but he was too young and did not figure out what this kind of occasion should look like. .

This kind of explanation can only be said to have ushered in even more exaggerated ridicule.

As a result, Lang Xia's fans became furious and made an issue out of Lu Yanhe's manuscript.

—Didn’t Lu Yanhe take out any valuable items? It's just a manuscript. A manuscript isn't even worth much. A dinner costs a few hundred dollars, right?

How could Lu Yanhe's fans be willing to see him dragged into the water?

Still in such an outrageous form.

—A manuscript that was not worth much was bought for 400,000 yuan.

Charity dinners are meant to raise funds for good deeds and charity.

No matter it is a black cat or a white cat, the one that can catch mice is a good cat.

The auction price of 400,000 yuan is the most powerful illustration.

No matter how people on the Internet use the manuscript to make fuss, Lu Yanhe's fans have one sentence: No matter how worthless it is in your eyes, it has been auctioned for 400,000 yuan, which means it is valuable.

Leave others speechless.


Whether it was Lu Yanhe or Chen Siqi, they just looked at this farce on the Internet and did not make any response.

There must be no response to this kind of internet farce.

Once you respond, it's like stepping into a swamp. Once you sink in, it's difficult to get out again.

Lu Yanhe rested for a few days, completed the magazine shooting in August, and was ready to leave for Venice.

Going to Venice again, Lu Yanhe felt more relaxed this time.

If you go to such high-end international film festivals often, your mentality will become calmer. At first I thought it was a very sacred place. As an actor myself, I worshiped it very much, like I was on a pilgrimage. I have been there many times, and it is indeed a festival for filmmakers, but it is no longer sacred. The sacred often comes from mystery. When they are no longer mysterious in his heart, they will naturally no longer be sacred.

In comparison, Lu Yanhe's trip to Venice was the first time he could stay at a film festival for a long time and truly experience the film festival itself. Time was too tight before.

Chen Siqi was very depressed.

Because she has another class next semester and can't go with Lu Yanhe.

Chen Siqi complained for a long time why Lu Yanhe had no classes in his senior year, but she still had classes.

She also wants to enjoy the film festival! -

So this time, when director Yu Qin's producer Yuandao personally called to invite Lu Yanhe to attend the premiere of "Happy Time" at the Venice International Film Festival, Lu Yanhe immediately agreed.

"Happy Days" is the only Chinese-language film shortlisted for the main competition of this Venice International Film Festival.

As a Chinese actor, Lu Yanhe is of course willing to support him if he has time.

Before departure, Lu Yanhe went to see the Northern Lights video.

Director Bai Jingnian said: "The filming of "Wulin Gaiden" will start in September. Come and see it when you have time."

Lu Yanhe said yes.

He added: "Director, my guest role is scheduled to be filmed in October?"

"Yes." Bai Jingnian nodded, "Don't worry, everything has been arranged."

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded, "That's good."

He asked again: "Director, how are you enjoying your time here at the Northern Lights?"

"It's quite comfortable, much more comfortable than in Beijing and Taiwan." Bai Jingnian said with a smile, "I'm very respected here, and everyone takes my opinions seriously. This is not the case in Beijing and Taiwan."

Lu Yanhe said: "Did Beijing and Taiwan look for you in the third season of "Six People"?"

"Why are they looking for me? It was already embarrassing enough when I left." Bai Jingnian said.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "If they don't respect you or take you seriously, they will always suffer backlash at some point in the future. Others say that I am the real creator of "Six People", but in fact they don't know the real creator." The creator is you. I watched the second season, and even without my script, you, the director, kept the rhythm and style of the first season and did the best they could based on the existing scripts. Got it, I got it.”

Bai Jingnian took a deep breath, "To be honest, I was quite depressed when you didn't come to participate in the second season. I even blamed you a little in my heart. Why can't I endure it for the sake of this drama that we all created together?" , I won’t understand how you felt at that time until it really happened to me.”

Lu Yanhe: "Works are created by people. We can not only cooperate in "Six People", you see, we have cooperated again in "Wulin Gaiden"."

Bai Jingnian laughed.


"I really like the script of "Wulin Gaiden"." Bai Jingnian suddenly said, "It is really a script that becomes better and better the more I read it. I think about it over and over again, and think about it again and again. It is more than just a simple sitcom."

Lu Yanhe said: "Every character in "Wulin Gaiden" is actually more distinct and representative than in "Six People"."

"Indeed." Bai Jingnian nodded, "Yan He, how did you come up with the idea of ​​writing such a martial arts comedy? In fact, it is not martial arts in the strict sense."

"Why isn't it considered martial arts?" Lu Yanhe smiled, "There is an inn in every martial arts story. This is the story of that inn. People from all walks of life gather in this inn."

Bai Jingnian: "You know that's not what I meant."

"Okay, I was the one using strong words."

"But if it was really a martial arts film, I wouldn't be asked to be the director." Bai Jingnian smiled, "Don't worry, leave it to me, I won't ruin your script."

"Of course I believe you." Lu Yanhe nodded and smiled at Bai Jingnian.

After meeting Bai Jingnian, Lu Yanhe went to Lin Desheng's office again at the appointed time.

"Mr. Lin." Lu Yanhe has met Lin Desheng many times in the past few years. It can be said that the main reason for the cooperation with Northern Lights Video is because of Lin Desheng's appreciation of him and his strong support.

If it weren't for Lin Desheng, Northern Lights Video would not have spent so much money in one go to film "Squid Game" and "Wulin Gaiden" written by him.

Unexpectedly, "Squid Game" and "Wulin Gaiden" have not been broadcast yet, and the program "High Platform Confession" has helped Northern Lights Video bring an evergreen program.

This program is still being updated every week.

Because the production cost is really very low, there are no celebrities involved at all, and the production cost of each issue is only about 50,000, which is really nothing compared to the later income.

For a video platform like Northern Lights Video, the most important thing is to provide a program that can stably keep a group of viewers on Northern Lights Video.

Each episode of this program has millions of views. If there are one or two confession scenes in that episode that spark a relatively high degree of discussion on the Internet, that episode will even exceed 10 million.

Lin Desheng is very satisfied with his cooperation with Lu Yanhe.

"We should sign another cooperation framework." Lin Desheng said with a smile as soon as they met, "The last one we signed will be completed soon."

After all, "Squid Game" has been filmed and is in post-production, and "Wulin Gaiden" will start filming soon, and both dramas may be broadcast next year. "Wulin Gaiden" is to be broadcast in seasons. According to the eighteen episodes per season, this drama may take four to five seasons. This far exceeds the last cooperation framework agreement signed by Lu Yanhe and Lin Desheng.

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm too busy right now. Let me finish filming the few movie scripts I have."

Lin Desheng asked: "Are you talking about "Those Years" and "The Telephone"?"

Lu Yanhe was surprised and asked, "Do you know everything?"

"Of course." Lin Desheng said, "I pay close attention to every project of yours. This time you come here, I also want to talk to you about it."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

"I heard that there were some problems when you were looking for production companies for both of your scripts."

"Ah, yes." Lu Yanhe nodded, "We want to keep the film copyright in our own hands, but it seems that no one is very willing."

"Your company raises its own money to film, but it doesn't have enough money?" Lin Desheng asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Firstly, there is this problem, and secondly, we are still working on "Love Letter", and we are worried that we will not be able to do so much in one go."

"If you need it, you know, we are willing to invest in your film project," said Lindsheng.

Northern Lights Video has previously invested money in two projects, "A Man on the Road" and "Rouge Button". The latter has not yet been released, but the former has brought several times of returns to Northern Lights Video, which seems to prove that Lu Yanhe still continues to write his legend as a TV drama screenwriter in terms of film screenwriting.

Lu Yanhe said: "Okay, if we need funds, I will talk to you again."

In fact, Lu Yanhe is in great need of funds now. If he had sufficient funds, he wouldn't need to wait until "Love Letter" was finished. He could directly find a producer and director, build a crew, and start filming "Those Years" and "The Telephone" directly.

However, after Lu Yanhe experienced his previous thinking, Chen Siqi's words awakened him -

He really doesn't have to worry now.

He first finished filming the movie "Love Letter" by himself, and carefully went through the movie from shooting to editing, from publicity to release. He knew what every link was like and knew what it was like before he went there. When I make the other two movies, I will be much more comfortable.

After Lin Desheng and Lu Yanhe talked about these things, he suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Did you have much contact with Miaomiao at school?"

Lu Yanhe was a little embarrassed and said, "Not a lot."

Lin Desheng asked: "Are you familiar with that boy named Wang Xiao?"

"I am indeed quite familiar with him." Lu Yanhe nodded, "He is one of the first people I met in Zhenhua."

He could see on Lin Desheng's face an old father's disgust for the pig that had stolen his own cabbage.

Lin Desheng asked him: "What do you think of him?"

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment.


Lin Desheng: "What kind of person is he?"

Lu Yanhe pondered for a moment and said: "I don't have much personal contact with my senior. It's usually some activities in the school, mainly youth association activities. I have dealt with him a lot. From the several experiences I have had with him, he is A man of great ideals and integrity.”

Lin Desheng asked: "How did you see his integrity?"

"Every year, the Youth Association invites big names in various fields to come to our school for exchange activities. From the vice president to the president of the Youth Association, he has to deal with different partners every day. He is no less than an artist like me, or even more. More, but after knowing him for three years, no matter what he does, he has never used any... I can't find a suitable adjective. This is probably what he means. In fact, as the president of the Youth Association, he has never used any... "He can take advantage of his position for many things, but he has never done so," Lu Yanhe said.

Lin Desheng nodded thoughtfully.

"A person who can pass the exam to your Zhenhua University and become the president of your Youth Association. Needless to say, his personal ability and overall quality are just what he is like in private and what his character is. That's what I really care about." Lin Desheng said, "Yan He, you are in the same school as him. You may know a lot of things that I can't find out. As for Miaomiao, she has made up her mind since she was a child. She doesn’t listen to anything no matter what. She doesn’t listen to anything I tell her, but I hope she can see clearly what kind of person Wang Xiao is.”

Lu Yanhe didn't expect that when he came to see Lin Desheng today, he would even talk about this matter.

It's really one head and two big ones.

Lu Yanhe said: "Mr. Lin, Wang Xiao and Lin Miaomiao are all my classmates and friends. When it comes to falling in love, everyone still agrees."

He looked at Lin Desheng with some embarrassment, "Besides, I rarely stay in school, and I don't know much about their daily interactions. In fact, although I don't have much contact with Miaomiao, we have been together for a long time. I know her. From what I know about her, she is a girl who thinks very clearly about what she wants. When Senior Wang Xiao falls in love with her, she is definitely not the one who will be led by the nose. "

Lin Desheng crossed his hands together in surprise, "I didn't expect you would comment like this on Miaomiao." "She is the most courageous person I know." Lu Yanhe said seriously, "Sometimes I am quite brave. I envy her. She does everything she wants to say and do without hesitation, and she never takes too much into account. This is what I have always wanted to do. "

Lin Desheng laughed.

"She has been spoiled by me since she was a child."

"That's great." Lu Yanhe said sincerely, "I really like people with this kind of personality."

Probably because he had never done this before, he sincerely appreciated it.

Lin Miaomiao and Chen Siqi are all such people.

However, unlike Lin Miaomiao, Chen Siqi has a lot of stubbornness behind her personality because of her upbringing environment. It was precisely this that made Lu Yanhe come up with the idea of ​​protecting Chen Siqi not long after he met her.

Lin Desheng said: "I once thought you would be with Miaomiao."

Lu Yanhe quickly smiled and waved his hands and said, "The two of us have never had such an idea."


This time when I met with Lin Desheng, the topics they talked about made Lu Yanhe feel weird.

Lu Yanhe felt inexplicably that Lin Desheng probably had something else he wanted to say to him, but he didn't say it out loud.

Lu Yanhe and Wang Xiao made an appointment to meet.

Lu Yanhe mainly wanted to talk to Wang Xiao about the fact that the main creative team of "Rouge Button" went to the forum organized by the Youth Association to hold exchange activities.

Wang Xiao said: "There is no problem with this, but everyone is still very disappointed that you can't come to participate."

"I happen to be in Venice, but Director Wang Zhong, Sister Bige and Brother Huang are coming over, it's the same thing," Lu Yanhe said.

Wang Xiao was surprised and asked: "Can all three of them come?"

"Well, I have confirmed with them that we will come together." Lu Yanhe nodded, "So, I have to leave it to you."

"You are so reliable. For a small event like ours where we can't pay people for labor service, you can still help me invite all three of them here."

"The movie itself needs to be promoted, and the forums organized by the Youth Association are now very influential." Lu Yanhe said, "Moreover, every movie of mine has been held in your forum for exchange activities. This has become a routine. Every time I The feedback from your forum sharing activities is also very good, and it has brought very positive feedback to the works. ”

"What about your forum? You are also a member of our Youth Association, okay?" Wang Xiao chuckled, "In the past few years, our forum has become more and more influential because of your credit. At that time, we were so shameless. Asking you to join our Youth Association is one of the best decisions I have ever made.”

"There are no cameras filming now, why are you being so pretentious?" Lu Yanhe joked.

Wang Xiao: "When you go to Venice this time, you should be preparing for your graduation thesis when you come back, right?"

"I have finished writing my graduation thesis." Lu Yanhe gestured proudly, "I started writing it in the first half of this year."

Wang Xiao: "You are strong enough, but you should check it carefully to make sure there are no problems. Now many people are staring at the papers of famous people like you."

Lu Yanhe: "Don't worry, I can't say how good it is, but every word is written by me, and the topic I write is also of great interest to me."

"What topic did you write about?"

"A brief discussion of the literary view of film and television works from the perspective of script creation." Lu Yanhe said, "This is something I have been doing in the past few years, so I feel very comfortable writing it."

Wang Xiao nodded.

"By the way, senior, you and Miaomiao... have you ever talked about her family affairs?" Lu Yanhe brought up this topic after talking to Wang Xiao about business. This is what he wanted to ask when he came here today.

When Wang Xiao heard this, he immediately showed a little sadness.

"We talked several times, but every time Miaomiao said that the relationship between the two of us had nothing to do with her family, so I didn't have to worry about it." Wang Xiao said, "Actually, after I met her dad last time, I also thought about it. , wanted to make a special trip to visit, but Miaomiao firmly refused. "

"So that's it." Lu Yanhe thought thoughtfully.

"What's wrong?"

"I went to see Mr. Lin yesterday." Lu Yanhe didn't hide it, "He is very concerned about your relationship with Miaomiao. I'm thinking that since he has asked me about it, it is probably difficult for him to hear directly from you. No news. But he cares about you two."

Wang Xiao showed a wry smile and was about to speak. Suddenly, Lin Miaomiao's voice suddenly sounded from beside the two of them.

Lin Miaomiao came from the shade of the tree with a cup of coffee and sat down next to them.

"Just because he cares about our affairs doesn't mean that I have to report everything to him in detail." Lin Miaomiao nodded at Lu Yanhe and said, "Wang Xiao and I are just in love, and we are not talking about marriage. If he is like this He can't control his concern for me at all times. Then in the later stages, his concern will be more and more intensive. Therefore, learning not to inquire about the details of his precious daughter's love is a required course for him. "

Lin Miaomiao said these words to Lu Yanhe in a brisk, determined and unhesitating rhythm.

"Next time you have a chance, you can tell him what I said."

What Lu Yanhe was thinking at this moment was that fortunately, he didn't answer Lin Desheng's words.

Lin Miaomiao is such a girl who has personality and pursues independence.

He already knew it.

Wang Xiao asked: "Aren't you studying in the library? Why are you here?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "I sent you a message, but you didn't reply to me, so I came to find you."

"How did you find him here right away?" Lu Yanhe was also curious.

Lin Miaomiao said: "Post a request for help on the school forum and ask if anyone has seen Wang Xiao. Someone will immediately reply and say that he is with you at this cafe by Luoyan Lake."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and said, "We can still find people like this in our school."

"The premise is that the person you are looking for is known to most people in the school." Lin Miaomiao pointed at Wang Xiao, "He is a famous figure in our school."

"Stop saying these four words. When I hear these four words, I get goosebumps and feel uncomfortable." Wang Xiao said immediately.

Lu Yanhe laughed.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Lu Yanhe, "Why are you laughing? You are also a famous figure in our school. Every move you make is posted on the forum."

Lu Yanhe knew this.

"I'm used to it." Lu Yanhe said.

He asked: "You said before that you wanted to make a short film to compete. Have you finished filming your short film?"

"It's finished." Lin Miaomiao nodded and said, "But I saw it myself and thought it was too bad, so I don't plan to send it out to compete. I'll just keep it as a souvenir for myself."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe looked at Lin Miaomiao in surprise, and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

Lin Miaomiao said: "It was just for fun, don't take it seriously."

Lu Yanhe didn't take it seriously either.

However, he originally thought that Lin Miaomiao might give up before finishing the filming, or interrupt it for some other reason, but he decided to forget it after the filming was completed, which was a bit strange.

Lu Yanhe said: "Since the filming has been completed, why not give it a try."

"If you don't shoot, you have to take it out to embarrass yourself if you shoot badly. I won't do such a thing." Lin Miaomiao said confidently.

Lu Yanhe couldn't persuade Lin Miaomiao, so naturally he had no choice but to give up.

Lin Miaomiao asked: "The same goes for "Love Letter" that you shot. If it doesn't turn out well by then, I suggest you don't show it."

Lu Yanhe: "..."

"How do you know I can't take good pictures?"

"I'm just saying, if." Lin Miaomiao emphasized.

Lu Yanhe: "If it weren't for me knowing you, I would have definitely put you on my blacklist by now."

"Pull whatever you want." Miss Lin obviously didn't care about this at all.

It's back to the familiar feeling when I first met her.


"Yan He, do you expect to win a prize this time when you go to Venice?"

"Yan He, how many days will you stay in Venice this time?"

"Yan He, when will the sequel of "Unfortunately" start filming?"

When he arrived at the airport and prepared to fly to Venice, as expected, there were many media reporters waiting to take pictures of him.

Lu Yanhe was surrounded by people as soon as he showed up.

Wang Biao, Zou Dong, Chen Ziyan and several temporarily arranged bodyguards escorted Lu Yanhe into the airport with familiarity.

Regarding these impromptu questions, Lu Yanhe just smiled and did not answer.

The film festival hasn't officially started yet. It would be embarrassing if he said something now and someone would make a fuss about it.

Who knows if "Path of Glory" will win an award this time around.

It's normal not to win an award. It doesn't mean that you will definitely win an award if you participate in a film festival.

Lu Yanhe and the others went directly into the VIP lounge.

"Huh? That's Ning Xiulian." Chen Ziyan suddenly said in Lu Yanhe's ear, "The star of "Happy Time"."

Lu Yanhe followed Chen Ziyan's gaze and saw a woman in her forties.

She didn't have the aura that ordinary celebrities have. She was simply wearing a mint green dress and sunglasses, and was sitting in her seat reading a book.

Lu Yanhe had never seen her before.

Chen Ziyan said: "She is a very powerful actress. Although she is not well-known, her acting skills are very superb. Director Luo Yuzhong said that her acting skills are among the best in the industry."

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he heard this.

Of course he believed Luo Yuzhong's evaluation.

Chen Ziyan: "Go ahead and say hello."

When a group of them came in, the commotion caused made Ning Xiulian raise her head and look towards them.

Lu Yanhe took off his sunglasses, walked up to Ning Xiulian, bent down and stretched out his hand, saying, "Hello, Teacher Ning, I am Lu Yanhe. I am so happy to meet you here."

Ning Xiulian glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise, stretched out her hand to shake Lu Yanhe's hand, and smiled politely.

"Hello, Yan He." Ning Xiulian raised her lips slightly, "Are you going to Venice too?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe nodded.

Ning Xiulian: "Then we should be on the same flight."

Lu Yanhe said: "It should be. I'm glad to be on the same journey with you."

Ning Xiulian glanced behind Lu Yanhe.

The bodyguards had all withdrawn, and only Chen Ziyan came in with him.

Zou Dong and Wang Biao couldn't come in because they were not first class.

"Sister Xiulian, long time no see." Chen Ziyan stepped forward and greeted Ning Xiulian, "Do you still remember me?"

Ning Xiulian nodded and said, "Zi Yan, I remember that you were the manager of Bige and Yongzhou before."

"Yes, that's right." Chen Ziyan nodded, "Now she is Yan He's manager."

"It turns out that Yan He's manager is you, so that's not surprising." Ning Xiulian said with a smile, "I asked why a young man who is so good at acting suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It turned out that you were also the one who discovered it. ”

Ning Xiulian's words seemed to elevate Chen Ziyan very high.

Chen Ziyan quickly shook her hand and said, "Sister Xiulian, you think so highly of me. It's all their own efforts."

The two sides chatted for a while.

After Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan sat down, Chen Ziyan whispered in Lu Yanhe's ear: "Ning Xiulian's ex-husband is Liu Jian, the director of "Landscape Family". The two divorced in a very disgraceful way. Don't mention Liu Jian in front of her." ”

Lu Yanhe suddenly understood and nodded.

At this time, a muscular and handsome man walked in carrying a cup of coffee.

He came to sit next to Ning Xiulian, put the coffee next to her hand, and put his arm around Ning Xiulian's shoulders so that she could cling to him.

The expressions of Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan changed at the same time.

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise: "This is it?"

Chen Ziyan: "I don't know either."


I shared some recent movies and readings on my official account.

In order to write this novel, I am still doing homework non-stop. (End of chapter)

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