Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 487: Versailles again (9,000 words updated!)

His words actually aroused their reaction.

"We all believe that you will definitely win the award, either the Phenom Award or the Lingyun Award and the Galaxy Award."

"Don't worry, you don't have to be disappointed for too long. We all believe that you will win the award soon."

"Even if you don't win the award, it won't affect everyone's recognition of you. No matter who wins the award, it's impossible to shake your status in the Chinese film industry."

"Huang Kairen won the award because you gave him this play."

"Stop, stop, stop, there's no need to comfort you." Lu Yanhe said, "I'll answer the questions quickly. Once I've finished answering, you get off work early, and I'll get off work early too."

The reporters had a blast.

"you say."

Lu Yanhe pondered for a moment and then talked about winning the award.

"I still hope that I can win the award. It doesn't matter whether I win or not. If it really doesn't matter, I won't sign up. If I sign up, I just want to win." Lu Yanhe said bluntly, "I didn't get it this time. I really feel that It's a pity, but there is nothing I can do to catch up with this class. Besides, as you just said, Brother Kai Ren took it, and I have nothing to say. I can't go back in time and tell myself, "Rouge Button" "Don't ask Brother Kai Ren to act."

Lu Yanhe answered the first question in a joking way, and then answered the following questions.

"Actually, I think it's good that "The Wrathful Crow" won the Phenom Award for Best Film. Over the years, no animated film has ever won the Best Film Award, so why can't it? I like animated films very much. In fact, China also has a very solid foundation for animated films, which can definitely become a representative type of Chinese-language films," Lu Yanhe said, "I like this work very much. It is truly a work that can be enjoyed by both refined and popular people. It is not like some animation works that are pretentious and use some weird allegorical expression techniques. It is also not like some animation works that are very age-friendly and cannot be watched by adults. "Angry Crow" is actually very special to us. Different people can gain different experiences from the fables in Chinese textbooks.”

"You always have such high praise for other works. Do you ever feel that your own works are underestimated?" a reporter suddenly asked.

"Underestimated?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, "Have any of my works been underestimated? No, it seems that every one of my works has achieved pretty good results. It requires box office and awards."

Reporters: “…”

Lu Yanhe came to his senses, smiled and asked, "Am I in Versailles again?"

Several big words were written on the faces of the reporters: What do you think?

Lu Yanhe: "I just want to explain that none of my works are underestimated, they are all good."


Although Lu Yanhe was in a bad mood because he didn't win the award, it was almost over after a sleep.

After all, he is an actor who has been nominated many times and has rich experience in this regard.

Of course, as happens after every awards show, there was all kinds of dissatisfaction with the results online.

However, the same principle applies to any award. If someone who should win does not win, no matter how much discussion there is, it will not cause too much trouble. But if someone who should not win does win, then it is a big mistake and will be criticized. People sprayed to death.

This time the result of the Phenom Award belongs to the former, not the latter, so the public doubts are relatively stable.

At this time, Jiang Yuqian contacted him.

She found a producer for "The Call."

Ye Luo, the producer of "My Home I Haven't Returned to for a Long Time".

Lu Yanhe was surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Yuqian to find such an experienced producer.

He was afraid that Jiang Yuqian had forgotten about copyright ownership - in Lu Yanhe's view, a producer like Ye Luo who had just produced a hit film would not take on an independent project like "The Call" of film works.

Jiang Yuqian said that Ye Luo is now a free man.

Lu Yanhe was stunned when he heard Jiang Yuqian's statement.

What does free man... mean?

Jiang Yuqian said: "Ye Luo and Wenxia Zhiyin had a falling out. He just left Wenxia Zhiyin."

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

He asked: "Why is this?"

"I'm not satisfied with the income distribution of "My Home I Haven't Returned for a Long Time." Jiang Yuqian said bluntly, "Anyway, the situation is quite complicated. The specific reason is that he was not satisfied with the bonus he received and had a quarrel with people in the company. , and then decided to leave.”

It was impossible for Lu Yanhe to accept this kind of thing so vaguely.

He contacted Chen Ziyan and asked Chen Ziyan to check through her channels to find out what was going on.

In fact, as long as there are no issues of principle, they can find a producer like Ye Luo to be in charge of the "Telephone" movie, which is a big bargain for them.

Even Lu Yanhe wanted to sign Ye Luo to Linghe.

Ye Luo is an experienced producer with a wide network of contacts in the industry. He understands film production and knows everything about it. He is exactly the person Lu Yanhe and his company need most.

For Lu Yanhe, they now have no shortage of funds, scripts, or actors. They just lack a "project manager" who can integrate all resources.

After some inquiring and investigation, Chen Ziyan found out the main reason why Ye Luo left Wenxia Zhiyin.

"He slept with the wife of the boss of their company." Chen Ziyan said speechlessly, "He was discovered, so he was kicked out."

"..." When Lu Yanhe heard this reason, he really didn't know what to say for a while.

Chen Ziyan: "Actually, this kind of thing is not a big deal. If he hadn't been so bold as to cuckold his boss, he wouldn't have been kicked out. At this stage, he is the best that "Telephone" can find. Producer, if you want to start this project as soon as possible, I would advise you not to worry about this kind of personal ethics issue.”

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Sister Ziyan, let's meet and talk with him."

"Okay." Chen Ziyan said, "If we really consider using him as the producer of "Telephone", we will definitely have to meet and talk with him. But, Yan He, have you thought about it clearly? You Is it acceptable to work with such a morally obsessive person?”

"As long as we are not friends, we are just colleagues, there is nothing unacceptable." Lu Yanhe said, "I hesitated just now because I was worried that if he could do such a thing, he would have no principles and bottom line, and then he would be in "Telephone" The crew caused a lot of trouble."

"You don't have to worry about this. He has rich production experience in the past. I have never heard of him doing this kind of thing in the work field." Chen Ziyan said.

"That's okay."

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan met Ye Luo.

Ye Luo didn't know that Chen Ziyan and Lu Yanhe already knew the real reason why he left Wenxia Zhiyin, and they still pretended to be a big-name producer in front of them.

"I have read the script of "Telephone", Yan He, you are really an amazing creator. In time, you will become the mainstay of our Chinese film industry." Ye Luo praised Lu Yanhe, using exaggerated adjectives. Come on, you have praised him to this extent, and you can even praise him to the point of making Lu Yanhe uncomfortable.

Lu Yanhe felt that it was mainly because Ye Luo had a condescending attitude.

From Ye Luo, you don't feel at all that he is a producer who has just been kicked out by his former employer.

Of course, he may also be good at acting, pretending that he parted ways with his former employer because of profit distribution issues.

In fact, this is how he set up his own personality.

However, there are many people who create personas for themselves, but there are very few people like him who believe in the personas they have created.

Regarding the project "Telephone", Ye Luo said that he is willing to be the producer of this project, but he wants a salary of 5 million and a 5% share of the movie's box office.

Lu Yanhe still found it strange for some reason. He used to be the one who made the conditions, but today he suddenly became the one who was asked to make the conditions.

No matter how much Lu Yanhe didn't understand the producer's situation, he still knew that Ye Luoti's point was a big deal.

Five million salary? Plus a 5% box office share?

What a joke, not even Jiang Yuqian has such conditions.

Chen Ziyan looked at Ye Luo calmly and asked: "Producer Ye, did you also get such conditions at Wenxia Zhiyin?"

"If I had offered such a condition to Wenxia Zhiyin, I wouldn't have been at odds with them." Ye Luo said, "Mr. Ziyan, maybe this condition sounds high to you at first, but to be honest, with "Telephone" has not yet revealed its horoscopes, so the amount of work I need to do as a producer is not small. "

Chen Ziyan smiled slightly, "It's not that we have never participated in film production. "Love Letter" was made by us from scratch. Producer Ye doesn't need to describe to us how much work a producer has. I'm more curious, Producer Ye , after you came out of Wenxia Zhiyin, no other companies have recruited you? Based on your past qualifications and achievements, I think many film and television companies should have offered you an olive branch, right?"

A proud smile appeared on Ye Luo's lips, and he said: "Of course there is, but I just got out of Wenxia Zhiyin and finally regained my status as a free person. I might as well try to be an independent producer."

"I thought, Producer Ye, you were feared by everyone, so you had to work alone." Chen Ziyan said with a smile.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Chen Ziyan turned to Lu Yanhe and said, "Yanhe, I want another cup of coffee. Can you order one for me?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and smiled easily.

He looked at Ye Luo: "Producer Ye, would you like another cup of coffee?"

Ye Luo: "Thank you, no need."

Lu Yanhe seemed unaware of the undercurrent between the two of them and went away without changing his expression.

When Chen Ziyan waited for Lu Yanhe to leave, as if she finally had the time to tell the truth, she looked at Ye Luo with a calm attitude.

"Let's stop talking secretly. Yan He is here. I can't say it, but I want to cooperate with you. Do you think I won't investigate why you left Wenxia Zhiyin?" Chen Ziyan smiled, "Is this circle still there? Is there anyone who doesn’t know my style, Chen Ziyan?”

The smile on Ye Luo's face completely disappeared.

"You are capable, experienced, and very conceited. I understand." Chen Ziyan's gaze fell on his eyes, with a cold edge like a cold blade. "But you don't need to pretend in front of me, independent producer? Let's just Don't be ridiculous. No matter how brilliant your achievements were in the past, you now need a work to prove your ability to this circle again. Without the resources of Wenxia Zhiyin, can you still show your past strength? Before, no powerful film and television company would offer an olive branch to a man who slept with his boss’s wife. You know best that the bigger the place, the less likely it is that there will be a time bomb.”

Ye Luo squeezed his hand.

"The project "Telephone" is very special. In fact, we are not in a hurry to make it, but this is a script specially written by Yan He for Jiang Yuqian. Therefore, Jiang Yuqian wanted to film it as soon as possible, so she found you. Otherwise, we, Linghe, It can be done slowly by yourself. It is precisely because we are doing this project ourselves and not looking for other film companies to cooperate that we have a producer position for a film starring a first-line actor and written by Lu Yanhe. If it's the condition you just mentioned, you know very well how many first-line producers will be interested. Now, I've told you everything. You still have time to think about it carefully before Yan He comes back. Should you cooperate with us on this film with sincerity and let it help you get back into the cooperation list of major film and television companies, or should you insist on the conditions that no film and television company in China will agree to. If it is the latter, I suggest you get up now and knock on the doors of coal bosses who are interested in the film industry."

Ye Luo looked at Chen Ziyan with a stern expression. He didn't say anything for a long time, and he didn't get up for a long time.

Chen Ziyan smiled warmly and clapped her hands, "Great, I knew we could have a good talk. After all, on the "Telephone" project, we can definitely achieve win-win cooperation, right?"

Ye Luo pulled the corner of his mouth, as if there was a thread reluctantly pulling the corner of his mouth, pulling out a smile.

At this time, Lu Yanhe came in with a cup of steaming coffee.


Sometimes, Lu Yanhe has a blind trust in Chen Ziyan.

This blind trust comes from everything Chen Ziyan has done in the past few years.

Lu Yanhe felt that there was nothing in this world that Chen Ziyan could not accomplish. If so, it only means that Chen Ziyan doesn't want to do it.

He didn't know how Chen Ziyan used "coercion and inducement" to make Ye Luo change his tune when he went out to get some coffee.

However, this is not the first time such a thing has happened.

Lu Yanhe actually wanted to ask Chen Ziyan how she did it.


All in all, Ye Luo officially joined the "Telephone" project.

This film project has finally begun to build a team.

Ye Luo also showed his professional abilities. He knew that they had approached many film companies before, but because the copyright had to be kept in their own hands, those film companies were unwilling to produce it.

Ye Luo said directly: "Then we will do it ourselves."

The first is the issue of production funding.

Ye Luo made two production plans very simply, one with a relatively high production budget of 80 million yuan, and the other with a relatively low production budget of only 35 million yuan.

The difference between the two production plans is mainly the payment methods for Ye Luo, Lu Yanhe, Jiang Yuqian and the director.

The former requires full payment, while the latter uses remuneration as a shareholding and gets a share.

For Lu Yanhe, the difference is not big.

Before he even received his salary as a screenwriter, he spent 15 million as the initial preparation funds for the film.

He will also take out another 10 million in the future as a total investment of 25 million in the film.

Jiang Yuqian also invested 10 million personally in this movie.

This means that the two of them alone have invested a total of 35 million.

If you don't count the salaries of several of them, this money can actually be used to cover the production cost of this movie.

Ye Luo was confused when he learned that the film's production funds came mainly from the investment of the screenwriter and the starring actor.

The main thing is that when he made movies before, he didn't do it this way.

Ye Luo asked Chen Ziyan in confusion: "Is it because we can't find investment for this drama?"

"Of course not." Chen Ziyan said, "Others are just not willing to work for us to make movies, but they are still willing to invest. Movie projects written by Yan He are very popular now."

Two days later, Ye Luo discovered an even more exaggerated phenomenon.

Lu Yanhe may not really need to find any film company to attract investment when making a movie.

His own circle of friends and the capital behind him can support him to make a medium-cost film.

Northern Lights Video and Icefield Video each took 8 million.

In addition to these two video websites, Chen Ziyan, Li Zhibai, Yan Liang, Chen Siqi, Chen Bige, Shang Yongzhou, Luo Yuzhong, Jia Long, Huang Kairen, Zeng Qiao, Xin Zixin... nearly twenty-five of Lu Yanhe's friends in the circle are all I spent half a million to invest in this movie.

Previously, they invested in Lu Yanhe's "On the Road" and "Rouge Button", both of which made a small profit.

It is actually a very common investment behavior for artists to invest in film and television drama projects. Like Ye Luo's previous film projects, basically every project will have investment from artists. However, it is really unusual to see a phenomenon like "Telephone" in which the personal investment part is almost entirely composed of Lu Yanhe's circle of friends.

In the end, only about 15 million was left for outside investment.

This is also the share they left for Ye Luo to find a publishing company.

A project like "Telephone" that has popular actors and screenwriters like Lu Yanhe from the start will not wait until the film is finished to find a distribution company. Generally, a certain share of investment will be reserved for the issuer, so that the issuer has more common interests with them, and will naturally be more attentive to the issuance.

Only interests can truly and eternally drive people in this world.

Ye Luo prides himself on being well-informed, but when it comes to the project "Telephone," he has an inexplicable sense of absurdity that a Fortune 500 executive suddenly landed in the family business and wants to lead the family business into the world.

But it is what it is.

Ye Luo even hesitated, should he also use some money to invest in this movie?

Otherwise, it would appear that he is out of place.


Lu Yanhe also admitted that making movies by himself is much smoother, easier and more convenient than most people.

The halo of myth hangs over his head. There is no time when he is short of money, only when others complain that he does not give them investment opportunities.

After the film project "Telephone" went through a round of financing, the news spread like wildfire.

The fact that Jiang Yuqian and Lu Yanhe are working together to shoot a new film has also come into the public eye for the first time.

When they learned that the other heroine in this movie was Wang Jing, the media unanimously sighed:

Lu Yanhe really likes to work with familiar actors many times.

Doing the math, this is the third time Jiang Yuqian has cooperated with Lu Yanhe, and it is also the third time Wang Jing has cooperated with Lu Yanhe.

Both of them previously starred in "Squid Game" written by Lu Yanhe.

Look again, Huang Kairen just won the Phenom Award for Best Actor for "Rouge Button" written by Lu Yanhe.

Someone joked: "Golden Age" became the biggest winner four years later.

This debut novel by Lu Yanhe was a hit TV series at the time and was picked up by many people.

Lu Yanhe's friendship with Huang Kairen and Jiang Yuqian started from this drama.

Lu Yanhe, who was just a minor supporting role at that time, has now become the hero who leads the male and female protagonists.

A new title appeared under Lu Yanhe’s comment area: Lu Thigh.


"The Telephone" is scheduled to start filming in July next year. Before then, Jiang Yuqian will film the second part of "Behind the Golden Coat".

This also left Ye Luo enough time to find a director and build a crew.

With a project manager as a producer, Lu Yanhe can completely become a hands-off shopkeeper.

Lu Yanhe only needs to wait for Ye Luo to complete the production team and participate in the film's production meeting to ensure that the overall style and direction of the film do not deviate. This is enough.

After all, in addition to Ye Luo, the project manager of the movie, there is also Jiang Yuqian.

This is a movie tailor-made for Jiang Yuqian, and Jiang Yuqian must also be interested in it.

Wang Jing made a special appointment with Lu Yanhe for a meal.

At Lu Yanhe's age, it is indeed rare to meet someone younger than him.

Wang Jing and others are among the few junior students who filmed "Late Spring" with him.

Wang Jing said: "Yan He, I didn't expect that you actually reserved this role for me."

"I promised to leave it to you, of course I will leave it to you." Lu Yanhe said.

Wang Jing sighed and said, "I'm actually a little worried recently."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I signed a contract with Northern Lights. After filming "Squid Game", they sent me a lot of scripts to choose from. In fact, they were very kind to me, but the scripts they gave me were all ...How should I put it? They are all about falling in love in different ways. They are all the same. I don’t want to act at all. I tell them that I want to act something that will make me enjoy the acting. They always tell me that. There are not many scripts." Wang Jing said to Lu Yanhe, "Luckily you sent "Telephone" at this time, otherwise I would have been forced to act in some scenes that I didn't want to act."

Wang Jing is an actress who is very energetic and thoughtful in acting.

Among the actors Lu Yanhe has seen, she is one of them who can be called talented. Otherwise, Lu Yanhe wouldn't have thought of her first when he was looking for an actor to play the little girl after writing the script for "Telephone".

Even Lu Yanhe, the heroine of the neurotic girl in Liu Bige and Li Zhibai's "Fake Death", also recommended Wang Jing.

However, this is probably a common problem among all thoughtful actors. They all think too highly of themselves and want to find challenging roles to play. Therefore, they have some rejection of those popular dramas on the market, feeling that they are not artistic enough.

You know, Wang Jing's starting point was a movie like "Late Spring".

It's okay for actors like Yan Lingyu and Kong Fan who don't have particularly strong personalities but whose appearance fits their roles very well. Even with a high starting point like "Late Spring", they don't have "particularly high demands" on themselves.

That's different for a talented actor like Wang Jing, who has a strong personality and high demands on herself.

"Late Spring" becomes a mirror. Every time they perform a play in the future, they will evaluate whether this play is worthy of a starting point like "Late Spring".

Lu Yanhe understood Wang Jing's mentality very well.

However, understanding is understanding. How to deal with such a mentality, Lu Yanhe didn't know.

Whether you stick to your own standards or don't let yourself be too conceited, you can take different paths and you can all get through them.

Lu Yanhe really didn't know how to comment on this kind of thing.

"It depends on you." Lu Yanhe said, "No matter what you choose, you will reach the same destination through different paths."

Wang Jing was surprised. She looked at Lu Yanhe in shock and asked, "We arrive at the same destination by different roads?"

She obviously didn't expect Lu Yanhe to say such a word.

Lu Yanhe said: "I think any actor will repeatedly struggle with the path he has chosen. It is unavoidable. Those who take the traffic route will envy those who insist on tempering themselves on small roads, and those who temper themselves on small roads will also envy Those who are surrounded by applause and halo. Your starting point is very high, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It will become your shackles and you will subconsciously use it for a long time no matter what scenes you perform. Compare."

Wang Jing fell into deep thought.

"I won't give you any other advice, and I'm not a veteran. I have the life experience to give you advice, but as an actor, I would advise you to throw away a play after you finish it, and only keep what it brings to you. You experience the performance, but you must completely throw away some of the external things it brings, such as honor and pride.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "Let me tell you something, have you heard that I have a movie to be cast in Hollywood later?"

Wang Jing nodded.

Lu Yanhe: "Many people don't know that the movie I accepted is a horror movie."

Wang Jing looked surprised.

"Did you not expect that I would take on a horror movie?"

Wang Jing nodded.

"I think after this news is exposed, there will be many people who have the same reaction as you. After all, in the minds of many people now, I should not act in horror movies. They think horror movies are too low, and they think that I am acting in domestic films. Well done, why go to Hollywood to lower your status? I can almost imagine all the doubts." Lu Yanhe looked at Wang Jing, "But I don't care about these voices, I only care about one thing, that. It’s about what kind of actor I want to be. If it helps me achieve this goal, I will do it. If it doesn’t help me achieve this goal, I won’t do it.”

Wang Jing looked at Lu Yanhe thoughtfully.

"You might as well think about it first. If you don't want to act in the script they gave you, are you really physically disgusted with it, or are you bound by your own concepts and sense of honor? Are these voices telling you You, you don’t want to act.”

At this point, Lu Yanhe's words were actually very straightforward.


Although Wang Jing is a bit stuck in her own weird circle, Lu Yanhe is very relieved about her starring in "Telephone".

To be precise, there are two people starring Jiang Yuqian and Wang Jing in "Telephone", and Lu Yanhe is not worried about their acting skills at all.

Both of them are people who can act.

This includes Jiang Yuqian. The problem with Jiang Yuqian is that her vision for choosing roles is really average.

However, obviously, the movie "Telephone" is not the kind of movie that can compete for awards.

This is a very commercial film.

For Jiang Yuqian, its significance is that this is her first commercial-themed film in which she plays a leading role.

This is different from the heroine in the second part of "Behind the Golden Coat" she had previously taken on. That's just the female lead, the main perspective of the movie is not hers.

For Wang Jing, this movie is her second starring role in a movie after "Late Spring".

In fact, to put it bluntly, for both of them, this movie actually means that they have a problem in establishing themselves in the film industry.

Which movie did Lu Yanhe rely on to enter the film industry? "Three Mountains".

But which movie did he rely on to gain a foothold in the film industry?

It's "Late Spring".

Because of this movie, he is the main star, including director Liu Bigo.

This movie was made possible by him. Only after the film has become successful will the industry recognize it.

As a filmmaker, be it a director, actor, or screenwriter, in short, you don’t have a work that you can truly carry on your own. In the eyes of everyone, your ability to “carry” is questionable. .

Many popular stars may not necessarily have the ability to "carry" in the eyes of film companies.

The two heroines of "Telephone" are actually in a similar situation.

Lu Yanhe's script is certainly a highlight, but movies have always been weak on scripts and focused on direction.

And "Telephone" will not hire a famous auteur director. First, there is no need to hire such a director for this movie, and second, there is not that much budget.

This movie already has a complete script, and Lu Yanhe has a clear idea of ​​what the movie should be like, so there is no need for a particularly independent and creative director.

They just need a director who can execute their intentions well.

Therefore, the key to what kind of achievements "Telephone" can achieve lies in the two female protagonists, especially Jiang Yuqian.

Wang Jing is just starting out, and Jiang Yuqian is the first-line female star.

Lu Yanhe only hopes that the movie "Telephone" can achieve the expected box office target of 200 million.

There is almost no movie on the market that only sets its box office target at 200 million, and everyone happily writes a larger number.

However, Lu Yanhe knew that under normal circumstances it would be difficult for the movie "Telephone" to achieve such a high box office.

A box office of 200 million is a very high number.

At that time, once the domestic copyrights and overseas streaming media rights are sold, the profit will be sufficient, and that will be enough. Lu Yanhe does not have any particularly unrealistic illusions about a film whose original version was not a huge success.


At this time, Icefield Video came to the door.

They want to buy the web drama adaptation rights of "The Telephone".

Jiang Lan's previous evaluation of the story "Telephone" was that it was more suitable for a video website to be adapted into an online drama. Sure enough, Icefield Video has a very keen sense of smell and came over not long after the news spread.

Lu Yanhe could only say regretfully: I have to wait until the movie is released to sell the web drama version of "The Phone".

Icefield Video was puzzled and asked why.

Lu Yanhe said, if your online drama is shot faster than the movie and is broadcast on your Icefield Video first, then my movie will be affected a lot.

Icefield Video: “…”

They also said that they could buy it first and find a screenwriter to develop the script. They could promise in the contract that the web drama adaptation would not be broadcast within two years.

This sincerity was shown.

Lu Yanhe authorized it.

After hearing the news, Northern Lights Video was very depressed and asked Lu Yanhe aggrievedly why the web drama adaptation rights of "Telephone" were not given to them.

Lu Yanhe said that "Wulin Gaiden" and "Squid Game" have not been aired yet. We cannot digest all projects in Northern Lights Video. Then Northern Lights Video will become Lu Yanhe Video.

The people from Northern Lights Video immediately said that we are very happy to open a Lu Yanhe Theater for you in our Northern Lights Video.

Lu Yanhe: "..."

Not long after, Zheng Huairen, the executive who had been in contact with him and was responsible for content production at Northern Lights Video, called.

"Yan He, do you still have some movie scripts that have not been released to the public?" Zheng Huairen said, ""Wulin Gaiden" is about to be completed, and "Squid Game" is also in the late stages of production. We can develop new projects."

Before Lu Yanhe said the same thing again, Zheng Huairen immediately said: "The process of making a drama from preparation to script writing to filming to broadcasting can take as short as one year or as long as two or three years. We have to plan well. We The viewers of Northern Lights Video are all your die-hard viewers. You can’t let them not see your new dramas in a year or two after watching "Wulin Gaiden" and "Squid Game". Now you are not only an actor but also have dramas. Fan, as a screenwriter, you also have a lot of fans of the show.”

Lu Yanhe: "..."

Zheng Huairen had finished speaking.

However, his relationship with Northern Lights Video is indeed unusual. The previous cooperation with Northern Lights Video was indeed smooth, so Lu Yanhe did not mind continuing to cooperate with them.

After thinking about it, Lu Yanhe asked Zheng Huairen: "The authorization for "Telephone" has been given to Bingyuan. I also have a few movie scripts about youth love stories. You can take a look and see if you are interested."

Zheng Huairen didn't hesitate at all and immediately said: "Of course I'm interested!"

Zheng Huairen added: "You not only licensed "Telephone" to Bingyuan, you also licensed "Rouge Button" and "People on the Road" to them."

Lu Yanhe: "..."


Six thousand words are guaranteed, and three thousand words will be added.

The monthly ticket extra activity continues~ (End of this chapter)

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