Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 490: Just because he is Lu Yanhe (6,000 words

 At the end of November, Lu Yanhe attended the press conference of “Squid Game” as the main creative staff.

Northern Lights Video’s emphasis on “Squid Game” was also highlighted through this press conference.

Almost all well-known media outlets across the country have received invitations, and the event was even grander than some movie premieres.

Not one of the all-star cast was present.

In addition, Northern Lights Video also invited a number of celebrities to help on the stage, watch the first episode live, and express their viewing experience like attending a movie premiere.

At the scene, Lu Yanhe was inevitably asked about competing in the third season of "Six".

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "It is a weekly broadcast, and we are a daily broadcast. We are not competing on the same track. We can finish the broadcast in less than half a month, and everyone will have a great time watching it."

Avoid the topic of comparison and just talk about the difference in scheduling.

Of course, reporters will not let him go.

"Now that the trailer for the third season of "Party of Six" has come out, many fans of the show have been scolding you. You left after the first season, and director Bai Jingnian left after the second season. Now the third season doesn't look optimistic either. Are you still unwilling to come back and save this work created by you?”

What he said was almost an exaggeration.

Lu Yanhe smiled and just said: "Today we are here for the press conference of "Squid Game". Why do you always mention other dramas? Pay more attention to "Squid Game". The new drama I created is so different." Is it worthy of your attention?”

He complained jokingly and avoided answering.

Just kidding, he can be considered an experienced player when it comes to dealing with media reporters. How could he be embarrassed by the situation in front of him?

No matter how difficult it was to answer the reporters' questions, Lu Yanhe dealt with them with great effort.

After all, this is the press conference of "Squid Game", and the media present are not too disrespectful. After all, they are here to support the show.

"In this play, there are many actors that Yan He has worked with before, including Jiang Jun, Jiang Yuqian, Wang Jing... Are these all what you recommended to the director and them?"

"When I was writing the script, several characters were based on them." Lu Yanhe also said bluntly, "You all know that the reason why I wrote the script "Squid Game" is because I filmed "Ten Ten" myself. "Seventeenth Floor" was inspired by "Seventeenth Floor". At that time, I happened to be talking about cooperation with Mr. Lin from Northern Lights Video, so we talked about this script and we quickly agreed on it."

Lu Yanhe did not directly answer whether many actors in this drama were recommended by him. However, his answer has revealed a lot of information. He discussed this process with Mr. Lin Deshenglin. The "Squid Game" project was not an ordinary collaboration. It is conceivable how much say Lu Yanhe can have in this project.

"Will "Squid Game" be developed into a series?" Another reporter asked.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "This depends on the broadcast results. Of course I very much hope that this is a series that can continue to be developed. When I was writing the script, I left a few buttons for the development of the sequel. To be precise, I have the idea of ​​a complete trilogy for this story. Of course, it can be viewed as an independent work without the second and third seasons. The complete story.”

After the questions about Lu Yanhe ended, everyone's attention was spread to other people.

This scene seems quite magical to some people.

What they found miraculous was nothing else but the fact that everyone present had formed a self-evident consensus.

In "Squid Game", a drama that Lu Yanhe neither directed nor acted in, he, the screenwriter, is the key helmsman of the soul.

The status of a screenwriter has never been higher—

Just because he is Lu Yanhe.


Regarding her participation in the role, Jiang Yuqian said: "This role is really suitable for me. When Yan He told me that it was suitable for me, I didn't expect that it would be so suitable. Of course, it took a lot of effort to keep fit and lose weight. In the past, the characters I played were more positive and had various beautiful qualities. This time the character is very different. In order to survive, she gave up a lot of things, even her human side, but this is different. It doesn’t mean she has lost her humanity.”

She glanced at Lu Yanhe and said, "So, when I read the script, I was very surprised. I didn't expect that Yanhe would write such a female character. After all, you all know that the female characters he wrote have never appeared before. . At that time, it was basically impossible for me to get such a three-dimensional role. After I got it, it was no exaggeration to say that I had found a treasure. "

The media at the scene all laughed.

Jiang Yuqian continued: "This is why I said later that as long as it is a script written by Yan He, I don't need to read it or ask what role it is. It can be a leading role or a supporting role. I will take it directly. My agent and I are in this aspect A consensus was reached.”

A reporter asked: "There was a joke on the Internet before, saying that Lu Yanhe's first movie was filmed with you and Huang Kairen, and then he joked that the supporting role back then has become your thigh. What do you think of this joke? "

"Hahaha." Jiang Yuqian laughed a few times without hesitation, "Who says it's not the case? I'm still jealous. It's obvious that Yan He's scenes in "Golden Age" were all performed by me, so why did Huang Kairen take the role? You want to get a bigger advantage by getting a movie star first? No, you can’t favor one over the other, Yan He, you have to give me a movie queen too.”

Jiang Yuqian didn't seem to care at all about others saying that Lu Yanhe was her thigh, and she openly joked with Lu Yanhe in front of everyone.

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "Sister Yuqian, you asked me to give you a movie queen, but I don't even have a movie king myself."

The whole audience roared with laughter.

Jiang Yuqian also laughed.

As soon as Lu Yanhe said this, all the teasing reached its peak.

The strange atmosphere deliberately stirred up by those reporters turned into bubbles under the sun - bursting at the first touch.


In Jingtai, Xu Bin and others looked gloomy.

"Tell me, did Lu Yanhe do this on purpose?" After a while, Xu Bin spoke.

"It shouldn't be intentional. It's not him who has the final say when "Squid Game" will be broadcast." Hu Siwei immediately said, "This drama is in the hands of Northern Lights. Moreover, looking at the broadcast time of Maxine, it can actually be It can be seen that this is what Northern Lights has communicated with Maxine.”

"This time coincides with the broadcast of the third season of "Six People"." Xu Bin said with a sullen face, "Now everyone is staring at which of the two dramas has better results. If we go back to the third season of "Six People" It really can’t compare to “Squid Game”, so how many of you will laugh when you see it.”

"How could it be? The third season of our "Six People" was broadcast exclusively on the TV station and was only released on the video platform after the broadcast. It is not the same as "Squid Game". How can there be any difference between who has good results and who has bad results?" Immediately Someone said, "Furthermore, based on the ratings and popularity of the first two seasons of "Six", the results of the third season cannot be worse."

Xu Bin glanced at the person who spoke, and then at the others.

Except for a few people such as Hu Siwei, in fact, most people had the same expression on their faces as this person.

They don’t believe that the third season of “Six” will lose to a new show. It has been almost three years since the first season of "Six" was aired. The benefits this show has brought to the station have made the people in the room "walk sideways" in the station.

Xu Bin felt as if something was stuck in his chest, which made him uncomfortable.

The people in this room all used to follow him in his career in Taili.

So many years have passed, the old have aged, the old have moved away, the old have retreated, and the few left are all living in a shell like Beijing and Taiwan, living in peace and security.

For them, if "Six People" succeeds, they will make more money, but if it fails, no one will die.

There are not many people who really put their efforts into making "Six People" a success.

Xu Bin saw Hu Siwei again, one of the few people under him who was really thinking about things and working.

In the past two years, how many times has he told himself that "Six People" has gone off track?

When Bai Jingnian wanted to raise salary and market price, a group of people disagreed and forced him to leave. Everyone said that Bai Jingnian left as soon as he left, and "Six People" did not depend on Bai Jingnian.

He actually felt so too.

The success of "Six People" is due to the right time, place and people, and it cannot be attributed to the ability of a director.

If we really talk about ability, not everyone in the industry would say that the script is strong enough.

Unable to get Lu Yanhe back to write the script, even if Bai Jingnian continues to be the director in the second season, the reputation will still decline.

Now, after watching the third season of "Party of Six", although it has not been broadcast yet, there are already a lot of doubts within the station.

Hu Sidu rarely lost his temper with him.

Of course Xu Bin also knew that the third season must have been a failure.

But he always felt that at least it had past results, even if its reputation was bad, its ratings could still be stable.

If that doesn't work, just pay a high price to invite Bai Jingnian back to direct the fourth season.

There is always a remedy.

Bai Jingnian's usually taciturn temperament, if he meets his requirements a little bit, will he still refuse? Sometimes he also felt that Hu Siwei valued some personal importance too much.

However, the release of "Squid Game" was like someone suddenly reaching out a hand and tearing off the fig leaf of Xu Bin's self-deception.

Xu Bin really couldn't sit still.

Two years have passed, and Lu Yanhe's myths and miracles are like a legend in the industry. Two years ago, he relied on the Beijing platform behind him and looked down on this bunch of newly lit torches. After all, no matter how bright the torch is, there is no way to compare it with a bright torch. Compared to a lighthouse, it is just something swaying in the wind, and no one knows when it will go out. Now, not only does the torch's light not fade away, but it burns brighter and brighter. His speech at the "Path of Glory" seminar not only attracted the attention of the film department leaders, but also gave him invisible and silent help in his film. In this aspect of the series, the leaders above are already aware of his international influence.

Among the current Chinese actors, few are truly famous and influential overseas. Among the young actors, Lu Yanhe is currently the only one. For the film and television industry, which has been holding high the banner of "cultural exchange" and "going global" in recent years, his significance has become increasingly important.

And he is not the past tense of sitting on past honors and enjoying the shadow of the past, he is the ongoing tense of creating new miracles all the time.

Two years ago, Xu Bin had the confidence to force Lu Yanhe to suffer a loss, and he didn't care if the Internet became a hot topic.

Two years later, he was no longer qualified to do so.

There are more and more people behind Lu Yanhe, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Bin has been in the system for so long, and he knows very well how much Lu Yanhe is valued and protected by some people in his current situation.

Most people wouldn't even think of touching Lu Yanhe.


Northern lights video.

Zheng Huairen accompanied Lin Desheng out of the conference room and whispered in his ear: "The number of reservations for "Squid Game" on our website has exceeded 4 million. Just now someone from Beijing and Taiwan tried to ask me if we could give "Squid Game" "Change the broadcast time."

Lin Desheng: "Who in Beijing and Taiwan contacted you?"

"It's not official. I asked someone I met in private before to ask if there was a possibility." Zheng Huairen said, "The scheduled release of "Squid Game" makes the third season of "Six People" a great threat, because During the same broadcast, several advertisers seemed to be wavering and wanted to withdraw their funds and invest in "Squid Game".

For any brand, their advertising and marketing expenses are limited. Especially in a quarter, or in the same time period, they don't have so much money to burn. The third season of "Party of Six" and "Squid Game" are both S+ level. Compared with other dramas, the advertising sponsorship cost is not a difference in numbers, but a difference in magnitude.

There are not many brands that are rich enough to invest in two companies at the same time.

Then of course they have to make a choice.

Lin Desheng asked Zheng Huairen: "How is the investment situation of "Squid Game"?"

"There are already fourteen brands sponsoring it." Zheng Huairen said, "Just relying on the current advertising sponsorship, our drama has already repaid more than half of the money. The advertisers still take Yan He's drama very seriously, and even have The two brands offered Yan He a price close to nine figures to shoot product placement, but Yan He’s team refused.”

"How could he agree? You don't even need to ask his team for such a thing. Don't you know how much his team cherishes his feathers?"

"You know you know it, so you can't just refuse it on your behalf." Zheng Huairen said with a smile, "The procedures still have to be in place. There will be many more situations like this in the future."

Lin Desheng nodded.

"In addition, Hongcheng Satellite TV has been in contact with us and wants to win the exclusive broadcast rights of the first round of satellite TV." Zheng Huairen said.

"We have already broadcast it exclusively on the entire network, why do they still need the exclusive broadcast rights for satellite TV? What's the point? It's not like "Six People", where the TV station finishes broadcasting and then goes online to the video platform."

"They still have a lot of middle-aged and elderly people who only watch TV." Zheng Huairen said, "Should we talk to them seriously?"

Lin Desheng thought for a while, shook his head, and said: "Since the exclusive broadcast rights of this drama are in our hands, we can make less money and leave an impression on everyone. This drama can only be watched on our Northern Lights Video After we finish broadcasting, if there is a TV station that wants to buy it, we will sell it to them. We won’t sell it now.”

Zheng Huairen nodded.

"By the way, how about Maxine's data?" Lin Desheng asked.

Zheng Huairen said: "The number of views of the trailer has exceeded 20 million, breaking the record for Chinese dramas. Related searches and statistics show that 54% of people on Maxine are interested in this drama because of Lu Yanhe. However, it is a bit It’s a pity that this drama does not have the starring role of Lu Yanhe and it did not reach the expected numbers.”

Lin Desheng said: "This is Maxine's matter. You told me before that you and Lu Yanhe were going to negotiate a new cooperation framework agreement. When has it been signed?"

"This Friday." Zheng Huairen said, "Iceland Video started too quickly and snatched up the adaptations of several episodes of "Telephone" and "Rouge Button". This is my problem. The response is not as fast as theirs, so this time I can't do it again. Let them take the lead. Yan He now has several scripts such as "Love Letter" and "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years". I studied it with the people in the script review department and decided to buy these two dramas. To collect the adaptation rights, other video platforms are also in contact, and they will probably compete with us. The bottom line in my mind is that the two dramas will be packaged for 40 million plus Yanhe’s personal profit share of 10%. Mr. Lin, what do you think?”

Lin Desheng said: "You have dealt with Yan He a lot. Do you think he will be satisfied with this condition?"

"Judging from our previous cooperation with him, price is not the most important thing for him. His evaluation of the production team, investment resources and other aspects is relatively strict and cautious." Zheng Huairen said, "Iceland Video, For the project "Rouge Button", Miao Yue, who worked with Yan He on "Late Spring", was invited to be the screenwriter. Miao Yue was also Lu Yanhe's classmate."

Lin Desheng said: "If you look at Yan He's projects, you should know that Yan He still wants to use people who have worked with him. When you negotiate with them, put more effort in this aspect."

"But Yan He himself will not come to this negotiation." Zheng Huairen said, "Yan He's Linghe Film and Television Production Company now has Xu Tianming, who used to work at Longyan Pictures, as CEO, and Chen Yin as his deputy. "

Lin Desheng: "Then they still have to listen to Lu Yanhe in the end? Just do what he wants."

Zheng Huairen nodded, "Okay."

"Also, you have to come up with a plan for the second season of "Squid Game" quickly. You can't wait until the first season is over before you go and mention it to Lu Yanhe. It's only sincerity that comes first."


"Season 2?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, "The first season hasn't even aired yet, and we're already discussing the second season?"

Chen Ziyan smiled and said: "Who makes the current data of "Squid Game" good enough? In this era of data, everything depends on data."

Lu Yanhe: "I haven't written the script for the second season yet."

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that when he traveled back in time, the show had only aired its first season.

He doesn’t know what the second season will be like.

Do you want to write it yourself?

Lu Yanhe hissed silently.

This is really...unexpected.

Chen Ziyan said: "Let's write it down. It's a certainty that the second season of "Squid Game" will be filmed."

Lu Yanhe: "What if it is broadcast and the audience finds it ugly and curses us? I would rather be cautious and don't rush."

"Don't be anxious, Northern Lights is anxious. They don't have the copyright of the story of this drama. They only have the right to broadcast it. If you don't cooperate with them in the second season and cooperate with other platforms, where will they cry? go."

Lu Yanhe: "Where can I cooperate with other platforms? They don't trust me too much."

"Do you think a few people can have the final say on such a large project involving hundreds of millions of dollars?" Chen Ziyan rolled her eyes at Lu Yanhe, "Also, they also want to ask us for derivatives. As for the development rights, they want to develop surrounding areas.”

"What kind of peripheral development are you doing? Character cards, mobile phone cases, etc. They said that when they negotiate the next round of cooperation framework agreement with us, they will give us a formal derivatives development agreement to take a look at at the same time." Chen Ziyan said.

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Okay."

Chen Ziyan: "I haven't asked you yet, what are your psychological expectations for "Love Letters" and "Those Years"? If you give me a bottom line, Xu Tianming and the others can negotiate with Northern Lights."

"You can weigh it yourself. How do I know?" Lu Yanhe said, "I don't have any bottom line conditions."

Chen Ziyan smiled and said, "I heard that Northern Lights is going to do what you want and put a leading actor in the two projects "Love Letter" and "Those Years" for your good friends."

"Ah?" Lu Yanhe was stunned and confused.

Chen Ziyan said: "The news from my people over at Northern Lights is that you have no bottom line. They are trying their best to study your ideas and want to suit your needs."

Lu Yanhe scratched his head and said, "The problem is, I have no idea which of my friends will act in the drama versions of these two plays."

Chen Ziyan said: "Really? Why do I think Li Zhibai is very suitable for "Those Years"?"

When Chen Ziyan said this, Lu Yanhe was stunned.

It seems true.

Chen Ziyan said: "In short, since people are willing to show such sincerity to impress you, you might as well think about it carefully, what do you want? Within a reasonable range, what you want is nothing."

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "No, why did I ask them to keep the male lead in "Those Years" to Li Zhibai? With Li Zhibai's current situation, they want to hire Li Zhibai. You have to be sincere, Li Zhibai doesn’t have to play "Those Years", he is already famous enough."

Chen Ziyan: "I'm just giving you an example. Even if you want to arrange a newcomer who is not famous at all to play these scenes, Northern Lights will agree. That's what I mean. Have you forgotten that the heroine you chose for "Love Letter" , are you still signed by me? When she finishes her college entrance examination, don’t you plan to find some movies for others?” (End of Chapter)

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