Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 53: morning

Chapter 53 Morning


 The trumpet sounded behind him.

Lu Yanhe looked back in surprise, thinking he was blocking someone else's way, but there was no motorcycle behind him.


Lu Yanhe then discovered that it was a car on the roadside that pressed the button.

 A white BMW.

He glanced at the car suspiciously, and suddenly found that the man in the driver's seat looked familiar and was waving to him.

It turned out to be Police Officer Qiuling!

Lu Yanhe stood on the side of the road in surprise.

Qiu Ling drove the car in front of him, stopped, lowered the window, and asked, "Where are you going?"

 Lu Yanhe said: "Go to school."

 “Where did you go to school?”

 “Thirteen Middle School.”

“Then, along the way, get in the car and I’ll take you there.” Qiu Ling said.

 Lu Yanhe got into the car.

 The Qiuling car was in a mess, with a lot of things placed there.

 At the foot of Lu Yanhe, there is an unpacked courier.

“Officer Qiu, why did you go out so early?”

It's only 6:30 in the morning, and it's usually not so early to go to work, let alone Qiu Ling, who drives to work by herself.

Qiu Ling said: "I have been very busy these two days, and I haven't been home for two days. I just stopped by to pick up a change of clothes."

"You didn't stay up all night yesterday, did you?" Lu Yanhe looked at Qiu Ling in shock.

Looking carefully, Qiu Ling's two dark circles under her eyes are indeed quite obvious.

Qiu Ling: "Don't worry, stay alert, I just squinted for half an hour."

"Are you... busy with He Ting's matter? Is the found body really He Ting?" Lu Yanhe asked immediately.

Qiuling: "I can't reveal the details of the case to you, but I can tell you that the USB flash drive you gave me is so important. Without it, we wouldn't even know there is such a dark place in our Yuming. When this case finally ends, When it’s over, our public security department will award you a banner and a medal as a thank you.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

This is the second time Qiu Ling has said that he will be awarded this banner and medal.

Is that USB flash drive so important?

“Actually, I didn’t do anything. Well, that USB flash drive must have been stuffed into my pocket by He Ting when I wasn’t paying attention. She just wanted me to hand it over to you.”

"That's right." Qiu Ling nodded, "She couldn't hand it over to me directly because there were people watching her around. She knew that I knew you, so she lent your hand to hand it over to me. But if you didn't give it to me, she Your efforts will be in vain.”

Lu Yanhe listened to Qiu Ling's tone and thought, it seems that this matter is really big.

“Then work hard and try to close the case as soon as possible.”

Qiu Ling glanced at him and asked, "There shouldn't be anything strange around me these two days, right?"

 “No.” Lu Yanhe immediately shook his head.

Qiu Ling: "Although it's unlikely, please be careful. If there is anything strange around you, contact me as soon as possible."

"Okay." Lu Yanhe nodded and asked, "Is there any danger?"

"Normally, no, this matter has nothing to do with you, it's just...everything has a chance." Qiu Ling said.

"I know, I will definitely be more vigilant and protect myself." Lu Yanhe said in a very neutral tone.

 Qiu Ling laughed immediately.

 “Are you going to school alone?” she asked.

Lu Yanhe said: "Yes." "Where are the two of them?" Qiu Ling asked again, "That Li Zhibai is a college student, but isn't Yan Liang also a classmate of your No. 13 Middle School?"

Lu Yanhe said: "He still has work this month, and then he will go back to school to prepare for the exam."

"Then why don't you have to work?" As soon as Qiu Ling asked, she realized what she was doing. She couldn't help complaining about herself in her heart. She hadn't slept for too long. She was so exhausted that she couldn't speak clearly.

The young and handsome idol artist in front of me was obviously out of fashion and had no job, so he went back to school and started studying seriously.

 She also knew all these basic information when we had barbecue last time.

Lu Yanhe chuckled, not being affected at all, and said, "I want to study hard, try hard to get into Zhenhua or Yuming, and take a curved path to save the country."

Qiu Ling: "Huh? Ambitious."

“Of course.” Lu Yanhe nodded and said, “When I pass the exam, I’ll set up a table for admission wine and invite Officer Qiu to come and have dinner.”

“Then I will definitely be there and give you a big red envelope.”

 “There is no need for the red envelope.”

 “How can anyone go drinking Shengxue wine without bringing a red envelope?” Qiu Ling laughed.

 At the gate of No. 13 Middle School, Qiu Ling parked the car on the side of the road and let Lu Yan go down the river.

“Go to school hard and try to get into Zhenhua or Yuming!” Qiuling said.

Lu Yanhe gave her an OK sign, opened his umbrella, got out of the car, closed the door, and stood on the roadside to wave Qiu Ling's hand.

Qiuling drove away.

Lu Yanhe also walked to school.

"Lu Yanhe, you are really inhumane, you came to school so early again!" Li Pengfei's voice came from the side.

Lu Yanhe looked at Li Pengfei in surprise, "Why are you here so early?"

Li Pengfei glared at him sadly and said, "I was blinded by lard. I told my dad that I should study seriously. As soon as he heard it, he said that he, as a father, must also contribute, and insisted on sending me off in person. Come to school."

"Then what?"

"Then he had to catch an eight o'clock flight to the airport, so he pulled me out of bed at six o'clock in the morning." Li Pengfei yawned as he spoke, "I just have a thorn in my buttocks and I don't get up so early. Pass."

“Have you ever had your **** stabbed?” Lu Yanhe asked immediately.

“Is this the point I’m talking about?” Li Pengfei exploded, “How did you manage to study as hard as you did for ten years?”

 Lu Yanhe said as he and Li Peng flew into the school, "That's all for studying."

"what happened?"

"The more you work hard, the more you gain." Lu Yanhe said, "Compared with other things, I think school is quite easy. I don't feel tired. The harder you work, the higher your score will be. It's not like being an artist. No matter how hard you work, you won’t always get results.”

Lu Yanhe’s original life is a typical example.

  No matter how hard you try, you can’t be seen.

Li Pengfei clicked his tongue twice and said, "Look at the way you speak, the dean should call you to give a speech under the national flag."

Lu Yanhe smiled and said nothing.

“No wonder my dad also said, let me learn more from you?”


"You don't know, after my dad came back, he was full of praise for you and told me that I must be a good friend with you and that you will never be a creature in the pool in the future." Li Pengfei said and laughed. , "When has he ever praised me so much?"

 “Your dad is exaggerating too.”

"Haha, then I don't think he is exaggerating. Lu Yanhe, let me tell you, I used to feel annoyed when I looked at you. Just because you are an artist, you don't show up for three days or two, and when you show up, you ignore us and just stay alone. , It’s like you’re not in the same world as us, you don’t know what’s wrong, you suddenly become a different person, and you’re much better now.”

Recommend another one of my novels.



 (End of this chapter)

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