Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 57: hostage

Chapter 57 Hostage

Lu Yanhe: Officer Qiu, don’t tell me that the murderer is on this bus.

Qiu Ling immediately sent a photo, which was a unclear screenshot of a man at the bus stop.

This is the person sitting in front of Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe: ...He was sitting right in front of me.

Qiuling: We have caught up. Yan He, I want to ask you to do me a favor. Send me a message at every stop. If he gets off the car before we catch up, please pay attention to him. Which station did he get off at? He should still have the murder weapon in his hand, which is very dangerous.

 Lu Yanhe swallowed deeply and replied: Okay.

 He tried hard to control his breathing so as not to look strange.

 But this is not something he can control if he wants to.

After learning that the person sitting in front of him was the murderer in the library just now, Lu Yanhe couldn't control his adrenaline surge - he was so nervous!

 The next stop has arrived.

Lu Yanhe immediately turned around and looked outside the bus. There was no one who looked like a policeman.

 The people in front did not move or show any intention of standing up.

Lu Yanhe immediately sent the name of this stop.

 He wanted to send a message to Qiuling and ask where they were, but he held back.

 Just pretend to know nothing and discover nothing.

 It is safest for him to do nothing.

“Next stop, Shizitang Station.” The bus PA system announced.

At this time, two cars suddenly passed in front of them. The speed was so fast that the bus driver was so angry that he cursed: "Hurry up and get reincarnated!"

 The man sitting in front looked up.

Lu Yanhe observed him nervously and kept telling himself to take a deep breath.

 I really can’t be nervous.

 The more nervous you are, the more obvious you become.

 Things that the rational mind knows, but physical tension and uneasiness cannot be controlled.

Qiu Ling sent him a message: Our people have arrived at Shizitang Station. If he doesn’t get off at the next stop, we will go up and you will take the opportunity to get off.

 Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief and replied: Okay.

 Shizitang Station is coming soon.

Lu Yanhe held his bag. Seeing that the man in front of him showed no signs of getting off the car, he stood up with his bag on his back and walked forward, preparing to get off.

 When passing Helan, Lu Yanhe glanced at her.

 She and her boyfriend were sitting in front of the murderer. If he did attack later, she would be easily injured by accident.

It would be easier for the police to arrest her if she and her boyfriend could be taken away.

“We meet by chance today, how about I buy you a drink?” Lu Yanhe asked proactively.

He Lan showed a flattered expression.

 “Huh? Really?”

 Lu Yanhe said: "You usually watch my live broadcast, so I just have the opportunity to thank you."

 At this time, Shizitang Station arrived.

 The bus stopped.

 The rear door opens.

Lu Yanhe said: "Let's go, I know there happens to be a good cafe here."

Helan immediately nodded happily and said yes.

 He breathed a sigh of relief and got out of the car without even daring to look back again.

Helan and Li Chang also came down.

At this time, two tall and strong men got on the car from the front door.

 Suddenly, in a split second, the murderer suddenly got up from his seat and rushed to the back door. "Stop!" the man who got on the car from the front door yelled when he saw that he was about to run.

 But the murderer was faster and rushed out of the car.

 At this time, Helan and Li Chang had just gotten off the car and were still standing at the back door.

Lu Yanhe only saw a figure rushing down from the back door. He immediately shouted "Be careful!" and immediately pushed Helan and Li Chang aside.

 The next second, Lu Yanhe found himself being restrained.

The man hugged his neck, and in his other hand he held a knife the size of a fruit knife, put it against his throat, and shouted: "Stay back!"

Helan let out a scream.

  The people who were ambushing around them rushed forward and pulled them away.

 Six or seven people formed a half-moon shape and surrounded them at the bus stop.

Other passengers on the bus were shocked when they saw what happened. They hid in the car and looked at the situation outside through the window glass. Several people took out their mobile phones to record the scene.

 In this era, this kind of thing almost never happens.

They suddenly met once and were all shocked.

Lu Yanhe was confused at this moment.

 Damn, are you a hostage?

Lu Yanhe was held tightly by the murderer's neck and stepped back step by step.

"You all stand back, or I will kill him!" the murderer yelled.

Qiuling was among those six or seven people.

 She had a pistol in her hand and pointed it at them.

“Zhou Pingzhi, don’t make the same mistake again and again! This boy is innocent!”

"Back off! Back off now! Let me go, or I will kill him!" The murderer named Zhou Pingzhi continued to roar.

Lu Yanhe has never been so frustrated as he is now.

 However, this dog was holding a knife against his neck. The sharp pain and threat caused by the blade made him dare not act rashly.

 It's just strange to say that at this moment, Lu Yanhe was not so nervous in his heart.

 He was thinking about how he could escape from danger every second.

The police had to retreat slowly under his threat and watched helplessly as Lu Yanhe was taken away by Zhou Pingzhi.

Lu Yanhe did not intend to let himself be taken away under coercion.

He also saw it. There was a hint in Qiu Ling's eyes when she looked at him. Although he didn't understand what she was hinting at, it at least told him that they had a backup plan.

Lu Yanhe spoke: "Where are you taking me?"

Zhou Pingzhi immediately glared at him fiercely: "Shut up!"

“You don’t dare to kill me anyway, you can’t threaten me.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Zhou Pingzhi's knife immediately gained a little more strength, "Try it!"

"If you kill me, you will definitely not be able to escape." Lu Yanhe said firmly, "Don't threaten me, it's useless."

Lu Yanhe's tone of voice was that he was not afraid of Zhou Pingzhi at all. He was actually reminding Zhou Pingzhi not to act rashly.

This man's mental condition is too unstable now. He is afraid that Zhou Pingzhi will not pay attention and kill him under the stimulation.

Zhou Pingzhi didn't say anything else. He put his arms around Lu Yanhe's neck and led Lu Yanhe back step by step. When he was about to get off the platform, Lu Yanhe caught Zhou Pingzhi's glance and grabbed him with both hands. Zhou Pingzhi's right wrist pushed it outward.

His right hand held the knife, which was pressed against Lu Yanhe's neck.

Lu Yanhe controlled Zhou Pingzhi's right hand and kicked Zhou Pingzhi's calf with his foot.

Zhou Pingzhi was furious at Lu Yanhe's actions.

 But in just a split second, two sturdy plainclothes policemen rushed up and removed the knife from Zhou Pingzhi's hand.

 The danger in Lu Yanhe has been lifted.

 (End of this chapter)

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