Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 70: another song

 Chapter 70 Another Song

Hou Jun's head is getting bigger.

"Little Songs" is not a popular show, but everyone has been running this show for several seasons. The reason why it has been able to sustain it for so long is out of love for this show.

However, Hou Jun has never encountered a singer who was not satisfied with the rehearsal and had to do it again almost ten times.

 Chen Ziliang is one of the most popular singers nowadays, and he is also the biggest singer in this issue of "Little Songs Gathering Crowds".

Because of this, each singer originally rehearsed three times at most, but Chen Ziliang had already rehearsed for the tenth time, and the program team did not refuse.

It’s just that after the singers’ rehearsal is over, they still have a lot of preparation work. If this continues, they won’t be able to finish work before two or three in the morning tonight.

 It was not until 10:30 in the evening that Chen Ziliang was satisfied with the rehearsal and ended the rehearsal.

Hou Jun asked: "Who else wants to rehearse later?"

“Lu Yanhe, he arrived at nine o’clock and has been waiting.” Wang Lu immediately raised her hand and said.

Hou Jun: "He, call him over quickly, alas."

Hou Jun, a director who has been working in music and entertainment circles, doesn’t have much interest in Lu Yanhe.

If it weren’t for the fact that Lu Yanhe had just been in the news and the positive energy aura was what the program needed, he would not have been given an emergency plug-in to temporarily join the recording of tomorrow’s program.

 The person who made this decision was not Hou Jun, he was just the executor who received the task.

 Hou Jun doesn’t have much respect for young idol singers like Lu Yanhe deep down.

The staff on site all looked exhausted.

 This is also the norm in this industry.

“Why on earth do you want to add such an idol singer temporarily?”

 “Have you ever heard him sing? It’s like a mosquito humming.”

“Brother Wang will probably scold his mother for his later pronunciation practice.”


These comments disappeared only when Lu Yanhe followed Wang Lu into the studio.

 His school uniform attracted everyone's attention.

Wearing school uniform to rehearsal?

Hou Jun arranged for someone to take him out of the arena first, and he took the opportunity to go to the toilet.

 When he came back, Lu Yanhe was testing wheat.

Hou Jun looked at the boys on the stage and asked, "Can you come directly?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

His image is really refreshing and clean, without any makeup, he looks like a very ordinary and handsome high school student.

This image made Hou Jun feel more favorable to him.

Hou Jun signaled all departments to prepare.

 The accompaniment sounds.

Lu Yanhe stood on the stage, feeling a little nervous for a moment.

 Oh my god, it’s my first time to sing in front of so many people.

 Below the stage, the faces of those people were expressionless, and they looked at him as if he were a decoration.

 They are all traces of social animals destroyed by work.

Lu Yanhe suddenly became distracted and missed the part of the song.

 Everyone’s expressions changed immediately.

At this moment he reacted, took a breath of air, bared his teeth, and immediately followed from the middle.

“…I thought it was an unreachable dream, so I didn’t dare to drop everything and go for it.”

As soon as Lu Yanhe spoke, all the expressionless people were stunned. They raised their heads in surprise and looked at Lu Yanhe on the stage. The moment he opened his mouth, the youthful energy and youthfulness of the boy hit his face.

Before Lu Yanhe came, Hou Jun found videos of Lu Yanhe singing on the Internet. To be honest, the pitch and other aspects are okay, not out of tune, and the range is acceptable, but his singing is really too ordinary, without any style or personality.

Hou Jun had no expectations for Lu Yanhe’s singing.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Yanhe opened his mouth, he gave a completely different feeling than in the video.

Lu Yanhe is 18 years old this year. He is the most suitable age to sing "Dream Chasing Boy".

This song is youthful, passionate, and full of vigor. Of course, this song was created to be sung by a group of fifteen-year-olds.

Lu Yanhe sings casually and easily, giving people a sense of fearlessness like a young man who knows no worries.

Especially in the treble part, Lu Yanhe reached that scale easily and effortlessly, unlike many young idol singers who have to scream at the top of their lungs.

Hou Jun looked at the young man on the stage in surprise.

 Compared with the person he saw in the video, he has made great progress.

In the past two years, Lu Yanhe has almost disappeared. Hou Jun thought that Lu Yanhe's originally weak skills had long since deteriorated.

  Unexpectedly, I actually became a bit of a professional singer.

The most important thing is that when he sang this song, he was like a new actor who was chosen by the director to play a true role. He had a sense of youthful vigor that even a professional singer could not replace.

 Finish one song.

Lu Yanhe said: "I'm sorry, I was distracted just now."

Hou Jun applauded and said, "It's okay. You sang very well. Have you gone to further studies in the past two years? You have made great progress."

Lu Yanhe smiled in surprise and shook his head, "I didn't study further, so I just figured it out on my own."

 He smiled brightly.

Hou Jun said: "When you sing this song, there will be backup dancers behind you. Originally, I wanted you to show off your dance skills with them, but because your preparation time was too short, you stopped dancing." part.”

“That’s great.” Lu Yanhe really couldn’t learn another dance in one day.

 “Do it again?” Hou Jun asked.

“Director, I just sent an audio, please give the director to the audio teacher, can I try this song?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Hou Jun was stunned, "Huh? What audio?"

"It's a song I wrote myself." Lu Yanhe said, "I know "Dream Chasing Boy" is a song that has been planned before, but do you want to listen to this song I wrote myself again? If you If it feels OK, I want to try this song I wrote myself.”

Hearing this, Hou Jun showed hesitation.

To be honest, Lu Yanhe's performance today greatly exceeded Hou Jun's expectations. Especially after he just listened to "Dream Chaser" sung by Lu Yanhe, he was already very satisfied. He could predict that with Lu Yanhe singing "Dream Chasing Boy", if a topic like #Lu Yanhe sings "Dream Chasing Boy again after three years" is well run, the popularity on the Internet will not be small.

"Okay, you can sing it." Hou Jun said, "But can you write songs yourself?"

Lu Yanhe said: “I usually write casually, but if you think it’s not good, forget it and just sing “Dream Chasing Boy”.”

  That’s what he said, but Lu Yanhe was very confident in the song he composed with Golden Finger. After all, it was the must-play song during the graduation season that ended up taking the streets by storm.

 The accompaniment sounded.

 A feeling of freshness hits your face.

If the previous "Dream Chasing Boy" was about youthful passion, now this song has a slightly sentimental campus style as soon as the accompaniment is played.

In the original time and space, the author and singer of this song was a 17-year-old girl. She was only 15 years old when she wrote this song. However, this song is not only about the girl's worries, but also her reluctance to let go of the three years of junior high school. , expressing the commemoration of youthful years.

Different singers will bring different styles to a song.

As soon as Lu Yanhe opened his mouth, his voice was lower than that of "Dream Chasing Boy". It had a sunny and free voice texture, which blended into the slightly melancholy style of the song, making the people at the scene look up again in surprise.

 (End of this chapter)

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