Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 77: Still a senior in high school

Chapter 77 Still a senior in high school

 Why can’t people get along with each other in a less worldly and utilitarian way?

Lu Yanhe was in a difficult mood.

Recording a show with these people today was the most unforgettable night for him since he came to this world.

Lu Yanhe was a little unhappy, but as soon as he went out and saw Li Zhibai and Yan Liang looking at him through the car window, all those unhappy feelings were gone.

 He trotted down the steps and got into the car.

"Why did you come to pick me up?" Lu Yanhe chuckled, "We are friends enough."

Yan Liang said: "Li Zhibai said that you might not be able to get a taxi at night, so he came to pick you up."

Li Zhibai snorted and said, "It has nothing to do with me. It's Yan Liang who keeps asking why you haven't come back yet. If I don't come out, he won't know how long he will keep talking about it, so I quickly pulled him over."

Lu Yanhe nodded solemnly, "Whatever you say, I'm very touched. Thank you two elder brothers."

 “Get out of here.” Li Zhibai sneered, “Let’s go.”

 He released the handbrake, put it into gear, stepped on the accelerator, and drove onto the road.

 It’s really early in the morning.

 The dark night was illuminated by the city's night lights, making it look like a mirage.

Lu Yanhe yawned, "Sleepy."

“Are you not sleepy? You just slept for a few hours yesterday and stayed up late today.” Li Zhibai said, “You might as well ask for leave tomorrow morning and have a good rest.”

“I can’t take it. It’s already September, and the college entrance examination is coming up in a few days. I’m so stressed that I don’t even dare to take a day off.”

“Are you really planning to pass the college entrance examination and go to university?”

“Otherwise, why would I work hard every day?” Lu Yanhe sighed, “This is not the only way I can go.”

“You have received invitations to record programs, so the work here should gradually increase, right?” Yan Liang said.

"I don't have this hope. If the company really thinks that I can become famous through this shareholder's success, how can I record a show where the driver and assistant are not qualified, so I have to help myself?" Lu Yanhe chuckled, "I have to be sensible, I can't Daydreaming.”

Yan Liang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he seemed to really not know what to say in this situation. He hesitated for a moment before giving up and closed his mouth again.

“You seem like a different person this month. What, did you really fall into the water that time and choked you?”

"Roughly the same."

“That’s pretty good, then it’s worth it for you to fall into the water.” Li Zhibai nodded and praised.


Lu Yanhe closed his eyes and laughed.

He didn’t know why, but he suddenly had a sense of reality at this moment, a sense of reality about this world.

 He sat in Li Zhibai's car, talking to the two of them, and actually felt a little at ease.

Be it Li Zhibai or Yan Liang, they all bypassed his caution and precautions against this world. At some point, they were accepted by him unknowingly.

So, I admitted with peace of mind that I felt like a different person this month, no longer guilty and nervous, and chuckled calmly.

"You two, please work harder and don't be eliminated. I don't want to spend another three years adapting to someone else being my roommate." Li Zhibai said.

Yan Liang: “I think so too.”


 Because of the hair gel and foundation, Lu Yanhe could not sleep directly. He had to wash himself off before going to bed.

 I was so sleepy that my eyelids were so heavy that I felt like they were hanging from lead weights. I fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillow. That night, in his troubled dream, he saw himself standing on the stage singing, singing easily and freely, not nervous at all, completely enjoying the stage. The audience in the audience sang along with him, as if everyone will sing his songs.

He was immersed in this distorted dream bubble, and then he was attacked by a burst of pattering rain.

 The colorful stage is overlapped by mottled black shadows.

 He woke up suddenly and sat up.

what time is it? !

 Why hasn’t the alarm clock gone off yet? !

Lu Yanhe turned to look out the window. There was a mist, and it was really raining.

 I don’t know what’s wrong, but it keeps raining in the mornings lately.

He picked up his phone and looked at the time. It was just a little after six o'clock, and there was still half an hour before the alarm clock went off.

He had originally set his alarm clock back half an hour, originally scheduled for six o'clock, in order to sleep a little longer. Unexpectedly, his biological clock had been developed, and even if he stayed up so late, it would not affect him with a splitting headache like a hangover. wake up.

 He staggered out of bed to wash his face and brush his teeth.

When he came out, his eyes were dull and his head was like a chicken coop. He was seen by Yan Liang coming out of the room and received a heartfelt thumbs up.

 “You are awesome.” Yan Liang’s throat was mute.

Lu Yanhe yawned and complained to himself: "It's your own fault."

I put some water on my hair and combed it a few times, but it finally stopped blowing.

 Just forget it.

 Lu Yanhe went out holding an umbrella.

 Everything is business as usual.

Still taking the bus to school. The recording of the artist's program last night has passed. He is still the senior high school student who tries hard to avoid the morning rush hour every day.

Lu Yanhe felt tired all over his body when he thought about another program to be recorded tomorrow night.

This was just one recording, and it felt like a sledgehammer hit him hard. If it continued for a long time, he felt that he would collapse.

 But when the opportunity does come, can he make the choice?

 At this time, it is always difficult for rationality to defeat the greed that wants both fish and bear's paw.

 Because these opportunities are not yet at the point where he can give them up without heartache or regret.

I can only say that fortunately tomorrow's program is a workplace observation program. There is no rehearsal and it does not require him to record for a long time. It is recorded in the afternoon and can be finished at 6 or 7 pm. The whole process only requires watching some amateurs' survival in the workplace in the studio. Snippets, react, post some thoughts, it’s relatively simple.

If it was still this kind of show that required preparation and rehearsal in advance, he really didn’t know how to do it.

When he arrived at school, Lu Yanhe took out his English notebook, went through the knowledge points and new vocabulary he had compiled in the past two days, and then reviewed the geography and climate knowledge points he had compiled before.

Liberal arts has a very distinctive feature. These knowledge points must be passed over and over again. Otherwise, someone like him who has no previous accumulation will memorize it that night and forget it the next day. He does not really understand it and is just memorizing it by rote. back.

Helan told him in the live broadcast room that these points in the three liberal arts and comprehensive subjects must be read over and over again, memorized, and then understood. Only then will those things be slowly built into a logical framework.

 Many science students feel that liberal arts are illogical. Lu Yanhe had the same impression before, but if you really want to get high marks in the exam, you actually have to understand the logic.

For example, the main reasons for the demise of each dynasty, why are they the main reasons, why are the main reasons for the demise of each dynasty different, and how do the differences arise? Why are there these differences? What are the economic, political and cultural factors that form these differences?

Lu Yanhe was sorting it out and thinking about it, and gradually he felt some interesting things. It was no longer a simple and boring historical record.

 (End of this chapter)

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