Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 83: A sunny morning

Chapter 83 A sunny morning

 The heat in Lu Yanhe went as quickly as it came.

By Friday morning, on his way to school, there were not so many people giving him surprised looks because they recognized him.

 A bright sunny morning.

Lu Yanhe slept comfortably for six and a half hours and felt much more relaxed.

 He was holding a bun and eating it while standing at the bus stop.

 English news is playing in the headphones.

Thanks to this era where technology is still advanced, he has various ways to improve his preparation efficiency.

 Police Officer Qiu's car stopped in front of him again.

 The car windows are rolled down.

"Get in the car." Qiu Ling didn't ask any questions this time and just called him to get in the car.

Lu Yanhe smiled in surprise.

“Officer Qiu, why are you so early?”

 It’s only half past six in the morning.

Qiu Ling said: "Something happened."

She drove very fast, and Lu Yanhe was a little nervous.

“A lot of people are paying attention to you these days, right?” Qiu Ling asked with a smile.

“A lot of people.” Lu Yanhe said, “They also saved my career, which was on the verge of death, a little bit. I went to record a program yesterday.”

"Really?" Qiu Ling was pleasantly surprised, "Okay, what show is it? I'll go check it out later."

 “A web variety show, "Little Songs Gathering" by Northern Lights Platform."

 “What kind of program is this? I haven’t heard of it.”

 “The show is not very popular.”

Qiu Ling said: "Your certificate of commendation and banner have come down. We plan to go to Qi school to give them to you next Monday."

"Ah? School? Why do you want to go to school?" Lu Yanhe said, "Why don't you just bring it to me directly after get off work? We live so close to each other anyway."

“Do you think this is just a gift for me to give you an apple?” Qiu Ling rolled her eyes, “I’m going to hold a ceremony for you in the presence of representatives from your school. It’s very formal.”

 “Ah…” Is there still such a thing? Lu Yanhe somehow didn't want to face the embarrassment of "social death".

In front of everyone, he was awarded a pennant for "brave deeds of justice". He had to accept the pennant solemnly and take photos with others. He dug his toes into the ground just thinking about it.

 “What are you doing? Don’t you want to?”

 “It feels...awkward.”

"Embarrassed?" Qiu Ling looked at him in shock and said, "As an artist, why are you afraid of being embarrassed? You usually face so many people."

“There are so many people, all of whom I don’t know, and all the people in the school are people I know, how can this be the same?” Lu Yanhe immediately retorted.

Qiu Ling still doesn’t understand.

 “This is commendation, it’s an honor, it’s a good thing, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”

 “You don’t understand the world of our young people.”

Qiu Ling's eyes instantly exuded murderous intent.

 “What do you mean, you mean I’m old?”

The murderous intent on Qiu Ling's face filled the narrow carriage space. Lu Yanhe was so desperate for life that he stopped seeking death and immediately said: "You are only two or three years older than us, why are you older! You put on your school uniform and enter In our school, the security will never stop you.”

Qiu Ling then retracted her knife-like gaze with satisfaction.

“Anyway, stop talking nonsense, we will come over next Monday.” She said, “Just stay at school.”

Lu Yanhe nodded dejectedly: "I understand."

Qiu Ling sent Lu Yanhe to the gate of No. 13 Middle School.

 “Thank you, Officer Qiu, I’m leaving.”

“Hmm.” Lu Yanhe got out of the car and waved to Qiu Ling.

 Qiu Ling lowered her chin and left.


Lu Yanhe turned around and walked toward school.

 A gust of wind blew, and it was already a little hot.

 The weather in September, as long as it doesn't rain, is just that compared to August, the ground cannot bake hard-boiled eggs. It's still hot. The sunshine starts to burn people before seven o'clock in the morning.

 He quickly walked into the teaching building and found Xu Zijun in front of him.

 Lu Yanhe got to know many of the classmates in the class one after another. Xu Zijun was the first to get to know them, but he never had any more contact with them.

 She is indeed too silent and rarely speaks in the class. Unlike Linyu, although she also studies very hard, she is always surrounded by other people and everyone likes her.

Xu Zijun finished the first floor and turned around to walk up. Lu Yanhe saw Xu Zijun lowered his head and his eyes were red, and he raised his hand to wipe his eyes.

 This is, are you crying?

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

It was only then that Xu Zijun noticed that Lu Yanhe had appeared behind her at some point.

She paused and glanced at Lu Yanhe in bewilderment, then quickened her pace and ran away, as if she didn't want him to see her crying.

What's up with her?

Lu Yanhe came to the classroom, but did not see Xu Zijun. He probably went to the bathroom.

 She didn’t want him to see it, and she certainly didn’t want other students in the class to see it.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head.

"Linyu, have you thought about it?" As soon as he sat down, he heard Chen Yi's voice.

Chen Yi is also one of the students with the best grades in their class, ranked only behind Lin Yu in the overall ranking.

Linyu asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Yi said: "Which school are you going to enroll in independently?"

Linyu shook her head: "I haven't thought about it yet."

 Chen Yi sighed and looked very troubled, "The main reason is that this year, several universities that can obtain recommendation qualifications require signing of enrollment agreements."

"Yes." Lin Yu also showed a helpless smile, "This is where I am still hesitating. The schools that can get the recommendation qualification are not our target universities, but if you want to get the quota for independent enrollment in the end, You have to sign a study agreement, which is very frustrating.”

Chen Yi said: "I discussed it with my parents. They felt that my performance was too unstable, and they wanted me to guarantee my performance."

Chen Yi's fluctuations are indeed relatively large. When he does well in the exam, he can be admitted into the top three in the grade, but if he fails in the exam, he can slip to around the 20th in the grade.

Of course, these are the worries of top academics.

Lu Yanhe just thought of what Xu Zijun looked like just after hearing their conversation.

 Is she sad that she did not get the independent admissions recommendation quota of her favorite university?

 At this time, Xu Zijun came in.

 Her eyes still looked a little red, but they were about as normal as they could be.

 She also took a cautious look at Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe pretended that he didn't notice anything and just nodded lightly to her.

 Today’s morning self-study time is English.

Lao Chen entered the classroom two minutes early and found a few classmates to hand out the reading comprehension questions they took last night's test.

 He walked directly to Lu Yanhe first and said, "You have made great progress recently."

"Ah? Really?" Lu Yanhe looked at Lao Chen with some flatterment.

 Did he accidentally expose his true strength?

 That’s not right, he clearly remembered that he deliberately answered half of the questions wrong last night.

Lao Chen said: "Although half of the answers are still wrong, I can see from the marks you made on the original text that you found basically every key point. The reason why you got the wrong answer is because you don't know those words."

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses.

 It was careless!

 (End of this chapter)

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