Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 87: The battlefield of quarrels

Chapter 87 The battlefield of the quarrel

Zhou Ping'an finished explaining to Li Zhibai and was about to leave. He glanced at Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang who were standing nearby and said, "You'd better not go out these two days. They all know that you are Li Zhibai's teammates. "

Tomorrow happened to be the weekend, so they had no objection and nodded.

Zhou Ping'an left, and it seemed that he was here specifically to explain to them.

Li Zhibai clicked his tongue, smiled bitterly, and said, "I'm sorry, I have caused trouble for you."

This statement is full of self-deprecation.

“It’s okay, just buy some of Xu Jilai’s takeout tomorrow to compensate us.” Lu Yanhe said, “It just so happens that I haven’t eaten for a long time.”

Yan Liang looked at Lu Yanhe with confusion, wondering why Lu Yanhe wanted to blackmail Li Zhibai at this time.

Li Zhibai smiled.

“Okay, I can still afford Xu Jilai’s takeaway.”

“I’m going to study live, bye.” Lu Yanhe nodded to them, “Yan Liang made the rice, and I’ll leave the bowl to you to wash.”

Yan Liang was about to say that he could just wash it, when he suddenly heard Li Zhibai say coldly, "Yan Liang cooks and I wash the dishes, what do you do?"

Lu Yanhe chuckled and said, "I'm responsible for ripping off people."

 Li Zhibai: “…”

 He turned to Yan Liang and said, "Does this guy deserve a beating?"

Yan Liang: "Don't be angry with him. I don't know if he took the wrong medicine today. It's okay. I'll just wash the dishes."

Li Zhibai waved his hand: "Here I go, **** it, Lu Yanhe, if it wasn't for his senior year in high school, I would have beaten him up."

Looking at Li Zhibai's spirit now, Yan Liang suddenly understood Lu Yanhe's actions.



Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast is as lackluster as ever.

 However, the excitement in the barrage room is increasing day by day.

 It's strange, maybe because Lu Yanhe's live broadcast screen doesn't change much most of the time. Many people are concentrating on speaking in the barrage, and there are still people chatting, just like the strangers in the early years.

Helan was amazed when she watched everyone in the comment room talking about the dramas they were following, the celebrities and idols they were fans of, and all kinds of weird things they had encountered.

 There is an inexplicable feeling of prosperity.

 The number of views in the live broadcast room today is stable between 1,500-2,000, with no particularly large fluctuations.

Of course, there are no more luxurious gifts.

Lu Yanhe specially added a suffix to his live broadcast room - reward rationally and avoid impulsiveness. The anchor is stingy and will not return it.

Helan couldn't help laughing when she saw it.

Suddenly, someone mentioned in the barrage: It seems that Lu Yanhe’s recording of "Little Songs Gathering Together" will be broadcast on Sunday. Will you watch it?

Helan saw this speech and immediately went to search. Sure enough, the program officially previewed the content of this Sunday's broadcast, including Lu Yanhe.


 Helan was elated at this moment.

Since she met Lu Yanhe, she has never seen Lu Yanhe's program. There are programs he appeared on online, but to be fair, they are not very good.

He Lan felt that it didn't look like the Lu Yanhe she knew.

 The real Lu Yanhe... is actually a very sunny person. Helan has always felt that as long as Lu Yanhe has the opportunity to be seen by more people, it will definitely change everyone's impression of him.

In the live broadcast room, Lu Yanhe had no idea what everyone was talking about.

 As soon as he starts studying, he stays focused.

 Lu Yanhe had already developed this habit before crossing over. If you can't concentrate on something, it's better to stop and not do it.

He once sat in front of his desk at the end of the day, reading and doing questions all the time, but the actual effect was very bad, and he spent most of the time in a daze.

In order to force himself to concentrate, Lu Yanhe used a method to break down the learning tasks into small tasks, leaving fifteen minutes of rest time between each task, and then set a completion time for each task, and completed it , you can rest, and continue if you can’t finish it.

 It is quite effective to improve your concentration in this way.

Of course, this is also based on his own desire to improve his concentration.

 If you don’t have this idea, no matter how many ways you think of, it will be in vain.


 At about 10:30 in the evening, someone spoke in Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room and said: Have you seen the news about Li Zhi Baijia?

Someone immediately asked: Who is Li Zhibai?

When Helan looked up at the barrage room, she found that someone had already introduced who Li Zhibai was, and had also posted details of what happened to Li Zhibai's family to the barrage room.

The four words "forcing someone to jump off a building" are obviously extremely eye-catching words in the online world.

 Everyone was discussing this matter, completely forgetting whose live broadcast room this was.

After Helan noticed this, he was a little surprised and searched for it on the Internet.

 There are quite a lot of reports and discussions about this matter on the Internet.

Although the name of the deceased was specifically concealed in the official notification, some people with great supernatural powers found the specific information about this person and described in a realistic way why he jumped from the building.

"Zhou Qi is the person in charge of a real estate project of the Rui Vision Group. He previously served as the assistant to Li Rui (the CEO of the Rui Vision Group and Li Zhibai's father) and is one of Li Rui's confidants. But this time he is responsible for The project has great hidden dangers. It is said that it was secretly investigated a month ago. It seems that there are big problems with the source and circulation of the project funds. There is suspicion of money laundering. The matter is uncontrollable. Ruishi Group needs someone to take the blame. , so Zhou Qi was forced to jump off the building under such circumstances.”

This content was written in a thoughtful way, and someone also posted information that Li Rui and his wife went abroad a few days ago. Many people suspected that they were absconding out of fear of crime.

 Everyone on the Internet expressed their dissatisfaction with Zhou Qi, calling Li Rui an evil capitalist. They then followed up with Hate House and Wu Di to scold Li Zhibai and told him to get out of the entertainment industry.

 Li Zhibai has been on the hot search list.

There was a lot of curses.

He has many fans, and many people expressed their belief in Li Zhibai and are waiting for the results of the police investigation.

 It's just that such remarks have no credibility in the current public opinion environment, and will only be regarded as "brainless fans".

Helan sighed softly.

No one can say that Li Zhibai suffered an unreasonable disaster, but Helan felt that Li Zhibai was actually innocent no matter how he looked at it.

  Li Zhibai has two endorsement brands and has deleted all updates about Li Zhibai, but he has not terminated the endorsement relationship - he should still be waiting for further news.

  What happened after Zhou Qi jumped from the building? There is no conclusion whether the rumors on the Internet are true or false.

 Helan returned to Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room, only to find that there was a quarrel in the barrage room.

 Li Zhibai's fans and some people in the live broadcast room exchanged curses in the comments, which were very unpleasant.

Helan was suddenly a little anxious, not wanting to see Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room become a battlefield for others to quarrel.

 (End of this chapter)

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