Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 9: Hidden academic master

 Chapter 9 The Hidden Academic Master

Yan Liang was surprised to find that Lu Yanhe was serious about preparing for the college entrance examination seriously.

For three consecutive days on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Lu Yanhe got up early every day and took the bus to school.

 I don’t know why, but the company didn’t even arrange a car to take him there.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that he would re-accept the pace of life in his senior year of high school so quickly.

He really thought that after he came to this parallel world, he would start working as an eighteenth-tier star in the entertainment industry.

Who knows, I started struggling from a poor student.

Lu Yanhe’s change not only shocked Yan Liang and Li Zhibai, but also shocked the teachers and students of No. 13 Middle School.

 On the school forum, someone asked very exaggeratedly: What happened to Lu Yanhe? Why did he suddenly come to school so diligently?

 Because Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang both attended No. 13 Middle School, many people in this school paid attention to the Fengzhi group.

Someone immediately said: The Fengzhi group will be disbanded soon. Did Lu Yanhe find that he will not be able to get a job soon, so he decided to change his track and take the college entrance examination?

 Lu Yanhe did not pay attention to the school forum and did not know what everyone was talking about him.

 In these three days, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to his world of learning. Study the scope of knowledge points in the exam, use the previous mock papers to evaluate by yourself, and check for any gaps. In every class, Lu Yanhe listened carefully. Of course, he did not do his homework - this was his "privilege" as an artist. No teacher would pursue whether a student who has not been in school all year round has completed his homework on time.

 He doesn’t do homework because it is too inefficient for him at this stage.

There will be a monthly exam this Saturday, and Lu Yanhe is going to take it seriously to see what level he can get.

Since the goal is Yuming and Zhenhua, you must at least be in the top three of your grade to qualify for these two universities.

 Thursday, after school in the afternoon, Lu Yanhe went to the school express delivery point to pick up the books Yan Liang ordered online.

Even though he was cursing, Yan Liang still placed an order for the book list Lu Yanhe sent him.

 As a result, there were more than a dozen books, packed in several packages, stacked in Lu Yanhe's hand, teetering on the edge.

His classmates Chen Qin and Linyu suddenly appeared and took part of it from his hand.

Linyu asked curiously: "Lu Yanhe, what did you buy? Why so much?"

“Books.” Lu Yanhe said. He looked at the young couple who had been in love since their second year of high school and said “thank you” again.

 Chen Qin turned his head impatiently.

Linyu smiled softly and said you're welcome.

 “Why have you been coming to school these past few days?”

Before Lu Yanhe could answer, Chen Qin said with disdain: "Why else? Their group is about to be disbanded, and he has no other job."

Linyu frowned and shouted "Chen Qin" in a stern voice. Apparently she felt that it was too much for her boyfriend to say such words in front of others.

Lu Yanhe raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "He's right."

 Linyu opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Chen Qin looked at Lu Yanhe unexpectedly, as if he didn't expect Lu Yanhe to admit it.

Lu Yanhe said: "Aside from the fact that I have no other job in the future, I also want to see what I can do in the exam if I study hard."

He said this in the most gentle and polite tone, with a sneer in his heart: Just wait to be slapped in the face by my ability to pass the 985 exam!

 Chen Qin sighed, "You don't think that you can get into the top 20 in the class by just working hard for a few days, do you? Do you think you are a genius?"  Lu Yanhe chuckled in his heart.

 I am not a genius, but I am a time-traveler who cheated.

 He did not answer the call.

Linyu glared at her boyfriend helplessly and tried to calm down: "Lu Yanhe, come on."

In a school like No. 13 Middle School, which is not particularly good, basically only the top ten in grade can compete for C9-level colleges and universities.

 Linyu has always been ranked among the top ten in her grade, while Chen Qin has fluctuated a bit, falling into the 20th or 30th grade range from time to time.

Of course, no matter what, he is much better than someone like Lu Yanhe, whose grade ranking is over 500.

 Chen Qin’s words reminded Lu Yanhe that this monthly exam cannot be improved too significantly at once.

 It’s too obvious and it looks like cheating.

Back in the classroom, Lu Yanhe opened the package and took out books, which were all general readings related to history and geography.

Since the scope of the college entrance examination questions frequently exceeds the syllabus, he can only expand his reading scope. He cannot sit in the college entrance examination examination room scratching his head and rely on "three long and one short to choose the short one, three short and one long to choose the long one" like he did in the original time and space. "Come on."

 The students around him saw the books stacked high on his desk and looked at him in shock.

Some people secretly took photos and posted them on the school forum, saying: I think Lu Yanhe was taken away from him, he actually bought so many books for himself!


 At night, in the practice room of Star Entertainment Agency, Zhou Pingan and other Yan Liang finished their dance practice and walked in.

When Yan Liang saw his agent coming in, he quickly stood up and called Brother Ping An.

Zhou Ping'an smiled and patted Yan Liang. Yan Liang was the most worry-free child in the Fengzhi group. He was hard-working, progressive, did few things, and was obedient.

 “You’re going to record “Hello, Life” tomorrow, are you ready?”

“Well, I have been practicing dancing for a week, and the teacher said it is very good.”

"That's good." Zhou Pingan said, "I replaced you in the program "Supernova Games" and let Li Zhibai play. Are you not unhappy in your heart?"

Yan Liang hesitated for a moment and then said, "I listen to Brother Ping'an."

"This time in the Supernova Games, professional young athletes have been invited to participate in every event. Therefore, you basically have no hope of winning the championship. This is not in line with the company's positioning of you as an athlete. Considering this, I temporarily Replaced by Li Zhibai, he is lazy and fishing anyway. All fans know that no one will be surprised if you can paddle in sports, but if you do not win the championship, you will be questioned. "

Zhou Pingan briefly explained the reason for this arrangement.

  Yan Liangliang’s constant fighting spirit subsided, so that’s how it turned out.

 He laughed with relief.

 “So that’s it.”

"Although "Hello, Life!" is a slow variety show, it has a large audience, so you have to perform well." Zhou Pingan pointed out, "Don't be too noisy, and don't keep your head down working. Remember to find the camera for yourself. When you’re not sure about some performance points, you’d rather give up than make a mistake, you know?”


“By the way, I haven’t seen Lu Yanhe these days. Do you know what he is doing?” Zhou Pingan asked Yan Liang casually.

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 (End of this chapter)

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