Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 94: negotiation

Chapter 94 Negotiation

 From Lu Yanhe’s original memory, there is absolutely nothing that offended Zhou Pingan.

Ping'an wanted to drive him away that week. There must be reasons that Lu Yanhe didn't know.

Coupled with the fact that Lu Yanhe always remembered the incident of being pushed into the river, Lu Yanhe knew that his situation after crossing over would not be so safe and sound.

  The person who secretly pushed him into the river, and the person who openly wanted to drive him out of the entertainment industry.

Taking the circumstances of Lu Yanhe, a transparent artist who has lost both his parents and is frustrated in the entertainment industry, without even offending anyone, how did he end up in this seemingly crisis-ridden situation?

Lu Yanhe tried to get some clues from Zhou Ping'an's mouth.

However, after Zhou Pingan took a long breath, he only said: "How can this short-lived performance offset your abysmal performance in the past two or three years? Don't think that just because you sang this song, the company can If you stay, there is no need to discuss the matter of terminating the contract!”

 Lu Yanhe was silent for two seconds.

When Zhou Ping'an thought Lu Yanhe was suffocated by his momentum, he heard Lu Yanhe chuckle softly on the other end of the phone and said, "Is that so? That's okay. It just so happens that tomorrow the people from the TV station will accompany the police to give me the certificate." As a banner of courage, Brother Ping An, why not announce this tomorrow. "

Zhou Ping'an almost didn't mention it in one breath, his eyes almost popped out, and he cursed loudly.

 Fortunately, he held back as he had some sanity left.

"Lu Yanhe, if nothing else, the company has raised you for three years, so that you can study in high school and have no worries about food and clothing." Zhou Ping'an said coldly, "If the company hadn't signed you, I would have treated you as your uncle did. Attitude, do you think you can talk to me like this now? You will either have to be a waiter cleaning dishes, or your uncle will send you to work in a factory! "

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.

"Brother Ping'an, I don't want to bite you back, but this is what you said. If the company terminates my contract at this time, will I still be able to finish high school? If you want to cut off my future, then I will have no choice but to fight to the death." He said calmly in an angry voice.

 This is negotiating.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how Zhou Ping’an would accept the move.

 But this is the best opportunity.

 For this reason, if Zhou Pingan does not give in, then Lu Yanhe will have no choice but to think of other tricks.

Zhou Pingan was silent for a long time, and his tone returned to calm.

 The calmness is also mixed with a more indifferent mood.

"What do you want?"

"I know that if I don't want to terminate the contract and stay in the company shamelessly, you have many ways to disgust me and force me to terminate the contract. Although I don't know why you want to force me to leave, but I hope that this will happen at least before I take the college entrance examination. After that." Lu Yanhe said, "Brother Ping'an, I don't want to be a waiter wiping dishes, nor do I want to be sent to a factory to be a worker. If you let me take the college entrance examination normally, then, as long as the company doesn't want to keep me, I will. Take the initiative to terminate the contract with the company.”

 Lu Yanhe adopted a compromising tone.

“Whether the company wants to keep you or not, you must terminate your contract with the company.” Zhou Pingan said without hesitation.

“If the company doesn’t want to terminate the contract with me, and I take the initiative to terminate the contract, I will pay the termination fee. You know my situation, I can’t afford the compensation.”

 Zhou Ping'an said: "That won't happen."

"When you came to me to sign the contract, you also told me that there would be no termination of the contract midway." Lu Yanhe said, "When you came to me, you told me to trust you." Zhou Pingan was silent.

"Okay, then I will draw up a termination agreement now. You sign it and it will take effect after the college entrance examination next year." Zhou Pingan said, "The termination agreement states that the two parties decided to terminate the contract through friendly negotiation. There is no breach of contract by either party, but You keep this matter secret, and you cannot tell anyone, including anyone in the company, before you officially terminate the contract with the company, otherwise you will have to pay liquidated damages."

 Lu Yanhe: “Okay.”


 After hanging up the phone, Lu Yanhe picked up the pen and started writing on the paper:

1. Zhou Pingan must terminate the contract with him. This matter is not the will of the company. It can be basically confirmed that it is based on Zhou Pingan's personal wishes. Otherwise, Zhou Pingan does not need to emphasize "You can't tell anyone, including anyone in the company." ".

2. Zhou Pingan may not be the one who must terminate the contract with him. After talking for so long, including when he provoked Zhou Pingan with angry questions, Zhou Pingan did not answer any questions about why he targeted him in this way. Lu Yanhe Although there is no evidence, there is a strong feeling that Zhou Pingan himself may not know why he terminated the contract with him.


 After gathering his thoughts, Lu Yanhe suddenly felt happy. He was grateful that he had been in the social news and was commended by the police for "acting bravely in justice".

 Otherwise, based on his previous luck mentality, he might not be able to survive until the end of the college entrance examination, and he would be forced to leave by Zhou Pingan.

 A small artist like him, who has no background and no energy, has almost no power to fight back in front of an agent with power and energy like Zhou Pingan.

 After reviewing the conversation with Zhou Pingan and confirming that he did not say anything wrong, Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.


 Zhou Ping'an looked at the phone that had ended the call, sat on the sofa, frowned, and fell into deep thought.

Tonight's phone call with Lu Yanhe made him feel out of control for the first time. Zhou Ping'an had always felt that he had 100% control over Lu Yanhe. In his impression, Lu Yanhe was just a kid who couldn't beat anything. He didn't understand anything and was submissive. If it weren't for the fact that he had to wait until the group disbanded before terminating the contract, which seemed more reasonable and would not attract attention, he would have driven Lu Yanhe away long ago.

Unexpectedly, until now, Lu Yanhe has lost control.

How dare he talk to him with that attitude?

Just because you have been in the social news recently, you have gained some fame and become a little popular, so do you have the confidence to resist him?

 Fortunately, he finally agreed.

This agreement must be signed immediately, otherwise the night will be long and dreams will be endless.

 At this moment, his cell phone rang.

 At first glance, the caller showed Vice President Ma.

Zhou Ping'an immediately frowned again.

 “Hey, Mr. Ma!” Zhou Pingan shouted enthusiastically.

"Yes, yes, he did appear on a variety show today, but there is nothing we can do about it. Mr. Hong has already personally inquired about his affairs. In order to prevent Mr. Hong from becoming suspicious, I can only pick up two rounds from Lu Yanhe first. program."

“Don’t worry, I have already agreed with Lu Yanhe that the contract termination agreement will be signed tomorrow. Once his college entrance examination is over, the contract termination agreement will take effect. There will be no problem with this matter.”

"Mr. Ma, there is nothing we can do. He has just been in the social news and will be commended by the police tomorrow. It is too ugly for us to terminate his contract at this time. Everyone will pay attention to this matter. Once Mr. Hong asks, he will also It’s hard to explain.”

“Don’t worry, there will definitely be no problem with this matter. Once the termination agreement is signed tomorrow, I will send a copy to your office.”

 (End of this chapter)

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