Become invincible from genius

Chapter 593 Danta Ancestor

Just in the past few months, Dan Chen and Cao Ying understood that the pinnacle of alchemy in the Dou Qi Continent would only come from the hands of Xiao Yan. That means that both the Danta and the Medicine Clan will lose the title and status of the Alchemist Holy Land. In the future, the Yan League will have more top alchemists pouring in, becoming the strongest Alchemist Holy Land surpassing the Danta and the Medicine Clan.

All because Yan League has Xiao Yan.

Danchen's eyes suddenly showed a hint of determination, and he nodded: "Yes, I will join too, I don't want to be pulled away by you."

"Giggle, I remember you lost to me the elixir you refined three months ago." Cao Ying recovered instantly, covered her mouth and chuckled, looking at Dan Chen with a hint of provocation in her eyes.

When Cao Ying challenged her alchemy skills in this way, Dan Chen, who had always been submissive, showed a rare hint of dissatisfaction and said: "This time. This time I will definitely not lose."

"Haha, let's have a competition to see who can refine the quality of the elixir better."


Cao Ying looked in the direction of the void with her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help but murmur in her heart: "If I had met you earlier, would the outcome have been different?"

At this time, in the void, Xiao Yan naturally didn't know that Cao Ying and Dan Chen had made such a bold decision as he had just stepped forward.

Seeing Xiao Yan coming from the void, Zi Yan twitched her nose, pouted and said displeasedly: "Change these clothes, I don't like the smell of that woman."

For Warcraft, smell can mean many things.

Xiao Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but in the face of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor's moodiness, he, the little Yanzi, had no choice but to obey, changed out of the alchemist's robe, took out the soul robe and put it on.

After seeing Xiao Yan put on the soul robe, Zi Yan jumped on Xiao Yan's back, clamped Xiao Yan's body firmly with her hands and feet, put her chin on Xiao Yan's shoulder, and asked with a smile: " So where do we go now?”

"Go back to Yanmeng first and let Sister Yafei investigate where this Dongtian Town is."

Looking for such an unknown town, it is estimated that even the Soul Palace does not know about it. After all, the information from the Soul Palace is used for big things. The Soul Palace only has spies in some large cities. It is impossible to have such a remote small town. The Soul Palace exists.

Fortunately, the Miter Chamber of Commerce is a commercial organization with a large number spread across many small cities. We knew that even small cities like Wutan City had the Miter Chamber of Commerce.

The Miter Chamber of Commerce is not just about buying and selling goods in big cities. Most of the sources of goods are funded by the chamber of commerce, hiring mercenary groups and setting up herb collection teams, and then going to some mountains and forests to find and hunt monsters, thereby obtaining magic cores, Medicinal materials and other things.

Sometimes if some hidden secrets, ancestor ruins, dangerous places, or dangerous places are discovered, the headquarters will be notified and disciples of the Yunlan Sect or strong men from the Jiama Empire will be sent to dig.

Many of Yanmeng's missions involve going to a certain place to assist in excavation.

This is the basic operation process of a large force, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The operation of the Yan League's schedule is so complicated that even Xiao Yan feels a headache.

"Humph, it's that vixen again." Zi Yan looked unhappy when she heard Ya Fei's name.

Xiao Yan smiled bitterly, then tore through the void and flew thousands of miles towards the Jiama Empire.

It is a pity that Yafei is not in the Gama Empire at this time, but is dealing with problems in other cities. Fortunately, Yafei seemed to have expected it, and compiled a very detailed and complete map of the Douqi Continent in advance. material.

It contains the locations of all branches of the Miter Chamber of Commerce, as well as the locations of some small cities and towns. These small cities also mark the weird things that have happened over the years.

He was just afraid that Xiao Yan would need to find a place someday to find something.

"Found it, outside a small city in a small border country in the southeast region." After some searching, Xiao Yan finally found Dongtian Town. Fortunately, there is a place with a name like Dongtian Town. There is only one Dou Qi Continent. If there is If there were hundreds of them, Xiao Yan would be annoyed to death.

Not long after, on the edge of Ercheng in the Kale Empire in the southeastern region, outside a small town similar to Qingshan Town, a man in ordinary clothes and a little girl who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old suddenly appeared. No one knew about them. How did it appear.

Xiao Yan turned his head to look and saw a huge stone tablet with the word "Dongtian" engraved on it casually placed on the ground.

"Is this Dongtian Town? It's so similar to Qingshan Town." Xiao Yan looked at the town, which was very similar to Qingshan Town where Xiao Yan first met the Little Medical Fairy.

There were people coming and going in the town, and most of them were mercenaries who worked hard all day long. They were in groups, holding each other's arms, frothing on the streets, and discussing the town unscrupulously. Where the women are the most delicious, where the wine is the strongest, where the monsters are the most ferocious, whoever discovers something good in the mountains and becomes rich overnight.

Zi Yan's big watery eyes were full of curiosity. It was her first time coming to such a fringe town, so she was naturally curious about some things here.

Walking on the streets paved with bluestone, Zi Yan's small and beautiful appearance naturally attracted a lot of attention. From the clothes of Xiao Yan and Zi Yan, it was not difficult to tell that they were definitely not from this town. resident.

But when Zi Yan destroyed a big tree with one punch, all the mercenaries shrank their heads and did not dare to say a word.

This is a cruel master!

Xiao Yan and Zi Yan walked on both sides of the street. There were many shops, and because of the geographical location, they were quite popular. Xiao Yan glanced at the brightly lit shops with interest, and when his eyes fell We stopped at a rather spacious snack bar.

The two of them looked at each other and thought for a moment before walking into the noodle shop called "Xiao Zhang Noodle House".

Because both Xiao Yan and Zi Yan sensed a different aura from this small noodle shop. Although it was well hidden, they still could not escape Xiao Yan's soul power and Zi Yan's perception as a magical beast.

There is a top powerhouse in this noodle shop! Definitely a fighting saint level!

Xiao Yan even secretly prepared the soul order. This place was no longer in the small alchemy tower, and they would face the ancestor of the alchemy tower that even the master of the soul palace was unwilling to provoke.

According to the information Xiao Yan inquired in the small Dan Pagoda, although the Dan Pagoda Ancestor transformed by Xuandan is mysterious in strength, the last time the Ancestor appeared, he showed the terrifying strength of the Five-Star Fighting Saint. The master of the palace fought hard and finally defeated it.

And now after so many years, who knows if this Danta ancestor has become stronger.

Entering the noodle shop, Xiao Yan and Zi Yan also stopped and looked carefully at the old shop in front of them. For ordinary people, this shop is already very old, at least thirty or forty years old.

Although thirty-four years is not a long time for Dou Sheng, it is definitely an old store in a small town like this. The beams, pillars and tiles of the store are all covered with a thick layer of old ash from the fireworks.

On the shop, there is a plaque hanging crookedly. This plaque is not old, but rather new. It must have been replaced not long ago. The four big characters of Xiaozhang Noodle Shop are painted with gold paint and are resplendent.

The four words "Xiao Zhang Noodle Shop" are written very dignifiedly. At least from these four words, the person who wrote them is very hardworking and serious, and his attitude is also very dignified. They are just ordinary words without any connotation. Mysterious powers such as sword intention and Dao intention are just ordinary words.

Xiao Yan and Zi Yan walked into the store and saw several tables in the store. Although these five or six tables were old, they were wiped very well and looked very clean and hygienic. It will give people a dirty feeling.

At this time, there were several tables of mercenaries sitting in the noodle shop eating noodles. Xiao Yan found a corner where no one was sitting and sat down. There is also a back room in the store, but there is a curtain hanging at the door, so you can't see clearly what's going on behind it.

"We've arrived."

As soon as Xiao Yan sat down, he saw a young man who looked about 20 or 30 years old, opening the curtains of the kitchen and carrying several large chicken bowls on wooden plates. The chicken bowls were full of noodles and a few A large piece of meat, and the alluring smell of pork bone soup hit her face instantly, making Zi Yan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Zi Yan usually eats a lot of pills, but not much human food. When she smells this tangy fragrance, Zi Yan can't help but cry out.

"It's finally here. If I don't eat your noodles for a whole day, I always feel that I have no energy for the whole day. I don't even have the energy to hunt monsters."

"That's right, it has to be affordable for your family."

"Hahaha, Xiao Zhang, you have grown up a lot, and my daughter has reached the age of marriage. Are you interested?"

The young man holding the face suddenly blushed, shook his head quickly and said, "I'll go greet the guests first."

As if running away, the young man hurried to the table where Xiao Yan and Zi Yan were sitting, and asked with a smile: "Two guests, what would you like to order?"

Looking at the blushing man in front of him, Xiao Yan looked at him deeply, then showed a smile and said: "Here are two bowls of your most famous noodles, and some side dishes."

Xiao Yan seemed to inadvertently put the small card with Dongtian Town on the table. The moment he saw the small card, a light flashed in the young man's eyes, but the light flashed away as if nothing happened. Live the same.

If Xiao Yan and Zi Yan weren't both at the Fighting Saint level, they wouldn't be able to detect it at all.

Xiao Zhang naturally didn't notice anything. After recording it, he nodded and said, "Please wait a moment, I'll be here soon."

There is no doubt that this young man called Xiao Zhang is the legendary ancestor of the Dan Pagoda who protects the safety of the Dan Pagoda and even the master of the Soul Palace is somewhat afraid of him. It is hard to imagine that a creature that stands at the pinnacle of Dou Qi Continent, a ninth-grade Xuandan with independent consciousness, would actually shop in such a small town.

"Xiao Yan, that person is very powerful." Zi Yan frowned slightly, revealing a dignified look. She also noticed the young man's true identity and strength, and sent a message to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, on the other hand, acted very calmly and said: "Since the Danta ancestor deliberately arranged such an empty warehouse to attract us to meet, he won't have to fight with us."

"Let's have some noodles. You can taste the craftsmanship of the Danta ancestor. No one in the entire Little Danta has this honor."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but laugh. The mercenary group here was really happy. A ninth-grade Xuandan was cooked for them personally. He didn't know if eating it would extend his life.

Of course, the Danta Ancestor probably sealed all his memories and powers. The Danta Ancestor he sees now is an extremely ordinary young man.

It is estimated that even if he is killed, his strength will not come out to protect him, because for the Danta ancestor, he needs to comprehend a period of life, and birth, old age, illness and death are also part of it.

Only when the life of this body completely disappears and dies, the ancestor of the Danta will turn back into a Xuandan.

Xiao Yan was not in a hurry. After eating the noodles, he and Zi Yan went shopping in Dongtian Town until late at night, when the small noodle shop closed.

Xiao Zhang, who was resting and sleeping soundly as usual, suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange wave spread from his body.

At this time, Xiao Zhang's eyes became extremely deep, and his expression was no longer so youthful. There was a touch of indifference on his face, and there was a hint of calmness and sophistication in his eyes. Such eyes should never appear on a young person.

There are also some practitioners in Dongtian Town, but the highest level of cultivation is just a fighting master. The only ones who can sense this fluctuation are Xiao Yan and Zi Yan.

At the peak of a mountain range outside Dongtian Town, Xiao Yan and Zi Yan appeared from the void. At this time, Xiao Zhang, who was wearing pajamas, was holding his hands behind his back, and a powerful breath burst out from his body.

Six Star Fighting Saint!

This strength is actually much stronger than the master of the Soul Palace!

Sensing the arrival of Xiao Yan and Zi Yan, 'Xiao Zhang' slowly turned around. Perhaps he should be called the Danta Ancestor now.

"The late stage of the Two-Star Dou Sheng, the late stage soul power of the Heavenly Realm. And the Dragon Emperor of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan." Xiao Zhang's voice had a sense of vicissitudes of life, and he could see through the strength and identity of Xiao Yan and Zi Yan at a glance.

Xiao Yan didn't find it strange that the ancestor of Danta could see through it. He smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Yan of the Yan Alliance has met the ancestor."

"Xiao Yan. Alas, this is what I least want to see. You are actually the alchemist of the Soul Palace." The ancestor of Danta sighed. Now he is almost 100% sure about Xiao Yan's identity. .

When he first met Xiao Yan, he had a strange feeling, mainly because Xiao Yan's soul power improved too fast. Although Master Yao's alchemy refining skills are very strong, it is not surprising that Xiao Yan has such achievements after receiving his inheritance, but improving soul power is not that easy.

Xiao Yan's original soul power was exaggeratedly powerful, completely beyond his own level. Even an alchemist could not have such a powerful soul power.

Xiao Yan just smiled faintly and said: "Although I am the Heavenly Lord of the Soul Palace, this is just a transaction. I have not actively hunted the soul of any alchemist."

Two more updates first, going out for dinner tonight. Come back and add the remaining code.

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