Become invincible from genius

Chapter 685 The end? just started. (40,000 words, please vote for me!)

With twenty-two kinds of strange fires, plus the special Cat Wu, Xiao Yan is no worse than the former Tuoshe Ancient Emperor.

Emperor realm soul, Emperor Dou cultivation, Emperor level skills, all the strange fires! No one can predict how powerful Xiao Yan is now. He is now the well-deserved master of the entire Dou Qi Continent.

The entire Dou Qi Continent is under his control, and he can even deduce some things. Of course, this is limited to Dou Qi Continent.

Now Xiao Yan understands that the so-called Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave, and everything else are actually a test of the inheritance of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor!

A trial that everyone in the entire Dou Qi Continent can participate in!

In the end, two people will become emperors. One person becomes emperor by using imperial elixirs, and the other inherits his inheritance. In the end, a war breaks out between the two sides. The person with the inheritance of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor kills the emperor and becomes a Taoist, and his inheritor becomes The strongest one and possesses all the strange fires!

The Void Swallowing Flame and the Pure Lotus Demon Fire were the only strange fires in Dou Qi Continent, but in the end Tuoshegu Emperor did not take them with him when he left Dou Qi Continent.

There are only two reasons, one is that I don’t want to take it away, and the other is that I can’t take it away.

From the fact that the Void Swallowing Flame and the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire were not taken away, it is easy to see that Tuoshe Ancient Emperor is probably not a creature from the Dou Qi Continent, so it cannot possess it and can only absorb the power of the two.

Seeing the consciousness of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe appear, the bodies of the Void Swallowing Flame and the Pure Lotus Demon Fire also came out. The Void Swallowing Flame after being refined by Xiao Yan still maintained its original appearance. Both of them looked at it with hatred. The ancient emperor Tuoshe.

"Emperor Tuoshe!!" Xuanwu Tunyan gritted his teeth, and the hatred in his eyes almost overflowed.

Niuwu Swallowing Flame has not lost his memory. He remembers many things clearly.

Xiao Yi stared at Emperor Tuoshe with coldness and hatred, but did not speak. There was a vague look of confusion on that small face. Looking at it, he still couldn't understand what happened so far ago. Remember, the only thing he could know was the complex emotions of resentment and fear in his heart towards the person in front of him.

"What the world needs is not you." Emperor Tuoshe's eyes narrowed slightly and he said in a low voice.

"The vast world? Is it the origin of the universe?" Xiao Yan asked with a strange look in his eyes.

Boom boom boom! ! Suddenly, the huge strange fire square began to tremble, and the sea of ​​fire behind Emperor Tuoshe slapped the void and surged crazily!

When Emperor Tuoshe's strange fire ocean surged, a terrifying power that could destroy half of the Dou Qi Continent suppressed everything in the world. Mountains broke apart, oceans evaporated, and the temperature skyrocketed!

"Quickly retreat!!"

"This is the power of Emperor Tuoshe?!"

Emperor Tuoshe's eyes narrowed slightly. At this time, he had a special feeling in his heart. Perhaps, the person who would plunge the world into true darkness was not the evil god!

Emperor Tuoshe waved his hand, and the ocean of strange fire behind him turned into a torrent of flames, sweeping into the stone pillars in the strange fire square, whirring, sounds like being ignited, and each pillar of fire was heard. Rising, from the Xuanhuang Flame to the Void Swallowing Flame, twenty-two pillars of strange fire soared into the sky. The twenty-two pillars of fire slowly shifted away, and finally they all condensed in mid-air. Where the flames blended, there was an ancient ruler with brilliant colors. , actually appeared.

"Strange Fire Eternal Ancient Ruler!"

When they saw the ancient ruler with brilliant flames swirling all over its body, Gu Yuan and others' eyes suddenly shrank, and their voices became sharper due to fear.

"The legendary Strange Fire Ancient Ruler actually appeared like this!" Zhu Kun stared blankly at this scene and murmured.

This is a mysterious thing that only exists in ancient times. Even those powerful people from ancient times can only see it.

According to legend, this strange fire eternal ancient ruler has the power to open up the world!

Seeing the Ancient Emperor Tuoshe displaying the Ancient Ruler of Different Fire, Xiao Yan suddenly laughed and said: "The Ancient Ruler of Strange Fire and Eternal Ruler."

Xiao Yan turned his hand, and a large black ruler appeared in Xiao Yan's hand.

Seeing Xiao Yan's big black ruler, some people who knew Xiao Yan frowned, because Xiao Yan also used a ruler as a weapon!

As for the ruler weapon, it is the most unpopular among the unpopular! Now, Emperor Tuoshe actually used the ruler-type fighting skills!

"My master left a message on the Xuanzhong Ruler, saying that it was forged from meteorite iron, and it also comes with a low-level fighting skill, the Flame Splitting Wave Ruler." Xiao Yan looked at the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand, Thinking of Yao Chen's message introduction, even he felt speechless at this time.

I practice the same technique as you, but I still use a ruler. The Xuanzhong Ruler is forged from meteorite iron. Is it such a coincidence?

When all coincidences come together, it's not a coincidence!

Fen Jue, Yan Fen Devouring Wave Ruler, and Xuan Zhong Ruler were probably all found in the same place by Yao Chen, and all of this was more than just a coincidence!

Looking at the strange fire eternal ancient ruler in the sky that condensed the power of twenty-two kinds of strange fires, and was cast with the special blessing of the strange fire square, even the soul emperor showed a solemn expression, because he felt that even if the soul emperor stayed The Emperor-Slaying Ghost Blood Blade of the Emperor-Slaying Formation is not as good as the Strange Fire Eternal Ancient Ruler displayed at the Strange Fire Square.

You know, the Emperor-Slaying Ghost Blood Blade has truly killed Emperor Dou, and it is definitely the pinnacle of fighting skills! According to the classification, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an emperor-level advanced fighting skill!

Looking at the strange fire ancient ruler in the sky, Xiao Yan didn't panic at all, and said with a smile: "I promised Void Swallowing Yan that if he helps me become emperor, I will help him take revenge. Let you also have a taste of being imprisoned in this world. How it feels to be trapped in a dark cave with the stone pillars constantly absorbing power."

"Now, just get some interest back."

With a buzz, twenty-two, no, twenty-three kinds of strange fires appeared from Xiao Yan's Naling Spirit. Although Xiao Yan did not have a strange fire square and did not know how to cast a strange fire eternal ancient ruler, he had a Fighting skills!

The level and power of this fighting skill will increase with the improvement of Burning Technique, and it is also Xiao Yan's most powerful trump card!

Buzz! ! All the strange fires, including the Void Swallowing Flame, all turned into the origin of the strange fires. Xiao Yan's soul power surged out of his body crazily, and terrifying fighting energy poured into the strange fires!

Xiao Yan made a condensing gesture with his palms facing each other, and the twenty three kinds of strange fires turned into a torrent of strange fires, which continued to condense in Xiao Yan's palms.

Before refining the Void Swallowing Flame, Xiao Yan's Burning Technique had evolved to a level close to the intermediate level of the Emperor. After absorbing the Void Swallowing Flame, he absorbed twenty-two different fire sources, plus Mao Wu, Xiao Yan's Burning Technique has now evolved to an extremely high level, an advanced emperor-level technique! !

Dou Emperor is only one level, but Xiao Yan's Burning Technique has evolved to the top level in Dou Qi Continent!

"This is Xiao Yan's Buddha's Furious Fire Lotus!?"

"He plans to use this fighting skill to compete with the Strange Fire Eternal Ancient Ruler!!"

At this time, in the sky, two gorgeous fire lights illuminated everything in the world, and the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus in Xiao Yan's hand formed rapidly.

This is the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus formed by the fusion of all different fires! !

Buzz, a colorful fire lotus about the size of a palm appeared on the palm of Xiao Yan's hand. Compared with the huge strange fire eternal ancient ruler, the Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus seemed so small!

But when Xiao Yan's Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus appeared, Emperor Tuoshe shrank his eyes, obviously feeling the terrifying power contained in the Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus!

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's face also became unusually solemn. When the ocean of alien fire condensed into the alien fire eternal ancient ruler, he took a deep breath and grabbed the ancient ruler condensed by twenty-two alien fires. , it fell into his hands.

With one step, the gorgeous flaming ancient ruler cut through the space, and struck Xiao Yan fiercely with endless terrifying power.

"You are an anomaly, more dangerous than the evil tribes outside the territory, and cannot be left here!" Ancient Emperor Tuoshe shouted in a deep voice, and the Ancient Ruler of Strange Fire struck down directly.

Seeing Tuoshe Ancient Emperor flying towards him, Xiao Yan's face was as calm as water, he shook his head and said: "Those who want to control their destiny will only be counterattacked by fate in the end."

"Go ahead, Buddha's Furious Lotus."

Buzz buzz! ! ! The palm-sized Buddha's Wrathful Lotus flew towards Tuoshe Ancient Emperor with its long tail flames. Tuoshe Ancient Emperor used up all his strength and slashed at the Buddha's Wrathful Lotus!


In an instant, two forces that could create the world collided together, and a terrifying storm swept wildly from the sky.

"Ancient Emperor Mirror!"

"Ancestral dragon protects!"

"Soul Seal!"

Feeling the horror of the collision, Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun, and Emperor Hun Tian directly launched powerful defenses to resist the aftermath!

Almost instantly, the three seemingly indestructible defenses were torn apart. All the people inside were blown away thousands of feet, and the void exploded into powder at this moment.

The terrifying storm caused the strange fire square suspended in the sky to crash to the ground. Finally, a huge abyss of about 100,000 miles was created on the ground.

The collision between the two is like a star explosion. A large amount of light and heat energy form a huge and bright sphere. The fireball is as dazzling as the sun.

When everyone saw such a terrifying collision, saw the strange fire eternal ancient ruler used by Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, and the battle between Xiao Yan who became Dou Emperor, they believed that this was the battle between the two emperors in ancient times. .

However, everyone was wrong. There was no battle between the two emperors in this world, only Xiao Yan.

When all the flames faded, Xiao Yan, whose clothes were still clean, was seen, holding a very weak fire in his right hand, with twenty-two colors on it.

one move!

With just one move, the Strange Fire Square, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Cave, and Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Strange Fire Eternal Ancient Ruler were all burned into nothingness by the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus.

There is no doubt that the thing on Xiao Yan's palm is a wisp of fire left by the ancient Emperor Tuoshe. This is not his original fire, but it is a kind of strange fire that does not belong to the Dou Qi Continent. It comes from the so-called Great Thousand. world!

And this Emperor Flame Fire Seed is the inheritance of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe!

"Mao Wu, I'll give it to you. This strange fire is number one on the list, so it needs a better name." Xiao Yan looked at the fire on his palm and used it to feed the cat directly.


Mao Wu is also completely rude. Now that Xiao Yan has refined the body of Void Swallowing Flame, its status is in jeopardy!

With a squeak, Mao Wubing swallowed the fire in one gulp, but it still took some time to refine it.

When Mao Wu swallowed the fire, Xiao Yan's Burning Technique actually improved slightly!

"The strange fires of the world are fine. It seems that the Burning Jue can continue to evolve." Xiao Yan touched Mao Wu's little head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured to himself: "Jie Jie Jie, if Being able to refine the complete Tuo She Ancient Emperor, I wonder if it is possible for Fenjue to break through to the Emperor level, and what is above the Emperor level?"

As soon as Xiao Yan's laughter fell, three beautiful figures flew towards him and slammed directly into his arms.

"Ahem, cough, cough." Xiao Yan was directly hit hard. The attack caused by the three of them to Xiao Yan had exceeded the Ancient Fire Eternal Ruler!

"I'm fine. I'm just dealing with a remnant of Emperor Dou who disappeared for who knows how long. It's a joke." Xiao Yan looked at the three women and said with a smile.

Looking at the sky, Xiao Yan exploded the Ancient Ruler of Strange Fire with one move and refined the Emperor Flame Fire Seed. Yan Jin, the leader of the Yan Clan, looked shocked and said: "Our clan Dou Emperor once said, Dou Emperor What rank of Dou Emperor does Xiao Yan belong to when he is in the ninth rank and is in the seventh rank?"

Lei Ying shook his head dumbly and said: "I don't know, but I think even if I break through Dou Emperor, I won't be able to resist one of his moves. That Fire Lotus is too strong."

"Xiao Yan used elixirs to break through the Dou Emperor, so he is considered the Medicine Emperor?" At this time, I don't know who asked this question.

"But isn't his most powerful thing called Strange Fire? He should be called Emperor Yan."

"But his soul power is also very strong. Why not call him Soul Emperor?"

"He also has Warcraft blood in his body."

"Why does this guy seem to be omnipotent?"

At this time, looking at Xiao Yan in the sky, Emperor Hun Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The Dou Emperor of the Xiao clan has a special title."

Hearing Emperor Hun Tian's words, Gu Yuan flashed with a strange color.

Each family is named after their title of Dou Emperor, just like the Soul Clan, Dou Emperor is naturally the Soul Emperor, the Ancient Clan is the Ancient Emperor, the Thunder Clan is the Thunder Emperor, and the Spirit Clan is the Spirit Emperor.

Only the Dou Emperor of the Xiao Clan is not called Xiao Di, because the Xiao Clan is the oldest Dou Emperor family, and their ancestor was called Dou Emperor!

"Emperor Dou, Xiao Yan"

The book is not finished yet.

In the vast world, planes meet, thousands of races stand in great numbers, and heroes gather together. One by one, the supreme beings from the lower planes are performing coveted legends in this endless world, pursuing the path of domination.

In the realm of endless fire, Emperor Yan is in charge, and thousands of fires burn the sky.

Within the Martial Realm, the might of the Martial Ancestor shocked the world.

The Palace of the West, the King of Hundred Battles, has unrivaled battle power.

In the hills of the Northern Wasteland, the land of thousands of tombs, the immortal lord rules the world.

Suppose a butterfly flaps its wings, causing parallel lines that would never intersect to deviate from their original orbit. In the vast world, planes intersect, and how will the story develop when they are entangled with each other in the vast world?

The true form of the ancient Emperor Tuoshe, the hope of breaking the sky, the secret of the disappearance of Emperor Dou, and the limit of the evolution of Fenjue!

Answer ‘Soul Palace, Xiao Yan. ’ It was he who asked, ‘Who is coming? ’ Who could it be? !

I left my true name on the Sky List of the Great Thousand World. The three masters, Mu, Xiao, and Lin, guarded the Great Thousand World, and they only resisted evil races from outside the territory?

The evil gods from outside the world who brought harm to the world were just the losers of a certain world. The first series of true gods took charge of a Tianyuan world. What on earth did they see 50,000 years ago?

What role will Soul Palace Xiao Yan play in the anomalies in the universe brought about by the Butterfly Effect?

The world is like chess, you have no regrets when you make a move!

Among the three pillars, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

There can be many masters, but there can only be one great master!

Starting from genius, invincible in Doupo No. 3, Thousand Worlds.

40,000 words updated, please vote for me!

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