The onlookers thought that a bloody battle would definitely break out in this inn, and they were looking forward to what would happen next from a distance.

But after Feng Yaoyang and others walked in, they seemed to have disappeared, and the entire inn was extremely quiet.

"Has it been solved already?"

"Probably cleaning up the mess."

"The head of the Feng family has come in person, is there anyone here who can't give up?"

"Poor child, he was killed at such a young age. It's not good to offend anyone but the Feng family."

In the eyes of many people, Chen Xuan had already been executed.

Not long after, a group of people walked out of the inn. What was shocking was that the young man, who was dressed in ordinary clothes and even looked a little downcast, was surrounded by the crowd, as if he was a messenger. was closely protected.

When Chen Xuan walked out, he realized that so many people had been mobilized to arrest him, which surprised Chen Xuan.

The Feng family here is able to mobilize so many people. It seems that the strength of Beishui City needs to be further enhanced. Otherwise, the few manpower may not be enough.

"What's going on? Shouldn't that boy be killed?"

"Why, it seems that the head of the Feng family is very respectful to that young man!"

Everyone was speculating and had no idea what was going on here. However, they admired Chen Xuan quite a lot. After all, the latter could deal with it calmly and even turn things around in such a situation. He should have been able to do so. He was treated as a prisoner, but now he is treated as a guest. It seems that Chen Xuan's identity is quite extraordinary.

Naturally, Chen Xuan would not answer the questions raised by the onlookers.

Feng Yaoyang also blocked the news of Master Chen Xuan's arrival. He was not the only family in Baihe City. He was an alchemist. A supreme elder of the Bai family was also an alchemist, so he was very Maybe after knowing this, he will come to win over Chen Xuan.

After returning to Feng's house in a hurry, Feng Yaoyang led Chen Xuan, Shen Fu and others straight to the courtyard.

When she walked to the door, she happened to see a maid bringing out a basin filled with blood.

"Master, sister, sister has been vomiting blood."

"Take me to see it quickly!"

Feng Yaoyang said, but Chen Xuan stopped the maid.

"Show me the blood."

The maid was a little surprised and glanced at Feng Yaoyang. After all, she didn't know Chen Xuan's identity.

"Hurry up."

Feng Yaoyang said immediately, and the maid quickly stepped forward and handed over the black blood in her hand.

Chen Xuan took a look and reached out to fish out the bloody water. Suddenly, an insect bit Chen Xuan's finger. The insect was only as big as a grain of rice and was completely black.


When seeing this scene, everyone felt that their scalps were numb, their whole body was tense, and they had goosebumps. Who could have imagined that there would be such a thing in this blood. If it were him, it would be too much. Terrible.

"Master Chen Xuan, this..."

When Feng Yaoyang saw that Chen Xuan seemed to have found the reason for his action, he became excited, but he was also quite confused because he didn't know what this thing was.

"This is a blood leech. It lurks in the body and looks unchanged. Every once in a while, it wakes up and sucks blood."

Chen Xuan said with serious eyes.

This blood leech is a very dangerous creature. Generally speaking, if this kind of species is not deliberately cultivated by people, it will not survive for long, unless someone wants to use these things to cultivate them secretly.

However, once this blood leech breaks out, it is quite terrifying. Even if it is a king-level powerhouse, if there are blood leeches hidden in the body, it will be useless even if it has general cultivation level when it breaks out.

"Let's go check on the condition of the patients."

Chen Xuandao.

In this life, Chen Xuan became more interested in saving people.

And because of the eternal gold card, he also helped. After all, the 20 million gold coins were not for nothing.

"Okay, please come inside."

The general situation on the road has been passed, but Chen Xuan needs to investigate with his own eyes to determine the situation.

When he walked into the house, he saw several girls wiping a figure on the bed, spitting blood all over the floor.

"Everyone get out of the way."

Brought to the bed, Chen Xuan saw a girl with delicate features, her eyes were closed, but her face was pale. She looked as if she had been starved for more than ten years, and she was so thin that only skin and bones were left.

Chen Xuan took one look and sneered.

"I didn't expect that there are people here who know how to nourish blood!"

Listening to Chen Xuan's words, Feng Yaoyang and others were also confused. They didn't know what the blood nourishing method Chen Xuan mentioned was, but looking at Chen Xuan's expression, it didn't seem to be a good thing.

"Master Chen Xuan..."

"You don't have to worry. This girl has a method of nourishing blood. Someone wants to steal her blood. I'm a little interested. This kind of evil trick actually exists."

Chen Xuanhan said in a cold voice.

The so-called method of nourishing blood is to use this blood leech to devour the blood of those with powerful blood-giving veins bit by bit, preserve the freshness, and then transport it away, transfer it to your own body, or give it to other people. Exchange blood!

If things go on like this, if you repeat it several times, you can secretly change the day and directly replace a person's bloodline.

In this way, you have the talent that you don't have.

But this is a condemned practice, and it was once popular in Xuan Continent. Even Chen Xuan’s family members were killed by this method. People in those organizations wanted to gain power and obtain the unique power of Chen Xuan’s family. He inherited the bloodline and directly planted this blood leech in the Chen family's vacancy, but Chen Xuan was lucky enough to escape.

This is the story behind it.

The same technique appeared here, and Chen Xuan's eyes became cold. Since they are also present in Fengyun Continent, let's eradicate them again.

"Originally, the female talent was good, and she awakened the family's inherited bloodline for a time, but she fell into a coma while going out, and when she was found, she never woke up."

Feng Yaoyang said.

"It seems that someone is eyeing your family's bloodline."

Chen Xuan said calmly. At this moment, the girl lying on the bed coughed up a mouthful of blood again.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan also took out his own volcanic stone.

As a second-level gem with terrifying power, the volcanic stone can release power beyond imagination. Of course, under Chen Xuan's control, it can also do many incredible things, such as burning the blood leeches in the blood.

"This is……"

Seeing Chen Xuan put an ordinary stone on his daughter's forehead, Feng Yaoyang also became confused, but did not disturb the latter.

Chen Xuan closed his eyes, and the next moment, a huge breath was released from his body.


The volcanic stone in the hand also radiated light, as if there was a warm heat wave, which gradually integrated into the girl's body. The girl seemed to be in great pain and snorted.

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