Baihe City, Songhe Tower.

The Songhe Tower can be the most famous restaurant in Baihe City. Because the Songhe Tower is built directly on the Baihe Mountain, the daily expenses are more than 100,000 gold coins, so the people who can live here are either rich or noble.

Today, the entire Songhe Tower has been contracted by one person, and he can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Baihe City alone.

On the roof of Songhe Tower, a girl in white was sitting on the roof, holding her chin in her hands, looking at the ray of sunshine gradually rising in the distance, and fell into countless thoughts.

It was as if I was deeply attracted by this magnificent painting and couldn't extricate myself.

There is a trace of sadness between the girl's eyebrows that cannot be let go. It seems that there is some knot in her heart that cannot be untied. Even in front of such a magnificent scenery, she still cannot break free.

"Hey..." The girl sighed quietly, the anxiety in her eyes disappeared, and she seemed to be ready to accept the fate that was about to happen.

"Sister, why are you on the roof again? Come down quickly, it's dangerous up there."

A maid saw that her sister was indeed on the roof of the building, and she suddenly said nervously, if she fell down, it would be fine, and she would not be able to kill herself if she went back.

"It's okay, Yu. I'm just looking at the scenery. It's better here." The girl in white said softly.

"Sister, the Thousand Miles Divine Wind Eagle has arrived, it's time for us to set off." Yu shouted, looking at his sister's faint sadness, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. If he returns to the family this time, he will never come out again. .

Just then, a figure was hovering in the sky.

Spread its wings to a width of nearly tens of meters, and with a slight flap of its wings, it can fly a hundred meters away.

In the distance, there are still a few shadows hovering in the distance, in order to protect the girl in white in secret.

"Let's go to the flight center, not take the Kamikaze Eagle."

The girl's eyes seemed to ignite a glimmer of hope.

"I want to try it."

Ever since she was a child, she has always been escorted by the head of the family's special flight team when going out. Although the girl has heard of the flight center, she has never been there or experienced it. This time she returns to the family and will never have freedom again. Therefore, Want to experience it.

Although the maid Yu was extremely worried, she couldn't bear to refuse when she saw the hope on the girl's face. In the end, she just looked at the person on the back of the Kamikaze Eagle.

The man nodded slightly, and Yu said, "Okay, sister."

Flight Center.

"Okay, you just go back first. If you send me down, I won't be able to leave."

Chen Xuan was also defeated by the enthusiasm of Feng Yaoyang and others. He directly bought a first-class seat ticket for himself. This seat was the best, with an independent box, and it was in the center of the flying team. All aspects of protection.

Chen Xuan glanced at this fare and turned his eyes away. Just the zeros at the back, Chen Xuan saw five or six. If he had to buy it, he might not be able to part with it.

"Master Chen Xuan, please be careful on the way."

"Well, you go back, I'll read the newspaper."

Chen Xuan waved his hand, then took out a newspaper from the newspaper rack next to it, and read it with interest. This newspaper is usually published by an institution of the empire called a bookstore. The content published by the bookstore must go through the empire's strict inspection. Review before posting.

Most of the things described above are things that the empire has done for the people, as well as the recently popular figures in the world, or the arrest warrants for some major criminals. They will be posted on it one by one.

There was still an hour and a half before the flight, so Chen Xuan was killing time in the waiting area.

"Oh, this is good. The most beautiful woman in the Qifeng Empire is about to marry the son of the Shangguan family of the super family."

After Chen Xuan glanced at the title, he kept flipping through it, looking around, not knowing what he was looking for.

"Why isn't there... the number one beauty? How come there isn't even a single portrait?"

Chen Xuan muttered, it turned out that he was looking for the portrait of the most beautiful woman.

"Haha, the face of the most beautiful woman in the empire cannot be described by this mere piece of paper and ink. I am afraid there is no such painter who can depict Wei Ruoxue's beauty."

A voice sounded across from Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan looked up and found that it was a middle-aged man with a handsome face. He had an alchemy product on his eyes. This is a thing called glasses, which can refract light to the eyes and give some light. Convenient for people with eye problems.

"Wei Ruoxue? This name sounds just ordinary."

Chen Xuan glanced at the other party and said nonchalantly. The middle-aged man just smiled slightly and looked down at the bun in his hand. At this moment, another person walked into the VIP waiting room.

There are only three boxes in this VIP flight cabin. Each box is priced at about 100,000 gold coins. It is indeed not simple to be able to sit in this position. If it is Chen Xuan, after enjoying the luxury, he will usually choose simplicity. I would rather not choose this VIP cabin.

But Feng Yaoyang had his shares here, so he arranged for himself to come in, and Chen Xuan didn't refuse.

The person who walked in again was a girl in a simple white dress, holding a suitcase in her hand, followed closely by a girl.

"Sister, please slow down."

Yu said breathlessly. On a whim, she came directly to the flight center. Fortunately, there was still one seat left in the VIP cabin. Otherwise, if she had to squeeze in that chaotic ordinary cabin, who knows what would happen. Such a scene, I really can’t imagine,

"Good morning to you all."

The girl in white said with a smile. Chen Xuan hummed without raising his head, but the man with glasses looked at the girl in white carefully and nodded in response with a smile.

"Good morning, beautiful sister."

Wei Ruoxue nodded happily, then took a look, and finally sat on the long stool next to Chen Xuan.

"Sister..." The girl in green finally caught up and put the suitcase in her hand on Lin, panting. It was obvious that there were a lot of things in the suitcase.

Chen Xuan took a surprised look. It was really rare for someone to travel with this suitcase these days. She must be a willful big sister.

Although Wei Ruoxue was dressed plainly and without any makeup, she seemed to be amazed. But if she were an ordinary person, she would have been fascinated by it, and Chen Xuan had seen such a beautiful woman in his previous life. , Palace Master, there are countless.

A mere Wei Ruoxue is nothing to worry about.

"This girl is not bad looking. If she dresses up, I don't know how she will compare to this most beautiful woman."

Chen Xuan secretly thought in his heart, it seems that Alchemy Master also has a bit of this gossip heart.

After turning over the newspaper, the girl in green clothes saw the big words on the front page of Chen Xuan's newspaper. Her expression suddenly changed and she quickly averted the eyes of the girl in white clothes.

"Sister, this time we are flying to Yakushi City. We will be flying for 18 hours. The Turtle Rock Eagle is very fast, but its height is not high, so we will encounter some relative airflow, so we must take good protection. "Measures are the only way to make schools"

The girl in green prepared very carefully, chattering about a lot of safety matters.

The girl in white looked forward as if stunned, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Sister, you didn't listen."

"Huh? No, I'm listening...Okay, there are so many people together, it's okay..."


Just when the girl in green was preparing something, a bell rang.

"Passengers, please get ready, go to the flight platform, and ride the Turtle Rock Eagle. The Turtle Rock Eagle is a ninth-grade mysterious beast with fast flying speed and stable status. It can last up to one hundred and seventy-eight hours and carry a load of three thousand. tons, and is a leader in air transportation..."

Chen Xuan stood up first and walked towards the flying platform.

"Let's go." The girl in white said happily, following behind Chen Xuan. Finally, it was the man with glasses who slowly closed the newspaper in his hand and looked at the leaving figure of the girl in white. Provoking a sneer.

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