There was a hint of hope in Wei Ruoxue's eyes. If Chen Xuan could really save Yu, then no matter how much money Chen Xuan asked for, Wei Ruoxue would give it to him. But now looking at Chen Xuan's serious look, Wei Ruoxue did not proceed. disturb.

Ma Jiuzhou on the side also shook his head repeatedly in his heart.

A dead person cannot be resurrected, let alone being shocked to death by a palm from a king-level powerhouse. Under such circumstances, there is no chance of resurrection unless you are a god.

Although Ma Jiuzhou didn't believe it in his heart, he believed in Chen Xuan's strength. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how could he believe that a young man like Chen Xuan could easily kill six living and dead elders of the Chen family, even if Even though I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe it, as if I was dreaming.

At this time, Ma Jiuzhou wanted to see how Chen Xuan would come back to life.

Chen Xuan's method is very simple, that is to repair the injuries in the body.

Flame has the ability to regenerate, and the internal organs of this body have been shattered by the shock. Only after it is completely smelted can it be condensed and molded again.

For example, for the heart, Chen Xuan would use flames to resurrect it, reshape it into a flame heart, and help the latter temporarily gain new life. As long as the spirit is still there, there will be no problems.

A huge amount of spiritual power poured into Yu's mental space, temporarily protecting the latter's spiritual origin. As long as this spiritual origin does not dissipate, Chen Xuan can now bring himself back to life.

"It's really amazing. Before you awaken, you already have a spirit-consuming existence. If you awaken, you can directly become a king-level powerhouse."

Chen Xuan secretly thought in his heart that this body of ten thousand thoughts is indeed quite powerful. It only needs to be awakened to defeat countless people who have spent decades or even hundreds of years of hard training.

But if this Yu hadn't met Chen Xuan, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to wake up in this life.

The power of the volcanic stone gradually integrated into Yu's body, his body temperature continued to rise, and his clothes were burned bit by bit.


Wei Ruoxue coughed twice, and Ma Jiuzhou and others immediately understood, turned around, and stood guard.

The traces of the battle just now still remain in place. Who would have thought that in such a place, six king-level strong men were buried here. These king-level strong men who are usually aloof would die here in this group. .

I was also quite emotional in my heart.

Chen Xuan's treatment is still continuing, while using his mental power to protect Yu's spiritual origin, that is, Yu's spiritual core, which can be condensed into a spiritual core. Even the latter's spiritual core is stronger than his own, and so is Chen Xuan's. Somewhat envious.

But this is the power from blood. Chen Xuan also had a strong bloodline in his previous life, but in this life, it seems that he does not have it and does not need it.

On the other hand, Chen Xuan used his mental power to activate the energy in the volcanic stone, which was constantly refining Yu's internal organs and reborn from the ashes!

Heart, done!

Lungs, done!

The organs in the body, under Chen Xuan's refining, were condensed as if refining a pill.

At the same time, a spiritual cultivation method, Chen Xuan also penetrated into this excellent spirit. If the latter has powerful power but cannot master it well, it will be a disaster. Chen Xuan does not want such a talented person to Just fell away.

Wei Ruoxue looked at Chen Xuan with his eyes closed. He seemed to be highly concentrated and very tired. The sweat on his forehead never stopped, and Chen Xuan's own temperature was also constantly rising. .

Seeing this, he couldn't help but take out a handkerchief of his own and gently wiped away Chen Xuan's sweat.

Wei Ruoxue didn't know much about Chen Xuan, but she could tell that Chen Xuan was a good person.


When Chen Xuan's voice rang out, Wei Ruoxue was startled and suddenly woke up, only to find that she was very close to Chen Xuan and could even smell Peter's breath. Wei Ruoxue's face suddenly turned red.

"Really..." Wei Ruoxue said quickly.

Then he quickly checked on Yu's situation.

Found that he hadn't woken up yet.

"Her internal organs have just been reshaped and she needs to rest for three days. She will not be able to wake up until everything cools down. But now her spirit is awake and she can hear your words."

Chen Xuandao also had a trace of fatigue flashing in his eyes.

"Thank you, you are a good person."

Wei Ruoxue said softly, then took out a set of clothes from her suitcase and put them on for You herself. Although You was Wei Ruoxue's slave, the two of them were like sisters, and You was like a big sister. Taking care of Wei Ruoxue.

"Are you a good person? I killed many more people than I saved."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly.

Just now, he killed nearly a hundred people. Can such a person be considered a good person?

"You saved one person, and this person can save thousands of people. You saved more people than you killed, and all the people you killed were bad people." Wei Ruoxue pouted, obviously disagreeing with Chen Xuan's method. You must think that Chen Xuan is a good person.

Chen Xuan was stunned and silent for a moment.

A good person?

can not imagine.

If you are talkative, then what kind of people are others?

But no matter what, Chen Xuan also felt relieved when he saw the smile on Wei Ruoxue's face.

No matter what, he is a good guy or a bad guy, so what.

You's condition has stabilized, and Chen Xuan also stood up. Seeing Chen Xuan's movements, Wei Ruoxue said quickly.

"Are you leaving?"

Chen Xuan waved his hands without looking back. Seeing Chen Xuan's leaving figure, Wei Ruoxue held her hands tightly and put them on her chest, wanting to speak to persuade him to stay, but she found that she couldn't say anything. After all, it was just They are just strangers we met on this road. If we leave this time, we may not see each other again in the future.

"Bye now……"

Ma Jiuzhou and others turned around and found that Chen Xuan had disappeared, leaving only Wei Ruoxue and You. Looking at Wei Ruoxue's soulless eyes, they were immediately attracted by the latter's temperament. This was really disappointing. It’s so hard to resist.

"Sister Wei, we need to get out of here."

Ma Jiuzhou said, with such a big thing happening here, someone might be watching soon. In order to ensure safety, it is better to leave as soon as possible and return to the family to be safe.

"Yes." Wei Ruoxue nodded, and several people soared into the sky on the Divine Wind Eagle.

Chen Xuan, who was walking in the rocky mountains, looked at the divine wind eagle flying in the sky and suddenly slapped his head.

"Looking at my intelligence, I should keep a bird or something. Where can I find one in these barren mountains and mountains?"

Chen Xuan thought that he could only move forward on foot.

The news of the attack on the flight transport team soon reached Yakushi City. Lanshan, who was originally waiting in Yakushi City, suddenly changed his expression.

"Did you find a boy about seventeen years old?"

Lanshan asked in a deep voice. Standing in front of him was the administrator of the flight center.

"No survivors have been found so far, but three hours ago, the Shangguan family's Divine Wind Eagle flew past the edge of Medicine City. According to the data, Wei Ruoxue was in the flying transport team, and she should be one of the survivors."

The administrator said.

"Then who is this attacker?"

"Based on the traces at the scene and previous witnesses, some people reported that it was from the Eagle Pirates, but now we have not found any evidence at the scene."

Everyone just disappeared out of thin air.

Lanshan's eyes were downcast. The relationship between the Eagle Strike Pirates and the Chen family was self-evident. If it was really the Eagle Strike Pirates, then the Lingshan Chen family might have taken action. It seemed that Chen Xuan was the murderer this time. Fortunately, maybe if we find Wei Ruoxue, we can find out something, but now Wei Ruoxue's identity is extraordinary.

"Wait a little longer. It only takes one day to walk from the Rock Mountains to Medicine Master City. Just wait three more!"

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