Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 118: The Time Has Come

What is the most determined or not is meaningless in Angel Yan's opinion. Some things still need time to be verified.

She turned to look at the light curtain. The three void continents were getting closer and closer.

"Cui Xu, it won't be long before three void continents will collide with us. This will cause great harm to us. How do you solve it?"

Cui Xu did not answer immediately, but asked Azure Lotus: "How many people do we have now?"

"Including those supported by affiliated bases, the total is 62 million."

"Where are the enemies?"

"The number of visible enemies currently is about 500 million, including about 200 million ghosts and more than 300 million zombies. Moreover, it is still uncertain whether there is a hidden void continent in the surrounding void."

Cui Xu was surprised, but not alarmed, that the enemy could hide.

The main reason why the enemy could not be discovered in advance was that the enemy was 15 million kilometers away at the time, exceeding the 10 million kilometers coverage radius of the game rules.

No matter what concealment method the other party has, as long as they get within 10 million kilometers, they will be exposed instantly.

Cui Xu discovered that the dark energy in these three void continents is extremely abundant. There is not only Yin energy, but also evil energy, resentment, and even poisonous energy. These negative energies are mixed together, making the environment here extremely gloomy, like hell.

"This terrain and environment are perfect for building a dungeon!"

Thinking of this, he turned to Angel Yan and Reina and said: "When they all come within 10 million kilometers, I will let Azure Lotus build three fusion formations around the three void towers at the core of the void continent. We will directly Teleport in, break the formation, and bloom in the center! I want to transform these three void continents into monster spawning copies!"

Sooner or later, all the void creatures on the Azure Lotus continent will be killed. If there are no monsters, there will be no Power of the Void. Without the Power of the Void, there will be no way to transform energy and improve strength.

This is a problem that all Void Lords who occupy the entire Void Continent have to face.

Either become a void plunderer or a void lord, or wander around, grabbing monsters and killing monsters in other void continents.

The copy function can perfectly solve the problem of having no monsters to kill.

In particular, these ghosts and zombies can continuously produce as long as they have enough Yin energy. Coupled with the copy core, after fusing their Void Crystal, they can draw the Power of the Void to replenish the Yin energy. When players enter it, they can obtain Power of the Void by killing zombies and ghosts.

Everyone's eyes became bright when they heard this.

Angel Yan and Reina actually have accumulated a lot of [dungeon core crystals] on hand, but they never know how to use them. This time they just want to observe them.

"Master, the enemies have all entered within 10 million kilometers."

"Okay, immediately target the three void towers and build three fusion arrays each!"


On the other side, on the corpse continent in the middle of the three continents, more than a dozen King Realm powerhouses gathered together at this time.

Eight of them are the kings of the corpse clan, and six are the kings of the ghost clan.

Fourteen kings sit in the hall in the Void Tower, clearly distinguishable from each other.

"The population of this Human Race continent seems a bit small! It's only tens of millions. I thought I found a big fish, but I didn't expect to be so thin!" A look of disgust appeared on the gray and black face of a corpse king.

"The population is indeed a bit small. There is not enough for our various tribes!"

"It seems that there is a continent of elves behind them. There is not a lot of people on it, at least 300 million people. The elves are immortal species and are more valuable than humans!"

"King Chiming is hiding 12 million kilometers behind them, ensuring that this elven void continent cannot escape. If they can capture their ancient elven trees and the fountain of life, it will be great. Fight again. If we smash their Void Crystal and invade their world, there will be more elves for us to kill.”

For the zombies and ghosts, killing creatures is their greatest pleasure and hobby. Of course, it is also the fastest way to improve their strength.

At this time, the king of the corpse race who was sitting on the main seat stood up and said: "We have entered the 10 million kilometer range. Everyone can start to prepare. First, take over the territory of the Human Race, and then deal with the territory of the elves behind. It's still the same old rules. First use the Yin Spirit Cannon to shatter their void barrier. The ghost clan members use [ghost phantom bodies] to rush straight into the core of the opponent's void tower. The corpse clan is responsible for quickly attacking the strong ones who may be there and taking them down in one fell swoop. Down!"

The king stood up, took the lead, and arrived at the edge of the continent, ready to attack.

"Activate the Yin Spirit Cannon!"

As his order was issued, hundreds of thousands of meters high cannons on three void continents revealed their ferocious muzzles at the edge of the continent.

Black-green energy began to brew in the muzzle.

Almost at the same time, Azure Lotus discovered the enemy's movements. Without Cui Xu's command, the void barrier instantly began to shrink, directly shrinking to a radius of one thousand kilometers.

The void barrier at Azure Lotus Base Level 7 is equivalent to an ordinary Void Lord Level 23. After being reduced to a radius of one thousand kilometers, the defense power increases geometrically.

At the same time, formation runes began to emerge one by one around the enemy's three void towers. Massive amounts of Power of the Void were transformed into formations, blending into the earth and the void, and the formations quickly took shape.

[Five Mountains and Three Mountains Demon Suppression Formation], [Inverted Five-Star Bagua Formation], and [Void Demon Refining Formation], the three formations merged into one, forming a large chain formation with three enemy void towers as the center, covering a radius of 10,000 kilometers.


The cannons of the zombie clan and ghost clan roared, and dozens of green energy cannonballs flew towards them.

Cui Xu's eyes flashed and he said: "The time has come! Let's go!"

Everyone flashed and teleported away instantly.

In addition to Cui Xu, there were also Angel Yan, Reina, the Elf Queen, and three Elf Elders from the King Realm, a total of seven people.

Qiangwei felt a little uncomfortable when she saw several people disappearing.

"It seems that just by practicing on your own, it will be difficult to catch up with Void Lord, and even harder to catch up with Cui Xu."

Before coming, Cui Ying suggested that she give up the path of Void Walker and become a Void Lord again.

For others, it is very difficult to transform from Void Walker to Void Lord, because they need to use the extremely rare [Void Origin Crystal], which is priceless and unmarketable, to re-transform their own Void Crystal.

During this process, if you want to retain the Void Crystal level and your current strength, you must consume the corresponding number of Void Crystals for each Rank One.

She is now Rank Nine, and her Void Crystal is also Level 9, so she needs to consume 45+45=90 [Void Origin Crystals].

For an ordinary Void Walker, not to mention 90 yuan, one piece is a luxury, but for Qiangwei, it is not a problem at all.

After all, as long as you kill void creatures, there is a chance of dropping [Void Origin Crystal]. Although the chance is very low, with the 10 times explosion rate given to them by Cui Xu, the two of them now have two to three hundred yuan on hand [ Void Origin Crystal], completely affordable.

At this time, she had made up her mind that after this battle, she would transform into a Void Lord, even if she left Cui Xu temporarily.

Otherwise, with her current improvement speed, it won't be long before she won't even be able to see the shadow of her being dumped.

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