Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 120: The Copy Is Opened

It took Cui Xu, Angel Yan and the others less than ten minutes to refine the other two void continents into the copy.

However, the refining of the dungeon is still in progress, and I don’t know how much time it will take.

However, the distance was getting closer and the collision crisis that was about to break out was immediately resolved.

The players who had been called over to prepare for a fierce battle were dumbfounded.

How to play this? Why do you want them to come here? Are you looking at the lord showing off?

Even the Angel Legion that came with them and the more than a hundred legendary warriors brought by Rena showed disappointment.

They can be considered a member of the players, but they have basically never been baptized by any games, have not experienced the experience of being addicted to games, and do not think that being addicted to such games is harmful. When they come here, they are all gearing up and excited. Waiting for a big fight.

However, isn’t this change a bit too dramatic now?

Are they here for tourism?

They are here to kill monsters.

Reina smiled and said to Cui Xu: "You turned so many enemies into duplicate monsters, making my men think there are no monsters to kill!"

"Don't worry! It's enough for them to kill! The dungeon has been refined. There are hundreds of millions of monsters in it, ranging from Transcendent Realm to King Realm. They can be resurrected after being killed. Are you still worried that you won't kill any monsters?"

Not long after, when the edge of the Azure Lotus continent was about to collide with three brewing copy cores, three 100-meter-large vortices suddenly shrank and turned into three streams of light that flew into Cui Xu's hands.

At this time, the three copy crystals emitted three-color light, crystal clear and extremely gorgeous.

[Ding! The dungeon refining is completed, and three High Level large-scale war dungeons are generated. After the copy core is placed, it can be turned into a copy portal and have one hundred copy branch portals. The dungeon is divided into four levels of difficulty, namely easy, difficult, hell, and nightmare. At the same time, 1,200 maps suitable for different levels of strength are divided. Each map has 10,000 mirror spaces. When operating at full capacity, it consumes one billion Power of the Void every day. Each time you enter a copy, you need a copy permission mark. The current copy permission mark is one billion]

Cui Xu said: "The dungeon has been refined. I will place the core of the dungeon first."

He moved directly to the first floor of the Void Tower and placed three copy cores directly against the wall around the Void Crystal.

The three copy cores fell, and they seemed to be very repulsive to each other. They settled down after being separated by three meters.

Then it sank down, and platforms were condensed on the ground, floating on them. They looked similar to the Void Crystal, but in terms of scale and volume, they were much smaller than the Void Crystal.

[Ding! If the copy is placed successfully, you can enter the copy through the copy branch portal. Dungeon drop list (click to view)]

Seeing the back, Cui Xu was stunned for a moment. He clicked on the list and saw densely packed dropped items.

From Rank One to Tricolor, it’s all included.

But what shocked Cui Xu the most is that [Void Origin Crystal] can be dropped here. Although the probability is not high, even if the probability is low, it can still add up to a lot!

Moreover, with such a large player base, [Void Source Crystal] may be harvested every day.

Cui Xu felt a little hot in her heart.

He previously knocked down a void continent owned by the Gods Consortium and made it his own subsidiary territory, but now there is no response from the Gods Consortium.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

Chen Fenghua has begun to establish a cyborg cultivation center, and production of consciousness link game helmets has also begun. Everything is progressing steadily. It won't be long before ordinary people among the tens of millions of people in Panshi Base City can transform into undead warriors and wipe out the surrounding areas of the base.

There are currently no more than a hundred base cities in the world, and the total population is only two to three billion, and it is still decreasing.

He must wrest control of Earth Star from the hands of these consortiums.

The only way to grab it is to replenish Earth Star's [Void Origin Crystal]. As long as the Earth Star's origin is replenished, the world level will increase accordingly, and he will be upgraded from Son of Fortune to Lord of the World.

At that time, he would have the authority to sever all connections between the worm forces and the void, making them become wanderers in the void and never return.

As for the remnants left on Earth Star, none of them should be killed.

He even has an idea, that is, to merge the worlds of the Earth where Qiangwei and the others live with the Earth Star of his own world.

However, he still doesn't know the specific fusion method.

Maybe you can ask the elves about this. They are immortals and have existed in the void for a longer time.

These thoughts flashed through Cui Xu's mind, and then he extracted fifty branch portal projections from each of the three copy crystals and returned to the room.

"As allies, each force has ten branch portals for each copy. Just go back and find a place to place them. It is best to place them in the center of the city. It will be more convenient. The surrounding land will increase in price accordingly."

Angel Yan, Reina, and Catherine each had thirty. Cui Xu sent another thirty to Cui Ying, and the remaining thirty were handed over to Azure Lotus and placed in fifteen cities including the canyon base according to his requirements. middle.

As the dungeon crystals were put down, four- to five-meter-high stone portals suddenly appeared in the squares in the center of each city, and inside the portals was a vortex space door.

At the same time, everyone received system prompts.

[Ding! The Azure Lotus base has been opened and three dungeons have been opened. The enemies in the dungeon are ghosts and zombies. Each entry consumes 100 points and 100 Power of the Void points. Each person can enter up to ten times per day]

Angel Yan put away the thirty dungeon branch portal projection crystals and asked with a smile: "I plan to take the Angel Legion in to have a look. Are you interested?"

Reina said excitedly: "That's exactly what I mean! Qiangwei, let's go together!"

Qiangwei refused: "I have something to tell Cui Xu, you go first!"

Reina glanced at Cui Xu and nodded, then left the Void Tower with Angel Yan and Catherine.

Cui Xu asked curiously: "Qiangwei, what's the matter?"

"Cui Xu, I plan to change my profession and become a Void Lord!"

"Oh? Yes! My sister must have this idea too, right? I absolutely support it. However, if you want to change your profession to become a Void Lord, in addition to [Void Origin Crystal], you also need to have an initial territory of your own. With our current conditions, You can find it at will, so don’t be impatient. Wait until you encounter a suitable territory next time before changing jobs. Don’t be in a hurry!”

"Well, I'm just telling you, there's no rush!"

In fact, Qiangwei was very anxious, but after Cui Xu said so, she suppressed her anxiety.

Cui Xu pondered for a moment and said: "Actually, my subsidiary territory can be used as the initial territory for you and my sister, but my suggestion is that you each occupy a different Void Continent, so that you can develop without being restricted. If I can meet someone along the way, and he can be pulled by my side, and we can travel in the void as a group, that would be so romantic, don't you think?"

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