Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 138: Kesha’S Appointment, The Place Where The Gods Fell

Time flew by.

Three months later, Cui Xu took everyone back to the void.

Earth Star has completely expanded, with a radius of more than 600,000 kilometers, an increase of ten times compared to the original.

Countless new species were born, and massive evolved creatures appeared. The surviving humans also renovated the base city, established a new Earth Star government, and entered a new era.

Cui Xu and the rest of the group also gained something. The understanding and improvement of the laws, and some special spiritual seeds made everyone's trip worthwhile.

However, it should be mentioned that Qiangwei only stayed in the Earth Star Secret Realm for seven days before returning to her base.

The purpose is to advance the base as early as possible and improve its strength as soon as possible.

In particular, Cui Ying also successfully broke through the legendary peak and was promoted to King Realm in this world promotion, which made her even more anxious.

Originally, Qiangwei's character was to be rational, calm and decisive. Most people could not influence her decisions and judgments at all. Once she made up her mind, she would execute it immediately.

It was Cui Xu's persistence that delayed her plan for several days, and finally left early.

But before going back, Cui Xu gave her one hundred thousand [Void Origin Crystals] to replenish the origin of the earth to prevent the world from being swallowed up.

As for the extra, it's up to Qiangwei's own wishes.

"Cui Xu, when will you visit my territory? Her Majesty the Queen is very interested in meeting you!"

Before leaving, Angel Yan said to Cui Xu.

"Queen Keisha wants to see me?"

"Hmm! What? Don't you dare to go?"

"Of course not. Doesn't it feel like this meeting is a bit like meeting the parents?"

Yan didn't shy away from this, "Well, almost!"

"Then just a few days later!"

"How many days?"

"...within seven days, okay?"

"Then I wait for you!"

Yan probed his head and kissed him on the cheek, then turned around and walked away carefree. Zhi Xin and others also smiled and waved to him, and walked into the void teleportation array.

"Rena, it's time for you to go back, right?"

Cui Xu glanced at the dancing photo behind Reina and asked casually.

"Well, I haven't been back for several months. I have to go back and have a look! You promised Yan to go to her territory. When will you come to my territory?"

Cui Xu said with a headache: "If you go to Wanyan's territory, then go to your territory!"

"Then it's settled!"

A hint of shyness flashed in Reina's eyes, and after hugging Cui Xu, she quickly left with the dance photos.

Cui Xu felt that Wu was looking at him with eyes that were not only scrutinizing, but also slightly hostile, as if she didn't like to see him.

After sending these two groups away, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When I turned around, I suddenly realized that Catherine and her party did not leave directly, but were still waiting here.

"Catherine, do you have anything else to do?"

Catherine waved her hand, and the four elders behind her teleported away instantly.

"Cui Xu, congratulations on your origin planet being completely freed from the void!"

"Well, your congratulations are too late, right?"

Catherine smiled lightly, turned around and walked out.

Cui Xu had some doubts in her heart, but still followed.

"Do you know why our Emerald Continent was so small before? Even if we were not attacked before, compared with other Void Continents, it is still much smaller!"

Cui Xu really didn't think much about this, thinking that the continent he occupied before was just that big, but now it seems that there is something else hidden.


"Because all the creatures that have escaped from the original planet swallowed by the void are rejected in the void! Well, just like the will of the world rejects life from other worlds, they will be targeted by the entire world."

Cui Xu really doesn’t know this.

"Oh? You mean, Void Lords like us will be repelled by the void? In other words, we will be targeted by the void, right?"

"It's not specifically targeted. Anyway, it's just that there are many disasters. This is not the experience of our elves as a race. The same is true for other Void Lords who have escaped from the world swallowed by the void. We will be more likely to encounter disasters in the void, and it will be easier We were hostile and attacked by the beings in the virtual world. Our elven continent was attacked by the Zerg natural disaster more than thirty years ago, and the entire continent was almost swallowed up, and we finally escaped. "

"Zerg scourge?"

"Well, there is a kind of terrifying creature that can wander in the fog of the void, in groups, and every time it appears, it is at least tens of billions, so it is called a natural disaster. Their real name should be called the Void Zerg. Extremely powerful vitality and devouring ability.”

Cui Xu asked solemnly: "In addition to the Zerg natural disaster, are there other dangers?"

"Of course! The Zerg natural disaster is not the most terrifying thing. The fog tornadoes in the Void Storm Season are just drizzle to those powerful Void Lords. Have you heard that the Void Storm is caused by the migration of the Void Behemoth? "

"Well, I've heard of it, but just heard!"

"This is true! But it is definitely different from what you think. The Void Behemoth migrates to avoid the real Void Storm, and the Void Storm is not caused by the migration of the Void Behemoth. Otherwise, no matter how huge the Void Behemoth is, , and cannot affect the entire void."

"That's it! But, why don't we feel the power of the real void storm? Is it because it's too far away?"

Catherine chuckled, "Do you think a speck of dust can feel any harm in a storm?"

"???" Cui Xu was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Is it because we are too young, so we can't feel the power?"

"What do you think? You feel like you have been standing still. In fact, we don't know how many trillions of miles we have moved."

Cui Xu couldn't imagine how terrifying the void storm was. His continent with a radius of one million kilometers was just a speck of dust in this storm.

"Sure enough, this is indeed the most terrifying crisis, but it shouldn't have any impact on us, right?"

"How come there is no impact? As soon as I came back, the ancient elf tree warned me that we would be involved in the Land of God's Fall at the earliest and three months at the latest. Then we would have to fight for our lives together. ”

"The place where the gods fell?"

"Well, if the void is compared to the sea, then the Land of God's Fall can be considered an island in the sea! It's just that this island is full of crises. We were randomly rolled over and photographed on the rocks on the shore. Blossoming waves. We will be absorbed by this island, waiting for the next void storm season to have a chance to leave! "

Cui Xu was a little confused.

"Then why is it called the Land of God's Fall?"

Catherine's eyes were a little dark and she said: "My inheritance says that it is because countless Godfiends have fallen there, but there is no information about the specific reasons."

Cui Xu frowned and said: "One month to three months? Can't we leave? My Void Continent can now move freely in the void!"

Catherine rolled her eyes at him and said: "We have been drawn into the gravitational range of the Shenyu Continent. It is only a matter of time to reach the Shenyu Continent. There is no possibility of escape! How far can you fly with a speck of dust? How about I I won’t say that I have to wait for the next void storm.”

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