Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 155: Working Together, The Lava Demon

Don't look at the fact that his current game law can only cover 10,000 meters, but even if there is no game law covering it, the city wall is still a city wall, and the defense tower is still a defense tower. The only change is that the defense tower does not have enough energy supply and will soon fail. , but as long as the city wall is not broken, it can continue to block monster attacks.

For the safety of the rear, Cui Xu raised a city wall behind even every kilometer, leaving only a small city gate, which can be used for defense and attack, greatly reducing the risk of impacting Hell Canyon.

Although many Void Lords are not from the same race, at such a time when life and death are at stake, no idiot will take the initiative to stir up trouble, and they all consciously maintain these walls and defense towers.

In front, thousands of Void Lords were clearing the way, and there were hundreds of Void Lords behind them. There were even Void Lords on both sides of the city walls accompanying the defense towers to attack the monsters outside. They were all as excited as children. .

And because of the changes here, many people who are in contact with other Void Lords who have not yet arrived are introducing the situation here through video and voice, asking them to rush over as soon as possible, otherwise they will miss this opportunity and come out later. The difficulty is too great.

Therefore, before Cui Xu and the others had traveled a hundred kilometers, a large number of Void Lords began to appear quickly at the exit of the maze, and then rushed into the Purgatory Canyon without stopping.

Seeing the city walls that were still roughly intact on both sides, everyone's faces showed surprise.

"Quick, whoever is proficient in the laws of earth can reinforce these walls. Others will kill the monsters, and others who come later can take advantage of them."

"Captain, let's go quickly. Just go there. What do you care about other people?"

"Idiot, monsters keep appearing. If people come from behind, they can defend it. We will have less worries and can move forward directly. Otherwise, if the wall behind collapses, will you go to the rear?"

"Well, the captain is wise! I will reinforce the city wall to ensure that we can hold on until the people behind us arrive."

"Captain, how about we leave a stone tablet to explain the situation, so as not to encounter short-sighted guys!"


So, not long after Cui Xu and the others left, a stone tablet more than three meters high appeared in the middle of the last ten-kilometer section of the wall, with a text written on it in Common Chinese.

In front, more and more Void Lords gathered. From the beginning there were more than a thousand people, and now there were more than 3,000 people gathered. There were people of all races. It was a joy to fight.

When we were tired, we came back to take a rest. When we came back injured, someone came to help us. They spontaneously united together and were no longer scattered.

Angel Yan looked at this scene with surprise in his eyes.

"Have you expected this scene before?"

Cui Xu shook his head and said: "I expected that a Void Lord would have the foresight to get involved, but I really didn't expect this situation."

No matter what, everything is moving in a good direction now.

However, although there are more and more Void Lords ahead, the monsters encountered are also becoming more and more powerful, and King Realm monsters have begun to appear in groups.

In order to prevent the city wall from being broken down, Cui Xu began to arrange various prohibitive arrays on the city wall to increase the defensive power of the city wall.

Various formations are also at your fingertips, which once again improves the safety of the passage.

At the same time, massive amounts of Power of the Void are also rapidly accumulating.

It took five days for tens of thousands of Void Lords to gather together and work together to advance to the end of Purgatory Canyon.

Ahead, there were no more monsters, but a huge lava lake appeared in front of them, blocking everyone's way.

There were bubbles in the magma, and a strong smell of sulfur filled everyone's noses.

Among the tens of thousands of Void Lords, there is no shortage of beings who can freely enter and exit the magma, but at this time, no one enters it recklessly.

Everyone can feel that there is some kind of heart-stopping horror crisis emanating from the magma, as if there is some terrible existence hidden in the magma.

Where others could not see it, Cui Xu and the others saw a huge blood bar and a purple-red name.

[Lava Demon·Sulta·Demigod]

"What is this guy doing hiding in the lava? Is he still waiting for us to be deceived, or is he just out of his mind?" Reina stared at the lava lake in the distance and said somewhat speechlessly.

She didn't know exactly how powerful demigods were, but she had a demigod boyfriend by her side, so she wasn't afraid at all.

"Since he won't come out, blow him up!"

When the three women heard this, their eyes lit up, and Reina asked: "Use [Stinky Thunder]?"

"Ahem! Of course not! The stench of the stench will spread. You don't want to be polluted with the stench, right?"

When the three of them heard this, they quickly shook their heads.

Cui Xu took out a golden [Soul Shock Thunder] and a blue [Ice Thunder], pulled out the bolt, threw it into the magma lake.

"Boom! Boom!"

The magma was exploded and flew up, a huge thunder sounded, and there was a flash of blue light. A large lump of ice appeared in the magma, and then it melted quickly, and a large amount of white mist emerged.

"Damn it, you have disturbed the great demon god, and your souls must be used as sacrifices!"


A huge figure over a thousand meters tall slowly stood up from the magma.

The jet-black body has magma-colored bone spurs growing on the joints. The huge triangular head has two inwardly curved threaded horns. The huge black claws are holding a black mace hundreds of meters long. , there is still magma dripping from it.

His red eyes glanced around, but he didn't realize that it was the ant that was provoking him just now.

Originally, he wanted to have a stunning appearance, but now he was forced to appear, which made him feel extremely bad. He swung the mace in his hand and said angrily: "If you want to go over, you must first ask the stick in my hand. !”

After speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, and violent flames spewed out like a waterfall and sprayed out in all directions.

This guy just launched an indiscriminate attack, completely ignoring the tens of thousands of Void Lords.

The flames were very terrifying. The Void Lords who quickly retreated found that not only would these flames not go out after they hit the ground, they would continue to burn, burning the surrounding ground into pits in an instant.

"Everyone, attack from a distance and kill!"

Cui Xu raised his arms and shouted, many Void Lords took out long-range attack methods, and tens of thousands of attacks flew up instantly.

Fireball, ice arrow, thunder, boulder...

All the long-range attack methods that had never been seen before converged into a terrifying attack sky, pouring down towards Surta.

Surta didn't care about this, he laughed loudly, his body shook, and the terrifying flames ignited outside him, turning into a flame barrier.

Most of the attacks were firmly blocked by this barrier, and even if a small number of attacks landed on him, they would not cause much damage.

But he and other Void Lords cannot see it, but Cui Xu and others can.

Above the head of the lava demon Surta, the mandatory "-1" numbers are almost connected in a line, flying rapidly.

One attack emptied this guy's health a little.

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