Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 207: Halo Skills, Mysterious Horn

At this time, a faint white light appeared on the body of the giant warrior who was fighting Angel Yan, and his physical condition quickly recovered. When the thunder fell on it, it could only explode ripples but could not cause any damage to his body.

[Divinity·Morning Guardian]

Seeing that his Thunder Law attack had lost its suppressive effect, Yan stopped the attack.

"Hey, you're pretty good at it! And there's this kind of recovery skill!"

As he spoke, a pale golden halo suddenly appeared under his feet.

[Aura Skill·Restore Aura·Elementary Level Magic]

Although this skill is not as fast and effective as the opponent's Law Manifestation, it is better in terms of durability.

Besides, she doesn't only have one halo skill.

The [Heritage Monument] in Cui Xu's territory can deduce, transform, and even upgrade and optimize skills and inheritance by consuming [Void Origin Crystal]. With the first halo skill, there will be a second and third one.

It's just that the halo skill only has one Elementary Level, which is of insufficient reference significance. The inheritance stone is too clever to make a cake without rice, so the halo skill only has three Elementary Level halo skills deduced and optimized.

[Halo Skill·Thorn Aura·Elementary Level Magic: Effect, reflects 10% of the enemy's attack and causes damage]

[Halo Skill·Extreme Speed ​​Aura·Elementary Level Magic: Effect, increase own movement speed and attack speed by 10%]

Suddenly, the halos under Angel Yan's feet changed from one to three. A complex array of runes flashed among the three white halos, which looked extremely mysterious.

The gaze of the giant demigod opposite Yan passed over the three rings of light at Yan's feet, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

As we all know, halo skills are the effects of divine magic. If this angel has his own beliefs, but this is the Dawn Divine Domain, the beliefs of all gods will be suppressed to the greatest extent here, and the beliefs of other gods cannot be used at all. Divine skills.

He was full of doubts and couldn't figure out the reason.

But one thing he knew very well was that two of his companions who came with him had already died.

At this time, there was this angel in front of him, and not far away, there was a human woman who was proficient in the laws of space, staring covetously.

Looking at High Priest Sander again, he tried his best but failed to gain the upper hand. This situation seemed a bit bad!

On the other side, another giant lord who is still alive has been entangled by three extremely thick vines. Even if he uses the giant's body, his body expands to the limit, and he struggles hard, but he cannot escape.

Not to mention there is an angel watching the battle with a relaxed expression. Who knows when he will suddenly intervene? If this partner also dies, then he himself will definitely die as well.

The giant demigod took a deep breath, suddenly took out a golden seed and threw it directly to the ground.

Just when everyone was a little confused, a thick vine suddenly grew out of the ground, shot straight into the sky, and then submerged into the unknown void at a certain location.

The giant demigod fell to the top of the vine the moment it grew, and then disappeared into the void at that location under the gaze of everyone.

"What's going on? Did this guy just run away?" Angel Yan, who was already preparing for a fight, was a little dumbfounded. The opponent [Holy Light Guardian] was so lonely. Could it be that he was in better condition when he ran away?

Qiangwei was speechless. She had been preparing for a long time, and even thought about what moves to use for a while, but the enemy ran away. This was too disrespectful.

Just when Yan and Qiangwei wanted to study the vine, the vine suddenly withered and turned into a pile of ashes.

"Is this a one-time escape item? Not to mention, this thing is quite creative!"

The two came to the place where the vines grew and looked down. They found nothing, and they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed in their eyes.

At this time, the nearly 3,000-meter-tall giant on the other side was tightly wrapped into a rice dumpling by three [Heaven-Swallowing Vine] vines, then shrank at a rapid speed, pulled into the magic circle, and finally disappeared.

The magic circle also quickly shrank and finally disappeared.

In this battle, Catherine was the most relaxed among everyone. She just watched from the side and directed the attack of [Swallowing Heaven Vine], which was so leisurely.

But think about it, the Sky-Swallowing Vine is a terrifying existence that can even swallow up behemoths like the Void Continent. Although its level may not be half Divine Level, its attack power and weirdness are far beyond even half Divine Level.

Back then, Tiantian Teng had a confrontation with the finger of a true god. Even though he fled in embarrassment, it was a non-combat crime. After all, he was not on the same level.

At this time, Angel Yan, Qiangwei, and Reina all gathered together, standing together, watching Cui Xu and Xander fighting in the air.

The four giant Human Race demigods who came to support, three died and one escaped. This result was definitely something Sander could not have imagined.

A few King Realms actually killed powerful demigods in succession, which definitely exceeded many people's expectations.

During the battle, Sander naturally noticed the changes in his own side, and his anger gradually began to cool down.

I was even more worried in my heart. If the other party swarmed me, I might really fall today.

However, having been a high priest for thousands of years, he is not without any cards.


After knocking Cui Xu back with another full blow, he quickly took out a horn and blew it without hesitation.

The sound of the horn is desolate and powerful, and the sound seems to come from the ancient wilderness.

With a rumble, the ground in the dark wasteland in the distance began to shake, and terrifying and huge black shadows slowly crawled out from the ground.

Even though they were hundreds of kilometers away, everyone could clearly see the terrifying size of those huge figures.

"Cui Xu, since you insist on guarding the Dawn Fortress, then you can continue to guard it! I will not accompany you any longer!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xander's figure suddenly became blurry.

"Want to leave? Have you asked about my sword?"

Uh-huh! Countless sword lights behind Cui Xu condensed and flew out.

But these sword lights passed through Sander's body without leaving any damage.

Sander had a sneer on his face. What he used this time was a life-saving magic gifted by the true god. How could it be affected by ordinary attacks?

In a daze, Sander's figure disappeared from the place.

After all, he was a veteran demigod who had lived for who knows how many years, and was blessed with divine magic. The other party insisted on leaving, and Cui Xu really had no good way to keep him.

"Let's go back!"

Before Sander left, he didn't know what kind of terrifying creature had been summoned, and he had to rush back to the fortress to deal with it.

Suddenly, swish, Angel Yan and others disappeared.

Steve said: "Let's go! After watching the fun, we should have a chance to take action this time!"

"Ha, it's not okay if the limelight is stolen by these people. Let's go!"

Stark was covered in armor and flew towards the Dawn Fortress with a bang.

Others also used their own methods, and their speed was not slow at all. The distance of more than a hundred kilometers was reached in an instant.

Returning to the viewing platform built by Liang Bing, everyone saw the terrifying figure approaching in the dark wasteland in the distance, and everyone's eyes showed shock.

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