Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 213: The Demonic Tide Breaks Through And The Will Awakens

As the Dawn Fortress's guarding formation disappeared and the original buildings were demolished, the dark creatures that had been blocking them suddenly had no hindrance. They rumbled and rushed up the dilapidated walls of the fortress like a frenzy and poured into the fortress.

The many dark undead creatures in the demigod realm behind were all intelligent beings. They were stunned at this moment, with a look of surprise in their eyes.

"The fortress was breached so easily? Could it be a trap?"

"Where are the people in the fortress? Where is the human who will unleash terrorist attacks?"

"hold on!"

"I can't wait any longer. I'm going to enter the Dawn Divine Domain to get more blood food!"

Each of the dark undead creatures in the demigod realm reacted in their own way, some were cautious, some were shrewd, and some were reckless.

But further away, the ancestor of the Sky Corpse could clearly see that all the human lords guarding the fortress had withdrawn, and indeed no traps were left behind. This made him even more confused.

Naturally, he came here not to trouble Cui Xu because of the entrustment of his juniors, but because he wanted to enter the Dawn Divine Domain to complete his purpose.

Originally, Cui Xu and his people were sitting in the Dawn Fortress, which brought him huge obstacles, troubles, and even threats. He was still hesitant to continue.

I just didn't expect that suddenly, the people evacuated, and I don't know what happened in the Divine Domain.

At this time, seeing countless dark creatures rushing into the fortress and heading towards the Divine Domain, they couldn't help but feel ready to move.

However, as a veteran of silver coins, he still held back and planned to continue looking at it, not in a hurry.

On the other side, the Death Knight was not in the mood to pay attention to the situation in the fortress at this time. He was almost going crazy from the maze in front of him.

He had no idea when a strange maze appeared around the alliance station. Moreover, the maze was of a very high level and covered a large area, leaving him helpless.

If he attacked with all his strength, the maze wouldn't be able to hold on for long, but in that case the movement would be too great, and if he said it couldn't hold on for long, it would take several hours.

In a place like the Dark Wasteland, there were too many strange and powerful beings. If someone accidentally attracted something terrifying, even he would have to stay away.

But these people trapped in the maze are the most elite group in the Alliance in the Land of the Gods. They must not give up unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, even if he is an undead, the anger in his heart has accumulated into substance. He can't wait to find the person who set up the formation immediately, extract his soul and kill him thousands of times.

Unfortunately, this could only be his incompetent rage, and he still had to find a way to break the formation.

On the other side, Modo's reaction was much more intense.

"Trash, a bunch of trash, you can't even do a good job of spying on a single person, so why are you left here?"

Click, click, click...

More than a dozen demons of different shapes were instantly crushed into pulp by Modo.

"Morgana, you can't escape from my grasp. If I let you stay outside for a while longer, you will be willing to bow down to me!"

Modo's red eyes were full of unwillingness, but there was nothing he could do.

By accident, this bitch was out of control, making it impossible for him to find anyone even if he wanted to make a move.

"If I had known better, I shouldn't have waited, but just rushed forward and caught the person!"

Modo reviewed his strategy for dealing with Morgana, and planned to take action directly as soon as he discovered it next time, and never give her a chance to escape again.

After saying that, without even looking at the Dawn Divine Domain, he turned around and disappeared into the dark wasteland.

The last battle in the Dawn Divine Domain with the Far-reaching Demon caused him to be targeted by the True God's will in the Divine Domain. Entering it again would be asking for death, so he left without hesitation.

Several other powerful men in the Divine Domain who were paying attention to the Dawn Fortress became excited at this time, and they all reported the changes here to their own forces, planning to mobilize their manpower to attack the Dawn Fortress.

For other Divine Domains, there are many valuable things at the Transcendent Level in the hostile Divine Domain that are worth grabbing. If they can get them, they will definitely receive super-standard rewards.

At the same time, as the new fortress was destroyed, thousands of giant Human Race Void Lords died, and even several giant Human Race demigods died in battle. A dozen demigods were seriously injured and dying, coupled with the influx of massive dark creatures. , instantly attracted the attention of True God’s will.

The will of the true god is actually the remnant soul of the true god after his death. Although it still has relatively strong strength, every time it is used, the origin of the soul will be lost, and this loss cannot be compensated and restored.

Therefore, the will of the True God is in deep sleep most of the time, and unless something very important happens, it will not be disturbed at all.

And once he is alerted, it means something big is going to happen.


With the awakening of the True God's will, the entire Divine Domain seemed to be awakened. The influence of the Fallen Law quickly weakened, and the influence of the Dawn Law rapidly increased. As the descendants of the Lord of the Morning, the strength of the giant family also increased.

The Pope, who had been staying in the deepest part of the temple, felt the breath of the true God, his heart was shocked, and he immediately heard a divine voice in his ears.

"Obey the oracle!"

After the true will of the Lord of Dawn conveyed the oracle, he did not fall asleep immediately, but looked at the Fortress of Dawn.

At this time, all the dark creatures that rushed in from the Dawn Fortress seemed to be carrying a huge mountain on their backs, and their movements became extremely slow. Those with too low strength were directly crushed to pieces by the Dawn Law.

The semi-Divine Level dark creature that rushed in quickly escaped as if it was electrocuted.

They were really afraid that the True God would kill them from the air in a rage.

The higher the level, the greater the gap between large levels. Even the peak demigod is only one step away from the true god. When encountering the weakest true god, he has little resistance and is basically crushed. To hold on until death is just a matter of struggling for a few more breaths.

Therefore, as soon as the true god's will awakened in the Dawn Divine Domain, the strong men and forces that had originally planned to attack immediately became more honest and paid attention to the development of the situation.

It is impossible for the True God's will to remain awake all the time, as it will consume their own origins, so they are still waiting to see if they have a chance to completely break into the Dawn Divine Domain.

If there is really a chance, then the true god's will of the Divine Domain that they represent behind them will definitely not mind dividing the body and origin of a true god.

Pope Selin of the Dawn Cult walked out from the deepest part of the temple with a gloomy face.

As he moved, powerful beings with deep auras immediately began to appear behind him.

They are the Dinghai Shenzhen and the mainstay of the Dawn Divine Domain, but at their level, more and more people are trapped in cultivation, hoping to condense the core of their own laws and take the key step to becoming a god.

Although this step is difficult, the most important thing for them is time.

It’s just that they never expected that the huge Divine Domain of Dawn would be almost destroyed by the juniors below, which made all the giants filled with anger.

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