Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 239: Blood Sea Token, Friendly Alliance

Shortly after they left, countless Void Lords and Temple Warriors from [Holy Heaven] also quickly evacuated the battlefield.

Even the manpower of other forces began to evacuate on a large scale, as if agreed upon, very quickly.

But Cui Xu did not take it lightly. Instead, he looked at the three golden clearance tokens in his hand and fell into deep thought.

He only knew before that this [clearance token] could allow people to quickly pass through the Fallen God City and enter the final level of the Land of God's Fall, the Void Sea.

However, no one knows how to clear this level. Is it to teleport them away directly? Then it must be the Void Sea, or is it really the level that has been cleared?

At this time, a trace of doubt appeared in his heart.

After thinking about it for a while, my heart moved, and a little white light condensed on my finger, and it gently touched one of the golden tokens.

[Identification Technique]

This is a special ability that comes with the game system. It gives corresponding identification results according to the level of the game rules, and will not be deceived by false information. It seems to have the effect of some real rules. At most, the information identified is incomplete. But it can keep it true.

However, he had never used this ability before. At this time, he had doubts in his heart and immediately thought of this ability.


Under this firm light, the golden token changed directly from gold to crimson.

At the same time, a message popped up from the red token.

[Blood Sea Token: After use, it can be transferred directly to the Blood Sea. The blood sea is formed by the blood of countless fallen Godfiends. It condenses the power of endless despair and malice. It is extremely terrifying. Please use it with caution! Note: Crossing the Sea of ​​Blood is one of the ways to leave the Land of God’s Fall. ]


Not only Cui Xu, but Angel Yan and others on the side couldn't help but gasp.

"Good guy, this pass token can really pass the level, but you have to cross the damn sea of ​​blood first, and then you can leave the Land of the Gods. This ghost place, you can tell it is a dangerous place as soon as you hear it, go there I'm afraid I will die without any life!" Cui Xu couldn't help but cursed.

Reina also nodded vigorously and said: "Who is this person who made the customs clearance token? Isn't this a scam? After so much effort, you get the token, use it, and send it directly to this kind of Jedi, it's too So vicious!”

Catherine looked ugly and said: "I originally thought that this pass token can pass through the Fallen God City without any damage, then enter the Void Sea, and then cross the Void Sea to leave the Land of God's Fall. Now it seems that our thinking is too simple. By the way. , this void sea is not the sea of ​​blood, right?"

Everyone shook their heads after thinking about it. No one knew whether this void sea was actually a sea of ​​blood.

Cui Xu guessed: "I think it shouldn't be, otherwise it would have been marked in the identification information just now."

"That's good! There may be a difference in difficulty between crossing the Sea of ​​Blood to the Land of the Fallen Gods and crossing the Sea of ​​Void to the Land of the Fallen Gods. The Sea of ​​Blood is definitely a more dangerous place."

Cui Xu nodded, and then appraised all the remaining two clearance tokens he just got and the three clearance tokens he got before.

The result is the same as the first clearance token, its original appearance is [Blood Sea Token].

"Over the years, I don't know how many powerful people have snatched the customs clearance token. After finally using it, I'm afraid they all died in the sea of ​​blood, right?" Qiangwei thought for a while and said.

Liang Bing said calmly: "This Land of God's Fall is a place of great danger. Those so-called legends and rules may be false. Therefore, we have not yet found the real way to leave the Land of God's Fall. Those given by Divine Domain The clearance quota is probably not a real quota, it is either a trap, or it is the same as this token. Otherwise, if they can really leave the Land of God's Fall, these top-level experts in the Divine Domain have already left, how can they still return. Stay here!”

After everyone analyzed and guessed, they felt a little heavy.

I originally thought that I could leave the Land of the Gods through my own efforts, but who would have thought that all the ways to leave this ghost place would turn out to be big pits.

If Cui Xu hadn't accidentally broken up with the Lord of Dawn and even destroyed the other party's Divine Domain, they might really have earned millions of merits in the Divine Domain and then left together.

At that time, it will either be transported to the blood sea of ​​the Divine Body of the Lord of Dawn, or it may be transported to the blood sea of ​​countless Godfiend blood. Thinking about the terrible consequences now makes people shiver all over.

While several people were feeling frightened and even a little confused, two more figures appeared in the distance.

There was a man in black with a black hood and black robes, and a blond man wearing a golden armor and carrying a large sword on his back.

Both of them exuded extremely powerful demigod auras, and they teleported all the way without entangled with the players at all.

[Temple of Eternal Darkness·Hell Demon·Ekendes·Demigod]

[War God Alliance·War God Descendants·Ilias·Demigod]

Angel Yan and the others naturally noticed the approach of these two people, and even clearly saw the names above their heads, and knew their origins.

"What are they here for?" This was the thought that instantly appeared in everyone's mind.

Cui Xu's heart moved slightly, and he thought to himself: "Are these two guys here to deliver customs clearance tokens? Are they going to send us away directly?"

"Where do you two come from and what is your purpose?"

Aikenders bowed slightly and said in a low voice: "Aikenders of the Temple of Eternal Darkness, according to my divine decree, hereby sends three customs clearance tokens to express the good relationship between the Temple of Eternal Darkness and Master Cui Xu. Heart."

Cui Xu heard this, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he nodded: "Okay, okay! I have received your goodwill from the Temple of Eternal Darkness. As long as you withdraw your troops and lift the wanted order, then we will be good friends!"

Angel Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes after hearing this. No one would believe what he said!

Liang Bing glanced at Cui Xu strangely, and then his eyes fell on another person.

The warrior in golden armor also quickly said: "Ilias of the God of War Alliance also obeys my divine order and sends five customs clearance tokens to express his friendship with Lord Cui Xu. Please accept it!"

Cui Xu narrowed his eyes to a slit, fearing that the turbulent murderous intent in his eyes would accidentally leak out. He maintained a stiff smile on his face and nodded: "The God of War Alliance is really thoughtful. Although I don't believe in God, I have already felt the God of War Alliance's intentions. Here we are! The conditions are the same, cancel the wanted order and the pursuit mission against me and my companions, then we will be good friends!”

"Yes, we will definitely convey Master Cui Xu's meaning completely! Farewell!"

The two of them didn't talk nonsense. After giving away the tokens, they left immediately.

“What a kind and generous person and organization!”

Cui Xu sighed, but his face was cold.

Qiangwei said coldly: "These people in the alliance deserve to die!"

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