Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 25: Enemy Attack

"Would you like to go see that castle? I'm quite curious!"

Cui Ying said easily.

Yun Qiang glanced at Cui Xu but said nothing.

Cui Xu shook his head decisively and said: "Time is running out. Once the Void Territory opens, I don't know what situation I will face. I have to rush back as soon as possible. You can view the castle at any time. How about you record it and I will take a look?" ”

"Boring! Let's go!"

Cui Ying also knew that what her brother said was right, so she just complained.

With a wave of his hand, the Secret Realm talisman on the back of his hand lit up slightly. In the air, the light emerged and converged into a gate of light.

Cui Ying should first cross the gate of Secret Realm, then Yun Qiang, and finally Cui Xu.

As soon as I came out, I realized something was wrong.

They were in an abandoned warehouse behind the station. At this time, Cui Ying and Yun Qiang were standing on both sides of the door, looking extremely serious.

Seeing Cui Xu come out, Cui Ying immediately raised her finger to signal silence.

With Cui Xu's thought, the game field spread instantly.

Suddenly, a dozen red blood bars outside the warehouse came into view.

"There are enemies outside!"

When the game field is opened, although the enemy's figure cannot be displayed, the enemy's health bar is not hindered, as everyone who has played the game knows.

The opponent's identity is displayed above the health bar.

[Phantom Walker Huang Lang lv4]

[Phantom Walker Zhao Qing lv4]

[Phantom Walker Huangtian lv5]

[Phantom Walker Hallest lv5]

There are twelve people in total, two Rank Five and ten Rank Four.

"Phantom Walker? It turns out to be these traitors!"

Phantom Walker and Phantom Lord are both rebels who sold their souls to the void. From their appearance, there is no difference between them and ordinary Void Lords and Void Walkers, but their strength is generally stronger.

Because they are rebels favored by the void, they are generally not attacked by void monsters in the void, and they have a greater chance of obtaining inheritance and treasures by entering those ruins.

Generally, Phantom Lords and Walkers are those whose strength has stagnated after losing their original world. They choose to become void lackeys and become Phantom Lords or Walkers.

As for Huang Tian and the others, they couldn't wait to betray Earth Star before it was swallowed up.

At this time, information appeared in the chat channel.

[Cui Ying: They are from the Sirius team, and there is also Halest, who may come from the void. Two Rank Fives and ten Rank Fours. We have almost no chance of winning. ]

[Yun Qiang: Sister Ying, don’t worry about me. I can break away from the battle at any time. ]

[Cui Xu: Don’t be brave. Although your spatial talent is very powerful, there are still ways to restrain spatial talent. They must have understood our strength and must have countermeasures. Now that they haven't discovered our location, we still have a chance of winning. Leave those two Rank Fives to me, and you can just worry about the others. ]

After Cui Xu sent the message, she sat cross-legged on the ground and put the sword on her knees.

He doesn't need to sit cross-legged every time he uses sword control, but his training time is too short and his own cultivation is limited. This allows him to focus more and maximize the power of sword control.

[Cui Ying: Someone is coming! ]

[Yun Qiang: I can kill this instantly! ]

[Cui Xu: No! This is bait. If you look at several other locations, these people may have searched elsewhere, and now they should be sure that we are here. As soon as you go out, they will use tricks on you to destroy your ability to jump in space. ]

[Yunqiang: What should we do? Are you waiting to die? ]

[Cui Xu: Have you forgotten, I still have Transcendent grenades here! ]

[Cui Ying: How do you plan to use it? ]

[Cui Xu: Simple, let Yunqiang throw the activated Transcendent grenade to a few crowded places outside. It will be silent, enough for them to drink a pot, and it can also relieve your stress for a while. ]

[Cui Ying: This is a good idea, Qiangqiang, can you do it? I also have a lot of Transcendent grenades here. I had deployed a lot of them before. After Cui Xu came back, I was afraid that he would accidentally touch them, so I put them away. I didn't expect that these people would catch them. ]

[Yunqiang: Yes! ]

Cui Xu took out five grenades from the storage space and handed them over. This was the only inventory he had left.

Cui Ying also handed over a dozen Transcendent grenades.

[Cui Xu: Yun Qiang, it’s best to use Soul Shocking Thunder and Pulling Thread Thunder together for the best effect. As soon as the grenade explodes, my attack begins. But be careful, this Transcendent grenade has a large coverage area, so don't be affected. ]

Yun Qiang didn't delay at all. After receiving the grenades, the two grenades were unbolted. The shadow in front of her flashed and the grenades disappeared.

Almost at the same time, two grenades landed on the ground among the four Phantom Walkers in the front yard.


The extremely small sound rang out in the silent courtyard, and to many Transcendents, it was like a thunder.


Huang Tian was the first to issue a warning and turned to look towards the front yard.

The reaction of several Rank Four Phantom Walkers in the front yard was not slow. They looked over as soon as the abnormality appeared, and the pupils in their eyes shrank instantly.


The shouts were hoarse, and their reaction was fast enough. All kinds of Transcendent defenses immediately appeared on their bodies. Coupled with the Transcendent armor they were wearing, ordinary Transcendent grenades could definitely survive it, with at most minor injuries. .

Unfortunately, they don’t know that this is an upgraded and improved version of Cui Xu.


A thunder suddenly exploded, and due to the building structure of the entire station, the sound was more concentrated, and the power was invisibly increased.

Even the other Phantom Walkers who were a little further away, including Huang Tian and another Rank Five, had their heads buzzing and were in a trance.

But in the next moment, a silver-white light splashed out. Not only were the four Phantom Walkers in the courtyard attacked by the silver light, but two Phantom Walkers farther away who had no time to react or dodge were also affected.

Others were lucky enough to be blocked by buildings and escaped disaster.

"What kind of thunder is this? It's so powerful!"

Suddenly, his eyes shrank, he screamed and tried to dodge.

Unfortunately, at this time, the other two Transcendent grenades had been activated and sent over at the same time as the previous Soul Shock grenade exploded.


There was another roar, and four more people fell into a trance, and then their bodies were flooded by silver light.


Following Cui Xu's clear shout, a green sword light flew out from the warehouse. He didn't pay attention to the bait near the warehouse door. He suddenly appeared with lightning speed and stood beside the man named Halest. Rank Five Phantom Walker's neck.


The sword flew over his head, but its speed did not slow down at all, and it slashed directly towards Huang Tian not far away.


A pale golden light shield bloomed from Huang Tian's body, blocking the fatal blow.

Huang Tian's expression changed drastically when he saw Halester being beheaded.

"Cui Ying, you deserve to die!"

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