Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 258: Entering The Sea Of ​​Blood Again, Patrolling The Sea For Evil

Cui Xu has set up dozens of such strongholds in the dark wasteland.

Then, it took another two months, after the time acceleration of the [Xuanwei Fantasy World Mirror], to finally refine a warship that could cross the blood sea.

From then on, with the help of the manufacturing function of the game system, new warships can be quickly built, and the time spent will be greatly shortened.

On this day, Cui Xu called everyone together.

"Are you all ready?"

Everyone said nothing, just looked at him and nodded.

Then, Cui Xu smiled and took out the Grotto-Heaven orb, "You stay in the Grotto-Heaven first. When I pass, you can come out."

The [Devil-proof God Shuttle] can also accommodate everyone, but just to be on the safe side, Cui Xu still puts them into Grotto-Heaven, so that after being transported to the Blood Sea, they can ensure that they will not be isolated by the laws of the Blood Sea.

Then, take out a town-return scroll marked in the blood sea and activate it.

Three seconds later, it was teleported away with a swishing sound.

Cui Xu came to the previous island again and appeared in the nine-story tower.

However, at this time, near the islands and reefs outside the tower, a large number of blood-colored creatures were eroding and attacking the formations protecting the islands and reefs, and the outermost formation defense was already crumbling.

He waved his hand and released Angel Yan and others.

"You should first familiarize yourself with the situation here. There is a formation guarding here, so the rules of the blood sea are not obvious yet. But once you go out, you must protect yourself and not be eroded by the evil spirit in the blood sea."

As he spoke, he quickly shot out seals one after another, turning into countless rays of light and flying into the outermost formation of the island.

The thin layer of defense that had been left suddenly shone with light and became stable again.

Outside the islands and reefs, monsters with ferocious appearances were crowded together, covering hundreds of kilometers in a radius, and it looked like it would make people's scalp numb.

There are some flying in the air and some swimming in the water, almost completely covering the entire island and reef.

Most of these monsters are blood-colored or black, and only a few are gray-white.

At the same time, there were a large number of cards suspended above the sea. The moment Cui Xu arrived, they turned into countless auras and fell into his storage space.

After Angel Yan and others came out, the first thing they did was to leave a mark in the tower, and then they began to assess the situation in the sea of ​​blood.

"The air here has a strong smell of blood, but surprisingly, there is no stench!" Reina said lightly.

Liang Bing looked at the bloody sea in the distance, feeling extremely shocked.

"How many Godfiends must die to form such a terrifying sea. The blood pools under the Divine Domain in the Fallen God City are simply small puddles compared to this one."

Catherine was very unhappy with the environment here and frowned: "This place is full of the smell of death and is a place where life is withering."

Qiangwei's gaze fell directly on the monsters on the periphery of the island.

[Evil Bone Fish], [Dark Blood Mosquito], [Blood Thread Demon Insect], [Blood Lice], [Shadowless Blood Demon]...

There are dozens or hundreds of monsters seen, each of which is above the legendary realm.

Various defense towers arranged on the islands and reefs were constantly attacking, but the speed of killing obviously could not keep up with the speed of the monsters' replenishment.

Angel Yan was also a little uncomfortable with such an environment, but her willpower, tempered by years of fighting, allowed her to endure it.

"Let's clean up the monsters around us first, and then we'll talk about other things!"

After hearing this, everyone did not hesitate and began to take action.

Suddenly, lightning slanted down, and countless bloody vines grew from the seabed, as well as various swords, lights, and fire shadows.

A large number of monsters were quickly wiped out under these attacks.

Cui Xu did not take action. He looked at the sea of ​​​​blood, thinking about how to distinguish the direction here.

Even if you have a battleship in hand, you can cross the blood sea, but where is the direction?

Where is the direction to leave the sea of ​​blood? Wandering around randomly is not advisable.

Suddenly, Cui Xu saw faint lights and shadows flickering on the sea in the distance. When he looked closely, he saw a bloody warship appearing hundreds of miles away.

This ship is very large, at least hundreds of meters high and hundreds of meters long. The whole body is made of unknown blood-colored materials. It is slightly shining with blood and looks extremely weird.

On the highest point of the ship, a blood-red lantern flickered. Wherever the light shone, the sea was calm and no sea monsters came near.

At this time, everyone else also noticed the strange appearance of the bloody warship.

"There are other existences here?"

This thought came to everyone's mind.

They thought that no intelligent life could survive in such a harsh environment as the Blood Sea.

But now it seems that is not the case.

The big blood-colored ship had obviously noticed the movement here and was heading here quickly.

When they got closer, some strange figures appeared on the bloody battleship.

[Blood Crystal Palace·Sea Patrol Evil·King]

[Blood Crystal Palace·Spiritual Crab General·Legend]

[Blood Crystal Palace·Bloodthirsty Shrimp Soldier·Legend]

"Blood Crystal Palace?" Cui Xu looked at the names on the heads of these figures and felt that they looked a bit like the configuration of the legendary Crystal Palace. However, although the names were similar, they were also specious.

As the blood-red ship approached, the blood-red lights on the ship shone. All the monsters crowded nearby fled under the light, daring not to stay at all.

Soon, the warship arrived near the island and reef.

A figure wearing black armor and an ugly face with blood-colored patterns flew up, landed directly on the sea, and walked step by step through the blood-colored water.

"Where are you from?"

Cui Xu said bluntly: "Fallen Divine City!"

"Oh? There are so many people coming to the Fallen God City this time? You are lucky to have met our patrol warship from Blood Crystal Palace. If you are discovered by people from Alcatraz Island or Blood Demon Palace, you can only become theirs now. Eat blood."

This man seemed to have a smile on his face, and his tone sounded very kind, but when everyone looked at the bloody camp logo above his head, no one showed a happy expression.

[Xunhai Evil Cha] saw that everyone had no reaction, a look of displeasure appeared on his indigo face, and his voice was slightly cold: "When you come to the sea of ​​​​blood, there are not many places you can choose. This kind of blood under your feet The reef is not strong, and if you encounter a stronger monster, it will be gone. Now, you can choose to go with us to the Blood Crystal Palace, and you can sit back and relax when you get there!"

After Cui Xu heard this, he was too lazy to complain. He thought for a while and said to everyone: "Anyway, we don't know where we are going now. We can follow and have a look, and at least get some useful information!"


Then, Cui Xu asked the [Xiu Hai Xia] outside: "Where is the Blood Crystal Palace? Why don't we know about it in the Fallen God City? Shouldn't we go to the Void Sea when we use the customs clearance token?"

[Xunhai Evil Cha] heard this and burst into laughter.

"Passthrough token? That thing was refined by people from Alcatraz Island just to trick you foreign Void Lords."

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