Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 322: Qiangwei Arrives, Liang Bing Is In Danger

As for going out to meet up directly, Cui Xu did not do that.

At this time, he is just a coordinate. If he moves, other people's sensors will also move accordingly.

A million miles away, Qiangwei and others relied on teleportation with a radius of 1,500 kilometers, but in fact they only needed to teleport less than a thousand times.

Of course, the reality is definitely not that simple.

The Eternal Continent has been discovered by aliens and humans for at least tens of thousands of years. The distribution of forces is intertwined. Who knows what enemies we will encounter.

But I think it shouldn't take long for Qiangwei to arrive. Others may need a little later, three to five days at most.

At this time, Cui Xu can still afford to wait.

However, for the sake of safety, he still upgraded the surrounding defense formations.

Although the crystal level is still level seven and the level has not been improved, the coverage area has become larger and various functions have been strengthened. Among them, the construction aspect has also undergone huge changes and improvements.

High Level technology buildings are still gray and cannot be built, but Immortal Dao and Martial Dao buildings have been greatly strengthened.

For example, the most common arrow tower, the original seventh-level arrow tower has a longer range and comes with some special attribute energy attacks that can kill the King Realm. The threat to the demigod realm is no longer great in non-specific environments.

But now, the arrow tower has been directly transformed into a Law Treasure-like existence, and a variety of arrow tower options have emerged.

For example, the Five Elements Arrow Tower can directly fire the [Small Five Elements Extinction Divine Light Cannon]. Although the speed is much slower and requires energy to be accumulated, it is so powerful that even if it is shot at the demigod level, it will instantly kill it.

Moreover, its attack range directly reaches 3,000 kilometers, which is fully double the border covered by the law. Even if it is placed on the edge of the game law, it can still threaten the enemy at the farthest end.

In addition to the Five Elements Arrow Tower, there are also the Yin-Yang Arrow Tower, the Four-Elephant Arrow Tower, and so on, with various powers.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Cui Xu simply built a [Five Elements Yin-Yang Array] with the Five Elements Arrow Tower as the core node. With the Five Elements Arrow Tower and the Yin-Yang Arrow Tower as the main components, he built an array covering a radius of 150 kilometers. The big formation inside.

As for the aliens and enemies who are still within this range, a few [Small Five Elements Extermination Divine Light Cannons] can instantly level their territory to the ground, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

Then, the kobold ran over to collect the resources and dropped cards, and was very busy.

This [positive and negative five elements yin and yang formation] is extremely powerful after Cui Xu's previous enlightenment and understanding of more laws of the Eternal Continent.

If it is calculated in terms of rank, its rank can only be regarded as the true god realm, but if it is calculated in terms of power, even if the Lord God or Celestial Immortal comes, there is a danger of falling.

In addition to being able to fire the [Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light Cannon], it also has attack methods such as [Yin Yang Millstone], [Five Elements Divine Thunder], [Yin Yang Divine Thunder], and the ultimate [Chaos Divine Thunder].

Although this ultimate [Chaos Divine Thunder] can only be regarded as a trace of chaos power derived from the Yin and Yang Five Elements with the help of formations, and is completely incomparable with the real Chaos Divine Thunder, no matter how bad it is, it is still a god containing the power of chaos. Thunder, even if it is the Lord God or Celestial Immortal, if it is hit, it will not die but will be seriously injured.

Cui Xu himself sat cross-legged directly above the territory, connected to the entire formation, and was always in a state of concentration to deal with any crisis.

It stands to reason that with the help of teleportation, it wouldn't take much time for Qiangwei to teleport thousands of times.

However, although Cui Xu could feel the rose approaching quickly, the speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It took more than ten hours before she finally appeared within the sensing range.


Cui Xu's figure flashed and appeared in the southeast direction.

Almost at the same time, a graceful figure also flashed over.

"Cui Xu!"

Before Cui Xu could speak, Qiangwei's slim and plump body had already thrown herself into his arms, and a pair of arms hugged his neck tightly.

"Rose! How's it going? Is the journey going well?"

"Yeah! I met a few enemies with very powerful auras on the road. I was chased by them for a while and escaped with the help of teleportation."

"Oh? Then there must be coordinates on your map. Mark them down when you come back. After a while, we will come to greet you one by one."

Holding Qiangwei's slender waist, Cui Xu spoke in a low voice.

Qiangwei was in a great mood. She closed her eyes and rested her head on Cui Xu's shoulder, "As you wish!"

"Let's go back first! Then you sit here and control the center of the formation, and I'll go take care of the others!"

He finally decided to pick up Yan and Reina, otherwise he would not be at ease.

Qiangwei felt a little reluctant to give up, but she thought that the one she arrived first must be the closest one. Even so, the journey there was always thrilling, so she nodded and said: "Okay, then be careful!"

"Don't worry! I have recovered most of my cultivation!"

Most of his cultivation realm has been restored, but his strength has more than doubled.

But there is no need to show off this.

With a flash of silhouette, the two of them instantly returned to the Cave Mansion in the valley.

He casually touched Qiangwei's forehead, conveyed all the information about Cave Mansion, left a sentence, "I'm leaving first!", and then the person disappeared.

Qiangwei closed her eyes and digested the information in her mind. She quickly opened her eyes. With a movement of her body, she took Cui Xu's original position, sat cross-legged in the void, and controlled the restrictions around the entire Cave Mansion. Big array.

Cui Xu, on the other hand, used the eternal crystal in his mind to sense the nearest direction and teleport directly there.

A moment is one thousand five hundred kilometers, a few breaths is tens of thousands of miles.

In the other direction, Liang Bing was cursing and carrying a sword that shone with holy white light. He was being besieged by seven or eight strong men in the demigod realm, and was surrounded by danger.

Surrounding them, there were three powerful foreigners in the True God Realm, watching their battle with burning eyes.

In the distance, there is a huge tribe covering hundreds of miles, in which live humanoid creatures that are ugly, dark-faced, and stout.

Most of them use various sticks as weapons, maces being the most common.

Liang Bing is proficient in the laws of space. Later, he followed Cui Xu and understood many other laws. His combat power was originally very good. Although it took a short time to break through to the demigod realm, his combat experience was rich enough.

However, after she was teleported away, she has been unlucky, fighting constantly, and encountering enemies wherever she goes, so that she has no time to recover at all and can only run around to avoid.

Therefore, at this time, her realm was still at the peak of the legendary realm. Facing six or seven demigod realm enemies who were two realms higher than her, she could only rely on the laws of space to keep wandering around.

As for leaving, it's not that she doesn't want to, but there is a magic circle arranged here. No matter how he teleports, he will be teleported back and cannot get out at all.

It is certain that there is at least one guardian here that exceeds the True God Realm.

"Cui Xu, you stinky guy, if you don't come to save me, I really won't be able to hold on anymore."

Liang Bing secretly regretted it in her heart. After sensing Cui Xu's location, she became excited and teleported directly without hesitation. Unexpectedly, she was teleported directly to such a place.

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