Become Invincible From Void Lord

Chapter 75: Promotion In Secret Realm

Cui Ying looked at her brother's strange expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"


Cui Xu was really speechless about this Golden Scale Society. He had originally regarded it as one of the major threats, but now he saw that it turned out to be a funny group composed of a bunch of dudes. It was really unexpected.

Maybe these people may not be as unbearable as Chen Fenghua said, but as long as they don't come to trouble him, he can't care about paying attention to these people for the time being.

Although the changes in Secret Realm were over, the number of Earth Star origins still frightened him.

The Earth Star's origin and perfect state requires one hundred thousand units of origin power, but now it only has 33,000 points, only one-third of the perfect state.

"Is this the result of those people's control? If you replenish the source of the void yourself, unless you replenish it all at once, these bastards will probably control a larger-scale void erosion to occur, right?"

In order to achieve their goals, Cui Xu believes that some people have no limits.

"Secret Realm promotion!"


Secret Realm shook again, even more violently than before.

The mountains are getting higher, the water is getting deeper, the vegetation is growing crazily, and the Secret Realm area is rapidly expanding.

Those crops that had just been planted began to grow crazily, maturing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The workers who saw this scene were all dumbfounded and exclaimed repeatedly.

"Oh my God! What's going on?"

"Does the growth of crops in Secret Realm not follow the laws of nature?"

"Why do I feel that the farmland has become larger and the distance between us has become farther?"

But what Cui Xu is focusing on at this time is the changes after the fusion of the two Middle Level formations in Secret Realm.

The [Bagua Demon Refining Array] and the [Five Elements Reversal and Lost Tracing Array] were merged.

This kind of fusion based on the upgrading of the Secret Realm level is more like a natural fusion brought about by world promotion, similar to the Innate formation, without any trace of Acquired's artificiality.

Therefore, the two formations merge seamlessly and directly become a High Level formation, which is extremely powerful.

Of course, this is not the biggest benefit. The biggest benefit is that after the formation integration and promotion, the feedback given after integrating the Void Crystal through the Secret Realm core has greatly improved his understanding of the formation. The Middle Level formation has been upgraded to the High Level formation.

Even if one has Divine Level understanding and fully comprehends the formation, the time unit used is at least measured in years.

It has only taken so long now, less than a month, to upgrade the formation from Elementary Level to High Level.

"Void Lord still has a huge advantage! The improvement of many things is simply unreasonable!"

If his words were heard by other Void Lords, their mentality would definitely explode.

Cui Xu sighed with emotion, turned to look at Cui Ying and Qiangwei, and found that both of them had their heads raised, looking at the sky obsessively.

Looking up in confusion, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

The stars in the sky seem to be right in front of you, and the illusion that you can pick them up with your hands is really shocking.

"What a nice view!"

"The starry sky is so great!"

Cui Ying and Qiangwei couldn't help but admire.

However, this situation did not last. After a few minutes, the stars in the sky gradually disappeared, and the blue sky and bright sun once again replaced the scenery in the sky.

Cui Xu knew that the scene just now of "stars hanging down on the plains and vast fields; stars can be picked up by hand" was a visionary projection caused when the formation and the Secret Realm were completely integrated.

Although the starry sky outside is mysterious and beautiful, it also hides endless crises.

At this time, the formation and the Secret Realm are completely integrated, which can shield the field of vision and hide oneself, making the security of the Secret Realm more secure.

After the formation is fused, the power of the Five Elements and Bagua is gathered. Wood is Zhenxun, earth is Genkun, gold is Gandui, and water and fire are Kanli. It can melt the heaven and earth, confuse phantoms, and turn things upside down. This is the Five Elements Bagua array.

Therefore, Cui Xu directly named the formation of Secret Realm [Innate Five Elements and Bagua Formation].

The name is a bit ordinary, but with the addition of the word "Innate", the power of even a piece of toilet paper must be increased by several levels.

Of course, although the formation is called Innate, there is still a huge gap between it and the real Innate formation. However, with the promotion of Secret Realm level, it is not far away that the formation will be promoted to a real Innate formation in the future.

What's more, this is an extremely powerful High Level formation, and its power is enough to easily suppress all the powerful people below the King Realm.

Now, Cui Xu is really not worried about Secret Realm being invaded by enemies again.

This [Innate Five Elements and Bagua Array] can absorb energy and operate on its own without human manipulation.

As long as it is not running at full capacity, there is almost no consumption.

Cui Xu checked the source of Secret Realm again and found that the data had changed.

[Secret Realm origin (301/500), Secret Realm radius 500 kilometers]

"The next upgrade requires 500 units of source power! There are still 200 units left, so it's not that difficult to do it."

"However, I don't know what the relationship between Secret Realm and Earth Star is now. If the void origin crystal is integrated into the Secret Realm crystal, will it have any impact on Earth Star?"

Cui Xu took out a void source crystal and pressed it on the Secret Realm crystal without hesitation.

He originally had seven Void Origin Crystals. When Yan and Reina left, they gave him twenty more, for a total of twenty-seven Void Origin Crystals.

The Void Origin Crystal was instantly absorbed and fused by the Secret Realm Crystal without causing any changes.

The corresponding information panel was opened again.

[Origin of Earth Star (33002/100000), Origin of Secret Realm (302/500)]

"Sure enough, my Secret Realm has actually been integrated with Earth Star, so the origin of 302 is probably also part of the origin of 33002, Earth Star, otherwise it will not improve simultaneously."

"Based on this, are all the Secret Realms in Earth Star the same as the situation here? If they are the same, then the so-called real number of Earth Star origins may not necessarily reach 30,000."

After figuring out some of the relationship between Earth Star and Secret Realm, Cui Xu did not continue to fuse the Void Origin Crystal.

Twenty or so crystals cannot upgrade Secret Realm, but they will be reflected into the origin of Earth Star simultaneously. At that time, it is likely to attract the attention of those hostile forces. The best way is to accumulate more and then give them to them. Play it big and make them unable to react even if they want to.

With an idea in mind, he came back to his senses, only to find that Cui Ying and Qiangwei were gone.

When I opened the map, I didn't see the two of them. They must have returned to the void.

"Azure Lotus!"


The beautiful and tall figure of Azure Lotus appears with a charming smile.

"This Secret Realm will be managed by you from now on, is that okay?"

"no problem!"

Suddenly, Cui Xu remembered that he had obtained biochemical manufacturing technology and temporary link transfer and blocking technology, and said: "If you find it inconvenient, we have biochemical manufacturing technology, and you can get yourself a biochemical body, or even more. It’s okay to get a few.”

Azure Lotus shook his head and refused, "Master, I am an intelligent life. As long as the base continues to upgrade, I can give birth to a perfect body from the Void Crystal. If biochemical technology is used, the body will be affected by external information. It’s not perfect.”

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