Become Marvel Daisy Johnson

Chapter 80: assistant's assistant

"This is the mobile phone revenue and expenditure financial report for this month, the company's major revenue item. This is the server damage report. The damage in the western region is serious. I suspect that the staff did not maintain it properly. This is the Weibo traffic report, in which the user growth The rate has dropped by 30% from last month. This is the revenue and expenditure statement of the game sector, and this is the settlement of brain-inspired chip development expenses..."

Boo, boo, Jessica was holding a bunch of files, sorted them out for Daisy one by one, and placed them in front of Daisy. Jessica also thoughtfully pasted notes on various data reports, saving Daisy a lot of time.

Contrary to Daisy's expectation, Jessica is particularly handy in organizing information. After three weeks of adapting to the life of a personal assistant, Jessica began to become more comfortable with this kind of work. This made Daisy call out, I found a treasure!

Jessica will open a private detective agency in the future, specializing in collecting all kinds of trivial information to handle private commissions. It may be because of her talent. In a good environment, Jessica's growth is much better than her own personal TV series.

Daisy didn't know about this. Jessica herself didn't know.

Butterflies flapped their wings and hung a typhoon in Marvel...

"Hmm, very good. It seems that you have adapted to this kind of life."

Daisy said while looking at the documents, she had to go through most of these documents before signing.

"I work so hard for the monthly salary you give me."

Jessica's professional attire now looks so awkward, Daisy decided to...

"Mission report"

I heard that Jessica hastily took out a densely packed small book from her arms, and the cover of the small book said "February"

"Help you buy a suit of business clothes that fit you." Daisy signed on the case


Daisy raised her head and looked at Jessica, "Yes, help me insert it at a time when I'm not very busy, just any time I rest."

After "talking" finished, he lowered his head indifferently, and continued to sign

"How is Cynthia?"

Cynthia has also been in the job for a long time. In name, Daisy's life assistant is actually Jessica's assistant.

Daisy's investigation was in vain. Cynthia herself was a Hydra with sensitive identities, and the identity information Pierce prepared for her had already been tampered with. Daisy looked at the changed identity and couldn't see anything wrong, so she let her go.

Give her a position where she can't touch the company's core secrets, so she can do whatever she likes.

"With Yang Dao's guidance, she is about to become the king...Maybe she is tired from playing games now, so she should drink coffee to refresh herself..."

Daisy grimaced, "The ones in this class are really comfortable...(?皮?

After quickly signing a bunch of documents, Jessica left with another pile of documents. Daisy stretched her waist and breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at the completely completed artificial intelligence framework in front of the screen, Daisy breathed a sigh of relief.

Some things are hard and some things are easy.

Daisy felt that if she wanted to defeat Thanos, she needed to be one step faster, one step faster than everyone else!

Now researching intelligent AI is thankless, just like Iron Man's father, Howard Stark, lamented: "Limited by the technology of the times", this is also the biggest problem Daisy faces.

Intelligent AI is the main direction of the fourth technological revolution in the future, but at this time the world is still in the third technological revolution, the budding period of the computing era.

The biggest problem of intelligent AI has arisen. The most powerful chip of this era, the electron can vibrate tens of billions of times per second, and the computing power will be put on the 3A masterpiece in the next ten years. However, ultra-low temperature liquid cooling is required to continuously cool down. At the current price of this kind of chip, if you sell Rising Tide, you can buy about three sets...

Chips with high temperature and high consumption are really impractical, but a powerful chip is necessary to perfectly enable intelligent AI. In this area, the Rand Group gave Rising Tide a lot of help.

Hadro Meacham, the former president of the RAND Group, came back from the dead, returned mysteriously, and regained control of the RAND Group. The first thing he did when he came out of the mountain was to reach a cooperative relationship with Rising Tide Studio.

The mobile phone chips of Chaochao Studio are under enormous pressure, and the demand for mobile phones greatly exceeds the chip manufacturing cycle. The Rand Group took the initiative to undertake the mobile phone chip manufacturer, helping Rising Tide Studio to bear the cost pressure.

The Rand Group itself has authority on heavy machinery chips and owns a large chip processing plant. On the surface, under the activities of Joey Meacham, the two parties have reached a cooperative relationship.

Not long ago, Daisy visited Hadro Meacham and requested a batch of high-energy chipsets. Hadro accepted it at the most sincere price, and the two had dinner together. While chatting at the dinner table, Daisy raised the possibility of photonic chips, and Hadro Meacham called Daisy crazy.

Because theoretically, the amplitude of the photonic chip can reach trillions of times per second.

The sitting posture gradually became limp, and Daisy had nothing to do in the next half hour. Habitually glanced at Gu Gu's position, the table was empty.

In the company, Gugu and Cynthia are at odds. Every time I see Cynthia, Gu Gu wants to blow his hair.

At this time, Emma had already returned home to recover from her injuries. She had been discharged from the hospital a week ago and was lying on the plane back to Boston. In the house that Emma rents now, besides Alyssa, who takes turns taking care of her, there are two care workers.

Fearing that Emma would be lonely during her convalescence, Daisy specially kept Cuckoo by Emma's side.

Stretching her lazy waist, Daisy decided to get up and look at Cynthia, seductive. Anyway, she has nothing to do, and I have nothing to do.

Came to Cynthia's independent small room, which was an office area isolated for her. Everyone else was busy, and she was the only one playing games in the small room, going crazy!

Daisy walked into her office, and she couldn't help but play the game wholeheartedly. Once upon a time, this was Daisy's dream.

Find a company that gives you a lot of money, and you have nothing to do all day long, just play games.

The room was tidied up fairly cosily, and there was no messy impression at first glance.

Cynthia likes to turn her hair up towards the sky, and the fine hair scattered at the back is rippling in the air, reflecting her white and neat neck from afar. A casual outfit made her look particularly lazy.

Daisy coughed lightly behind her, causing her to throw the mouse away in fright. As a result, she was single-killed by the opposite mid laner.

She turned her head innocently and looked at Daisy with tears in her eyes. It seemed particularly aggrieved.

"We still have twenty minutes, come to my office quickly."

"Can I finish this one..." Cynthia held her mouth

"If you want to be fired," Daisy smirked, "If you don't go, I'll get someone I like from S.H.I.E.L.D.."

A discouraged expression appeared on Cynthia's face, and regardless of the exclamation marks of her teammates on the screen behind her, she followed Daisy into the office with a grievance. The company employees on the road looked at this scene curiously, because Cynthia was the only employee who was summoned by Daisy herself.

After Daisy recruited Cynthia, she herself was depressed. Think about Stark who was also under surveillance. In "Iron Man" 2, Nick Fury sent the famous Black to her Why did he become an unknown little character to spy on him...

"We're running out of time, hurry up"

With that said, Daisy took off her coat.

"That's not good…"

"Isn't that what life assistants do?"

"Then what are you going to do later?"

"There is a news interview at three o'clock, they should be arriving at the company soon"

Said that Daisy closed her eyes, Cynthia kneaded Daisy's face, thinking about how to deal with the interview makeup.

"Hey, the fat on your face is so cute."

Daisy's face turned red, and there was still some baby fat on her face. The key was that Cynthia's hand was very comfortable, and Daisy's face was itchy.

"Hurry up."

Cynthia carefully studied the eyes on Daisy's face, and it was breathtaking. Daisy couldn't take it anymore after seeing it for three seconds, so she simply closed her eyes.

The interview ended at four o'clock in the afternoon, and at five o'clock Daisy appeared beside Emma on time and talked with her. Emma is in good condition, and feeds Emma instead of Alyssa.

Day after day is like this. Since Cynthia came to take care of Daisy, Sharon came less frequently, and Daisy communicated with her by phone most of the time. After Sharon was promoted to the fifth-level agent, he finally got busy.

A few days later, Daisy called Gordon. Go back to the "afterlife" to spend a Spring Festival with my mother and father. Visited the Parker couple.

Once the mobile phone project was fully rolled out, the tide changed. Daisy is in charge of a huge and bloated enterprise, and she has a vague sense that something is wrong. But her busy work prevented her from thinking about this issue carefully for a while.

During mid-February, Daisy sent a "power outage notice" to all HQ employees

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