Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 104 The Lost Sugimoto

Chapter 104 The Lost Sugimoto

With the arrival of the plain area, the first-year team dispersed at once. If it was just feinting, the team would never be dispersed like this. It must be someone who can maintain a high speed for a long time, that is, the so-called veteran.

Those who accelerate and rush out will not wait for those who ride at a constant speed. Everyone has their own skills and rides at their own pace, and the team will spread out.

Thinking of the first day we met, the one who said that he would defeat him, Onoda still looked forward to him, and the two lived up to their expectations, always riding in front of the team, and continued to widen the gap.

"Danmu and Duan Zhu are far ahead"

"No, someone caught up, that car jacket..."

The two first-year freshmen who followed Fu Mu and Duan Zhu looked at the distant figure and said in surprise.

In the car at the back of the team, the slow-moving rescue car passed one tired freshman after another, many of whom were racing for the first time or even just started riding road bikes.

02 Teshima looked at the distance and said, "I still can't see the lead, it's really far away."

Onoda also sighed: "It has already surpassed most of the first-year competitions. The winners of this year's first-year competition are already destined to be Hayaki and the others."

Imaizumi said, "They have indeed surpassed most of the first grades, but they probably haven't surpassed the second grades."

Imaizumi's attitude is very clear. Compared with the first-year whose strength is unknown, the second-year Sugimoto makes Imaizumi more optimistic.

"I see, first. Di Mu, Duan Zhu and another one, Shan Yuan"

In the summer high school league, five places have been roughly determined, and the remaining one depends on the freshman orientation.

Naruko stuck his head out the window to cheer for Sugimoto, after all, no matter what Sugimoto's personality was, he represented the second grade.

Shan Yuan patted his left hand hard, and his left leg was a little stiff.

"Stop twitching, I'm going to be the sixth man, I'm going to the high school league, wearing this jersey"

Shan Yuan clenched Duan Bamboo and Dysprosium in front of him, and didn't slow down in the slightest.

When the team rode on the ramp, Shan Yuan quickly completed the go-ahead. This is Shan Yuan's riding style. Maybe the speed is not fast. There is no way to compare with various types of special players, but his specialty is long-distance riding.

Sugimoto's endurance and physical strength are excellent, and he can still ride at a speed of 30 kilometers in the uphill stage.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone in the car, Shan Yuan overtook Dysuki, causing Naruko to exclaim: "No, they were overtaken, not only overtaking, but also wanting to keep a distance, he wants to dump here. open them"

Looking at Sugimoto who was still accelerating, everyone was cheering him on. One was that he represented the old age, and the other was that he represented the ordinary riding.

After getting along for more than a year, everyone knows Shan Yuan very well. As far as cycling is concerned, Shan Yuan has no talent, but his physical endurance is still excellent. Up to now, Shan Yuan's rhythm control is still not good, but his efforts are not enough. Can be ignored.

Although he can't keep up with Onoda and the others, Sugimoto has the most training among the non-selected candidates. The ordinary things of ordinary people are often the most exciting.

"Pull it further, okay, Sugimoto!" Naruko shouted loudly, looking at Sugimoto who was riding out quickly.

"Now Sugimoto's rhythm is in a mess, can you hold on to the finish line in the end? Besides, Hiroki and the others in the back still retain their strength."

Onoda was not biased towards Sugimoto because of his riding. Instead, he looked at the two members who were wearing green cycling suits with the word "ss" on them.

"That's right, it's not that they couldn't catch up, but they didn't catch up. The game is only halfway through, and there are still difficult peaks and mountains in the second half."

"If the opponent's strength is mediocre, it's okay to let them escape. Anyway, they will quickly exhaust their stamina and slow down. It's pointless to waste their strength. No matter the strength or the number of people, it is in their own interests. Even if there is an emergency, the gap of a few minutes can still make up Yes, they think so, this kind of mind is like putting a bird in a bird cage, no matter how much the bird flutters, it can't fly"

"But there is one situation that can reverse it instantly, and that is when the bird's strength is misjudged."

"Shan Yuan is the worst sprinter here. They must have thought so just now, but his legs are suitable for long-distance riding, and he has the ability to maintain high speed for a long time. I am afraid that now Shan Yuan has far exceeded the position they expected."

Imaizumi also calmly analyzed, but as someone who taught Sugimoto to become stronger, seeing Sugimoto's efforts again and again, Imaizumi recognized Sugimoto's strength even more.

Sugimoto rode to the dam first, circled around the dam and climbed Fengshan Mountain. The uphill stage, which was the most physically exhausting, was over.

Dysprosium, who was riding at a constant speed, quickly found out that something was wrong, but he didn't see where the people went.

On the uphill after a bend, there was no sign of Sugimoto.

"It's not good, the atmosphere is not good. Duan Zhu, I judged that the overtaking was futile, and I was not afraid at all, but maybe that senior's legs can ride to the finish line."

"Have you relieved the tension, Duan Zhu?" Di Mu hurriedly reminded Duan Zhu, and then asked.

"Well, I'm not nervous anymore after that moment."

"Full speed catch up, one bad"

Duan Zhu let out a loud roar, then rode in front of Di Mu, leading the ride at full speed. The whirring of the wind could be heard even by Onoda who was sitting in the car.

"Go ahead"

The two quickly pursued at a speed of 40 kilometers. Naruko was also very surprised when he saw the speed of the two of them. This place was going uphill.

"It's so fast, you can climb to the dam in a blink of an eye"

Continuing to chase, Dimu still didn't see Shan Yuan, so he asked Duan Zhu, "I haven't caught up yet, Duan Zhu. That senior rode farther than we thought."


Hearing Dimu's words, Duan Zhu continued to accelerate, with a speed of 45 kilometers, even if Dimu was not careful, he would be thrown away by Duan Zhu.

Di Mu is aware of Duan Zhu's strength, and he believes that with Duan Zhu's strength, he will definitely catch up.

Teshima, who was in the rescue car at the back, knew the two of Hayashi very well.

"The ss logo on their chests, the ss team is a super-large and well-known Chiba team from junior high school students to adults. team"

"The origin of the SS team name is speedshot, which means hitting the target with the fastest speed"

As a captain and a know-it-all, Teshima knew more about the two than they knew about Sobei.

Duan Zhu's pursuit was very fast, and Shan Yuan's gap was quickly smoothed out.

When he rode up to Sugimoto's side, Hiroki opened his mouth and said, "It really scared me into a cold sweat. If it were a few minutes later, we might lose to you."

Shan Yuan was overtaken in the blink of an eye. At this time, Imaizumi's eyes were flustered, looking at Shan Yuan with an unbelievable face, he was very worried.

Sugimoto lowered his head unwillingly, and the three figures of Onoda appeared in his mind.

"Are they the same monsters again?",

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