Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen Chapter Koga Gonggui

Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen Chapter Koga Gonggui

"What's the matter, you don't have more confidence than me, do you want to escape?" Onoda immediately exposed Hibashigi's thoughts.

With his head down, Hiroki said in frustration, "I'm sorry, Onoda-senpai, I don't think I can finish this 1,000 kilometers."

Afterwards, Hayabusa stopped the bicycle and took off his helmet. He lowered his head and continued to speak: "Senior, is this the so-called pressure? When I was alone, I finally had a real understanding of the pressure that must be run after 1000 kilometers."

"You're too strict with 1000 kilometers, how will you know if you don't try?" Onoda no longer had the contempt he had just said. The ridicule is divided into occasions.

"I can't do it, there's no other way than getting off the bike," Hiroki lowered his head and roared in a low voice.

"Hypoki, do you know, I see two special light spots in you, one is from the concentration before the finish line, the explosive acceleration ability, the other is the spirit of not being afraid to defeat anyone, just come here When you go to school, you say you want to beat me"

"However, I am also a senior, but you are very bold, which is very good, although you are sometimes annoying."

"But in the arena, forcing yourself to struggle to the limit, exhausting your physical strength, and while your body screams, the only trace of will that remains is still clamoring for victory. This is talent."

"This is what I saw of you in the orientation race, I believe you will contribute your talents to the General North Cycling Department"

"Everyone turns a blind eye to their innate talents, because for them, it is a matter of course, to discover, to work hard. Although there is no way to help you, I believe you can."

"As long as you want to win, chances are everywhere, there are more than 900 kilometers on the road, more than enough"

"So, I'm leaving, do you want to catch up?"

Onoda looked at Hayabusa calmly and said softly. Then he rode on the self-confidence car and stepped on the pedals to leave. After all, he had said what he had to say, and then it was up to him.

From the initial panic, after Onoda's series of words, Kazuki finally recovered his spirits. Looking at the back of Onoda who was leaving, Kazuki stepped on the bicycle again.

"I'm sorry, Senior Onoda, I made you worry, I will work hard, I will work hard, no matter what, I will be the first to cross the finish line"

The rhythm of Hibiki's stamping was gradually recovered, and he quickly caught up with Onoda in front of him.

Looking at the recovery of Hayabusagi, Onoda said with a smile: "If you say cheer up, cheer up, this is also a talent"

"Hahaha, I'm a genius Hiroki," Hiroki said with a big laugh.

Because of the backwardness from the beginning, Hibiscus speed has been riding with Onoda, one is to learn the skills of Onoda, and the other is that Onoda really rides very fast at a constant speed, which gives Hiroki the possibility of catching up with others .

When Onoda rode to the 10th lap, Onoda had been riding continuously for an hour and a half. Apart from replenishing water, taking a break, and comforting Hayabusa, there was nothing else to do. rest.

Onoda has been soaked in sweat, but his breathing and rhythm have not changed in any way, thanks to Onoda's vacation training, finding the best cadence, and absolute physical talent.

In contrast to Onoda, Hiroki, who was riding beside Onoda, gritted his teeth, was panting, and was covered in sweat, but he looked very embarrassed.

The good thing is that he is almost equal to the gap between the three of Imaizumi, and there is still a distance of about 1 km.

In other words, Onoda at this time is about to throw away the distance between the three of Imaizumi by two laps...

Although Imaizumi and Naruko both have the heart to compete, Onoda is indeed ahead of them too much in terms of strength.

Of course, the final result is not yet clear. After all, Imaizumi and Naruko, because the rhythm is very good, the physical strength of the two is still very complete.

Just when Onoda finished 10 laps and was about to enter the 11th lap, a tall figure at the starting point was doing warm-up exercises.

"Senior Koga, you are here"

"Yeah, haven't been to this track for two years, come on, Onoda"


Although I didn't participate in the training camp last year, and I usually come and go in a hurry in the cycling club, as a junior, I still know the existence of Koga, this man who had high hopes for the third grade.

When the seniors of the third grade mentioned Koga, they used the word regret. In order to bring the championship to the total north, this talent is very good, and it is the champion of Teshima's first orientation tournament. In the high school league, the pressure was too heavy and he was seriously injured, which lasted for nearly two years.

After greeting, Hiroki who rode past asked softly, "Senior Koga, that third grader who fiddles with bicycles all day long, I thought he was the manager of the team 0.3"

Onoda said with a smile, "No, Koga-senpai is actually very strong."

Looking at the disbelieving Kasugagi, Onoda continued to speak: "I heard from the seniors who graduated before, Koga-senpai was once called a new hope by everyone, but it seems that it was because of injuries that he never joined the group. trained"

"New hope? Injuries?"

Kasugagi became even more curious, after all, in his opinion, both Teshima and Aoyagi are very strong, and if they can suppress the existence of the two, who is this Koga-senpai.

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