Become Onoda in Yowamushi Pedal

Chapter 125 Koga's End

Chapter 125 Koga's End

Koga, who crossed the finish line, looked at a loss, and muttered to himself: "Lose? At the final finish... sprint? At the end, when he overtook a car, he thought that this guy would not overtake."

"I believe there is a moment when mortals triumph over genius"

Teshima coughed violently. It was obvious that he had reached the limit. The limit just now was just a lot of adrenaline secretion, which made him not affected by physical fatigue for a short time. At the end of the game, exhaustion instantly flooded into his heart.

"Mortal, won the genius" Koga's legs twitched slightly the moment he finished the game.

Even if he was very unwilling, the result represented everything. He lost to Teshima in the sprint. Koga also understood that the current Sobei is no longer the mediocre team that he was two years ago. Even ordinary, through unremitting efforts, he conquered himself.

"I didn't expect to consume so much energy that I couldn't even continue to ride, who is called a physical idiot. Chuntai, your eyes are full of confidence, so I'll ask you. You must win, Chuntai."

Koga clapped Teshima's back, officially congratulating Teshima, but also feeling happy for Teshima from the bottom of his heart.

The two immediately lay together on the lawn beside the track, because they really didn't have the strength to continue riding, and now they have drained the last trace of their physical strength.

Ao Yagi brought Onoda and the others, and hurried over to meet him.

"Jun Tai" Aoyagi congratulated Tatsushima in his heart, but when the words came to his lips, he could only call out Tatsushima's name.

"I knew you were here, sorry, take a break" Teshima was lying on the lawn, no one was looking, because his, the main election will definitely come over, come to meet the last main election, the last one partner.

"Rest? It's obvious that you said the leg cramps were cramps and the back cramps caused me to fall." Koga quickly dumped the blame. Although he lost, as a physical idiot, Koga was reluctant to admit that he lost to Teshima in terms of physical strength.

"What, obviously it was your leg that cramped first." Teshima turned his head seriously and looked at Koga.

"My legs don't cramp, I'm a man called a physical idiot"

"It was you who fell first, Gonggui"

"No, it's you first, Mrs. Murakami"

"It's you" "It's you"

Looking at the two childish partners, Aoyagi said with a relaxed expression, "It doesn't matter who it is."

After speaking, Aoyagi sat down on the spot, Onoda and the others consciously put up Teshima and Koga's bicycles and stood beside them, not intending to disturb the seniors' reminiscence.

"Yeah, Aoyagi." Teshima also sat up, looking at Aoyagi and said.

"Indeed, it doesn't matter who it is, it's been a long time since we had a face-to-face chat like this. In the end, the first-year high school league became the last game.

"But I'm very fortunate. At that time, I did my best. In terms of the team's situation at the time, the only one who had a chance to win was me. Even now, I should have rushed forward. everything"

"Although an accident happened unfortunately, I don't regret it. It's useless to be unwilling, just keep riding."

"Isn't this a training camp? There is a goal that must be completed in three years. I am a man who has ridden 980 kilometers and must complete 1,000 kilometers."

Koga's body slowly ran from the ground and spoke to Teshima and Aoyagi.

"Thank you for your hard work, Koga-senpai, the game just now was really exciting. Last year, in the high school league, you chose to stay behind for us. Thank you for thinking about the north." Onoda said to Koga when the conversation between the three ended.

"I will go this year to assist you all. Onoda, you are the ace of the second grade. Just like Jin Cheng at that time, don't waver, attack bravely, and it's up to you before the finish line."


"Imaizumi, come on, I watched the video last year, you have been able to complete the assist task very well, this year's high school league, the job of transporting the ace, I will ask you"


"Naruko, I heard that you are also developing new products this year to surprise us."

"Kakaka, easy, very easy, I will make this summer boil to 300 degrees"

"Hypoki, do you feel uneasy? You're a first-year student, and I was like that back then. Just do my best, and only in this way can you see the road ahead."


Koga named the lower-grade candidates one by one, and gave each member guidance and blessings. This is the last thing he can do now.

"Don't be too harsh, Gonggui," Teshima said lightly, looking at Koga with a smile on his face.

Hearing Teshima's words, Koga hugged Teshima and Aoyagi who stood up beside him with a smile on his face.

"And you guys, if you don't (good ones), I'll do it well if I say more, I know how hard you have been working hard all the time. 35

"Finally, you guys are injured, I'll go to the high school league instead of you." After telling everyone, Koga chuckled at everyone and said jokingly.

"No, no." Even if he knew it was a joke, Naruko responded immediately.

"Come on, don't get hurt. Don't worry, I'll provide advice at any time, I'm too familiar with injuries," Koga said with a smile, at this time Koga's tears couldn't stop flowing down.

If there is anyone in the team who wants to win the most, then everyone is about the same, but whoever wants to participate in the competition the most is undoubtedly Koga.

The greatest enemy of genius, one is themselves, the other is injury.

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